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Keyword: equalrightsamendment

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  • Biden Says the Equal Rights Amendment is the "Law of the Land"

    01/17/2025 1:17:18 PM PST · by riverdawg · 56 replies
    Wall Street Journal ^ | January 17, 2025 | Catherine Lucey, Jess Bravin
    WASHINGTON—President Biden moved to enshrine the Equal Rights Amendment in the Constitution, declaring that the measure to prohibit sex-based discrimination had cleared the necessary hurdles to go into effect after a half-century of debate. The announcement came just days before Biden is set to surrender power to President-elect Donald Trump, and it was certain to face legal challenges and fierce objections from Republicans.
  • 120 House Dems Call on Biden to Get Equal Rights Amendment Ratified

    12/15/2024 6:58:58 PM PST · by MinorityRepublican · 42 replies
    Rolling Stone ^ | December 15, 2024 | Peter Wade
    Members of the House authored a letter urging President Joe Biden to take action to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, protecting rights for all regardless of sex, before he leaves office early next year. “As we approach the conclusion of your historic administration, we urge you to take immediate action to recognize the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) as the 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution,” they wrote in the letter dated Sunday. “We must continue our efforts to fully affirm and recognize the equality of rights for all people, regardless of sex, as part of our Constitution,...
  • "URGENT TODAY": STOP the US Senate from Advancing the Equal Rights Amendment

    04/26/2023 5:53:22 AM PDT · by Blood of Tyrants · 39 replies
    The Eagle Forum via Email ^ | 4/26/23 | unknown
    After fifty years, the Equal Rights Amendment is again rearing its ugly head. After a contentious hearing on the ERA in February, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to bring legislation (S.J. Res. 4) to the floor to remove the seven-year deadline on Thursday, April 27. There are 53 co-sponsors for this revival of the ERA, but because the vote will be on ‘cloture,’ 60 votes are needed to advance the resolution. While proponents claim that this amendment will give women “rights,” it actually does the opposite.
  • Senate will vote on Equal Rights Amendment this week, Schumer says

    04/25/2023 9:41:38 PM PDT · by Olog-hai · 28 replies
    One America News ^ | 6:32 PM – Tuesday, April 25, 2023 | Brooke Mallory
    The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) will be put to a vote in the Senate this week, according to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in an announcement on Monday. […] Schumer argued for the new vote on the ERA by citing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade last year, as well as the ongoing legal dispute over the popular abortion drug mifepristone. […] In 2020, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the ERA after Nevada and Illinois did so in 2017 and 2018. The ERA would no longer have to be ratified by the original deadline under...
  • Outgoing chief archivist at center of ERA fight and Trump documents controversy

    02/20/2022 6:14:37 PM PST · by Beowulf9 · 11 replies ^ | Feb 11, 2022 | Devan Cole
    Washington (CNN)Recent controversies over the certification of the Equal Rights Amendment and improper record-keeping of Trump-era documents have pushed the nation's chief archivist, whose typical pro forma responsibilities render him unknown to all but the most knowledgeable Washingtonians, into the middle of several high-profile political dramas.
  • Democrats support bill that would legalize female genital mutilation

    03/01/2017 11:42:09 AM PST · by VegasVictor · 52 replies
    Las Vegas Review-Journal ^ | 03/01/2017 | Victor Joecks
    The Nevada Senate will soon consider a bill that would overturn Nevada’s ban on female genital mutilation, and Senate Democrats are tripping over themselves to vote for it. Why would anyone support rolling back a ban on something Nevada law defines as sexual abuse? That’s one of the questions supporters of Senate Joint Resolution 2, the “Equal Rights Amendment” to the U.S. Constitution, should answer before voting on it as early as Wednesday.
  • Phyllis Schlafly, 1924-2016 (Phyllis Schlafly has died)

    09/05/2016 4:16:10 PM PDT · by RightGeek · 233 replies ^ | 9/5/2016 | Christine Rouselle
    Conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly passed away on Monday. She was 92. Schlafly, the founder of Eagle Forum, rose to prominence in the 1960s when she wrote the book A Choice, Not an Echo, which sold more than three million copies. She was a leading voice of opposition against the Equal Rights Amendment, fighting to preserve traditional gender roles. She wrote a total of 23 books, the most recent being an expanded edition of A Choice, Not an Echo. In March, Schlafly endorsed Donald Trump for president. Schafly was predeceased by her husband, John, and is survived by her six children.
  • Capitol Hill Buzz: Meryl Streep asks Congress to revive ERA

    06/23/2015 12:32:15 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 22 replies
    Associated Press ^ | Jun 23, 2015 3:06 AM EDT | Charles Babington
    No actor or actress can match Meryl Streep’s 19 Academy Award nominations, and only Katharine Hepburn has bested her three Oscars for acting. So maybe it’s conceivable that Streep’s letter Tuesday to each member of Congress can somehow revive the Equal Rights Amendment, politically dormant since its high-water mark four decades ago. “I am writing to ask you to stand up for equality—for your mother, your daughter, your sister, your wife or yourself—by actively supporting the Equal Rights Amendment,” Streep writes. Each packet includes a copy of “Equal Means Equal,” a book by Jessica Neuwirth, president of the ERA Coalition....
  • Republican Rodney Frelinghuysen campaigning for 11th term in Congress(donates to Planned Parenthood)

    10/31/2014 8:02:13 PM PDT · by Coleus · 37 replies
    The Record ^ | 10.25.14 | MINJAE PARK
    Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, who is seeking an 11th term in Congress in the Nov. 4 election, struck a moderate note on social issues in a meeting with The Record editorial board, even as he criticized President Obama on many issues. In a wide-ranging interview on Thursday, Frelinghuysen, R-Harding Township, said he favors exploring alternatives to a regional water authority’s plan to drain three Garret Mountain reservoirs — two of them in Woodland Park, at the eastern edge of his 11th District – and replace them with concrete tank farms. He called the scenic New Street and Great Notch reservoirs in...
  • Equal Rights measure splitting lawmakers in Senate committee (Push to ratify ERA)

    03/06/2009 6:42:47 PM PST · by PAR35 · 6 replies · 631+ views
    Arkansas Demorcrat Gazette ^ | 3/3/09 | BY SETH BLOMELEY AND MICHAEL R. WICKLINE
    The sponsor of a resolution to have Arkansas adopt a proposed U.S. constitutional amendment for equal rights for women says she's struggling to find enough votes in the face of strong opposition. Senate Joint Resolution 12 would have Arkansas ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. ....
  • The Real Romney? (Video)

    09/04/2007 11:35:13 AM PDT · by 2ndDivisionVet · 128 replies · 1,798+ views
    YouTube ^ | 1/9/07
    Very damaging video on Mitt Romney, in his own words....