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Keyword: dubia

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  • Obama is house buying in Dubia (rats fleeing a sinking ship)

    10/06/2024 2:29:03 AM PDT · by PCPOET7 · 38 replies
    Looks like Obama is prepping to flee the United States
  • [Catholic Caucus] 1,000 Catholic Faithful Answer the Dubia Sent to Pope Francis

    10/20/2023 7:38:29 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | October 20, 2023 | Peter Kwasniewski
    [Catholic Caucus] 1,000 Catholic Faithful Answer the Dubia Sent to Pope FrancisMissae pro Missa issued the following press release.In a worldwide witness to the Catholic Faith, more than 1,000 Catholic faithful from 50 countries have taken it upon themselves to answer the recent dubia sent by five Cardinals to Pope Francis on key areas of doctrine currently being undermined at the highest levels of the Church. Organized by the campaign Missae pro Missa, this grassroots initiative has called upon all Catholics to provide the correct responses to the dubia, thereby reaffirming the unchanging Catholic Faith "regardless of the Supreme Pontiff's...

    10/12/2023 5:20:35 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 1 replies
    Old Yosef ^ | October 2023 | Cardinal Joseph Zen
    [Catholic Caucus] ANALYSIS OF THE ANSWERS GIVEN TO THE 5 DUBIA AS ORIGINALLY FORMULATEDThe five Cardinals of the 5 Dubia presented to the Pope on July 10, 2023 did not publish the Pope’s responses on July 11, because these were not precise responses and did not resolve the doubts. Now, since the Holy See has published them, it seems appropriate to me that we respond to those answers, so that the faithful understand why the five of us did not find them adequate as answers. Given the time pressure, I did not consult the other four Cardinals and therefore I...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Bishop Eleganti: There Are Reasonable Doubts About Francis

    10/07/2023 8:27:26 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 6 replies
    Gloria TV ^ | OCtober 5, 2023 | Gloria TV
    [Catholic Caucus] Bishop Eleganti: There Are Reasonable Doubts About FrancisFrancis' responses to the five dubia does not stand up to Christ's demand that a yes is a yes and a no is a no, writes Bishop Marian Eleganti OSB, 68, a former Auxiliary of Chur, Switzerland, in a October 4 statement.There are irrefutable truths that are not culturally or historically conditioned, as modernism still believed ("the end of truth”), he wrote. Eleganti's examples could serve as answers to the cardinals' dubia:• God created man as male and female.• Homosexuality, transvestitism, surrogacy, heterogamy, artificial procreation and child trafficking in the case...
  • Full Letter by Cardinal Zen to Cardinals and Bishops on the Synod - How can Synodality be a "constitutive element of the Church" when it is clearly a novelty?

    10/05/2023 4:42:23 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 1 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | September 21, 2023 | Cardinal Zen
    Full Letter by Cardinal Zen to Cardinals and Bishops on the Synod - How can Synodality be a "constitutive element of the Church" when it is clearly a novelty? The following letter was sent by His Eminence Cardinal Zen, Emeritus of Hong Kong, to Cardinals and Bishops all over the world. A recipient was kind enough to share this historic document with us.
  • [Catholic Caucus] When Doubt Becomes Certainty

    10/05/2023 8:27:59 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 1 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | October 4, 2023 | Michael Charlier
    [Catholic Caucus] When Doubt Becomes CertaintyWhen Doubt Becomes CertaintyMichael CharlierSummorum-Pontificum.de4 October 2023(source)Image: Titian, National Gallery London. Christ instructs Peter: "Go behind me, Satan, thou art a scandal unto me: because thou savourest not the things that are of God, but the things that are of men." Mt 16,23The question we asked on the occasion of the "Dubia" by five cardinals, "But where is Peter?" requires an update. In the meantime, the first answer of Francis (of July 11) is available. The text bristles with woolly "on the one hand, on the other hand" statements that avoid any clear orientation and...
  • [Catholic Caucus] "The Synod, the Dubia, and the Pope to come" - by Roberto de Mattei

    10/04/2023 8:52:41 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 2 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | October 4, 2023 | Roberto de Mattei
    [Catholic Caucus] "The Synod, the Dubia, and the Pope to come" - by Roberto de Mattei Roberto de MatteiCorrispondenza RomanaOctober 4, 2023On Oct. 4, the solemnity of St. Francis of Assisi, the 16th Ordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on "synodality" opened. Many opposing statements and controversies have preceded and are accompanying the event. On October 2, in the face of "various statements by some senior prelates (... ) blatantly contrary to the constant doctrine and discipline of the Church, and which have generated and continue to generate among the faithful and other people of good will great confusion...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Synodality: Francis Rebukes Cardinals For Asking Questions

    10/04/2023 12:13:53 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    Gloria TV ^ | October 4, 2023 | Gloria TV
    [Catholic Caucus] Synodality: Francis Rebukes Cardinals For Asking QuestionsThe CDF published Francis’ July 11 reply to the dubia of five cardinals concerning the ex-synod omitting the introduction and conclusion.The full text was now published by (October 3). Francis’ letter is addressed only to Brandmüller and Burke, omitting Sarah, Zen and Íñiguez.In the unpublished part, besides his obvious annoyance about the dubia, Francis chastises the cardinals for criticising his ex-synod, "With great sincerity, I tell you that it is not good to be afraid of these questions and interrogatives" - he insinuates "fear" where there is Faith.Burke spoke about the...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Action Item: Calling Upon All Catholics to Respond to the Dubia

    10/03/2023 7:00:24 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 1 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | October 3, 2023 | New Catholic
    [Catholic Caucus] Action Item: Calling Upon All Catholics to Respond to the DubiaIn light of the recent dubia of five Cardinals to Pope Francis and the latter's unwillingness to provide clear responses in accord with the Catholic Faith, the organizers of the Missae Pro Missa campaign issue the following statement calling upon all Catholic faithful throughout the world to respond to the dubia as a testament to the Church's constant and unchangeable teaching.Whereas, five Cardinals of the Catholic Church submitted dubia to Pope Francis asking for clarification of Catholic doctrine on matters of critical importance for the salvation of souls,...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Answering the Doubts: What Are ‘Dubia’?

    10/03/2023 3:05:59 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 2 replies
    National Catholic Register ^ | October 2, 2023 | Matthew Bunson
    [Catholic Caucus] Answering the Doubts: What Are ‘Dubia’?The publication of a new set of questions addressed to Pope Francis by five longtime cardinals has once again turned the focus of Catholics to the place of dubia in the life of the Church.What are dubia?The word dubia — plural for a dubium — literally means, from the Latin, “doubts.” But another way of translating it is to see the word meaning “questions that seek clarification.” A dubium, then, is a request for clarity from a dicastery or office of the Roman Curia or even of the Holy Father himself on a...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Cardinal Müller endorses cardinals’ dubia on the Synod on Synodality

    10/03/2023 9:33:34 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 3 replies
    LifeSite News ^ | October 2, 2023 | Maike Hickson
    [Catholic Caucus] Cardinal Müller endorses cardinals’ dubia on the Synod on SynodalityIn an endorsement of the new dubia, Cardinal Müller says he is 'glad' that others are doing what is 'necessary' to 'remind the Pope of his God-given responsibility.'Cardinal Gerhard Müller, upon request by LifeSiteNews, has issued a short statement endorsing the courageous dubia challenging Pope Francis and several aspects of the upcoming “Synod on Synodality” that go against Church teaching, saying that he is “glad” that “others in their own way do what is necessary” to remind the pope “of his God-given responsibility for the preservation of the Church.”Today,...
  • [Catholic Caucus] “The Pope Responds to the ‘Dubia’ of Five Cardinals,” Headlines Vatican News. But It’s Not True

    10/02/2023 7:47:49 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 2 replies
    L'Espresso ^ | October 2, 2023 | Sandro Magister
    [Catholic Caucus] “The Pope Responds to the ‘Dubia’ of Five Cardinals,” Headlines Vatican News. But It’s Not TrueA few hours after the publication on Settimo Cielo of the five “dubia” on key points of the synod, submitted to Pope Francis on August 21 by five cardinals from as many continents and still left unanswered, there has appeared on the website of the dicastery for the doctrine of the faith the photostatic reproduction of three documents, under the following title:“‘Dubia’ di due Cardinali (10 luglio 2023) e ‘Respuestas’ del S. Padre ‘a los Dubia propuestos por dos Cardenales’ (11 luglio 2023).”The...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Cardinals Send ‘Dubia’ to Pope Francis Ahead of Synod on Synodality

    10/02/2023 9:20:10 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 2 replies
    National Catholic Register ^ | October 2, 2023 | Edward Pentin
    [Catholic Caucus] Cardinals Send ‘Dubia’ to Pope Francis Ahead of Synod on SynodalityFive cardinals have sent a set of questions to Pope Francis to express their concerns and seek clarification on points of doctrine and discipline ahead of this week’s opening of the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican. The cardinals said they submitted five questions, called “dubia,” on Aug. 21 requesting clarity on topics relating to doctrinal development, the blessing of same-sex unions, the authority of the Synod on Synodality, women’s ordination, and sacramental absolution. Dubia are formal questions brought before the pope and the Dicastery for the Doctrine...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Full Text of New Dubia Sent to Francis by Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke, Sandoval, Sarah, and Zen

    10/02/2023 6:17:46 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 2 replies
    Rorate Caeli ^ | October 2, 2023 | Card. Brandmüller, Card. Burke, Card. Sandoval, Card. Sarah, Card. Zen
    [Catholic Caucus] Full Text of New Dubia Sent to Francis by Cardinals Brandmüller, Burke, Sandoval, Sarah, and ZenNotification to Christ’s Faithful (can. 212 § 3)Regarding Dubia Submitted to Pope FrancisBrothers and Sisters in Christ,We, members of the Sacred College of Cardinals, in accord with the duty of all the faithful “to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church” (can. 212 § 3) and, above all, in accord with the responsibility of Cardinals “to assist the Roman Pontiff … individually … especially in the daily care of the universal Church” (can....
  • [Catholic Caucus] BREAKING NEWS: Cardinal Cupich is FIRST to Issue Latin Mass and Sacrament Restrictions after Dubia!

    12/27/2021 1:44:30 PM PST · by Its All Over Except ... · 5 replies
    The Frontline TV ^ | 12/27/2021 | Staff
    Cardinal Cupich takes the lead after Vatican's dubia by issuing major restrictions on TLM and sacraments. ...
  • [Catholic Caucus] Papal Standards – and Questions

    09/23/2019 3:41:20 PM PDT · by ebb tide · 2 replies
    The Catholic Thing ^ | September 23, 2019 | Fr. Gerald E. Murray
    [Catholic Caucus] Papal Standards – and Questions We know that Pope Francis is a believer in the value of criticism from his extensive remarks on the plane ride back from his recent apostolic visit to Africa. He said: “First of all, criticism always helps, always. When someone receives criticism, that person needs to do a self-critique right away and say: is this true or not? To what point? And I always benefit from criticism. Sometimes it makes you angry. . . . But there are advantages.”He wants critics to come forward with their arguments and be ready for a dialogue...
  • Francis cracks down on “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, Must reduce his traveling [Catholic Caucus]

    11/07/2018 9:32:37 AM PST · by Repent and Believe · 9 replies
    Novus Ordo Watch ^ | November 6, AD 2018 | Editor
    Enough with all the globe-trotting… Francis cracks down on “Bp.” Athanasius Schneider, orders him to reduce his traveling abroad We all know that “Pope” Francis is a big friend of migration, but even he has his limits when it comes to tolerating persistent moving about. The expert Vatican journalist Marco Tosatti reports on his blog today that “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary of the diocese of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, has “received a verbal [i.e. oral] injunction from the Vatican asking him to reduce the frequency of his trips abroad” (“Il Papa Impone ‘i Domiciliari’ al Vescovo Athanasius Schneider”, Stilum...
  • Program Released for Rome Conference on Confusion in the Church and Limits of Papal Authority

    04/07/2018 9:25:48 AM PDT · by ebb tide · 17 replies
    National Catholic Register ^ | April 3, 2018 | Edward Pentin
    Cardinals Zen, Burke, and Brandmüller as well as a former president of the Italian Senate are to address the April 7 conference in Rome. Edward Pentin Italian atheist philosopher Marcello Pera, who co-authored the 2005 book Without Roots —The West, Relativism, Christianity, Islam with the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, will be among those addressing the conference this Saturday. The event, entitled Catholic Church: Where are you heading? Only a blind man can deny that there is great confusion in the Church, will deal with highly sensitive themes related to what some see as the Church undergoing one of the greatest crises in her two millennia history....
  • Cardinal Burke: Pope Francis is ‘increasing the confusion’ (FULL INTERVIEW)

    04/05/2018 5:52:48 PM PDT · by Mrs. Don-o · 22 replies
    LifeSiteNews ^ | Apr 5, 2018 | Raymond Burke, trans. Diane Montagna
    ROME, April 5, 2018 (LifeSiteNews) — Pope Francis is “increasing the confusion” in the Church, and the College of Cardinals constitutes a de facto check against papal error, Cardinal Raymond Burke has said in a new interview. Speaking to the Italian Catholic news agency La Nuova Bussola Quotidiana, Cardinal Burke said the alleged ‘interview’ on hell with Pope Francis, published on Holy Thursday by his 94-year-old atheist friend, Eugenio Scalfari, “went beyond what is tolerable.” Burke also called the Vatican’s response to the “scandalized reactions” from across the globe “highly inadequate,” because it failed to reassert the Church’s teaching on...
  • Cath Cauc: Authentic pastors do not leave people in their confusion and error, Pope says

    01/26/2018 10:36:09 AM PST · by ebb tide · 20 replies
    The Catholic Register ^ | January 26, 2018 | Catholic News Service
    A truly pastoral minister never leaves people to suffer on their own or to become a victim to their own errors and confusion, Pope Francis told members of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. An authentically pastoral approach is any effort that seeks to take people by the hand, "when they have lost a sense of their dignity and destiny, so as to lead them with confidence to rediscover God's loving paternity, their good destiny and ways to build a more humane world. This is the great task awaiting your congregation and every other pastoral institution in the...