Keyword: flotilla
Obama's good pal Rashid Khalidi raised money for the venture. In 2008 The LA Times withheld a video that contained footage of Barack Obama celebrating with a group of Palestinians who were openly hostile towards Israel. Barack Obama reportedly even gave a toast to a former PLO operative, Rashid Khalidi, at this celebration. This was something the LA Times hid from the American public before the election. The media refused to release the video. Terrorist Bill Ayers, Barack Obama and his good friend Jew-hater Rashid Khalidi There were also reports that terrorists Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn were...
Approximately 1,000 boats will gather in Turkey on Wednesday before heading toward Gaza in an attempt to break the Israeli blockade and disrupt maritime trade coming into Israel during the war with Hamas, in an apparent repeat of similar attempts from over a decade ago. In an interview with Turkish news website Haber7, Volkan Okçu, one of the organizers of the protest, indicated the boats will carry 4,500 people from 40 countries, “including anti-Zionist Jews.” Among the 1,000 vessels would be 313 boats filled with Russian activists, and 104 filled with Spanish activists, he said. Only 12 Turkish vessels will...
A flotilla of flimsy boats, crowded with migrants and launched from Tunisia, overwhelmed a tiny southern Italian island on Wednesday, taxing the coast guard’s capability to intercept the smugglers’ vessels and testing Premier Giorgia Meloni’s pledge to thwart irregular migration. Compounding the political pressure on Italy’s first post-war far-right leader were vows by France and Germany to rebuff migrants who arrive by sea on Italian shores, and, in defiance of European Union asylum system rules, head northward to try to find jobs or relatives. Starting early Tuesday, the unseaworthy, overcrowded iron boats, came one after the other in what appeared...
The Japanese government has lashed out at Beijing, condemning an incident wherein a flotilla of Chinese government vessels breached Japan-claimed waters around the around the disputed Senkaku islands in the East China Sea.Tokyo has lodged a formal diplomatic complaint after a Japanese-registered private vessel operating within Japanese-controlled waters was approached by four Chinese Coast Guard ships in the early morning hours of Monday. Tokyo says its coast guard patrols forced the Chinese ships to depart the area.Illustrative file image, via Kyodo NewsThe encounter was tense, based on the description given to US military news outlet Stars & Stripes, which recounted...
At a time when the mere thought of Russian vodka or caviar, let alone oil or gas, prompts uncontrollable shaking and revulsion, Reuters reports that no less than 12 tankers carrying Russia-linked cargoes of crude and refined products were approaching the United States on Wednesday, as suppliers rushed to deliver ahead of the U.S. government’s deadline to wind down Russian energy purchases, data from traders and Refinitiv Eikon showed. While the US recently banned Russian energy product imports due to the invasion of Ukraine, Washington’s ban gives importers a 45-day window until April 22 to discharge cargoes moving under pre-ban...
Terrorist lawyer Huwaida Arraf in campaign launch An anti-Israel activist who helped organize the 2010 flotilla of ships to the Gaza Strip and was the lawyer for a Palestinian terrorist who killed two Jewish college students is running for Congress as a Democrat in Michigan. Huwaida Arraf, who this week launched her campaign based on her record of "fighting injustice" on the world stage, is an activist lawyer who cofounded the International Solidarity Movement, which encourages anti-Israel activists to take "direct action" to force confrontations with Israeli forces. Arraf has used her status as an American citizen to protect Palestinian...
Australian Federal Police arrest Ahmed Talib in Melbourne, March 25, 2021. (Australia Federal Police) Australian who worked with Al Qaeda was also involved with Islamic extremists in the violent 2010 Gaza flotilla incident. By World Israel News Staff A Melbourne man arrested for allegedly recruiting jihadist terrorists and who was involved in the violent Mavi Marmara incident is on the U.S. terror watch list, the Australia/Israel Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) reported on its website. Australia citizens Ahmed Luqman Talib and Gabriel Crazzi were arrested by Australia Federal Police and face numerous charges related to recruiting people and trying to send...
I am trying to find out if anyone is organizing a Trump car parade somewhere in the Southeast, USA near my hometown of Atlanta, GA. Is there a URL somewhere that lists upcoming planned parades? Car and/or boats?
The Florida campaign brain trust for President Donald Trump‘s reelection bid say they’re seeing supporters’ enthusiasm riding high, as reflected in crowds, canvassing efforts, volunteers, turnouts, and even in boat parades. Susie Wiles, Florida senior adviser to the campaign and a longtime go-to for Republicans’ Sunshine State must-win efforts, says she’s perhaps seeing more enthusiasm than in 2016 when tens of thousands of volunteers, all zealous to help, turned out to drive Trump’s surprise victory. “It could be a bigger number than in 2016. That was the most I had ever seen, but it is more than it was then,”...
Carlos Gavidia, who earned national attention for his "Trumptilla" boat parades, is expected to be charged with sending a threatening text, a felony, to a resident of his former Jupiter country club community after they clashed over politics, his attorney told The Palm Beach Post on Monday. Gavidia will surrender at the Palm Beach County Jail on Tuesday morning, said attorney Stuart Kaplan. The criminal charge would come just days after Gavidia attended President Trump’s Republican National Convention speech on the White House lawn Thursday night. Gavidia organized the boat parades with his vessel as the centerpiece. He renamed his...
NORTH MIAMI, Fla. – Dozens of area boaters took to the water Saturday afternoon for a rally supporting President Donald J. Trump’s re-election campaign. Participants sailed from North Miami and traveled to Fisher Island, showcasing their support with music and waving Trump 2020 flags. Supporters were seen along the shoreline cheering as the boats passed by. The pro-Trump floatillas have caught on across the United States after beginning among MAGA devotees right here in South Florida and with large water-rally gatherings catching on from South Carolina to Southern California. Over the July 4th weekend, the Trump campaign reported that its...
This event may have already been posted, I did a search but didn't find it. I've been ill lately, and haven't been on FR for days, so maybe I missed it, if so, admins, please delete. This is a youtube video of the Gulf Beaches Flotilla held on the weekend. They are attempting to win a Guiness Record for the largest flotilla. The best coverage, believe it or not, was in the Tampa Bay Times. They let me read this article and view their video which is awe inspiring, background music Lee Greenwood (I don't know who made it but...
A top adviser to President Obama is the contact person within the White House for communications with the Free Gaza Movement over plans to challenge Israel's blockade of the terrorist Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, according to a reputable source close to the Netanyahu government. The source, a career official whose reliability was established through his tips for the book, "Why Israel Can't Wait," identified John O. Brennan, deputy national security adviser for homeland security and counterterrorism, as the contact. The allegation raises the bizarre possibility that the Free Gaza Movement's flotilla action in the Mediterranean was being coordinated with the White...
MK Hanin Zoabi (Joint List), who participated in the 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla which ultimately resulted in the cutting of ties between Israel and Turkey, on Sunday night said the reconciliation agreement between the two countries was a clear “admission of murder” by Israel. "Israel's agreement to transfer 21 million shekels to the Turks constitutes a clear admission of guilt. Even if Israel does not acknowledge it, it is a confession to the murder of nine people, wounding of dozens, kidnapping and piracy in international waters and false persecution,” she charged. Zoabi called for more flotillas like the Marmara one...
Organizers of the US boat participating in the flotilla to Gaza said Friday afternoon that their boat, The Audacity of Hope, was stopped by Greek authorities 15 to 20 minutes after leaving a Greek port, while still in the country's territorial waters. Minutes earlier, organizers said that the ship's passengers were preparing to "non-violently resist any efforts to stop the boat," saying moments later that the boat "is about to set sail," followed by a message saying that the ship had departed. Through the boat's twitter feed, organizers said that a Greek Coast Guard vessel approached The Audacity of Hope...
The institute raising money for an attempt to run the Gaza blockade next year has strong links to a former CIA spy who outed thousands of CIA agents. Throughout this summer and fall, the anti-Israel group “U.S. to Gaza” held many fundraisers around the United States, seeking to raise as much as $370,000 to join a “peace flotilla” to run the Israeli blockade of Gaza. A Pajamas Media investigation has determined that the non-profit organization which accepts the public’s donations and will pay for all of its activities is a shadowy and virulently anti-American group innocuously called the Institute for...
Israel's embassy in France has formally complained to the French government, following an Arutz Sheva report which revealed Paris is funding at least one of the extremist organizations involved in coordinating the anti-Israel "Freedom Flotilla III" to Gaza. The flotilla is attempting to breach the IDF's blockade of the Hamas-ruled territory, which the 70-odd anti-Israel activists taking part claim is "illegal." In 2011, however, the UN's Palmer Report ruled that the blockade was in fact an entirely legal means for Israel to prevent weapons and rocket-making equipment from being smuggled into Gaza. Last week Arutz Sheva revealed that among the...
An IDF spokesman said Monday morning that after careful deliberation and exhaustive diplomatic efforts, Israeli security forces acted to prevent the flotilla Marianne av Göteborg from breaching the the shores of Gaza, violating Israel's naval blockade of the coastal enclave. According to the IDF, Israeli security forces boarded the vessel without incident after passengers made it clear after numerous attempts that they would not acquiesce to the Army's demands and were subsequently force to proceed towards the port of Ashdod. The vessel is currently being escorted to Ashdod Port and is expected to arrive within 12-24 hours. Participants are protesting...
After MK Basal Ghattas (Joint Arab List) sent Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu several letters protesting the IDF’s intention to prevent the Freedom Flotilla III, the Prime Minister is sending back letters to members of the flotilla. In his letter, Netanyahu says to flotilla members that they apparently “got lost.” “Welcome to Israel, but if it’s freedom you have in mind, maybe you meant to sail to another destination not far from here—Syria. There, the government is murdering and slaughtering its citizens daily, with the support of Iran,” the letter says. The letter lists the large amount of medical and other...
By Joel Leyden Israel News AgencyJerusalem, Israel — June 28, 2015 … In response to a PR stunt using a flotilla of boats to illegally enter Gaza, paid activists supporting Hamas in Gaza will be welcomed to Israel with a letter from the Prime Minister’s Office. The letter will be given to 50 people on the boats as they are legally detained in Israeli waters and escorted to Ashdod. The letter, which will be distributed with food and drinks, reads: “Welcome to Israel! Perhaps you meant to set sail for a place not far from here – Syria.” “There the...