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  • Minnesota Neighborhoods Struggle With Rise of Somali Gangs

    07/20/2009 1:16:18 PM PDT · by freed0misntfree · 17 replies · 989+ views
    Fox ^ | 07/20/09
    MINNEAPOLIS — Ahmednur Ali's family fled the chaos and violence of their East African homeland Somalia in the 1990s, eventually making their way to Minnesota like thousands of their compatriots. While many of the estimated 32,000 Somalis who settled in the state have struggled to adapt, Ali flourished. By age 20, he had blazed a path to Minneapolis' Augsburg College, where he played soccer, studied political science and aspired to a political career modeled on President Barack Obama's. He was shot and killed last September outside a busy community center where he worked part-time as a youth counselor, and prosecutors...
  • Drill Here, Drill Now- (Live Thread VII)

    08/11/2008 6:14:33 AM PDT · by eeevil conservative · 154 replies · 317+ views
    8/11/08 | Sherri Reese
    House Republicans hear the will of the American People, so they stay fighting for an up or down vote.Now, meet 5 Republican Senators who join a "Gang" to undermind the will of the American People. (Thank you Maelstorm for your great thread and info)HERE is the House BillHERE is the "press release" from our "Gang" Time to melt the phones of the GANG- and tell them we want the House Bill. No matter WHAT excuse or explanation they give you. You tell them- WE WANT THE HOUSE BILL- THERE IS NO NEED FOR GANGS! NONE! THIS IS WHAT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE...