Keyword: cartercenter
There's a persistent truism out there that while Jimmy Carter was an execrable president, he was nevertheless a great ex-president. It's balderdash. He may have done some worthy deeds around the eradication of disease and the building of homes for the homeless. But he was every bit as bad an ex-president as he was a sitting president. It wasn't just his nasty, irritable personality, as described by newsman and AT contributor Peter Chowka here, and former U.S. diplomat Lewis Amselem from firsthand experience as bystanders in random events. It was in his meddling political involvement abroad. Amselem described in his...
The Trump administration is seeking the dismissal of a suit alleging the nonprofit helmed by former president Jimmy Carter has used taxpayer funding to provide material support to international terrorist groups, including Hamas. The Zionist Advocacy Center, which filed the recently unsealed suit in 2015, alleges the Carter Center received more than $30 million in taxpayer grants while violating federal statutes barring it from using the cash to provide material support to terror groups. The plaintiffs maintain the Carter Center has violated the law by hosting designated terrorists at is facilities, as well as by providing various forms of assistance...
The Carter Center, set up by former President Jimmy Carter, is being asked to explain events it has held "which seem to promote Chinese Communist Party propaganda."
China's Communist Party is intensifying covert influence operations in the United States that include funding Washington think tanks and coercing Chinese Americans, according to a congressional commission report. The influence operations are conducted by the United Front Work Department, a Central Committee organ that employs tens of thousands of operatives who seek to use both overt and covert operations to promote Communist Party policies. The Party's United Front strategy includes paying several Washington think tanks with the goal influencing their actions and adopting positions that support Beijing's policies. "The [Chinese Communist Party] has sought to influence academic discourse on China...
The Trump administration is seeking the dismissal of a suit alleging the nonprofit helmed by former president Jimmy Carter has used taxpayer funding to provide material support to international terrorist groups, including Hamas. The Zionist Advocacy Center, which filed the recently unsealed suit in 2015, alleges the Carter Center received more than $30 million in taxpayer grants while violating federal statutes barring it from using the cash to provide material support to terror groups. The plaintiffs maintain the Carter Center has violated the law by hosting designated terrorists at is facilities, as well as by providing various forms of assistance...
Last week, Jennifer McCoy the Director of the Americas Center for The Carter Center went to Venezuela to observe that country's presidential election. According to lefty website just a day before the election McCoy claimed that Venezuela’s electronic voting system was “the most comprehensive (she’s) seen in the world.” In fact she pre-certified the election by saying that post-election audits “never had any significant discrepancy between the paper receipts and the electronic system.” But now there are widespread and credible allegations of fraud and the Venezuelan government won't allow a recount. In fact the government has taken violent actions...
CNN has just performed a valuable public service by revealing that the director of the Americas Program at the (Jimmy) Carter Center, Jennifer McCoy, is a complete moonbat. And how did they do that? Simple. They merely quoted her. Although McCoy is often cited in the MSM as some sort of expert on the subject of Venezuela such as in her recent USA column about the Chavez "legacy," her efforts to defend the Chavista thugs extends even to the point of completely misconstruing the opposition to vice president Nicolas Maduro's unconstitutional takeover of the presidency of that country. Here is...
Jimmy Carter - Mass Murderer Pravda 16.05.2012 Boni pastoris est tondere pecus, non deglubere. - Tiberius By John Fleming ... Jimmy Carter affects a superficial appearance of amiability and since leaving the White House, besides his well-known work for Habitat for Humanity, he has espoused time and again humanitarian causes. He has been appointed a diplomatic plenipotentiary time and again, especially under Clinton, and he made a well-publicized trip to Cuba and met Fidel Castro recently, where he, without mentioning the repression under corporate monopoly capitalism, in Georgia and everywhere else in the U.S., chided Castro in a would-be...
FMR. PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER is today reported to have not only sent off a condolence message to North Korea over the death of mass murderer, horrendous DICTATOR Kim Jong-il, in it he also addressed comments to the heir-apparant, Kim Jong-un, and wished for "his success" as he goes forward to "assume power."
They should rename the Carter Center “Habitat for Depravity”. According to HotAir.Com, Jimmy Carter is more financially involved with Islamic Terrorism and their Arab Supporters then the Democratic imaginary involvement of VP Dick Cheney/Halliburton. Claudia Rosett of National Review has dug up some dirt on the Holocaust denying former President who is the helped originate the birth of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. In recent weeks, a number of articles have noted that Carter’s anti-Israeli views coincide with those of some of the center’s prime financial backers, including the government of Saudi Arabia
Here is what the ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice) web site says: Citizen Outrage: Strip Federal Funding from Carter Center! Former President Jimmy Carter has gone too far. His recent meeting with the anti-Israel, pro-terrorist group Hamas is an abuse of power and misuse of American citizens' hard-earned tax dollars. We will not allow for our federal dollars to support terrorist negotiations! Stand with Members of Congress and the ACLJ in calling for an immediate halt of federal funding to the Carter Center. Please read the form below carefully and declare your membership with the ACLJ by adding...
Leadership: As unrest over freedom's end grows in Venezuela, out comes Jimmy Carter's Center, expressing "concern." That's rich. Carter played a leading role in trashing the press there, making dictatorship possible. Jimmy Carter often wins praise as an international mediator, but it was precisely his mediation in two events in August 2004 that led to the turmoil now seen across Venezuela. Hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets crying "freedom" for two reasons: they're ruled by a dictator who's gathering absolute power, and they can't even complain because he's effectively ended free speech. On May 27, dictator...
To understand what feeds former president Jimmy Carter's anti-Israeli frenzy, look at his early links to Arab business. Between 1976-1977, the Carter family peanut business received a bailout in the form of a $4.6 million, "poorly managed" and highly irregular loan from the National Bank of Georgia (NBG). According to a July 29, 1980 Jack Anderson expose in The Washington Post, the bank's biggest borrower was Mr. Carter, and its chairman at that time was Mr. Carter's confidant, and later his director of the Office of Management and Budget, Bert Lance.
Six years after declaring the Venezuelan election process "flawed," former President Jimmy Carter's Carter Center will monitor only one aspect of the country's Dec. 3 elections, despite claims of abuses during the campaign designed to favor the incumbent, left-wing populist President Hugo Chavez. The center announced Nov. 20 that it would organize a "specialized, limited technical mission" to "observe the use of the automated voting technology." The effort is in collaboration with Carter's group and the Venezuelan National Electoral Council, a body which Chavez critics say is controlled by the president. The group will also not monitor the election broadly...
Carter Center will limit itself solely to observing system of automated voting Caracas. - The representative of the Carter Center in Venezuela, Hector Vanolli, made known today that he signed the Memorandum of Understanding between the members of that organization, which will function as watcher in the presidential elections, and the rectors of the National Electoral Council (CNE). "It established an agreement by which the Carter Center deploys in Venezuela a mission of an exclusively technical character, whose only focus of attention is going to be the system of automated voting." He explained that due to the limited character...
At 5:45 PM Eastern / 2:45 PM Pacific, Fox News Channel's "The Big Story w/ John Gibson" will report on the developing story involving more than $1,000,000 in contributions from the Bin Laden family to ex-President Jimmy Carter. The revelations came about following an investigation by Melanie Morgan and the Censure Carter Committee - a project of the pro-troop organization, Move America Forward. These developments are in addition to tens of millions of dollars in funding from Arab governments who are appreciative of Carter's anti-Israeli stance and Carter's opposition to U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East including opposing...
Ex-U.S. President Jimmy Carter is in league with Osama bin Laden. A paper trail shows that more than $1 million has been funneled from Bakr M. Bin Laden on behalf of the Saudi Bin Laden Group to The Carter Center. That’s an impressive bit of investigative journalism that comes your way, not courtesy of the New York Times and company, but from Melanie Morgan, Chairman, Censure Carter Committee (Censure Carter Committee ). "An investigation by the Censure Carter Committee into the financing for The Carter Center of Atlanta, Georgia founded by President Carter and his wife to advance his "Blame...
Not long ago, in the middle of one of the four-hour talkathons he stages weekly on national television, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez grabbed a baseball bat and made the following declaration: "Fidel: Look out! The home run will go precisely over the city of Havana. This will happen on Aug. 15. I am going to hit [it] so hard that it will land in the gardens of the White House!" Here is an incoming missile that few in the Bush administration, or Washington, are expecting, because so little attention has been paid to Latin America since Sept. 11, 2001. It...
London 23.02.05 | Shocked by the Carter Center's imprimatur of last August I managed to engage in an e-conversation with Jennifer McCoy vis-à-vis the sheer negligence that characterized their 'electoral observation mission' in Venezuela. As admitted by her, the Carter Center (CC) never had any control over the scrutiny processes that ensued the recall referendum but it did have the nerve to endorse the results of the election. Furthermore, the CC's validation of results was vox populi in international circles, as I was made aware of by BBC journalists prior to Jimmy Carter / Cesar Gaviria press conference in Caracas...
...Chávez has accused four Súmate leaders of treason.... Their crime, according to the president and his henchmen, is accepting funding from the Washington-based National Endowment for Democracy, a bipartisan agency that promotes democracy abroad. Chávez sees the NED as an organ of his enemy, the U.S. government. For several years now Chávez has been trying to pick a fight with the Bush administration by using hateful rhetoric. The administration, perhaps wisely, has largely ignored the noises coming from Caracas. But with four brave and innocent democrats accused of conspiring with the U.S. to overthrow the Venezuelan government, it's clearly time...