Free Republic 1st Qtr 2025 Fundraising Target: $81,000 Receipts & Pledges to-date: $25,610
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Keyword: daralhijra

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  • Ten years on at the 9-11 7-11 [Terrorism and Illegal Immigrant ID forging]

    09/11/2011 6:00:11 AM PDT · by Titus Quinctius Cincinnatus · 6 replies
    Michelle Malkin ^ | 9-11-2011 | See Dubya
    In fact just a little over ten years ago a couple of worshipers from Dar al-Hijrah drove up to this particular 7-11. They weren’t really interested in hiring the day laborers so much as getting someone to help them acquire forged identification. That turned out to be a fellow named Luis A. Martinez-Flores, himself an illegal immigrant, and he walked the two Arabs, Hani Hanjour and Khaled Almidhar, through the process of getting Virginia ID cards—after which they returned to this particular 7-11, withdrew $100 from the ATM, and handed it to Mr. Martinez-Flores. Around five years ago Michelle went...
  • Virginians Protest 9/11 Mosque Fundraiser FeaturingConnolly, Moran and Kaine

    04/01/2010 9:54:43 AM PDT · by CatherineMartin07 · 26 replies · 1,445+ views
    ACT!for America ^ | 04/01/10 | Catherine Martin
    VAST The Virginia Anti-Shariah Task Force Contact: James Lafferty (703) 931-2324 Virginians Protest 9/11 Mosque Fundraiser Featuring Connolly, Moran and Kaine Praise Senator Jim Webb and Delegate Kaye Kory for Withdrawing Fairfax, VA -- A coalition of Virginia and national organizations charged today three prominent Virginians – Congressman Gerry Connolly, Congressman Jim Moran and for Governor Tim Kaine have “trashed their oath to protect and defend the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions” by appearing as special guests at a fundraising dinner for the 9/11 mosque Dar Al Hijrah in Falls Church, Virginia. The groups also praised Senator Jim Webb and...

    03/15/2010 7:15:29 PM PDT · by Cindy · 16 replies · 245+ views THE GLOBAL MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD DAILY REPORT "EXCLUSIVE: Saudi Charity Designated As Terrorist Reopens Office In U.S." SNIPPET: "The International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), a Saudi charity whose Indonesian and Philippine offices have been designated by the US. Treasury in connection with the financing of Al Qaeda, has registered a new office in the United States. According to Florida State records, the IIRO (U.S.A.) Inc. was registered as a non-profit Florida corporation in Hialeah, Florida on April 28, 2009. After being required by regulators to provide a street address rather than a PO Box, the office address for IIRO USA...
  • Former National Guardsman accused of plotting attack to support ISIS

    07/05/2016 4:26:00 PM PDT · by Innovative · 9 replies
    Washington Post ^ | July 5, 2016 | Rachel Weiner and Joe Heim
    A former member of the Army National Guard living in Sterling, Va., is accused of trying to plan a domestic terrorist attack on behalf of the Islamic State. Mohamad Bailor Jalloh was arrested Sunday and charged with attempting to provide material support to the terrorist organization, according to papers filed in federal court in the Eastern District of Virginia. Jalloh, a native of Sierra Leone, is a U.S. citizen. He quit the National Guard after listening to the lectures of deceased radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, according to court documents, and became involved in planning a terrorist attack on U.S....
  • Virginia Senate Candidate Honors Hamas Associate

    10/26/2011 5:14:21 AM PDT · by SJackson · 7 replies
    Frontpagemagazine ^ | October 25, 2011 | Ryan Mauro
    On September 25, the 23rd Arab-American Candidates’ Night Dinner was held in Virginia, attended by 46 Democrats and Republicans seeking office, with former governor and current Democratic Senate candidate, Tim Kaine, as a major speaker. The dinner honored a top Muslim Brotherhood official affiliated with Hamas named Jamal Barzinji, an inconvenient and overlooked fact for Kaine’s campaign team. Tim Kaine was the governor of Virginia from 2006 to 2010 and then was the chairman of the Democratic National Committee. He was on the short-list to become President Obama’s running mate. He is now running for Senate and will likely face...
  • Book links Awalki to 9/11 attacks

    06/19/2011 10:33:10 AM PDT · by jazusamo · 6 replies
    Thw Washington Times ^ | June 19, 2011 | Eli Lake
    The American-born Jihadist cleric Anwar Awlaki likely played an important support role in the September 11 attacks nearly ten years ago, according to a new book that examines the threat of home-grown terrorism. The book, “The Next Wave,” by Fox News national security reporter, Catherine Herridge, reveals new documents that find Mr. Awlaki was nearly arrested after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon for providing false information on his passport application. Today Mr. Awlaki is one of the leaders of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. Mr. Awlaki is also the only known American citizen on a...
  • Yemen’s Rising Radical Star

    10/29/2010 2:17:54 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 7 replies
    NBC ^ | Fri, Oct 29, 2010 | Kari Huus
    <p>Even before the bomb scares that set off security alarms on Friday, U.S. security officials have been increasingly concerned about terrorism strikes originating in Yemen. With this incident, suspicions will focus in particular on a U.S.-born radical Islamic cleric in Yemen, who has emerged as a prominent and eloquent advocate for violence against American civilians.</p>
  • Eric Holder Refuses to Say 'Radical Islam' Is a Cause of Terrorism Committed by Muslims

    05/13/2010 6:44:11 PM PDT · by thouworm · 25 replies · 799+ views
    NRO-The Corner ^ | 05-13-10 | Andy McCarthy
    This YouTube clip from the attorney general's testimony today will be the most painful two minutes of video you will ever watch. Mr. Holder would obviously rather get a root-canal than utter the words "radical Islam" (despite the fact that his description of the American people as "a nation of cowards" on race and of Bush officials as war criminals seemed to roll of the tongue without much difficulty). You'll be pleased to discover, via the AG, that there is an infinite variety of reasons why Muslims commit terrorist attacks. Those reasons, of course, have nothing to do with Islamic...
  • FBI Prevents Agents from Telling 'Truth' About 9/11 on PBS

    10/02/2008 11:55:11 PM PDT · by BGHater · 14 replies · 1,069+ views
    CQ ^ | 01 Oct 2008 | Jeff Stein
    The FBI has blocked two of its veteran counterterrorism agents from going public with accusations that the CIA deliberately withheld crucial intelligence before the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks. FBI Special Agents Mark Rossini and Douglas Miller have asked for permission to appear in an upcoming public television documentary, scheduled to air in January, on pre-9/11 rivalries between the CIA, FBI and National Security Agency. The program is a spin-off from The Shadow Factory: The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America, by acclaimed investigative reporter James Bamford, due out in a matter of days. The FBI denied Rossini...
  • Fort Hood Massacre Raises Fresh Questions about Virginia Mosque

    11/09/2009 7:28:33 AM PST · by Psion · 25 replies · 730+ views
    The Last Crusade ^ | november 9, 2009 | Paul L. Williams, Ph.D.
    Terrorist Islamic Center Remains Off Limits Major Hasan and 9/11 Ops Shared Prayer Mats by Paul L. Williams, Ph.D. What is taking place in the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church, Virginia?What is being taught within this $6 million facility, replete with traditional minarets?What are the ties between members of this radical mosque to terrorist groups, such as al Qaeda?This mosque located in President Barack Obama’s backyard has been a magnet for militant Islamists from the time of its construction in 1983. It has been established and sustained by wealthy Saudi Arabian dignitaries and businessmen, who uphold...
  • 9/11 Panel Questions Two Hijackers' Help - Two Hijackers Got Help From Muslim Men When in U.S.

    06/27/2004 10:36:29 AM PDT · by BagCamAddict · 2 replies · 456+ views
    ABC News Website ^ | The Associated Press
    9/11 Panel Questions Two Hijackers' Help Sept. 11 Commission Wonders Why Two Hijackers Got Help From Two Muslim Men When in U.S. The Associated Press WASHINGTON June 27, 2004 — The FBI long has contended that not a single al-Qaida operative in the United States collaborated with the 19 hijackers in the Sept. 11 attacks. Yet the commission investigating the attacks has identified two Muslim men who may have had advance knowledge of the plot. The commission found that two hijackers got substantial help from Mohdar Abdullah and Anwar Aulaqi after settling in California in 2000. The bipartisan panel created...
  • Terrorists Moved Freely in U.S.; Report Bolsters Case for Patriot Act and Immigration Enforcement

    06/18/2004 3:14:52 PM PDT · by Jean S · 11 replies · 371+ views
    Human Events ^ | Jun 18, 2004
    A disturbing report released last week by the special commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is must reading for anyone who still questions the urgency of renewing the Patriot Act and aggressively enforcing--and tightening--our immigration laws. Entitled "Outline of the 9/11 Plot," the report reveals that two uneducated al Qaeda operatives, Nawaf al Hazmi and Kahlid al Mihdhar, had the run of America for almost two years prior to the attacks. (For full text of the report, click here.) Unversed in English, they moved freely around our country as they planned and trained for an act of mass...