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  • Orwellian Common Ground: Hitler, Stalin, Putin and Biden

    05/03/2022 5:55:43 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 3 replies ^ | May 3, 2022 | Oliver North and David Goetsch
    Autocratic and authoritarian governments have long employed censorship, deception and propaganda to control the people they rule and influence their adversaries. As U.S. Marines, we were "urged" to read Sun Tzu's fifth century B.C. work, "The Art of War." In it, the Chinese political-military strategist emphasized: "All warfare is based on deception ..." When Adolf Hitler seized power in 1933, he appointed Joseph Goebbels to head the Nazi Party's propaganda machinery. Goebbels' assignment: "Inform Aryan people" why they must support "our mission" and "deceive our enemies." Goebbels did so -- until his suicide on May 1, 1945. During Joseph Stalin's...
  • Biden's 'Build Back Better' Fraud

    11/30/2021 5:35:19 AM PST · by Kaslin · 5 replies
    Townhall. com ^ | November 30, 2021 | Oliver North and David Goetsch
    No president has ever proposed a more egregiously misnamed piece of legislation than resident Joe Biden's so-called Build Back Better plan. The label "Progressive-Democrats" chose for this European-style socialist legislation is an example of their favorite ploy: semantic subterfuge -- assigning an appealing name to an appalling concept. n reality, the plan is a socialist wealth redistribution ploy to erode America's free market economy and replace it with government control, burdensome regulations and even higher taxes. When it comes to building back better, what Biden and the Democrats need to rebuild are the successful policies of the previous administration they...