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  • Obama’s ineligibility: May the Constitution rest in peace

    05/10/2011 6:22:56 AM PDT · by Ordinary_American · 38 replies
    Canada Free Press ^ | May 10, 2011 | Lawrence Sellin
    The Supreme Court can pack up shop. We won’t need it anymore. The political elites will now decide what parts of the Constitution they will choose to follow and which ones they prefer to ignore. Their propaganda ministry, the main stream media, will provide the necessary thought control. The junta, formerly known as the US Government, reeks of corruption. Thanks to the malfeasance or political cowardice of the Republican and Democratic Parties, we now have an ineligible individual, Barack Hussein Obama, occupying the White House. In addition, there is an increasing amount of credible evidence to suggest that forgery may...
  • Roberts: Scene at State of Union `very troubling'

    03/09/2010 3:06:36 PM PST · by reaganaut1 · 64 replies · 1,673+ views
    Associated Press ^ | March 9, 2010 | Jay Reeves
    U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts said Tuesday the scene at President Obama's State of the Union address was "very troubling" and the annual speech has "degenerated to a political pep rally." Obama chided the court, with the justices seated before him in their black robes, for its decision on a campaign finance case. Responding to a University of Alabama law student's question, Roberts said anyone was free to criticize the court, and some have an obligation to do so because of their positions. "So I have no problems with that," he said. "On the other hand, there is...
  • Hispanic groups say immigration reform needed now ("We are the future of the United States")

    04/01/2009 10:53:11 AM PDT · by Free ThinkerNY · 24 replies · 763+ views
    Associated Press ^ | April 1, 2009 | HOPE YEN
    WASHINGTON (AP) — Saying traditional census outreach will not be enough, Hispanic groups on Wednesday urged the Obama administration to follow through now on its pledge to pass immigration reform or risk an undercount of millions of people. The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, Univision Inc., the League of United Latin American Citizens and SEIU announced a grassroots campaign that would supplement Census Bureau efforts to reach the traditionally hard to count Hispanic community.
  • Top Reid challenger indicted

    12/03/2008 4:29:04 PM PST · by Clintonfatigued · 21 replies · 1,042+ views
    The Hill ^ | February 3, 2008 | Reid Wilson
    Nevada Republicans suffered a serious blow Wednesday when their first announced challenger to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was indicted on four counts of misappropriation and falsification of public records. The charges, handed down by a Clark County grand jury, accuse Lt. Gov. Brian Krolicki of committing the crimes when he he was state treasurer. Krolicki's then-chief of staff, Kathryn Besser, was also indicted in the case. Krolicki could face a maximum of 16 years in prison on the counts, which revolve around the Treasurer's office bypassing budget controls on a statewide college savings program, according to an audit...
  • New Senate Complaint Prepared Against Hillary - Major donor Peter Paul seeks ethics action

    06/20/2006 9:24:09 AM PDT · by doug from upland · 21 replies · 1,022+ views
    world net daily ^ | 6-20-06 | Moore
    New Senate complaint prepared against Hillary Major donor Peter Paul seeks ethics action by Democrat's colleagues Posted: June 20, 20061:00 a.m. Eastern By Art Moore © 2006 Peter Paul and Sen. Hillary Clinton (Courtesy Accusing government watchdog Judicial Watch of incompetence after the Senate Ethics Committee rejected the group's complaint against Sen. Hillary Clinton, business mogul Peter Franklin Paul says his new counsel is working with him to file his own complaint, accusing the New York Democrat of direct personal involvement in her campaign's intentional misreporting of his multi-million-dollar contributions. The chairman of the Senate panel, Sen. George Voinovich of...