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Keyword: crave

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  • Video game plays strange message? Mother: toy says 'Islam is the light'

    01/27/2009 4:58:42 PM PST · by blueyon · 33 replies · 2,129+ views ^ | Jan 27 2009 | Jessica Hayes
    KNIGHTSVILLE, Ind. (WTHI) - Months ago, Rachel Jones was shocked to discover her 4-year-old's baby doll seemed to have a hidden message: Islam is the light. Imagine her surprise when a game for her 8-year-old daughter's Nintendo DS had the same message. Rachel said she bought the Nintendo game, Baby Pals, as a gift for her 8-year-old daughter after a good report card. She had no idea the game also contained the hidden message "Islam is the light."
  • Chocolate Is The Most Widely Craved Food, But Is It Really Addictive?

    12/11/2007 3:17:47 PM PST · by blam · 79 replies · 1,336+ views
    Science Daily ^ | 11-12-2007 | University of Bristol.
    Chocolate Is The Most Widely Craved Food, But Is It Really Addictive? ScienceDaily (Sep. 12, 2007) — Chocolate is the most widely and frequently craved food. People readily admit to being 'addicted to chocolate' or willingly label themselves as 'chocoholics'. A popular explanation for this is that chocolate contains mood-enhancing (psychoactive) ingredients that give it special appeal. Polyphenol antioxidant Evidence and logic, however, find little support for this. Substances present in chocolate which have been highlighted as potentially pharmacologically significant include serotonin, tryptophan, phenylethylamine, tyramine and cannabinoids. However, many of these compounds exist in higher concentrations in other foods with...
  • Virtual Dopers Crave High Scores

    05/31/2004 8:24:32 AM PDT · by freepatriot32 · 8 replies · 245+ views
    wired news ^ | May. 25, 2004 | By Daniel Terdiman
    <p>The world of massively multiplayer online games is often a dangerous place, what with constant threats from bloodthirsty monsters and murderous non-player characters. But now players have even more peril to contend with: addictive drugs that can incapacitate or kill their characters.</p>