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Sounds like a good idea what all the crazy news this set 10 days. Hurricanes, strikes, Mideast fighting, etc.
I ask them what Bible version did the disciples use. I never get an honest answer.
Who here is packing on the pounds in anticipation of hibernating this winter? 😁
Thanks for the updates. It’s very helpful to the rest of the Freepers to be informed.
“ PFLP Lebanon branch head eliminated.”
Sounds like a bank position got downsized.
Would you like fries with that? 😁
My cows self identify as tofu and bugs.
I think the game should be canceled on account of storm effects.
Gen Z can’t afford the usual drugs to get high on. It’s all Bidens fault.
“You shall ride eternal. Shiny, and chrome...”
The Israelis should have called it Order 66.
Somewhere on those missiles, you’ll find the phrase “ from Russia with love.”
Eggscellent advice- I know to run eggs under water prior to peeling them.
Once peeled, I add salt to the egg and eat.
Genetics probably makes a difference in how a person is affected by cholesterol especially in eating habits.
It’s my opinion we go up they come down- a saying I’ve heard here and there .
Last one to eat 700 eggs is a rotten egg!
End times ping.
Plenty of interesting info on these threads.
I never get board.
Heh. 😁
That was a good one. Thanks for the laugh.
Some Hezbollah members protested but they didn’t have any standing to protest.
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