Keyword: janineturner
It’s a sad world we live in where talking about the Constitution is considered inappropriate for children. But for actress Janine Turner (Northern Exposure), these are the accusations she faced from parents of the students she teaches about the Constitution. A former board member, who is a current member of the #Resistance, pushed the school who hosted Turner to apologize for inviting her. . . . The board member, one Buddy Luce, told the Dallas News that he thought the speech was a partisan attempt to bias children. He said, “How they get their foot in the door is letting...
The following is an excerpt from actress Janine Turner’s new book, A Little Bit Vulnerable: On Hollywood, God, Sobriety, & Politics. This excerpt is the preface of Chapter 2, “Constituting America—Interpreting The Federalist,” and Janine’s essay on Federalist 23, “Duty Would Bind to the Constitution.” Today is the 227th anniversary of the ratification of the Constitution, and no day is more fitting than today to remind ourselves and our representatives about the relevance our of founding document.
Fire From the Heartland,The Awakening of the Conservative Woman Fire From The Heartland Trailer - The first-ever film to tell the entire story of the conservative woman in her own words, "Fire from the Heartland" is a powerful statement about America at a crossroads and the women who have awakened to the crisis. With role models such as Clare Boothe Luce, Margaret Thatcher, and Phyllis Schlafly as inspiration, these women are the unintended consequence of the liberal feminist movement. Tracing the long history of the many conservative women who have been the backbone of this great nation, from the founding...
I had to listen to it for years on sets, at dinners, in rehearsals, in the make-up chair, and at award ceremonies. The judgmental, hot, mostly uninformed rants of Hollywood liberals breathed down my neck and sucked all the air from the room. Usually, the rants were so hostile that I was afraid to speak up, or so ridiculous that I thought it futile to reply. The liberal Hollywood elite, who stand firmly on their right to be heard, their right to express, their right to persuade through art, arrogantly deny that same freedom to anyone who may disagree with...
Federalist 3 is a continuation of the theme John Jay started in Federalist 2. In today’s read, Jay continues to speak to a United States and their combined power, vs separate sovereign nations. This time we are talking about national security. Jay points out that there are strength in numbers, and a strong United States would, in itself, would deter many actions and invasions. Remember, at the time America was surrounded by foreign territories.
We’ve now read the Declaration of Independence as well as the Constitution in full. While it’s not heavy reading, it is certainly important reading, and I hope everyone has taken the time to not only read, but reflect on the words written by our founders. The Declaration still stands as one of the greatest, most significant political documents of all time. It’s inspired mankind the world over to seek the Freedom and Liberty Nature’s Godalways intended him to have. Our Constitution remains the cornerstone of all Liberty and Freedom. It is the ideal blueprint for Civil Society, and when followed,...
One in a new occasional series of portraits of celebrities with vocal political views. Maybe it would be easier to take Janine Turner and her new Constituting America campaign seriously if almost every page of the campaign's official Web site didn't carry the same photo of the "Friday Night Lights"/"Northern Exposure" actress doing her best Loni Anderson impression. As reported in last week's Reliable Source, the jarringly blond Turner recently launched the non-profit Constituting America to "educate and inform America's youth and her citizens about the importance of the U.S. Constitution" (the actress/activist has a 12-year-old daughter). Turner is coming...
As one reads our founding documents, our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, it’s truly remarkable how elegant and inspiring these documents are. Our Declaration has shone like a beacon of Freedom and Liberty worldwide and has inspired men in other nations to stand up and demand their own God Given Rights of Freedom, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It’s the most significant political document ever written. Our Constitution is the envy of the world. Our Constitution is designed to allow Americans the chance to excel, to succeed in ways others can only dream of. It places maximum emphasis on...
Welcome to day four of our ninety-one day adventure. Today we look at look at the Judicial Branch of government. The text is as it was originally written: Article III. Section. 1. The judicial Power of the United States shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behaviour, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.
Welcome to day three of our journey! Lesson two dealt with the Legislative Branch of government outlining the duties and requirements of Congress, and restrictions placed on it. As you know, our founders created three equal branches of government: The Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Today’s reading involves the Executive Branch, the presidency. The text below represents the original spellings, and punctuation.
“An enlightened America, regarding her roots, her basis, and her thesis is the key to America’s pertinent survival. Americans have rights. Americans must have knowledge to understand them.” —Janine Turner Welcome to the official start of Constituting America, our 90 day journey of discovery and rediscovery. As our readers learned yesterday, America was founded on the idea that man has Natural Rights, rights given to them by their Creator, and no government should be able to infringe these rights.
Last week we told you of a wonderful plan actress and activist Janine Turner has for helping America get back on the path our founders set for us. As Janine declared: “It’s time for a 180 America!“ What Turner has done is found a group: Constituting America. While this will be an ongoing project, one her groups first goals is to educate Americans in their history and their God given rights. Rights that are protected by our Constitution. Protected from what, you ask? Protected from an overreaching government, of course! ...
As we all know, America is in big trouble. We, as a nation, have wandered quite far from our First Principles, and the Constitutional Republic our founders gave us is almost unrecognizable these days, as we rush towards communism and tyranny under Barack Obama and the Marxist-democrat party. The Constitution is not only ignored by this bunch, it’s actively mocked and belittled. The rule of law means nothing to a Marxist like Obama and his fellow travelers in Congress.
The Real Maggie O’Connell Janine Turner on the new Northern Exposure. An NRO Q&A Actress Janine Turner is known best for her role as the feisty and likable Maggie O’Connell on the hit TV show Northern Exposure. This fall, besides working on Friday Night Lights, she’s supporting the McCain-Palin ticket, even working as a spokeswoman for “Team Sarah,” a project of the Susan B. Anthony List. Turner is also author of a book, released earlier this year, Holding Her Head High: 12 Single Mothers Who Championed Their Children and Changed History. She discusses Palin, Hollywood, motherhood, the culture of life,...
If Hollywood is to be believed, all that northern exposure has made the people of Alaska a little quirky. They alternately befriend and battle bears, become paranoid insomniacs during the endless days, seek solace in the wild -- and, oh, the men grow in trees. Before Republican presidential candidate John McCain selected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate, a lot of what people in the lower 49 states knew about Alaska came from books, movies and television shows. Palin's nomination for vice president has shined a spotlight on a place pop culture has long portrayed as strange and...