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  • EXCLUSIVE: Kamala Harris Sent Agents to Raid Pro-Life Journalist’s Home After She Met With Planned Parenthood, Emails Show

    08/08/2024 6:32:41 AM PDT · by Red Badger · 14 replies
    Daily Signal ^ | August 7, 2024 | Mary Margaret Olohan
    In March 2016, top Planned Parenthood officials in California eagerly emailed one another about an upcoming meeting with the state’s then-attorney general, Kamala Harris. The meeting carried so much import that the Planned Parenthood officials met with Harris’ staff ahead of time “to discuss prep,” emails reviewed by The Daily Signal show. About two weeks later, on April 5, 2016, California Department of Justice authorities raided the home of a pro-life journalist in his late 20s—David Daleiden, the head of the Center for Medical Progress, who had recently published videos allegedly showing Planned Parenthood officials gruesomely describing how they extract...
  • Kamala Harris Made A Damning Planned Parenthood Video Disappear. Now, It’s Public.

    08/06/2024 1:15:38 PM PDT · by Morgana · 22 replies
    The Daily Wire ^ | August 1, 2024 | Leif Le Mahieu
    Never before seen footage showing a Planned Parenthood employee appearing to discuss the sale of aborted babies’ body parts was released Tuesday, years after now-Vice President Kamala Harris seized the footage as Attorney General of California. The five-minute video shows a conversation between a person identified as Dr. Stacy De-Lin, Planned Parenthood New York City Medical Director for Abortion Services, and an undercover reporter with the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). During their conversation, De-Lin seems to acknowledge that Planned Parenthood would sell the livers of aborted babies. In one clip, De-Lin is told by a CMP investigator that she...
  • Kamala Harris is a dangerous authoritarian and an enemy of core American freedoms

    07/26/2024 10:49:14 AM PDT · by TBP · 25 replies
    The New York Post ^ | July 25, 2024 | David Harsanyi
    Harris liked to brag about using “a huge stick” as a prosecutor in San Francisco, where she regularly threatened poor parents with jail time in her efforts to craft social policy — which wasn’t her job. It’s true that Harris threw a lot of people in jail to bolster her political fortunes. Some of them likely innocent. And judging from her disposition, she would throw a lot of more people into jail, if she could. When pro-life journalist David Daleiden published videos of Planned Parenthood executives nonchalantly discussing the selling of body parts, Harris had his home raided, seized evidence...
  • The Most Evil Man In Evangelicalism, And Those Who Platformed Him

    07/10/2024 4:10:50 PM PDT · by Morgana · 6 replies
    Clear Truth Media ^ | July 7, 2024 | Seth Gruber
    “Of all the passions, the passion for the Inner Ring is most skillful in making a man who is not yet a very bad man do very bad things.” -CS Lewis Like all demons, he was obsessed with children. Shedding their blood was preferable. Failing that, he could always cut them up, scalp them, sexualize them, incite them to a sexual frenzy, or castrate them. The possibilities were endless, and exciting. Demonic appetite never ceases, and Mephistopheles was hungry. To satisfy his lust, he would need a megalomaniac with a Promethean drive; someone appointed in high places and thus able...
  • David Daleiden Wins a Lawsuit Filed Against Him for Exposing Planned Parenthood

    12/15/2022 7:41:29 AM PST · by CFW · 8 replies
    Life News ^ | 12/15/22 | Tom Ciesielka
    Thomas More Society attorneys have secured a settlement of the lawsuit filed against David Daleiden and the University of Washington (“UW”) over Daleiden’s public records requests for documents relating to UW’s national clearinghouse for the fetal tissues and organs of aborted babies. The federal district court allowed the settlement yesterday, clearing the way to end a six-year legal battle that included three appeals to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The lawsuit was originally brought by an anonymous group of abortion and aborted fetal tissue workers in August 2016, in response to Daleiden’s February 2016 request for documents about their...
  • Legal Battles Expose Abortion Industry Collusion With Democrat-Run Governments

    06/02/2021 7:22:33 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 4 replies
    The Federalist ^ | June 2, 2021 | Margot Cleveland
    Judge Carol Bagley Amon’s opinion exposed the deceit of abortion apologists and the symbiotic relationship between them and the New York attorney general’s office.On Friday, in a rare move, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals pulled a 100-plus page opinion it had issued in March against a group of pro-life protestors. The short three-sentence order in People of the State of New York v. Griepp—in which the court, without elaboration, granted rehearing of the case, vacated its previous opinion, and reinstated the district court’s decision—tells none of the bigger story of this continuing saga: a story of complicity between the...
  • David Daleiden will testifies about CMP's findings before the Pennsylvania House Committee on Health's "Fetal Experimentation" hearing

    05/04/2021 8:22:02 AM PDT · by amorphous · 4 replies
    The Center for Medical Progress ^ | 4 May 2021 | David Daleiden
    Even though Pennsylvania is historically pro-life, the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh is the hub for some of the most barbaric experiments carried out on late-term aborted babies--and the evidence indicates that sometimes they are delivered ALIVE before being killed for organ harvesting.
  •  NEW VIDEO: PPFA Fetal Trafficking & Experiments at University of Pittsburgh [David Daleiden]

    05/03/2021 9:09:36 AM PDT · by amorphous · 9 replies
    Center for Medical Progress ^ | 3 April 2021 | David Daleiden
    Even though Pennsylvania is historically pro-life, the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh is the hub for some of the most barbaric experiments carried out on late-term aborted babies--and the evidence indicates that sometimes they are delivered ALIVE before being killed for organ harvesting. The government-sponsored fetal experiments at Pitt include scalping 5-month-old aborted fetuses to stitch onto lab rats, exporting fetal kidneys across the country, and killing infants delivered alive for liver harvesting–funded by U.S. taxpayers via the National Institutes of Health, and in particular Dr. Anthony Fauci’s NIAID office. Local Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania abortion providers supply the aborted...
  • Judge Permanently Bans David Daleiden From Releasing More Videos Exposing Planned Parenthood

    04/09/2021 12:54:51 PM PDT · by amorphous · 53 replies
    Life News ^ | 9 Apr 2021 | MICAIAH BILGER
    As expected, a federal judge who has ties to Planned Parenthood permanently blocked undercover journalist David Daleiden this week from releasing additional videos that Daleiden says show evidence of infanticide in the abortion industry. U.S. District Judge William Orrick issued the permanent injunction at the request of the National Abortion Federation (NAF) and demanded that Daleiden turn over the video footage, according to lawyers representing NAF. The order applies to about 200 hours of video footage that Daleiden and other undercover investigators with the Center for Medical Progress recorded at a NAF conference. Additionally, the judge granted NAF lawyers’ motion...
  • 12 Ways For Trump To Bomb The Battlefield While Biden Claims The Presidency

    11/10/2020 8:03:12 AM PST · by Rummyfan · 19 replies
    The Federalist ^ | 10 Nov 2020 | Joy Pullman
    President Trump is right to refuse to concede the 2020 election until every legal vote has been counted and allegations of significant fraud have been fairly investigated. His voters deserve and need to know if we were beaten fair and square. Otherwise, Democrats are poisoning the nation’s political well and ensuring Republicans never wield power at the federal level again after having established that Republicans will not fight fraud. Since the president’s team has begun releasing increasingly good evidence of large-scale voter fraud in key states, the tide may yet turn again. At the same time, the same media-Democrat complex...
  • NEW VIDEO: Kamala Harris & Planned Parenthood Collude To Silence the Truth, Obstruct Justice [MUST WATCH]

    10/07/2020 3:58:24 PM PDT · by amorphous · 11 replies
    The Center for Medical Progress released a new video today explaining how Kamala Harris, as California Attorney General, colluded with Planned Parenthood to weaponize California's video recording law to punish CMP's undercover reporting on Planned Parenthood's fetal tissue harvesting and research programs. The six-minute video features CMP founder and president David Daleiden, who developed and orchestrated the organization's 30-month-long undercover study of Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry's participation in the illegal sale of body parts from aborted fetuses, describing how at the behest of Planned Parenthood, Kamala Harris had California DOJ agents raid his home to try to stop...
  • Kamala Harris Raided Planned Parenthood Whistleblower’s Home

    08/26/2020 9:14:50 AM PDT · by raptor22 · 12 replies
    Noisy Room ^ | August 25, 2020 | Daniel John Sobieski
    Kamala Harris has been nominated by the Democratic Party to be a heartbeat away from the presidency and judging from presidential nominee Joe Biden’s physical and mental condition these days that might not amount to a whole lot of heartbeats. Her ascension would bring to power someone who has made war on the heartbeats of the unborn, someone who has already used that power to shred the Constitution’s guarantee of the freedom of the press and persecute an investigative a reporter who exposed Planned Parenthood’s efforts to harvest and sell aborted fetal body parts. David Daleiden is head of a...
  • Kamala Harris -- Planned Parenthood's Choice

    08/22/2020 7:17:02 AM PDT · by Kaslin
    American ^ | August 22, 2020 | Daniel John Sobieski
    Kamala Harris has been nominated by the Democratic Party to be a heartbeat away from the presidency, and judging from presidential nominee Joe Biden’s physical and mental condition these days, that might not amount to a whole lot of heartbeats. Her ascension would bring to power someone who has made war on the unborn, someone who has already used that power to shred the Constitution’s guarantee of the freedom of the press and persecute an investigative reporter who exposed Planned Parenthood’s efforts to harvest and sell aborted fetal body parts. David Daleiden heads the Center for Medical Progress, the group...
  • Four Years Later, Planned Parenthood Whistleblower Still Trapped In Kamala Harris’s Persecution

    08/20/2020 7:14:21 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 4 replies
    The Federalist ^ | August 20, 2020 | Madeline Osburn
    Sen. Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic nomination for vice president Wednesday night, exactly three weeks after journalist and pro-life activist David Daleiden appeared in a San Francisco Superior Court, once again fighting the criminal charges Harris brought against him at the behest of her political donors four years prior. As Harris joins a campaign fighting for the “soul of our nation,” Daleiden continues a years-long battle for countless unborn souls and the First Amendment, both of which Harris has a record of fighting against. In March 2016, as the California attorney general, Harris met with six Planned Parenthood officials in...
  • Never Forget: Planned Parenthood Was Caught Selling Baby Parts

    07/16/2020 10:25:16 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 6 replies ^ | July 16, 2020 | Marjorie Dannenfelser
    Five years ago the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) released undercover videos that revealed evidence of criminal activity by America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood. The tapes showed senior Planned Parenthood officials talking about selling aborted babies’ body parts for profit and how Planned Parenthood manipulated its abortion techniques to procure fresh, intact organs from children killed in late-term abortions. Dr. Deborah Nucatola, who was Planned Parenthood's senior director of medical services, discussed this openly with CMP investigators over lunch: "So then you're just kind of cognizant of where you put your graspers, so I'm not gonna crush that part, I'm going to basically crush...
  • Undercover journalist suing Kamala Harris for conspiring to violate his civil rights through prosecution

    05/13/2020 11:38:34 PM PDT · by knighthawk · 3 replies
    Fox News ^ | May 13 2020 | Sam Dorman
    Undercover journalist David Daleiden is suing Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., alleging that as her state's attorney general, she conspired to violate his civil rights through a purportedly bogus prosecution. Daleiden, an anti-abortion activist, famously released undercover videos of Planned Parenthood officials engaging in highly controversial discussions about fetal tissue procurement. In response, California sued him through an unprecedented application of the state's eavesdropping law -- a move that Daleiden alleges was intended to suppress journalism. “This complaint seeks justice for a brazen, unprecedented, and ongoing conspiracy to selectively use California’s video recording laws as a political weapon to silence disfavored...
  • Unsealed Invoices Prove Planned Parenthood Was Paid Handsomely for Aborted Baby Body Parts

    04/15/2020 10:50:58 PM PDT · by Morgana · 8 replies
    OPERATION RESCUE ^ | April 15, 2020 | Cheryl Sullenger
    San Francisco, CA – When the Center for Medical Progress released its shocking series of videos in the summer of 2015, showing undercover footage of Planned Parenthood abortionists and executives discussing their lucrative trade in body parts harvested from aborted babies, it caused a tsunami of bad publicity for the nation’s largest supplier of abortions. The sale of tissues and organs of aborted babies for profit is illegal under 42 U.S. Codes 274e and 289g-2. It was not long before a San Francisco, California, Federal Court Judge placed a gag order sealed up much of the evidence gathered during the...
  • Planned Parenthood Employee Testified She Wanted To ‘Move Forward’ On Selling Fetal Livers For $750 Each

    12/09/2019 7:58:18 PM PST · by Morgana · 7 replies
    Daily Caller ^ | Dec, 9, 2019 | Mary Margaret Olohan
    A Planned Parenthood employee testified in court that she wanted to “move forward” and sell fetal livers for $750 each. Transcripts show that Tram Nguyen, who identifies herself as a healthcare administrator at Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast, said that she wanted to proceed with a deal to sell fetal livers for $750 each or combos of fetal livers and fetal thymi for $1,600. Nguyen testified in March 2019 as part of the trial of the Center for Medical Progress’ David Daleiden, who secretly recorded and released videos exposing Planned Parenthood employees discussing buying and selling fetal body parts....
  • Judge Drops Six Charges In Kamala Harris’ Case Against David Daleiden, Sends Nine To Criminal Trial

    12/06/2019 10:41:48 PM PST · by Morgana · 13 replies
    The Federalist ^ | Dec, 6, 2019 | Madeline Osburn
    A San Francisco Superior Court judge ruled Friday that nine of the state’s 15 felony charges against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, in a prosecution initiated by then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, have enough evidence to proceed to a criminal trial. The judge dropped the other six charges. Daleiden and Merritt, citizen journalists with the Center for Medical Progress, were charged with 14 felony counts of illegal taping of confidential information (eavesdropping) and one count of conspiracy, in which they exposed the illegal activity of Planned Parenthood and the human tissue procurement company StemExpress. The case marks the...
  • Senate Confirms Pro-Life Trump Nominee Sarah Pitlyk as Federal Judge

    12/04/2019 12:56:01 PM PST · by Morgana · 9 replies
    LIFE NEWS ^ | Dec, 4, 2019 | Micaiah Bilger
    Pro-life leaders celebrated Wednesday when the U.S. Senate confirmed conservative Sarah Pitlyk to a federal court position. Nominated by President Donald Trump in August, Pitlyk will replace U.S. District Judge Catherine Perry in the Eastern District of Missouri. The U.S. Senate voted 49-44 to confirm her Wednesday afternoon. Pitlyk is a strong human rights advocate and defender of religious freedom. Her work at the Thomas More Society, a leading pro-life legal group, prompted strong opposition from abortion advocacy groups and pro-abortion Democrats. “We congratulate Sarah Pitlyk on her well-deserved confirmation and are confident she will serve with distinction on the...