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Keyword: hook

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  • California Businesses, Households on the Hook for State’s Default on COVID Loan

    11/21/2024 1:59:51 PM PST · by ChicagoConservative27 · 8 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 11/21/2024 | Joel B. Pollak
    California businesses — and households that pay payroll taxes on domestic employees — are waking up to the reality that they are being forced to pay for the state’s default on $20 billion in federal loans to cover a COVID-era shortfall. The issue came to light this week with a social media post by restaurateur Andrew Gruel about unexpected costs: The Hoover Institution, based at Stanford University, had warned about the problem more than a year ago: Little did California businesses know that they were cosigners on the state’s nearly $20 billion loan from the federal government that was used...
  • Princeton Faculty Member Brags About Death Threats Against Trump Admin Envoy (Allah akbar?)

    01/09/2022 1:39:35 PM PST · by Conservat1 · 12 replies
    Free Beacon ^ | Jan 9, 2022 | Adam Kredo
    University Middle East expert Hussein Mousavian was a former Iranian official A former Iranian official who is a faculty member at Princeton University recently bragged in an interview about how his hardline government’s death threats against a former top Trump administration official had him and his family "trembling" with fear. Hussein Mousavian, a former member of Iran’s nuclear negotiating team who works as a Middle East security and nuclear policy specialist at Princeton University, said in a recent interview that the Iranian regime’s threats to murder Brian Hook, the Trump administration’s special envoy for Iran, have heavily impacted Hook’s family...
  • FBI Issues Alert for Iranian Agent Accused of Plotting Assassinations

    03/09/2024 8:08:41 PM PST · by Freeleesy · 23 replies
    IranWire ^ | March 5, 2024
    The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is seeking Majid Dastjani Farahani, a 41-year-old Iranian national and intelligence agent, accused of orchestrating assassination plots against US officials. "Majid Dastjani Farahani, an Iranian intelligence officer, is wanted for questioning in connection with the recruitment of individuals for various operations in the United States, to include lethal targeting of current and former United States Government officials as revenge for the killing of IRGC-QF Commander Qasem Soleimani," it said in a report on March 5. Soleimani was killed in 2020 in Baghdad by an American airstrike. He was commander of the Islamic Revolutionary...
  • Biden ‘Abused Classification System’ To Hide Iranian Assassination Plots, Cruz Says

    03/01/2024 12:11:23 PM PST · by Twotone · 6 replies
    Washington Free Beacon ^ | February 29, 2024 | Adam Kredo
    The Biden administration suppressed information about Iran’s efforts to assassinate U.S. officials to ensure Congress and the American public were kept in the dark, according to a lawmaker on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "What Americans don’t know is that the Biden administration has gone to great lengths to hide the extent and persistence of those threats" from Iran, Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas) said during a Senate hearing Wednesday on Tehran’s network of terror proxies. Those threats include active plots to assassinate former secretary of state Mike Pompeo and other top U.S. officials. The administration has been "abusing the...
  • Breaking: Sandy Hook Families Now Seeking $2.75 TRILLION in Addition to Billion from Alex Jones

    10/21/2022 7:05:04 PM PDT · by Jan_Sobieski · 126 replies
    InfoWars ^ | 10/21/2022 | Staff
    Lawyers for Sandy Hook families, who were recently awarded a billion dollar compensatory judgment against radio host Alex Jones, are now seeking the “highest possible“ amount in punitive damages totaling $2.75 trillion in hopes to take Jones off the air forever.The cartoonishly large amount, which supposedly factors in 550 million “social media exposures” that Infowars would have generated on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook in the three years following the mass shooting and multiplies it by $5,000, was reported by Bloomberg News Friday.Sandy Hook families asked a Connecticut judge to order Alex Jones to pay $2.75 trillion in damages in addition...
  • Durham Probes Pentagon Computer Contractors in Anti-Trump Conspiracy

    10/07/2021 9:02:42 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 108 replies ^ | OCTOBER 7, 2021 | By Paul Sperry
    Cybersecurity experts who held lucrative Pentagon and homeland security contracts and high-level security clearances are under investigation for potentially abusing their government privileges to aid a 2016 Clinton campaign plot to falsely link Donald Trump to Russia and trigger an FBI investigation of him and his campaign, according to several sources familiar with the work of Special Counsel John Durham. Durham is investigating whether they were involved in a scheme to misuse sensitive, nonpublic Internet data, which they had access to through their government contracts, to dredge up derogatory information on Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign in 2016...
  • US Offered Millions To Captain To Help Seize Iranian Oil Tanker

    09/05/2019 9:52:31 AM PDT · by bananaman22 · 6 replies
    The United States has offered several million dollars to the captain of the Iranian oil tanker Adrian Darya 1 to steer it to a port in a country that would detain the ship on behalf of the United States, the Financial Times reported, citing emails that the top U.S. envoy for Iran had sent to the vessel’s captain. “With this money you can have any life you wish and be well-off in old age,” the U.S. Special Representative for Iran, Brian Hook, wrote in an email to Adrian Darya’s captain Akhilesh Kumar, FT reports. The email also contained a warning...
  • The Deep State Exposed: Investigation Uncovers Foggy Bottom Anti-Trump Leak Factory

    09/17/2018 8:12:45 PM PDT · by bitt · 42 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 9/17/2018 | Christina Wong
    It was mid-May, about six weeks after Trump appointee Mari Stull began her new job as senior adviser at the State Department’s Bureau of International Organization Affairs. As senior adviser at the bureau, Stull was in charge of making sure President Trump’s agenda was represented at the many international organizations the U.S. participates in and mostly funds, such as the United Nations and its various agencies. Stull and her boss, Amb. Kevin Moley, had just left for a trip to Geneva for the World Health Assembly. Back at the State Department, Erin Barclay, a senior career diplomat at the IO...
  • Sandy Hook Parents Sue Alex Jones for Defamation

    04/18/2018 9:06:49 AM PDT · by LouieFisk · 72 replies
    New York Times ^ | APRIL 17, 2018 | MATTHEW HAAG
    Three parents whose children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012 filed a defamation lawsuit on Tuesday against Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist who has long claimed the shooting was “completely fake” and a “giant hoax” perpetrated by opponents of the Second Amendment.
  • Trump Critic Is Essentially Running American Foreign Policy

    06/05/2017 8:16:35 AM PDT · by george76 · 23 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | 06/05/2017 | ALEX PFEIFFER
    Brian Hook, a noted Trump critic during the presidential election, is a key figure in a State Department containing many unfilled positions. Hook is the State Department’s director of policy planning, and a Politico report Sunday citing several officials said that Hook has an inordinate amount of power in shaping American foreign policy. A State Department official confirmed this description of Hook to The Daily Caller. The position of director of policy planning is usually an important one and serves as a think tank of sorts for the department. However, with many unfilled roles at the State Department, Hook has...
  • The 12-year-old girl who shoots majestic wild animals for fun vows NEVER to stop

    08/29/2016 7:58:26 PM PDT · by Mariner · 71 replies
    The Mirror ^ | August 29th, 2016 | By Christopher Bucktin
    Serial trophy hunter Aryanna Gourdin poses proudly alongside a majestic giraffe she has just gunned down in a picture that sparked a furious ­backlash from animal lovers. But the 12-year-old, who has a string of kills to her name, defiantly vowed never to give up shooting wild beasts and churned out the disputed claim that blood sport like this is a conservation measure that stops the decline in big game numbers. Aryanna shares the images of her and each ­dead creature on her Facebook page complete with captions bragging about the deaths, despite insisting she “loves” animals. In one sick...
  • First The Bait, then the Hook. A Sober Meditation on Temptation

    06/25/2014 2:34:00 AM PDT · by markomalley · 6 replies
    Archdiocese of Washington ^ | 6/24/2014 | Msgr. Charles Pope
    Satan, it would seem, does not act in an arbitrary manner to tempt us. Rather, he is more of a master hunter who carefully sets traps, or a skilled fisherman who, having studied our behavior chooses just the bait he thinks most effective. He’s calculating, and clever.Sadly most of us, by comparison, are far less calculating and clever in seeking to avoid temptation and sin. We seem more often to engage in the wishful thinking that no trouble will befall us, and our strategy seems to live more with dumb luck. Would that we were as ingenious in holiness as...
  • Sandy Hook: Whole City Got FREE Houses!

    03/17/2014 11:47:45 AM PDT · by Nachum · 31 replies
    YouTube ^ | 3/16/14 | LogicBeforeAuthority
    Video at link. Almost all the mortgages bought out the same day: 12/25/2009.
  • Chilling Call from Adam Lanza to Radio Show Year Before Sandy Hook

    01/16/2014 11:27:04 AM PST · by Nachum · 28 replies
    Breitbart ^ | 1/16/14 | AWR Hawkins
    The perpetrator of the heinous crime that took place at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012, called an Oregon radio show on December 11, 2011 and talked about about mass murder. The show was Anarchy Radio, and Lanza called it using the pseudonym "Greg." In audio provided by the NY Daily News, Lanza can be heard talking about Travis, the chimpanzee who attacked and ripped Charla Nash's face off in 2009.
  • Sandy Hook Elementary Now Levelled

    12/25/2013 9:45:14 AM PST · by Nachum · 63 replies ^ | December 24, 2013 | staff
    The photograph below, likely taken in mid-December, shows the remains of the Sandy Hook Elementary School crime scene, where all evidence has now been destroyed. The demolition of the 57 year old structure commenced in October, shortly after a $50 million appropriation made by Connecticut Governor Dannell Malloy to rebuild the school and a $2.5 million payout by President Obama’s Department of Justice to local and regional law enforcement agencies participating in the December 14, 2012 event. additional information and research please consult the Sandy Hook School Massacre Timeline and the Sandy Hook Massacre Compendium of Research and Analysis.
  • Documents point to ATF raid on 'Lanza gun shop' being a staged media event

    09/03/2013 5:12:16 PM PDT · by Nachum · 7 replies
    Examiner ^ | 9/3/13 | David Codrea
    Evidence points to a December raid of the Riverview Gun Shop in East Windsor, Conn., where Sandy Hook Elementary School murderer Adam Lanza’s mother reportedly purchased the Bushmaster rifle used in the massacre, as being an event staged more for media fanfare than for public safety, legal documents issued to authorize the raid indicate. Gun Rights Examiner has been sitting on much of this information since since the evening of the raid, but has held onto it pending further corroboration of certain information. With the publication in this column on August 29 of such information, further details can now be...
  • Vanity

    07/26/2013 11:03:57 PM PDT · by flowergirl · 14 replies Was watching HOOk tonight and out of curiousity wanted to see what ever happened to the child actor that played Jack. 4.0 at MIT?? in the Federalist group in college? cool
  • Obama Fail!

    04/18/2013 3:30:29 PM PDT · by servo1969 · 12 replies ^ | 4-18-2013 | Neal Boortz
    You know what it comes down to, Barry-0? People don’t trust you. Simple as that. Oh … certainly you do have your supporters. It’s not that NOBODY trusts you .... just most productive Americans above the median IQ. The moochers, leaches and parasites still trust you … they trust you to keep forking over the government checks. When the checks stop coming … when they find that a change of regimes in Washington will necessitate their actually becoming marginally productive again … their fealty to their long-gone here, the great and powerful 0bama, will fade to resentment and scorn. Your...
  • Obama whines and Biden cries when their gun grab bill fails

    04/18/2013 1:17:40 PM PDT · by servo1969 · 12 replies ^ | 4-18-2013 | Bookworm
    With the failure of the Democrats’ gun grab legislation in the Senate, the President and the Vice President took the political blow like the sensitive, New Age, Progressive men that they are – Obama whined and Biden cried. Standing on the White House lawn, along with the same sad, bedraggled group of people Obama has been dragging around for weeks as he made his emotional argument against guns, Obama hurled insults in every direction. Ignoring the fact that the gun control bill contained cute little provisions, such as the one giving liberal physicians the right to report for a national...
  • A Criminologist Questions Sandy Hook (long in-depth analysis)

    04/18/2013 11:15:14 AM PDT · by servo1969 · 26 replies ^ | 4-18-2013 | Jason Kissner
    Here, we are going to do something the MSM won't: provide context for the Sandy Hook event by conducting a statistical analysis of hard data on 30 years' worth of mass public shootings in the United States. Quickly, though, I want to show you an example of an MSM outlet's (CNN) utter failure to do its job on Sandy Hook/Newtown. A Sandy Hook timeline at CNN contains the following claims: 1. Police and other first responders arrived on scene about 20 minutes after the first calls. 2. The gunman took his own life, police said. He took out a handgun...