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Keyword: federalcrime

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  • Muslim Terrorist Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi Who Shouted “ALLAHU AKBAR!” While Shooting Jewish Man Going to Synagogue, Then Waited to Open Fire on Police Is NOT Charged with Hate Crime in Democrat Chicago

    10/29/2024 3:32:10 AM PDT · by george76 · 29 replies
    Geller Report ^ | October 28, 2024 | Pamela Geller-
    The jihadi gunam has finally been identified as Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi, 22 (pictured.) Sidi Mohamed Abdallahi. No hate crime charges. No terrorism charges. Democrat run America is a threat to Jewish survival. Screaming “ALLAHU AKBAR,” Jihadi Shoots Young Jewish Man Shot On His Way to Synagogue in Broad Daylight in Chicago Jewish Suburb
  • Kansas City X Account Apologizes After ‘Doxxing’ Chiefs Kicker for Sharing Catholic Beliefs

    05/19/2024 11:53:18 AM PDT · by nickcarraway · 36 replies
    Washington Examiner ^ | May 16, 2024 | Peter Cordi
    The city of Kansas City’s X account has apologized and deleted a post that shared the location of the suburb where Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker lives after his commencement speech at a Catholic college sparked controversy on the political Left. The account for the Missouri city “doxxed” the three-time Super Bowl-winning kicker on X on Wednesday, offering followers a “reminder” of where he lives. After receiving pushback online, the account apologized and removed the post, claiming it was published “in error.” “We apologies for our previous tweet,” the account posted. “It was shared in error.” The apology was met with...
  • Eric Swalwell and the Politics of Contempt

    12/18/2023 8:06:12 AM PST · by george76 · 14 replies
    Jonathan Turley ^ | December 18, 2023 | Jonathan Turley
    Below is my column in The Hill on the bizarre scene last week in front of the Capitol when Rep. Eric Swalwell drove up with Hunter Biden and facilitated a flagrant act of contempt of Congress, a federal crime. Swalwell used his office and presumably his staff to assist in the defiance of a valid subpoena for Hunter to appear before a House committee. The House will now presumably hold Hunter in contempt and refer the matter for prosecution. The question is what to do with Eric Swalwell. Here is the column: This week, millions of people were glued to...
  • Fake COVID vaccination cards are spreading like a virus online

    04/10/2021 2:22:25 AM PDT · by Oshkalaboomboom · 52 replies
    NY Post ^ | 4/9/2021 | Crystal Bell
    A black market in fake vaccination record cards is reaching epidemic proportions online. Fraudsters have been hawking knock-offs of the three-by-four-inch cards on retail sites including eBay, Etsy and Shopify, as well as on the social media sites Facebook and TikTok, the New York Times reported this week. The Post, meanwhile, has found dozens of online DIY guides for printing fake vaccination cards at home. The counterfeiting has ballooned in recent weeks following news that an official vaccination card could soon become a central requirement to travel on airplanes and attend events. And sellers and buyer are breaking federal law...
  • Attorney General Barr Holds News Conference (Organized Riots)

    05/30/2020 12:16:17 PM PDT · by Jane Long · 54 replies
    C-Spam ^ | May 30, 2020 | C-Spam
    AG William Barr addresses riots taking place in the country saying that groups of “radicals & agitators” are “exploiting the situation to pursue their own separate & violent agenda.” He says the violence appears organized by left extremist groups. - - - Boom!
  • Intimidating a journalist to become a federal crime

    02/08/2018 9:30:02 AM PST · by Sean_Anthony · 48 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | 02/08/17 | Judi McLeod
    The Rise of the #MeToo-Toos: It would be laughable if it were not so cunning in intent: the Journalist Protection Act to protect reporters from the “toxic environment” supposedly created by President Donald Trump, who truthfully accuses media outlets like CNN of reporting “fake news”. If California Democrat Eric Swalwell gets his way—and with Maxine Waters among 12 other Congressional Democrats on his side, who’s to say he won’t—it will now be a federal crime to “intimidate” or attack journalists.
  • Rand Paul’s alleged attacker charged with federal crime

    01/19/2018 4:49:30 PM PST · by jazusamo · 49 replies
    The Hill ^ | January 19, 2018 | Jesse Byrnes
    The neighbor of Sen. Rand Paul who is accused of attacking the Kentucky Republican has been charged with a federal crime, the Department of Justice announced Friday. Rene Boucher, 58, of Bowling Green, Ky., has been charged with assaulting a member of Congress, resulting in personal injury, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Indiana Josh Minkler announced. On Nov. 3, Boucher allegedly "had enough" after seeing Paul stack brush onto a pile near the senator's property, according to court documents. Boucher then ran onto Paul's property and tackled him, leaving him with six broken ribs, the documents state. Paul...
  • Threatening letter sent to Donald Trump's son, Eric

    03/17/2016 11:26:04 PM PDT · by Pinkbell · 152 replies
    CBS News ^ | March 18, 2016
    NEW YORK -- The Secret Service, FBI and New York Police Department are investigating what sources tell CBS News is a threatening piece of mail sent to Donald Trump's son, Eric Trump. The mail, sent to Eric Trump at his posh Manhattan residence at 100 Central Park South, also known as Trump Parc East, was opened by his wife Thursday. A source close to the investigation said the letter had a Massachusetts postmark and warned that if Donald Trump doesn't withdraw from the race for the Republican presidential nomination -- paraphrasing -- harm will come to the kids. Investigators in...
  • Rodman Brings Bread and Circuses to Pyongyang(breaks UN sanction)

    01/08/2014 1:39:06 PM PST · by TigerLikesRooster · 34 replies
    Weekly Standard ^ | Jan 7, 2014 | DENNIS P. HALPIN
    Rodman Brings Bread and Circuses to Pyongyang 8:16 AM, Jan 7, 2014 • By DENNIS P. HALPIN .... The bread being brought by Rodman to accompany the circus is allegedly in the form of luxury birthday gifts for the North Korean dictator and his wife. Rodman seems oblivous to North Korea’s near starvation of its people, human rights atrocities, gulags, and nuclear and missile adventurism, and appears equally unconcerned that providing Pyongyang with any luxury goods is a violation of the sanctions imposed by United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution 2094, adopted on March 7, 2013, and previous resolutions .....
  • White House indicates Sebelius won't be punished over Hatch Act violation

    09/13/2012 7:23:54 PM PDT · by tobyhill · 42 replies
    fox news ^ | 9/13/2012 | staff
    The White House indicated that Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius would probably not be punished, after federal investigators determined she had violated the law when she campaigned earlier this year for President Obama. Sebelius broke the law by making "extemporaneous partisan remarks" during a speech in February at a Human Rights Campaign Event in Charlotte, N.C., according to the Office of Special Counsel (OSC). She made the comments in the city that would later host the Democratic National Convention. White House spokesman Eric Schultz explained in a statement that the administration has already taken action on the matter,...
  • Chevy Volt Costing Taxpayers Up to $250K Per Vehicle (old, but little known!)

    03/05/2012 4:55:40 PM PST · by Ron C. · 8 replies ^ | Dec. 21, 2011 | Tom Gantert
    (Editor’s note: This article has been updated with a reaction from a General Motor's official.)Each Chevy Volt sold thus far may have as much as $250,000 in state and federal dollars in incentives behind it – a total of $3 billion altogether, according to an analysis by James Hohman, assistant director of fiscal policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.Hohman looked at total state and federal assistance offered for the development and production of the Chevy Volt, General Motors’ plug-in hybrid electric vehicle. His analysis included 18 government deals that included loans, rebates, grants and tax credits. The amount...
  • Obama White House cavalier toward technology policies aimed at preventing abuses of Presidential

    06/11/2010 8:50:45 AM PDT · by Nachum · 7 replies · 397+ views
    the daily caller ^ | 6/11/10 | Jonathan Strong
    When the administration slapped the wrist of one of its top technology officials this spring for violating Barack Obama’s ethics pledge, a spokesman claimed the breaches were isolated incidents. But a Daily Caller investigation reveals a cavalier attitude at the Obama White House toward longstanding safeguards designed to prevent abuses of the Presidential Records Act and other laws – including acts that carry serious legal implications. Two sources say a top White House technology official, Chief Information Officer Brook Colangelo, routinely asked technology vendors for special deals based on his position as a public official.
  • Oh my: Administration admits that Colorado Dem was offered job to drop out of primary

    06/02/2010 2:52:17 PM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 11 replies · 808+ views
    Hot Air ^ | June 2, 2010 | Allahpundit
    Alternate headline: “Sestak story just getting started.” The news here isn’t that Andrew Romanoff was offered a job to help clear the way for Michael Bennet in the Senate primary; the Denver Post reported that allllll the way back in September of last year, citing multiple sources in the state Democratic leadership. The news is that the White House denied it at the time and that unnamed “administration officials” are formally un-denying it now. From last September: Jim Messina, President Barack Obama’s deputy chief of staff and a storied fixer in the White House political shop, suggested a place for...
  • New York Times Excuses Sestak Bribe Offer

    05/29/2010 10:10:41 AM PDT · by nhungerford · 19 replies · 514+ views
    David Horowitz's NewsReal Blog ^ | 5/29/10 | Joseph Klein
    The New York Times editorializes today that There doesn’t seem to be anything terribly unethical about the White House offer of an unpaid advisory position to Joe Sestak if he would bow out of the Pennsylvania Democratic primary, in which he later defeated Senator Arlen Specter. The Times‘ only criticism of the offer was that it was an “unintelligent” thing to do. How far the Times will go in making excuses for its favorite president is no better demonstrated than by its willingness to excuse a prima facie case of an attempted quid pro quo in violation of federal statute...
  • Judicial Watch Statement on Sestak Scandal (Holder's refusal is a disgrace and will not stand)

    05/29/2010 8:52:02 AM PDT · by Libloather · 13 replies · 1,000+ views
    Yahoo ^ | 5/27/10
    Judicial Watch Statement on Sestak ScandalThu May 27, 2:40 pm ET WASHINGTON, May 27 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton issued the following statement today regarding the federal position allegedly offered by the Obama White House to Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA). Rep. Sestak has claimed repeatedly that the Obama White House tried to persuade him to abandon his Democratic primary challenge to Senator Arlen Specter by offering a high-level position in the Obama administration. Rep. Sestak's allegations are extremely serious and yet we've heard nothing from the Obama White House so far but vague denials of wrongdoing and outright...
  • White House Asked Bill Clinton to Urge Sestak to Drop Out of Senate Race

    05/28/2010 8:01:50 AM PDT · by tcrlaf · 179 replies · 3,386+ views
    Fox News ^ | 5-28-10 | Fox News
    The White House asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Rep. Joe Sestak about the possibility of obtaining a senior position in the Obama administration if he would drop out of the Democratic primary race against establishment-backed Sen. Arlen Specter, the Obama administration will say in a report to be released Friday morning, Fox News has confirmed. The report, by the White House Counsel's office, will describe the Clinton conversations as informal and unhinged from any precise job offer since, as a former president, Clinton could not guarantee Sestak anything. The conversations with Sestak were initiated by Clinton at...
  • The Joe Sestak “Question” – Anatomy Of An Interview That Spread Like Wildfire

    05/28/2010 4:43:51 PM PDT · by onyx · 64 replies · 1,301+ views
    The Larry Kane Report ^ | May 28, 2010 | Larry Kane
    May 28th 2010 — Posted to News Flash So how did it happen? How did a straightforward question and blunt answer bring anxiety to the White House? I’ll tell you the story.For over three months now, friends and others have asked me to recount the events of February 18th of this year, when a single question from me to Congressman Joe Sestak unleashed a controversy that remains to this day. Is it a political issue? Is it illegal? I can’t answer those questions, but I can tell you how casually it all happened, and what basis I had for asking...
  • Issa's response to Sestak

    05/28/2010 12:19:38 PM PDT · by PhilosopherStone1000 · 24 replies · 1,287+ views
    House of Representatives ^ | May 28, 2010 | Rep. Darrell Issa
    “After more than ten weeks of outstanding questions, the White House has offered a version of events that has important differences from what Congressman Sestak has been saying for months – that he was offered a ‘job’ by ‘someone in the White House’ in exchange for leaving the Pennsylvania Senate race. “I’m very concerned that in the rush to put together this report, the White House has done everything but explain its own actions and has instead worked to craft a story behind closed doors and coordinate with those involved. The White House has admitted today to coordinating an arrangement...
  • The Silence of the Sestak: The Big Me involved?; Update: WH memo released

    05/28/2010 9:20:33 AM PDT · by RobinMasters · 14 replies · 711+ views
    Hot Air ^ | MAY 28, 2010 | ED MORRISSEY
    With the political world holding its breath for the Friday-afternoon document dump containing the Obama White House response to the Joe Sestak scandal, Greg Sargent gets a sneak peek at the possible defense. The Obama administration will say that it asked Bill Clinton to conduct “informal” talks with Sestak to determine his political ambitions, which Sestak then mischaracterized afterward: Senior White House advisers asked former President Bill Clinton to talk to Joe Sestak about whether he was serious about running for Senate, and to feel out whether he’d be open to other alternatives, according to sources familiar with the situation....
  • Sestak-gate: White House Offered Romanoff Job Too

    Allegations that the White House offered Joe Sestak a job in exchange for dropping out of the Pennsylvania Senate race echo an earlier report of a job offer to candidate Andrew Romanoff in Colorado. On September 27, 2009 the Denver Post reported that the Obama administration offered Senate candidate Romanoff a position if he canceled plans to run for the Democratic nomination against incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet. The paper said the job offer, which specified particular jobs, was reportedly delivered by Jim Messina, Obama’s deputy chief of staff. One position cited by the Post was a job at USAID, the...