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Keyword: interstate90

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  • Port Clinton woman arrested, accused of promoting Cleveland street takeover

    10/24/2024 12:26:56 PM PDT · by simpson96 · 8 replies ^ | 10/22/2024 | Staff
    CLEVELAND, Ohio— A Port Clinton woman was arrested on Tuesday and accused of organizing and promoting a street takeover in Cleveland, officials said. Ashlyn Rogers, 23, is charged in Cleveland Municipal Court with aggravated riot and possessing criminal tools, both fifth-degree felonies. She is in the Cuyahoga County Jail awaiting her first court appearance on Wednesday. Cleveland police raided the woman’s home about 7 a.m., according to Cleveland police spokesman Sgt. Wilfredo Diaz. Investigators reported seizing the woman’s 2020 Infinity Q50 and three guns, including a rifle. Police said Rogers was an “active promoter and participant” in the Sept. 28...
  • I-90 closed until at least Monday between E. 152nd and E. 185th street (Cleveland)

    03/09/2013 2:31:21 PM PST · by Right Wing Assault · 17 replies
    WOIO Channel ^ | 3/9/2013 | Staff
    CLEVELAND, OH (WOIO) - The Cleveland Division of Police, along with the Division of Fire, EMS and ODOT are currently on the scene of an accident on I-90 westbound between East 152nd Street and East 185th Street. Police say a dump truck traveling with the trailer raised struck a pedestrian bridge, severely damaging it and causing the trailer to turn over. Due to the damage to the bridge, I-90 will be closed in both directions for the remainder of the weekend. Eastbound is being let off the highway at E. 152nd. Your detour is St. Clair to E. 185th where...
  • Electric vehicle stations planned along I-5

    06/30/2010 7:14:45 AM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 66 replies · 1+ views
    The Everett Daily Herald ^ | June 29, 2010 | Bill Sheets
    As early as the end of this year, you might be able to hop into your plug-in electric car and drive to Portland, Ore., or Vancouver, B.C., without worrying about finding a charging station. The state has received federal economic stimulus funds to build four or five charging stations along the I-5 corridor from Canada to Oregon. The $1.32 million would ultimately pay for seven to 10 stations on I-5 and I-90. If all goes as planned, Washington will be the first state to have a series of coordinated electric charging stations spanning its borders, said Tonia Buell, a spokeswoman...
  • Hacks lie in wait for highway robbery

    04/01/2007 12:56:03 PM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 10 replies · 848+ views
    Boston Herald ^ | March 30, 2007 | Howie Carr
    Remember the public debate last year over whether the state should raise the gasoline tax or tolls to pay for the rotten roads around here? Well, the debate’s over. There’s been a compromise. We’re going to raise both the tolls and the gasoline tax. Or so says the Mass. Transportation Finance Commission. They haven’t officially come out and said they want higher gas taxes and tolls. First they’re going to have the traditional “public hearings.” Of course it’s all a complete bag job. Just look at the tell-tale phrases in the news stories about the “shocking” conditions of the state’s...