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Keyword: consistency

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  • Donald Trump Interview 1980

    02/13/2020 10:39:06 PM PST · by ocrp1982 · 9 replies
    YouTube ^ | 1980 | Rona Barrett
    An interview from 1980 which reveals the uncanny vision and consistency of Donald John Trump.
  • Cave vs. Wall

    01/29/2019 9:03:11 AM PST · by rktman · 16 replies ^ | 1/29/2019 | Cal Thomas
    The first thing that needs to be said about President Trump's decision to sign a measure re-opening part of the federal government without getting money for the wall he demanded is that his experience as a New York businessman was no help. Perhaps he failed to recognize that Democrats are the party of government and no one guards the power, cost and perks of government better than they do. As long as Democrats stuck together -- and they did (Republicans should learn a lesson) -- he was bound to lose. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer were...
  • Is Abortion Murder, or Not?

    04/04/2016 8:13:22 AM PDT · by Yashcheritsiy · 26 replies
    Renew America ^ | April 2, 2016 | Dan Popp
    The law...does not enjoin that which pleases a weak, frail man, but, without any regard to persons, commands that which is good and punishes evil in all, whether rich or poor, high or low. 'Tis deaf, inexorable, inflexible. On the one hand it is inexorable to the cries and lamentations of the prisoners; on the other it is deaf, deaf as an adder, to the clamors of the populace. – John Adams Pro-lifers were quick to "correct" Donald Trump when he told Chris Matthews that "there has to be some form of punishment" for a woman who procures an abortion...
  • Order! Order in the Universe! – A Meditation on the Wisdom That Creation Reflects

    03/02/2015 7:49:16 AM PST · by Salvation · 82 replies
    Archdiocese of Washington ^ | 03-01-15 | Msgr. Charles Pope
    Order! Order in the Universe! – A Meditation on the Wisdom That Creation Reflects By: Msgr. Charles PopeIn a courtroom, the judge can bring an unruly outburst to an end by shouting, “Order! Order in the court!” I often feel the same urge in the debates of our time about God’s existence and His role in the created universe. It is not so much that the debates can get unruly, but that I, with the  insistence of a town crier, want to shout, “Order! Order, there IS order the universe!” And I want to ask everyone to be quiet and listen to the universe herself...
  • ‘You cannot be consistently pro-life without being pro-marriage’: Archbishop at Walk for Life Mass

    01/28/2014 3:28:35 PM PST · by ReformationFan · 14 replies
    Life Site News ^ | 1-27-14 | Dustin Siggins
    SAN FRANCISCO, CA, January 27, 2014 ( – At a Mass held just hours before the 10th annual West Coast Walk for Life, San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone praised young pro-life activists, but asked them to “look around and notice those who are your elders here in this church.” “They are the first generation of pro-lifers,” said Cordileone. “It is no understatement to say to you, my beloved young people, that you are here because of them.” Standing in front of at least 3,500 pro-life activists at St. Mary's Cathedral, the Archbishop compared today's pro-life efforts to those of 40...
  • California Prop 19 vs. Arizona’s Immigration Law

    07/15/2010 6:35:21 AM PDT · by DanMiller · 5 replies · 1+ views
    Pajamas Media ^ | July 15, 2010 | Dan Miller
    If the federal government does not preempt the Golden State's attempt to legalize marijuana, it would make their attack on Arizona's immigration law look like a matter of political whimsy. Proposition 19, also known as the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, is a California ballot proposition which will be on the November 2, 2010, California statewide ballot. It legalizes various marijuana-related activities, allows local governments to regulate these activities, permits local governments to impose and collect marijuana-related fees and taxes, and authorizes various criminal and civil penalties.
  • Rush Limbaugh Show - April 22, 1994

    04/21/2008 6:04:21 PM PDT · by StopGlobalWhining · 4 replies · 82+ views
    John Switzer ^ | April 22, 1994 | John Switzer summarizing the Rush Limbaugh radio show
    Unofficial Summary of the Rush Limbaugh Show for Friday, April 22, 1994 by John Switzer This unofficial summary is copyright (c) 1994 by John Switzer. All Rights Reserved. These summaries are distributed on CompuServe and the Internet, and archived on CompuServe (DL9 of the ISSUES forum) and Internet ( and WWW users can access The /pub/jrs directory at contains the summaries for the past 30 days. Distribution to other electronic forums and bulletin boards is highly encouraged. Spelling and other corrections gratefully received. Please read the standard disclaimer which was included with the first summary for this...
  • Unwed Fathers Fight for Babies Placed for Adoption by Mothers

    03/19/2006 10:41:42 PM PST · by Giant Conservative · 189 replies · 3,486+ views
    The New York Times ^ | March 19, 2006 | Tamar Lewin
    Jeremiah Clayton Jones discovered that his former fiancée was pregnant just three weeks before the baby was due, when an adoption-agency lawyer called and asked if he would consent to have his baby adopted. "I said absolutely not," said Mr. Jones, a 23-year-old Arizona man who met his ex-fiancée at Pensacola Christian College in Florida. "It was an awkward moment, hearing for the first time that I would be a father, and then right away being told, 'We want to take your kid away.' But I knew that if I was having a baby, I wanted that baby." Mr. Jones...
  • Consistency Keeps Military Family's Life on an Even Keel

    01/25/2006 6:28:08 PM PST · by SandRat · 3 replies · 241+ views
    American Forces Press Service ^ | jan 25 | Samantha L. Quigley
    WASHINGTON, Jan. 25, 2006 – Catherine McCarthy, a Navy submariner's wife, has a solution for keeping life normal for her three children despite challenges a military family faces. Nothing about everyday life changes, she said, whether her husband, Petty Officer 1st Class Matt McCarthy, is at sea or home. The nuclear electrician's mate has been in the Navy for 11 years. "'Steady' - that's my key word," McCarthy said. "What works for us is to stay solid and stay on the same steady path. When he comes home our philosophy has always been that he fits back into the family."...
  • CA: Spending consistency? Not this governor

    01/15/2006 11:40:00 AM PST · by NormsRevenge · 25 replies · 269+ views
    Sac Bee ^ | 1/15/06 | Daniel Weintraub
    Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is sometimes criticized unfairly for picking and choosing positions from across the ideological spectrum. There is nothing wrong with that. But on at least one issue - ballot-box budgeting - he is seemingly on every side of the same issue at the same time, and his incoherence is deafening. Schwarzenegger on this issue, in fact, is a perfect reflection of the California voter: He loves to tie the hands of policymakers with initiatives and then complain incessantly about the gridlock that results. --snip-- But at the same press conference, Schwarzenegger proposed measures that would worsen the very...
  • The comeback Kerry

    09/23/2004 10:48:18 AM PDT · by Cincinatus' Wife · 58 replies · 1,783+ views
    Economist, UK ^ | September 23, 2004
    How the Democrat can revive his faltering campaign IN SEPTEMBER 1980 Ronald Reagan was stuck behind Jimmy Carter in the polls. His campaign was in such a shambles that he had to sack his campaign manager. And he was dogged by the belief that he was unelectable. All that changed with a single debate—and Reagan crushed Mr Carter by more than 8m votes. John Kerry is no Ronald Reagan (though one supporter recently introduced him twice as John Kennedy). But he still has time to turn his campaign round. It is true that the Republicans have the wind in their...
  • America's consistency problem

    06/29/2003 1:51:54 AM PDT · by yonif · 2 replies · 192+ views
    Jerusalem Post ^ | Jun. 29, 2003 | Yossi Olmert
    The behavior of the United States since the end of the war in Iraq proves one has to know how to win a war not only on the battlefield but also politically and psychologically. This is a problem that is generally typical of Israel's wars because we are experts in victory on the battlefield and defeat in every other possible arena. In this, it turns out, we are not that different from the Americans. Three Middle-Eastern arenas illustrate the US's problematic policy in the aftermath of the war in Iraq. First, the approach toward Syria. Colin Powell went to Damascus...
  • Rumsfeld's Defense and Offense vs Media Lies and Liars: Tell the Truth

    04/09/2003 6:00:27 PM PDT · by kritikos · 4 replies · 177+ views
    Department of Defense Press Briefing, 4 April 2003 ^ | 9 April 2003 | Department of Defense
    Q: Mr. Secretary, as these powerful images of the last three weeks have been broadcast out to the world, is it your sense, especially in the Arab-speaking world, that they have become convinced of the rightness of the cause that you are fighting this war for, or do you feel that this three-week campaign thus far has created many more people who want to come after Americans -- (pauses) -- well, I'll just stop there. RUMSFELD: We have no evidence that the latter is happening. There's no question but that there are a number of, particularly television stations, as well...
  • A Vengeful Hobgoblin

    03/21/2003 9:14:52 AM PST · by fporretto · 9 replies · 421+ views
    The Palace Of Reason ^ | March 21, 2003 | Francis W. Porretto
    Don't call them principled. They're not. And don't call them ideologues. They wouldn't know an ideology from a par-boiled turnip. They protest. They demonstrate. They've disrupted metropolitan traffic in Boston, San Francisco, and several other cities. A few have engaged in violent vandalism against others' property. But they have yet to articulate precisely why the American campaign against Saddam Hussein and his Baathist dictatorship has them so exercised -- unless we accept "we don't like it" as the response. Most people, be it frankly said, aren't all that good with abstractions and reasoning. Most of our actions are propelled by...
  • Liberty: a unified field theory

    09/16/2002 11:56:43 AM PDT · by logician2u · 33 replies · 462+ views
    Orange County Register ^ | Sept. 15, 2002 | Alan Bock
    <p>Senior Editorial Writer.</p> <p>The last in a weekly series of 12 essays about aspects of liberty. All 12 essays can be found on our Web site.</p> <p>Nat Hentoff, whose columns the Register sometimes runs, titled his 1980 book on the history of free speech in America "The First Freedom."</p>