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Posts by sako shooter

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  • Clyburn: Palin intellectually unable 'to understand what's going on here'

    01/12/2011 9:08:07 AM PST · 83 of 140
    sako shooter to Qbert

    This is the same guy who said the Republicans filibustered the Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s — so who is intellectually challenged?

  • How many different calibres have you fired? And which one was the biggest one?

    11/17/2010 10:07:46 PM PST · 99 of 112
    sako shooter to HiJinx

    .22LR, .223 M-16/M-4, .300 Savage, .308 Winchester, 30-06 Springfield, .223 M-249, 7.62 G3, 7.62 AK-47, 7.62 M-60, 50 cal M-2, 14.5 mm KPVT and 7.62 mm PKT (BRDM), 23 mm (towed 23-2), M-203 40 mm, LAW, AT-4, .45 (grease gun was by far the best), 81mm mortar, 4-deuce mortar, 9mm, Claymore (lots of fun), 12 gauge, 20 gauge, .410.

  • BET Founder Warns Dems: Lose Jim Clyburn, Lose Black Voters

    11/11/2010 4:48:52 AM PST · 23 of 59
    sako shooter to Libloather

    The dims should make him the minority leader (pun intended). This is the same guy who insisted the Republicans filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights legislation.

  • Tomorrow Is Veteran's Day, And I Have A Problem

    11/10/2010 7:10:39 AM PST · 13 of 35
    sako shooter to scottfactor

    Dear scottfactor,
    Memorial Day pre-dates Veterans Day. 11 November is Remembrance Day in Canada and Veterans Day in the US in commemoration of the eleventh hour, of the eleventh day in the eleventh month. Fly your flag. Go visit a Veterans Hospital or a military hospital and visited our wounded warriors. Go to a national cemetery and thank those resting there. Never forget our fallen. Thanks.

  • 'It's supposed to be hard'

    11/30/2009 10:32:57 PM PST · 5 of 6
    sako shooter to MrEdd

    Young Colby is in the Platoon Leader’s Course. Officer candidates go to Quantico over two summers and are commissioned after the second phase of training. The first course is six weeks long. Good for him. We need the children of the elites serving as leaders in our military. All too often, the children of those who served, serve and a significant percentage of our population never serve in the military. Colby has good genes. The Marines will make a leader out of him. Leading wet, cold, tired, hungry men onto the objective under fire is a test of leadership. I hope Colby makes it through the second phase of training and becomes a Marine.

  • What Happens if America Goes Broke?

    11/10/2009 9:29:55 AM PST · 50 of 56
    sako shooter to kellynla

    The dimocrats will never go away. 50 percent of the people in America pay no income tax. The dims have created electoral perfection. Those 50 percent have just enough intelligence to figure out that the dims give them the handouts. George Soros then funds the dimocrats to keep America enslaved. We are on the road to fascism and/or civil war. The world today looks frighteningly similar to 1914 in that cataclysmic change is coming and not the change for which dim Americans voted.

  • Tell Sen. Jim Webb no to obamacare and no to cap n trade

    11/09/2009 10:24:32 AM PST · 8 of 12
    sako shooter to tgusa

    I have been sending Webb emails for months on health care and get below in return:

    Thank you for contacting my office regarding health care reform. I appreciate your taking the time to share your views.

    At the outset, I believe that the Obama administration should have begun the reform process with a clear proposal that could have been the starting point for our work here in Congress. Without a specific framework, Congress has had difficulty crafting a bill of such challenging scope and complexity.

    Currently in the Senate, the bills from the two committees that have jurisdiction over health care – the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and the Finance Committee – are being combined into a single package, to be considered by the entire Senate in the coming weeks. As this legislation moves forward, I believe it is important that the process be as transparent and open to public engagement as possible. For this reason, I joined seven of my Senate colleagues in urging Senate Leadership to post legislative text and cost estimates from the Congressional Budget Office for public viewing at least 72 hours before the measure is debated or voted on in the full Senate. This will allow our constituents to evaluate the proposal in detail and make their views known. It is important for us to be very deliberate on an issue of such importance to the lives of so many Americans.

    While most people are understandably satisfied with their health care, the system is not working for millions of American families. Spiraling costs for health care have placed our biggest industries at a severe competitive disadvantage, as employers struggle to provide insurance for their workers. By the same token, families are increasingly unable to depend on their health care plans when they need them the most. This has contributed to the mortgage foreclosure crisis and the rise in personal bankruptcies. In short, our nation’s continued economic recovery would be advanced by meaningful and effective health care reform that contains costs, expands access to health care, and addresses systemic concerns such as health insurance reform. At the same time, such reform must emphatically be reasonable in scope, cost, and impact.

    In the coming weeks and months, I encourage you to visit my website at for updated information about the health care reform debate. Additionally, the Senate Committee on Finance and HELP Committee have posted on their websites useful information about their respective proposals.

    As the Senate continues to debate health care reform, please be assured that your views will be very helpful to me and my staff. I hope that you will continue to share your views with us in the years ahead.

    Thank you once again for contacting my office.


    Jim Webb
    United States Senator

  • Senate blocks census US-citizenship question

    11/06/2009 3:08:30 AM PST · 13 of 18
    sako shooter to trumandogz

    Strict Constructionists would deem the illegal’s as lawbreakers and send them home or require the Federal Government to do its job and protect our country. You sir are making a nonsensical argument.

  • US govt seeks new way to seize companies

    10/26/2009 4:50:57 AM PDT · 13 of 15
    sako shooter to myknowledge

    This is fascism. Fascism is a means of organizing an economy where the government allows private ownership of the means of production while the government suspends the rule of law and forces corporations to bend to the government’s whims.

    Japan is officially a dirigiste economy, not that different from the rest of the developed world. Dirigiste economies regularly divert resources away from rational use and to that which the government favors through subsidies, regulations, cronyism, etc. A dirigiste economy can be described as fascism light as there remains a semblance of the rule of law.

  • Decision on Afghan Troops May Wait

    10/19/2009 5:34:06 AM PDT · 7 of 15
    sako shooter to Condor51

    “The delay, though, reflects deep uncertainty inside the White House about the prospects of waging a successful war without a partner in Kabul with widespread legitimacy among the Afghan people.” Excuses for fear of making a decision. Obama is Nero reincarnated.
    We have a president without widespread legitimacy among the American people. If Karzai and Abdullah conduct a run-off, one of them will more than likely get a greater percentage of the vote than Obama. Will that make the winner legitimate? No, the Odious One will find another excuse to dither.
    Obama and company better pray for a hard winter in Afghanistan, which typically puts a halt to fighting, although if the Taliban want to terrorize villages, no amount of snow will stop them, and the Taliban live and operate in the milder part of the country.

  • Kenny and the American Way

    10/19/2009 5:23:44 AM PDT · 15 of 41
    sako shooter to Your6

    Somebody should have checked your 6 before posting. I didn’t see a word about illegal aliens; unless you consider good ole southern boys illegal aliens, which I thought was a dimocrat trait. Of course illegals do go door to door looking for work, but this article was about a red-blooded American trying to improve his lot in life.

  • Steven A. Smith On Black Players Not Playing For Rush:"They're Lying Through Stinking Teeth" (Video)

    10/12/2009 1:56:23 AM PDT · 24 of 33
    sako shooter to celtic gal

    If the same principles applied to football as the rest of the workplace, white folks would have an EO complaint as football teams are not racially balanced. Geraldine Ferraro made a comment in the same vein about Obama that Rush made about McNabb and look how the lefties savaged her. McNabb is a good quarterback and if he was white, he would be just another good quarterback. Blacks should be very tired of the world going gaga just because they are black— fruits of affirmative action. Blacks make up 14 percent of the population and are over-represented on the football field. Were the vast majority of players white, the lefties would be going nuts complaining of discrimination. Fair is fair and talent is talent. MLK must be howling in his grave at the sad state of affairs in the black community today. How is that for integration?

  • VA AG 2009: Cuccinelli has made a positive difference [letter to the editor]

    10/11/2009 11:56:52 PM PDT · 7 of 13
    sako shooter to rabscuttle385

    Ken Cuccinelli , in his own words said he is “staying out” of the battle over whether Jeff Frederick should be replaced as chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia. If Mr. Cuccinelli was a man of principle, he would have defined his position on the coup. He is a stealth RINO and card carrying member of the cabal of coup plotters in Richmond. The current leadership of the Republican Party of Virginia cares more about the glowing endorsements of the Washington Post than the Conservative Base. I would rather have a dimocrat whose lyin’, cheatin,’ and thievin’ you expect, than to be cheated and have fair and open elections overturned by a bunch of banana republic Republicans. Just to remind Virginians, the banana republic Republicans could not stomach the fact that Jeff, a staunch Christian conservative beat them fair and square at the convention the banana republic boys thought they had rigged in their favor, so they executed a coup. This group of banana bloods really hates the Christian conservatives, looking down their long banana noses at us. Thanks to the banana blood Republicans, dimocrats have been winning elections in Virginia for most of this decade. Want to know why Virginia is a purple state and voted for Obama, look no farther than our lyin’, cheatin’, election stealin’ cabal of coup plottin’ RINOs in Richmond.

  • Yes We Can (Pass Climate Change Legislation

    10/11/2009 5:53:48 AM PDT · 6 of 8
    sako shooter to radioone

    “Fourth, we cannot sacrifice another job to competitors overseas. China and India are among the many countries investing heavily in clean-energy technologies that will produce millions of jobs. There is no reason we should surrender our marketplace to countries that do not accept environmental standards.”
    If China and India are investing heavily in clean-energy, it would seem they accept environmental standards. More proof of idiocy.
    If this to combat climate change or get us off foreign oil? We can get off foreign oil if the greenies would let us drill for oil and gas, build nuclear power plants, build coal-fired power plants, build dams, build refineries, and build pipelines. We will never get off of foreign oil with all the restrictions the greenies impose.

  • Obama Is On The Northern Bank Of The Rubicon

    10/06/2009 11:07:42 AM PDT · 13 of 16
    sako shooter to Kakaze

    While the Odious One dithers and fiddles, soldiers are fighting and die(ing). Odious hasn’t the courage to cast the die. Ad Finem.

  • Obama's Gitmo Closing Issues, The Buck Stops THERE

    10/06/2009 10:57:09 AM PDT · 3 of 3
    sako shooter to equalitybeforethelaw

    Share success, own failure: a basic tenant of leadership. Oh, I forgot, the Odious One does not understand leadership; he thinks giving speeches to the UN, the IOC, or a bunch of terrorists in Cairo is leadership.

  • Harry Reid, Moonbat

    10/06/2009 6:38:57 AM PDT · 6 of 13
    sako shooter to wita

    More reason to have two countries. I am tired of securing leftist loonies liberty.

  • The New & Improved Juan Williams.

    10/03/2009 6:14:12 AM PDT · 31 of 39
    sako shooter to ballplayer

    Juan is leftist with some looney leftist ideas, but ever since he defended Clarance Thomas, I have found a modicum of respect for him.

    “Here is indiscriminate, mean-spirited mudslinging supported by the so-called champions of fairness: liberal politicians, unions, civil rights groups and women’s organizations,” wrote Williams in the October 10, 1991 Washington Post. “They have been mindlessly led into mob action against one man by the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights.” Thomas’ foes, wrote Williams, were practicing “gutter politics. … In pursuit of abuses by a conservative president the liberals have become the abusive monsters.” He added that the establishment media in general, and NPR in particular, had “sacrificed journalistic balance and integrity for a place in the mob.”

  • It's not 'retreat'Facing facts on Afghanistan

    10/02/2009 4:38:22 AM PDT · 15 of 28
    sako shooter to tobyhill

    Sorry for the long post, but Peters is a fraud with no moral compass. He licks his finger and raises it to the wind to see what sells and cloaks himself in “I am a retired military officer”. Ralph Peters has a reputation for being an arrogant springbutt going back to his days as a Junior Officer. He was a staff puke with a very high opinion of himself. His arrogance was so bad, when he was a junior Captain he got tossed out of a class at Fort Huachuca by a CW5 for being stupid and disrespectful. He was all over the place about Iraq- for it; against it; against the surge as it was doomed to fail; for the surge and declared that “Bush’s Folly” worked. He retired in 1998 with no combat experience, having never seen first-hand the difficulty of winning a war. I don’t think he understands that the enemy gets to vote. He is a chairborne bullshit artist.

    The idea that we can use Predators to defeat the Taliban is ludicrous. Sure we can kill AQ in Pakistan with Preds. We can’t effectively get at them by any other means. Kill as many as you can, but you won’t win an insurgency from 30,000 feet. In order to win a war, you need to put boots on the ground and close with and destroy the enemy. In COIN, you also need to win over and protect the population. The population is the key terrain and we are in a battle with 3 percent for the 97 percent. The population won’t trust you if you are not willing to put your ass on the line protecting them. Predators won’t protect the population. The vast majority of Afghani’s want to get on with life and they will choose the winner. If they give overt or even tacit support to the insurgents, the insurgents win. We need to convince them that we intend to defeat the Taliban and AQ. With no joes on the ground, the insurgents win. Lieutenants know you can’t win an insurgency from 30,000 feet. It is not impossible to defeat an insurgency, in fact, most are defeated. The Pakistan piece is not insurmountable either. Make life miserable for AQ in Pakistan. AQ tried locking horns with us in Iraq and lost. Now, they want to make Afghanistan our Rubicon. If we retreat from Afghanistan, the Taliban and AQ declare victory to the Muslim world, renew Afghanistan as a safe haven, and what little prestige and reservoir of trust the US has left in the world evaporates. It takes time, energy, and national will to win a counter-insurgency fight. This is indeed a long war. I fear we are lacking in national will. Seems that like many a staff officer who has never seen combat, Ralph Peters is also lacking in will.

  • Cassandras of Climate

    09/30/2009 2:51:03 AM PDT · 18 of 33
    sako shooter to Right Wing Assault

    Great info rebutting the lefties lies on global warming