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Keyword: israelshamir

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  • The Plundering Of Ukraine By Corrupt Democrats

    10/27/2019 5:09:06 AM PDT · by Helicondelta · 33 replies
    Unz Review ^ | OCTOBER 25, 2019 | ISRAEL SHAMIR
    During the Obama presidency, Biden was the US proconsul for Ukraine, and he was involved in many corruption schemes. He authorised transfer of three billion dollars of the US taxpayers’ money to the post-coup government of the Ukraine; the money was stolen, and Biden took a big share of the spoils. The Ukraine has a few midsize deposits of natural gas, sufficient for domestic household consumption. The cost of its production was quite low; and the Ukrainians got used to pay pennies for their gas. After the 2014 coup, IMF demanded to raise the price of gas for the domestic...
  • Neo-nazi IslamoChristian Stephen Sizer w/ the Ayatollah

    02/26/2012 7:37:14 PM PST · by PRePublic · 7 replies · 1+ views
    Haters unite: Neo-Nazis, Islamists and IslamoChristians [pro-Islamism fake "Christians"]: Stephen Sizer, and stenchy company Introduction Under an outrageous banner: 'Christ at an Israeli Checkpoint,' organizers, like Stephen Sizer embark on an ugly propaganda, distorting the fact of security and constant attempts to carry out massacres by Arab-Muslims [grandchildren of immigrants, otherwise known as] "Palestinians" who caused the need of checkpoints. Just as Islamists caused the STA security checkpoints in the US. All the while Arab-Islamists have been abusing humane IDF by using children, "pregnant women" and ambulances for its violent intentions to target unarmed innocent Israelis. Such is the infamous...
  • WikiLeaks’ Jew-Hating Staff

    12/17/2010 2:46:47 PM PST · by Nachum · 16 replies
    FrontPage Magazine ^ | 12/17/10 | Ryan Mauro
    If you needed any more proof of WikiLeaks’ extremist agenda, look no further than Israel Shamir, the Holocaust denier who is in charge of distributing the organization’s documents to the Russian media. The involvement of Shamir, who also supports Ahmadinejad and refers to Palestinian terrorists as “martyrs,” should put to rest any doubt that WikiLeaks’ rhetoric about transparency is just a cloak for its anti-American and anti-Western agenda. As Michael C. Moynihan exposed, Shamir has a long track record of anti-Semitism, including Holocaust denial. Shamir described Auschwitz as “an internment facility, attended by the Red Cross (as opposed to the...
  • So many benevolent Jews lose big money to one twisted [Madoff] guy and anti Jewish bigots applause

    12/26/2008 7:54:36 AM PST · by PRePublic · 30 replies · 1,018+ views
     So many benevolent Jews lose big money to one twisted [Madoff] guy and anti Jewish bigots applause   So many benevolent Jews lose so much money to one twisted [Madoff] guy and anti Jewish bigots applause. Worth mentioning --at this juncture-- the unknown fact that 'most donations by Jews go to non-Jewish causes.' The again, what is classic garbage of anti-Semitism if not picking one 'bad' Jew and omitting all 'good' Jews? The very first self proclaimed "writer" to dance the evil dance was no other than the already infamous Nazi: HERR Jöran Jerma, that has adapted (among a list of...
  • Exposed: Among the Nazis, Adolph Hitler's idol-worshippers posing as "jews"

    11/23/2008 8:59:02 AM PST · by PRePublic · 381+ views
    Exposed: Among the Nazis, Adolph Hitler's idol-worshippers posing as "jews": Joachim Martillo's - eaazi.blogspot.com/ (ethnic ashkenazim (???) against zionism) jewssansfrontieres.blogspot.com Philip Weiss - philipweiss.org/mondoweiss/ Israel Shamir who is a native European (non Jew) convert to Christianity, neo nazi a contibutor to nazi pages such as "jewishtribal"
  • Israel Shamir (AKA Jöran Jermas) a Nazi posing as an "Israeli writer"

    11/22/2008 3:44:36 PM PST · by PRePublic · 3 replies · 356+ views
    Israel Shamir, a Nazi posing as an "Israeli writer"Israel Shamir is an infamous (non Jew) Nazi who resided in Israel for a short time and preaches hatred and LIES. Any wonder he appears on all hate garbage sites like KKK's davidduke, stormfront, vanguard, and other nazis' (or radical Islamic's 'radioislam') sites? Searchlight Magazine: A man who claims to be one of Israel’s leading intellectuals is also a Swedish antisemitic writer. Israel Shamir presents himself on his website as a leading Russian-Israeli intellectual and a writer, translator and journalist. But in 2001 he changed his name to Jöran Jermas and has...