Keyword: garyaldrich
A little publicized IRS decision should have conservatives who write about politics very alarmed. The IRS revoked the tax-exempt status of a conservative political organization, the Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty (PHCIL), due to a handful of articles that founder Gary Aldrich wrote in his personal capacity. His decade-old articles simply criticized Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, which the IRS claimed constituted electioneering. The articles were linked to as "alerts" from the PHCIL website. The American Spectator noted, “Although the literature demands that those like Clinton and Kerry be kept out of power, it never specifically says, ‘Don’t vote...
This will be the first in a series of vignettes about sexual assault, coverup, and intimidation. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by a law student at the college. No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue confirmed the incident. NAME THAT RAPIST
April 27, 2014 NEW IRS BOMBSHELL: 'MOST AUDACIOUS POWER PLAY YET' Agency clobbers fierce critic of Obama, Clintons Garth Kant WASHINGTON — It was the nearly silent bombshell of the IRS scandal, but it may have been one of the most significant. ... When the IRS stripped the Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty, or PHC, of its tax-exempt status, it ... may have been the most audacious power play yet by the left in its use of the department to wage war on conservatives. Additionally, the PHC is unique among the IRS’ recent known victims: ... Unlike the tea-party...
<p>The Internal Revenue Service has revoked the tax-exempt status of a conservative charity for making statements critical of Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Kerry, according to a USA Today report.</p>
<p>The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty, based in Manassas, Va., “has shown a pattern of deliberate and consistent intervention in political campaigns” and made “repeated statements supporting or opposing various candidates by expressing its opinion of the respective candidate’s character and qualifications,” according to a written determination released Friday by the IRS.</p>
The Internal Revenue Service has revoked the tax-exemption for a conservative charity, saying the group’s criticism of Hillary Clinton and John Kerry violated rules against political activity. The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty engaged in “deliberate and consistent intervention in political campaigns,” according to the IRS decision released Friday and first reported by USA Today... Tax-exempt groups are restricted from engaging in certain political activity, including participating in partisan campaigns in support or opposition to a candidate. The IRS said the Patrick Henry Center violated this rule, in part, by publishing “alerts” on its website that highlighted columns by...
I have extensive experience in national security matters, including years served in the House, the Senate and the White House, where I was detailed as senior FBI special agent liaison and investigator with the Bush and Clinton White House counsel’s office. There was never a question that national security was a top priority for George H.W. Bush’s executive branch. The security system was ironclad, serious and professional. The rest of the federal agencies followed the lead of the Bush White House. Our national security group consisted of the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Defense and the Secret Service, all...
Gary Aldrich, a former FBI agent whose widely discredited expose of the Clinton White House launched him into a second career on the margins of the conservative movement, is reinventing himself yet again - this time as a player in the grassroots tea party movement. Aldrich in recent months has aggressively worked the tea party circuit, advising activists how to avoid liberal media attacks, seeking support from some of the movement’s most prominent leaders, throwing himself into inter-movement skirmishes – and even boasting of using his FBI-honed skills to investigate rivals of a group he endorsed.
Yes, this is the real Hillary. Given the power of the White House and no fear of impeachment, she would be a totalitarian. It would be like nothing this nation has ever before seen.
"GOOD MORNING, MRS. PRESIDENT" UNLIMITED ACCESS ^ | 1996 | Gary Aldrich EXCERPT FROM "UNLIMITED ACCESS" "Thanks, Gary. But I'm calling for another reason. I want to know what the heck is going on with Hillary Clinton." I wasn't sure what she meant. "I have a friend up here who just returned from a conference at the White House, and if what she tells me is true, Hillary must really be wacky!" "Like what?" "Well, three health insurance company executives hired my lobbyist friend to go with them to the White House to present their solution for the health care...
EXCERPT FROM "UNLIMITED ACCESS" - discussion with a friend named Karen who had worked in President Bush's Visitor's Office "Thanks, Gary. But I'm calling for another reason. I want to know what the heck is going on with Hillary Clinton." I wasn't sure what she meant. "I have a friend up here who just returned from a conference at the White House, and if what she tells me is true, Hillary must really be wacky!" "Like what?" "Well, three health insurance company executives hired my lobbyist friend to go with them to the White House to present their solution for...
FBI, in context by Gary Aldrich (thought provoking insider view) Media fairness is never expected when it comes to reporting on federal agencies. That rule of thumb has applied to the FBI for as long as I have been aware of the FBI’s work. But bad publicity for no legitimate reason cannot help an agency achieve its mission. I don’t think I’ll get an argument when I claim that law enforcement types are probably not the best individuals to send out to confront the fourth estate. Media relations are best left to the professionals, but sometimes we need to hear...
As one of the premier initiatives of the Patrick Henry Center’s mission, we have been seeking to foster conservative political action among conscientious students on campuses across the country. It just so happens that one of those schools is the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill—which we chose for its notorious promotion of “politically correct” policies above free speech and intellectual diversity. Unfortunately, it has become notorious for something much more harrowing in recent days. In an obvious case of terrorism, a Muslim alumnus of the school attempted to run down and kill a large crowd of students in...
I used to think that any fool would know the difference between an FBI investigation and a real U.S. military action, but that's before the Clinton administration. Eight years of Bill and Hillary Clinton forever changed my views about the political world. I used to think liberals were interesting, and in a way entertaining. Today I have concluded that if they're in power, they're dangerous to the national security. But even more dangerous are the ignorant citizens who vote for liberal policies. Why? Because they are "used" by dishonest politicians seeking to move a flawed and failed agenda forward. ...
Ed Klein's new book "The Truth About Hillary" has provoked a veritable tsunami of media outrage over its lurid insinuations about the nation's most popular elected female and her husband, with even some conservatives upset over details he has unearthed. The Hillary book brouhaha, however, isn't the first time inside revelations about the former first couple have sent reporters into cardiac arrest. Former FBI agent Gary Aldrich's 1996 expose about the Clinton White House, "Unlimited Access," was greeted with the same kind of hysterical denunciations. And yes, even a few conservatives joined in. On ABC's "This Week," noted conservative columnist...
The FBI is in the news again, and yet again, the news isn’t good. The legendary crime-fighting, spy-catching agency that J. Edgar Hoover founded can’t get a break. First it was revealed that Mark Felt, the number two executive to Acting FBI Director L. Patrick Gray, was “Deep Throat,” and that Felt was all but passing out official FBI FD-302’s, which are reports of interrogations with key witnesses in the Watergate case.
"Deep Throat" has at last come forward. Arguably the most notorious informant in recent history is former FBI official W. Mark Felt, and it's been confirmed by The Washington Post. Mr. Felt was second-in-command at the FBI during Watergate, and is now 91 years of age. In stepping forward, he not only destroys his reputation, but he takes a chunk out of the reputation of the agency that supported him and his family in a comfortable lifestyle for so many years. Had Mr. Felt used the lawful route to voice his concerns about the Nixon administration he might be remembered...
Is it too soon to get agitated about the possibility of Senator Hillary Clinton running for president in 2008? Not according to Stephen Minarik the head of New York’s GOP. In a recent fundraising letter he wrote, "It's a race for America…stopping Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most important thing you and I can do as Republicans in the next two years." Minarik went on to remind his readers that it is the duty of Republicans to stop Hillary’s presidential quest by running her out of the U.S. Senate. It might be helpful if the GOP would focus on a...
Borrowing a page from President Bush, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton told a Boston audience this week that prayer has always played a meaningful role in her life - though accounts from her days as a student radical suggest that's probably not true. "I've always been a praying person," Clinton told a crowd of more than 500, including many religious leaders, at Boston's Fairmont Copley Plaza. According to the Boston Globe, the newly religious former first lady "invoked God more than half a dozen times" as she urged society to accommodate religious people who "live out their faith in the...
You don't have to take it from us about Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton 's desire to run for president. Her brothers, Hugh and Tony Rodham, say it's true. Friends tell us that the two are cheering Sis on and say she's making all the moves to get ready for the race--presuming she is re-elected by New Yorkers in 2006.
On the eve of President Bush's second inauguration, New York Sen. Hillary Clinton is blasting him as the "fear factor" president who tries to sell his irresponsible agenda by scaring the voters. "The fear factor has become the overriding strategic approach that this administration uses," Clinton complained to the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. The likely 2008 presidential candidate told the paper that Bush has used scare tactics to rally public support on issues ranging from U.S. policy in Iraq to privatization of Social Security. On Iraq Clinton griped that Bush had even botched the election process, saying that regional balloting...