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Keyword: jehad

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  • Gunman barricaded in building at Colorado air base (that controls ALL GPS Satellites)

    11/21/2011 12:56:30 PM PST · by Just4Him · 76 replies
    Associated Press ^ | 11/21/2011
    SCHRIEVER AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AP) -- Air Force officials say an airman armed with a pistol has barricaded himself in a building at a Colorado Air Force base that controls all GPS satellites, but operations haven't been disrupted. Schriever (SHREE'-ver) Air Force Base spokeswoman Jennifer Thibault (THEE'-balt) says the building was evacuated after the standoff began Monday. She says no shots were fired and no one was injured.
  • Somalis Leaving U.S. for Jihad

    12/12/2008 3:57:22 AM PST · by Cindy · 157 replies · 3,859+ views
    PAJAMAS MEDIA via FRONTPAGE ^ | December 12, 2008 | Patrick Poole
    Pajamas Media | Friday, December 12, 2008 The funeral for Shirwa Ahmed last week in Burnsville, Minnesota, punctuated a growing national security threat metastasizing inside the U.S. — one Homeland Security and law enforcement authorities have quickly taken note of. Ahmed, who killed himself in a suicide bombing attack in Somalia in October, is just one of up to 40 men from the Twin Cities area who have disappeared and are feared to have returned to their homeland for training with the al-Shabaab terrorist group to wage jihad. The FBI is investigating similar disappearances in other major Somali communities in...
  • 14 Indicted for Supporting al Shabaab

    08/05/2010 3:06:36 PM PDT · by Cindy · 44 replies · 2+ views ^ | n/a
    Note: Photo and Graphic Included. NOTE The following text is a quote: FIGHTING TERROR 14 Indicted for Supporting al Shabaab 08/05/10 Two Americans are under arrest and 12 other U.S. citizens have been charged with acts of terrorism that include providing money, personnel, and other material support to the Somali-based terrorist organization al Shabaab. Results of an FBI-led global investigation were announced today at Department of Justice headquarters in Washington, where indictments were unsealed charging individuals in Minnesota, Alabama, and California. Twelve of the 14 under indictment are fugitives believed to be in Somalia. About al Shabaab On Feb. 29,...
  • UK Discovers Jihad Gene

    07/21/2010 3:26:13 PM PDT · by James C. Bennett · 5 replies
    The Pioneer ^ | July 9, 2010 | Premen Addy
    The unauthorised version of the British Labour Party’s Book of Numbers may well read: Old Labour begat New Labour and New Labour begat Rotten Labour, from whose seed sprang rottweiler Dennis MacShane, once a junior Minister at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office during the Tony Blair dispensation. He snarled menacingly at India in the columns of The Independent, a paper whose diatribe on the anniversary of Indian independence in August 1989 was headlined, “From prig to bully in 42 years.” Mr MacShane is the MP for Rotherham, scarcely in England’s green and pleasant land today; it is but a crumbling...
  • Debate: C.A.I.R. VS. (Former) SECURITY CHIEF FOR EL-AL AIRLINES (Re: "Profiling) My Challenge

    12/28/2009 12:30:33 AM PST · by AmericanInTokyo · 22 replies · 1,432+ views
    AmericanInTokyo proposal ^ | 28 December 2009 | AmericanInTokyo
    VS. WHO: Yeffet Isaac, Former Director of El-Al Airlines Security -VS.- Ibrahim Hooper Executive Director of C.A.I.R.WHAT: A Well Overdue DEBATEWHEN: As Soon As PossibleWHERE: LIVE NATIONWIDE on American TV, CNN, FOX, Major Networks, Radio Stations, NPR, etc., With Studio Audience Able to Ask QuestionsWHY: America dodged a major bullet on Christmas Day in Detroit. Reports are that additional terrorist acts involving US airliners are probably on the way. El-Al has a clean record of never being attacked by Islamist Extremists. C.A.I.R. has stated that the US should not, at all costs, racially and religiously profile passengers in the...
  • "We did it." Terror outfit brags in video

    05/14/2008 1:21:22 PM PDT · by CarrotAndStick · 1 replies · 211+ views
    The Times of India ^ | 15 April, 2008 | The Times of India
    JAIPUR/NEW DELHI: A little-known outfit, Indian Mujahideen, has claimed responsibility for carrying out the fatal blasts in Jaipur on Tuesday. And to buttress its claim, it sent video clips to the media of a cycle strapped with a bag that it claimed held the bomb. As cops groped for clues to crack the serial blasts in Jaipur, the mysterious video of a brand new cycle added a new twist to the investigations. While such claims in the aftermath of a major terror attack are not uncommon and have even been used by the real culprits to throw the investigators...
  • World Terrorism: News, History and Research Of A Changing World #5

    09/30/2006 10:18:39 AM PDT · by DAVEY CROCKETT · 5,021 replies · 17,934+ views
    CIA ^ | Page last updated: 07/27/2006 | National Intelligence Council's "Global Trends 2015
    "Global Trends 2015" Terrorism-Related Excerpts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following items are terrorism-related items from the National Intelligence Council's "Global Trends 2015: A Dialogue About the Future With Nongovernment Experts" report (December 2000). Transnational Terrorism (page 50) States with poor governance; ethnic, cultural, or religious tensions; weak economies; and porous borders will be prime breeding grounds for terrorism. In such states, domestic groups will challenge the entrenched government, and transnational networks seeking safehavens. At the same time, the trend away from state-supported political terrorism and toward more diverse, free-wheeling, transnational networks—enabled by information technology—will continue. Some of the states that actively sponsor...
  • India’s enemies are not ours, says defence expert Ivan Eland

    08/18/2006 6:41:11 AM PDT · by jome · 24 replies · 609+ views
    dnaindia ^ | Thursday, August 17, 2006 | Uttara Choudhury
    NEW YORK: A Washington think-tank published a report this week saying that the Bush administration was fuelling Islamic jihadist anger by including anti-India militant groups like the Jamaat ud Dawa which has no direct link with Al Qaeda, but plagues Indian authorities in Kashmir, on the US state department terror list. The Independent Institute said that in the frenzy surrounding the exposed plot to simultaneously blow up ten planes flying from Britain to the US, “one line of inquiry being pursued by investigators should make the Bush administration very nervous.” “British and Pakistani law enforcement officials are examining whether the...
  • World Terrorism: News, History and Research Of A Changing World #4.

    08/07/2006 3:43:15 PM PDT · by DAVEY CROCKETT · 5,043 replies · 13,859+ views
    National Review Online ^ | August 02, 2006 | Walid Phares on the Mideast
    Tehran & Damascus Move to Lebanon Lebanon-born Walid Phares is a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies. Author of the recent book Future Jihad, he was also one of the architects of 2004’s United Nations resolution 1559, which called for the disarming of Hezbollah. NRO editor Kathryn Lopez recently talked to Phares about what’s going on in the Mideast, what happened to the Cedar Revolution, and this war we’re all in. Kathryn Jean Lopez: What is “Future Jihad”? Are we seeing it in the Mideast now? Walid Phares: “Future Jihad,” which has already begun, refers to...
  • G.O.P. Senator Resisting Bush Over Detainees - RINO MEGA-HURL ALERT

    07/18/2006 2:09:29 PM PDT · by eartotheground · 55 replies · 966+ views
    The New York Times ^ | July 18, 2006 | KATE ZERNIKE
    Senator Lindsey Graham often plays the contrarian, the conservative Republican willing to poke a stick in the eye of the White House. Mr. Graham advocates using the existing court-martial system as the basis for trying suspects, a position that has drawn fire from many other Republicans. Last year, against the wishes of the Bush administration, he was one of the key forces in helping pass a ban on torture. While some other Republicans argue that terrorists do not deserve legal or human rights, Mr. Graham has insisted that only a system grounded in the fundamental rights of the military code...
  • World Terrorism: News, History and Research Of A Changing World.

    06/16/2006 2:08:19 PM PDT · by DAVEY CROCKETT · 4,622 replies · 13,190+ views
    the Middle East Quarterly ^ | SPRING 2006 • VOLUME XIII: NUMBER 2 | David Kennedy Houck
    The Islamist Challenge to the U.S. Constitution by David Kennedy Houck First in Europe and now in the United States, Muslim groups have petitioned to establish enclaves in which they can uphold and enforce greater compliance to Islamic law. While the U.S. Constitution enshrines the right to religious freedom and the prohibition against a state religion, when it comes to the rights of religious enclaves to impose communal rules, the dividing line is more nebulous. Can U.S. enclaves, homeowner associations, and other groups enforce Islamic law? Such questions are no longer theoretical. While Muslim organizations first established enclaves in Europe,[1]...
  • Stanford Daily backpedals on article exposing sympathizers of terrorists

    04/10/2006 11:52:19 PM PDT · by JimWayne · 5 replies · 391+ views
    Stanford Daily | 7 Apr 2006 | Patrick Leahy
    Leftist speaker sparks debate By Patrick Leahy Friday, April 7, 2006 last updated April 7, 2006 1:25 AM On Saturday, April 8, the non-Stanford affiliated organization Friends of South Asia (FOSA) will be hosting a panel discussion with Indian social activist Biju Mathew on campus. The talk, however, has spurred debate over the appropriateness of inviting a leftist speaker with ties to Communism to an academic campus. FOSA was established in the Bay Area five years ago to promote peace, tolerance and economic development in South Asia. During periods of heightened tension between Pakistan and India they hold monthly peace...
  • World Terrorism: Granny's Googles/News/History/Much Much More.

    04/01/2006 5:00:12 PM PST · by DAVEY CROCKETT · 4,995 replies · 17,421+ views
    FrontPageMagazine ^ | 3-28-06 | By Lowell Ponte
    Europe's botched civilization, perverted by socialism and lost faith, seems to have lost the will, the passion to sustain itself. If it continues to practice today's multiculturalist leftism, Europe's demographic doom will be sealed. Some harbingers: In Brussels, Belgium, the most popular name for baby boys is now Mohammad. Sustaining the population of a nation requires that on average each couple gives birth to 2.1 children. The average European couple now has fewer than 1.4 babies, compared to 3.6 babies born to the average Muslim immigrant couple in Europe. Across Western Europe 16 to 20 percent of babies are being...
  • Arabian nights in Delhi

    01/29/2006 3:31:54 AM PST · by kronos77 · 14 replies · 563+ views ^ | jan. 29th 2006. | Sreeram Chaulia
    The political balance sheet between India and Saudi Arabia is what makes the recent state visit befuddling. For decades the repressive House of Saud has been buying loyalty at home by diverting terrorism towards external targets and financing the spread of rabid Wahhabi ideology of holy war. Pick a place on the geographical map of modern jehad - Palestine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Bosnia, Tajikistan, the Philippines, Kosovo, Algeria, Sudan, Thailand, Indonesia or Bangladesh - and a Saudi connection will automatically surface. Worldwide, Saudi-financed Islamic institutions and schools have come under the scanner for spreading religious hatred and destabilising multicultural...
  • World Terrorism : Weapons of Disruption Onging...

    01/01/2006 6:41:58 PM PST · by DAVEY CROCKETT · 4,835 replies · 20,740+ views ^ | Jan.1, 2006 | Frederick J. Cowie, Ph.D.
    Weapons of Disruption C 2006 Frederick J. Cowie, Ph.D. Whereas we have no masses, it certainly would be seriously challenging to deliver a "weapon of mass destruction" in the vast majority of geographical areas in the American West, as well as in many areas in the East and South. For instance, Montana is approximately the size of Germany, yet the population hovers only around a million (we have one representative in the House). There is no "metropolitan" area anywhere around, though Spokane is about three hundred miles away. Wyoming has more sheep than people. Utah has Salt Lake City and...
  • Interview with a Jehadi

    10/24/2005 2:26:59 AM PDT · by Arjun · 1 replies · 242+ views
    The Rediff Interview/Lashkar-e-Tayiba founder Hafiz Saeed 'If the LoC is opened, more harm will be caused to Pakistan' October 24, 2005 Jihadis are doing much of the relief work in earthquake-hit areas across Pakistan. The Jamatud Dawa (the reincarnation of Markaz Dawatul Irshad whose armed brigade was the Lashkar-e-Tayiba) has emerged as the most organised and well-equipped outfit in far-flung areas, providing relief through motorboats and mules. The Jamat set up mobile X-ray machines and operation theatres in Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Its 350 workers were connected with each other through wireless in Muzaffarabad and Bagh that...
  • Another quake hits Pakistan, 6.0 this time

    10/23/2005 7:20:02 PM PDT · by Crackingham · 23 replies · 1,475+ views
    The Age ^ | 10/24/5
    A magnitude 6 earthquake rocked Pakistan on Sunday, 15 days after a 7.6 magnitude quake killed 53,000 people. There were no immediate reports of any casualties or damage. The US Geological Survey said on its Web site the 6 magnitude quake struck at 1504 GMT, with an epicentre near the town of Mingaora, in North West Frontier Province. The quake was felt in various cities including the capital, Islamabad.
  • A new low, 'Palestinian' Arab Terrorist’s Wife Used Baby to Hide Grenade

    10/22/2005 9:11:10 PM PDT · by Actuality · 24 replies · 890+ views
    Arab Terrorist’s Wife Used Baby to Hide Grenade 02:32 Oct 23, '05 / 20 Tishrei 5766 By Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu Soldiers arrested a terrorist's wife who held her baby to hide a grenade. In the same house, troops found a suitcase of explosives. The IDF also killed four other terrorists who attacked them. Haruv battalion soldiers searched a house in a village near Shechem early Saturday after receiving reports that ammunition was hidden there, according to Lieutenant General Arik Chen. They discovered 10 kilograms (22 pounds) of explosives in a suitcase and arrested five terrorists. Noticing that Aziza Jawabra, the...
  • The Arab Muslim 'Palestinian' (militant) "payback" for Israel's Kindness

    10/22/2005 6:30:23 PM PDT · by Actuality · 2 replies · 501+ views
    This describes it typically, the "payback" of a 'Palestinian' patient, From Patient to Suicide Bomber When she's also using that sick excuse of the notorious Arab boy, which -- as turned out -- was only a "Palestinian" stunt & was in fact murdered by Arabs! - The Israeli Crime That Wasn’t) Video - Palestinian patient tried to blow up in the Israeli hospital where she was treated. "Palestinian" woman that wanted to blow up the very hospital was treated in. SUICIDE BOMBER WANNABE: Wafa al-Biri, a 21-year-old Palestinian woman, attempted to kill the doctor who had saved her life. But...
  • An Online "University" for Jihad (in San Jose, Calif.)

    10/19/2005 12:57:29 AM PDT · by JohnathanRGalt · 17 replies · 776+ views ^ | Oct. 17, 2005 | Stephen Ulph
    An Online "University" for Jihad By Stephen Ulph In an interesting new development, the al-Qaeda network is making strides to present itself as a permanent cultural--as well as military--phenomenon. An October 7 posting on the al-Farouq jihadi forum ( by Ahmad al-Wathiq bi-Llah, the "deputy general emir" of the Global Islamic Media Front, announced what it referred to as an "al-Qaeda University of Jihad Studies." The accompanying statement explained that "al-Qaeda is an organization, a state and a university, this is a fact which cannot be denied." Readers, it noted, might be amused by the headline, but the writer simply...