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Neo-nazi IslamoChristian Stephen Sizer w/ the Ayatollah

Posted on 02/26/2012 7:37:14 PM PST by PRePublic

Haters unite: Neo-Nazis, Islamists and IslamoChristians [pro-Islamism fake "Christians"]: Stephen Sizer, and stenchy company

Under an outrageous banner: 'Christ at an Israeli Checkpoint,' organizers, like Stephen Sizer embark on an ugly propaganda, distorting the fact of security and constant attempts to carry out massacres by Arab-Muslims [grandchildren of immigrants, otherwise known as] "Palestinians" who caused the need of checkpoints. Just as Islamists caused the STA security checkpoints in the US. All the while Arab-Islamists have been abusing humane IDF by using children, "pregnant women" and ambulances for its violent intentions to target unarmed innocent Israelis.

Such is the infamous Stephen Sizer, who promoted a website that supports Holocaust denial," and prepares to host an anti-Jewish propaganda in March in Bethlehem Bible College, is naturally on the Islamists' side of history, That "conquered Islamic lands may never revert to non-Islamic control."

Fact-sheet Bethlehem number 1:
suffering Christians under "Palestine" Islamic rule vs flourishing Christians in Israel
Bethlehem the city is now home to Beleaguered Christians under cruel Islamists especially since Arafat's Islamization. They fear their Muslim neighbors and won't talk on camera. While all over the Middle East Christians dwindle, and besieged under Islam, only in Israel they flourish.

Fact-sheet Bethlehem number 2:
Bethlehem Bible College - hate hotbed
Bethlehem Bible College, has a worrying track record on antisemitism. They sent lecturer Alex Awad to represent the college, and share a platform with Hitler-admirer and Holocaust denier Frederick Tobin in Indonesia.

Under the yoke of Islamic persecution upon Bethlehem Christians, Arab intimidating presence has been so great that, ever since Hanan Ashrawi's propaganda reign, it has been a 'Capital' of The IslamoChristians:
Islamo Christians applies to "Christians" who promote Islamism, usually on the expense of Christians and always on the expense of Judea Christianity. Those that are not defenders of Christianity but traitors to it

Tell me who your friends are...

Stephen Sizer - pro Nazism, associates:
* Muslim Brotherhood's Raed Salah;
* the Ayatollah Khomeini's daughter Zahra Mostafavi;
* and (exposed as a Nazi even by Palestinians) Joram Jermas Israel Shamir.

Stephen Sizer posted a link on his Facebook page to an antisemitic site called "The Ugly Truth" which featured images of blood-sucking Jewish vampires and Nazi-style caricatures of Jewish men. Three months later, Rev Sizer took down the link.

His associates include Palestinian activist Raed Salah; Zahra Mostafavi, the Ayatollah Khomeini's daughter; and Israel Shamir, who warns of "Jewish mind control on a world scale".


Raed Salah as in head of Northern Branch of Islamic Movement in Israel, espouses Antisemitic conspiracy theories about 9/11 and Nazi propaganda. He has been banned in the UK for racial hatred and arrested.

Triangle: Stephen Sizer, Ben White and Muslim Brotherhood's Salah
Both, anti-Israel vicious hater extremist blogger of 'The Guardian' Ben White, who flirts with Holocaust revisionists and Sizer are friends and supporters of Islamic movement's head in Israel: Raed Salah


Founder of Islamic Republic Ayatollah's daughter does not need much introduction when it comes to oppression, totalitarianism. She's helping Jihad and transalated Stephen Sizer's book. When Iranian women, in 2009 tried to change just a bit the prison-state Sharia theocracy, she stood firm and demonized them.

JORAN JERMAS (Non-Jew, Nazi, adopted an Israeli name and pose as a "Jew"): Israel Shamir, AKA: Adam Ermash, Joran Jermas.

Israel Shamir, whose writing imitates that of Nazi Alfred Rosenberg.

He is an open anti-Semite. Russian-born Shamir lives in Israel, but almost no Israelis have heard of him. He is an open neo-Nazi.

Exposed in "Israeli Writer Is Swedish Anti-Semite" by Tor Bach, Sven Johansen and Lise Apfel­bum; The Search­light; May/2004.:

A man who claims to be one of Israel's leading intellectuals is also a Swedish antisemitic writer. Israel Shamir presents himself on his website as a leading Russian-Israeli intellectual and a writer, translator and journalist. But in 2001 he changed his name to Joran Jermas and has surrounded himself in Sweden and Norway - (An empty bag cannot stand) and was published by the openly nazi publisher Nordiska Förlaget.
The London Times Exposes Columnist "Israel Shamir" as Swedish neo-Nazi. For many years the most openly anti-Semitic "Jew" filling the web with columns

Israel Shamir's Antisemitic 'book' with the Arab radical 'activist' using information and 'ideas' created by Neo Nazi groups

From a neutral independent writer:
I make no comment here on the rights and wrongs of the Israeli-Arab conflict, or the appalling historical episode of which Mrs Allaf writes; I merely refer you to the source whose judgment Mrs Allaf proffers. "Israel Shamir" is the nom de plume of a writer whose real name is Joran Jermas. So far from being, as he claims, a leading Israeli intellectual and translator, Shamir is of Russian origin, and has lived in Sweden for the past 20 years. His writings, which are widely circulated on the Internet, are unambiguously antisemitic
Naturally, Shamir, is a regular on Counterpunch. He is so openly pro-Nazi, that even European anti-Israel activist groups repudiate him as an embarrassment. By the way, The 911-conspiracy-theories pusher (truther) Counterpunch's IP Address, is also shared with the Arab islamic sites linked with the Arab lobby: ADC - 'The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee.

He's ISM's Swedish antisemite who also passes himself off as a 'Jew' (all the better to make propaganda). Known widely as the 'toxic dwarf,' Israel Shamir (also known as Joran Jermas) is such an awful antisemite that even some pro-Palestinian Arab/anti-Zionist activists have rejected him. According to the now infamous Marxist anti-Zionist Dr. Sue Blackwell, Shamir is a Nazi.

Even Arab-Palestinian propagandist Nigel Parry who runs 'The Electronic Intifada' exposes Israel Shamir 'a neo-Nazi'.

TOPICS: Politics; Religion
KEYWORDS: israel; israelshamir; stephensizer; zahramostafavi

1 posted on 02/26/2012 7:37:24 PM PST by PRePublic
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To: PRePublic

Interesting but this article needs a lot of background information for it to make any logical sense.

2 posted on 02/26/2012 7:44:44 PM PST by MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
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To: MadMax, the Grinning Reaper
I realize that it contains a lot of information. In short, Stephen Sizer allied himself with Jew-haters: Neo-Nazis and Islamists alike and plans a propaganda "conference" in March abusing Christian themes.
3 posted on 02/26/2012 8:00:01 PM PST by PRePublic (9)
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To: PRePublic
Just following in the footsteps of his hero:

4 posted on 02/26/2012 8:02:09 PM PST by dfwgator (Don't wake up in a roadside ditch. Get rid of Romney.)
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To: All

Here’s more:
Anglican Pastor Calls Out Rev. Stephen Sizer > New English Review

5 posted on 02/26/2012 9:28:32 PM PST by PRePublic (9)
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Berosus; bigheadfred; Bockscar; ColdOne; Convert from ECUSA; ...

Thanks PRePublic.

6 posted on 02/27/2012 4:56:11 PM PST by SunkenCiv (FReep this FReepathon!)
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To: dennisw; Cachelot; Nix 2; veronica; Catspaw; knighthawk; Alouette; Optimist; weikel; Lent; GregB; ..
Middle East and terrorism, occasional political and Jewish issues Ping List. High Volume

If you’d like to be on or off, please FR mail me.


7 posted on 03/03/2012 6:35:58 AM PST by SJackson (The Pilgrims Doing the jobs Native Americans wouldn't do !)
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To: dfwgator
From: James Sundquist Date: January 6, 2014 6:54:42 PM EST To: Subject: Is Rick Warren's PDL book the most published book in history? Dear Stephen Sizer, There are objective revelations about Rick Warren that should alarm you: Text below is not subjective but published facts. THIS SHOULD CONCERN YOU TOO BECAUSE YOU ALSO PUBLICLY PREACHED A SIMILAR STATMENT ABOUT RICK WARREN'S PURPOSE DRIVEN LIVE BOOK. It is verifiably false. I also encourage you to view this film documentary on Rick Warren by Elliott Nesch: Church of Tares: Purpose Driven, Seeker Sensitive, Church Growth & New World Order Sincerely in Christ, James Sundquist January 8, 2014 Dear Stephen Sizer, This is my second request and followup inquiry to you regarding Rick Warren, regarding Rick Warren's statement about his Purpose Driven Life Book: "best selling non-fiction hardback book in history", which I refute at: I see that as late as yesterday that you are still promoting Rick Warren. If you don't believe me that his claim about the sales of his PDL has no foundation in fact, since you know him well, ask him directly for the date, issue, and page number of the Publishers Weekly citation. Also ask the President George Slowik of Publishers Weekly, as I did, and you will be able to verify that they have no record of ever publishing such a statement. And while you are at it, if Warren's book is first, who came in second, third, tenth? I would think as a Christian that you would want to trust but verify. As such a boast would make your similar statement about the popularity of Rick Warren's book (about 2 minutes in) at: also untrue. I am surprised you, as an author, would not know that statement is farfetched and unbelievable. And where is the proof and citation that Warren's book is even "the most popular book in the world apart from the Bible" 2:24 minutes in? Who told you that? Did you verify that? I look forward to your prompt response. Sincerely in Christ, James Sundquist Director Dear James, I suggest you take it up with Amazon and Charisma “Rick Warren is one of the most influential pastors in the world and has been referred to as such by Newsweek and Time magazine. His Purpose Driven Life has sold more than thirty million copies worldwide since its release in 2003 which, according to Publisher's Weekly, makes it the bestselling hardcover non-fiction book in history.” But actually, instead, I recommend you find something more constructive to invest your time and energy in. In His grace, Stephen Dear Stephen Sizer, So the bottom line is that you refuse to repent! Your false statements still remain false statements on your site and Gospel Coalition. So your intent is to leave them on there? You will not alert or inform them that you bore false witness about collaborator and co-conspirator, Rick Warren, thereby continue to leave them in the dark and continue to lead them astray? So now that you know the statements by Warren, Amazon, and Charisma are patently false, you will now tell your own congregation that you misled them right? And you and these people can't even keep their story straight. The quotes are not even consistent, and never came from Publishers Weekly. Now I can't help but ask if why he tells me how worthless the time I spend on informing him of the this fraud, then why should I spend my time confronting Amazon or Charisma re the statement? I am glad the Apostle Paul, Jude, Peter, and John did not follow your advice regarding exposing false teachers. And why would I take this up with Amazon or Charisma? What do they have to do with this? You simply engaging in blame shifting to someone else perpetuating the same myth. As to your ad hominem attack on me, what better time could be spent then obeying Christ and the Apostles to mark and expose false teachers and picking up the pieces of the shattered lives of Christians and churches that Rick Warren calls "Enemies of the 21st Century" and opposing those false teachers such as yourself who have abandoned Israel and scorned their inheritance, putting a curse on themselves and everyone they lead astray? You are a biblical scholar. So you read Rick Warren's PDL book and did not find a host biblical errors? It is simply shocking and demolishes your own credibility. Nevertheless, let the record reflect your position. I will be sure to alert my own media database and the various national radio programs I frequent. Regarding how I should spend my time, I spend it opposing your teachings and supporting people like Walid Shoebat, Paul Wilkerson (UK), Caryl Matrisciana (UK and USA), David Bay of Cutting Edge Ministries, Berean Call, Southwest Radio Church, Miguel Hayworth and Bayith Ministries in the UK, and many other discernment ministries who opposes you, and publish a film documentary entitled: GLOBAL CONSPIRACY TO STEAL THE LAND OF ISRAEL demolishes the strongholds you promote globally: Our DVD is mostly devoted to proving the fulfillment of Scripture Prophecy (Old and New Testaments) and the future of Israel and Greater Israel. It was recently released and is now available at: Finally, you should not sign your letter "In His grace", because you are not in his grace if you promote false teachers and teachings yourself, and further refuse to repent, so unless you do, you are in danger of Matthew 7: Matthew Chapter 7 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. Sincerely in Christ, James Sundquist Dear James The bottom line is that you are rude and disrespectful if fellow servants of Jesus Christ. You are fixated and have a divisive spirit. If you persist in harassing me I will happily make public your behaviour. And there will be no further correspondence until you take a more respectful approach. In His grace Stephen JAMES SUNDQUIST FINAL COMMENT: So which one is divisive, the one who divides up the land of Israel, or the one that warns this so-called brother of what is in store for these enemies of Christ and Israel that divide up the Promised Land? The one who calls those who support Israel's right to the land, enemies, or the ones who fear the Lord and warn the world and the church what is in store for those who do? The one who forms unholy alliances with Rick Warren who makes a false claim that his book is the best selling book in history, or the one who warns everyone of this fraud and comes to the defense of the victims?
8 posted on 01/18/2014 9:37:04 AM PST by LibertyinChrist (apostasy,corruption,Rick Warren,purpose driven)
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