Posts by realetybytes

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  • Mark Rubios Parents

    07/14/2011 10:52:22 PM PDT · 190 of 195
    realetybytes to Jess79

    No matter how many times you say it, people purposely ignore the “natural born” portion of the eligibility question.
    If his parents were not US citizens, he is not eligible to be president, even if he was born in the white house!
    Ron Reale

  • Fearing Sarah Palin

    06/16/2011 1:03:24 PM PDT · 10 of 10
    realetybytes to Oldpuppymax

    The opening of the article SHOULD read:

    Two words, seemingly harmless until recently. Palin had no meaning at all before 2008. Not so, today...

    Thanks to all, glad you enjoyed it!

    Ron Reale

  • We need who they hate

    06/02/2011 10:15:30 AM PDT · 6 of 9
    realetybytes to absalom01

    Electable or unelectable, Sarah Palin is a refreshing change, and her refusal to comport herself according to the medias template is exactly what we need on the national stage. Every time she opens her mouth, she drives the conversation and changes the direction the RINO’s (Romney, Pawlenty, Huckabee, and ESPECIALLY CHRIS CHRISTIE, etc.), and the media are trying to lead us.
    Can you imagine obama standing next to someone that actually likes America, and pushing his America-is-no-more-exceptional than any other nation tripe?
    Standing next to someone whose experience in energy policy dwarfs anything he and his advisors think they know?
    Can anyone imagine Palin bowing to dictators? Accepting anti-American books from dictators? Allowing terrorists, muslim or American, within 10 miles of the White House? Belittling the Constitution? Insulting Britain? Insulting Israel? Sending 100’s of billions of taxpayer dollars to foreign banks, and 100’s of billions to prop up socialist thugocracies?
    They have to destroy here before that scene unfolds, the American Patriot and the American apologist-in-chief, debating America’s greatness.
    Ron Reale

  • Ind. Sheriff: If We Need to Conduct RANDOM HOUSE to HOUSE Searches We Will

    05/20/2011 3:41:07 PM PDT · 41 of 44
    realetybytes to autumnraine

    I have heard of cases where the prosecutor tries to circumvent the “fruit of the poison tree” defense by pleading that the “technicality” or “minor mistake” of the officer should not allow all the obviously illegal stuff they eventually found be thrown out.
    They have had success, and, putting these two cases together eviscerates the 4th amendment. Check out some of the “Good faith” exceptions, or see where totally illegally found stuff CAN still be used against you, here:

    Ron Reale

  • Is obama Superman, or is Superman obama?

    05/01/2011 6:59:06 PM PDT · 16 of 21
    realetybytes to Charles Henrickson

    THANKS! Great picture! I love it!

  • Is obama Superman, or is Superman obama?

    05/01/2011 5:52:41 PM PDT · 1 of 21
  • Projecting Trump’s business decisions into the political realm misses the point

    04/28/2011 8:07:06 AM PDT · 1 of 4
  • Obama’s Trump Card The damage the Donald can do

    04/28/2011 7:59:15 AM PDT · 174 of 174
    realetybytes to curiosity

    No, judging from your responses, it would obviously be beyond your comprehension.
    Do be well, and live free.

  • Obama’s Trump Card The damage the Donald can do

    04/27/2011 4:21:40 PM PDT · 172 of 174
    realetybytes to curiosity

    Really? I need to explain what going to school registered or receiving scholarships as a foreign student would mean to someone who purports to be a “natural born citizen”?
    (Not sayin’ he ain’t, just that he has left open questions on this and other issues).

  • Obama’s Trump Card The damage the Donald can do

    04/26/2011 3:23:11 PM PDT · 156 of 174
    realetybytes to curiosity

    “You know whether his scholarships were paid as a foreign student or an American citizen?You know who paid for his education?

    You say: “No, but I don’t see how it’s relevant to his eligibility. Please explain”.
    Okay, if he was in school as a foreign student, he is not a natural born citizen, therefore ineligible.

    His long form birth certificate, if he has one, is not relevant to whether he is a “natural born citizen”?

    You say: “No, because his natural born status has already been established by other means.”
    As his own book points out that his father was of dual nationality, and his mother was not old enough to pass her citizenship to him, he cannot be a natural born citizen.
    Without his Long Form Birth certificate, which every American has, how has his “natural born status” been established? What other means?
    Surely not the “certificate of live birth” he posted, which was available for years to non-citizens, like the Chinese Nationalist, Sun Yat Sen. (or was Sun Yat Sen, born in China, a “natural born citizen” because of a document Hawaii gave him, years after his birth?

  • Obama’s Trump Card The damage the Donald can do

    04/26/2011 1:11:13 PM PDT · 122 of 174
    realetybytes to curiosity

    “Yes, he’s refusing to release some records. However, none of the records he is keeping private is relevant to his eligibility to be president.”

    You know this HOW?
    You know whether his scholarships were paid as a foreign student or an American citizen? You know who paid for his education?
    His long form birth certificate, if he has one, is not relevant to whether he is a “natural born citizen”?

  • Obama’s Trump Card The damage the Donald can do

    04/26/2011 1:04:14 PM PDT · 118 of 174
    realetybytes to Longbow1969

    “Congratulations, you’ve also just described George Soros, Warren Buffet and any number of other successful liberal business people.”

    Yeah, I’ve heard them calling for the truth about obama and the monetary situation regarding the Chinese on all the networks.
    I’ve seen the Buffet Towers all over the world, and the Buffet and Soros Casinos.
    Soros and Buffet make money off others works, or devaluing others monetary systems.
    Trump creates, and stands in front of, glass, brick and steel monuments to American Capitalism.
    In or out of politics, other than they are all rich, they are nowhere near alike.
    Trump works for a living, even if that work is promoting Trump.
    Trump would be a great advocate for America. Soros? Buffet?
    I’ve never heard a peep from either one of them concerning American exceptionalism. To the contrary whenever either of them is speaking, America has always done something wrong, or Americans need to send the government more money to fix what is wrong.

  • Obama’s Trump Card The damage the Donald can do

    04/26/2011 12:10:52 PM PDT · 93 of 174
    realetybytes to Longbow1969

    I never called him a conservative.I called him experienced and successful. I say he is a tried and true fighter, who knows his way around.
    I am ready to listen to anyone who will come into the picture with a successful view of Americas future. Trump has changed tactics when necessary to be successful in the private sector, including greasing the corrupt wheels of both parties wen it suited his long-term needs.
    He is intelligent enought to look an see what we need to succeed, and I believe he can drive that home. His past non-political business dealings bother me not, it is what he contracts with us to do in the future. Reagan was a democrat.I’m not comparing the two other than that, but if Trump has to put on what for him would be a conservative act, but pushes the policies we need to be successful, than more power to him.
    At least he hasn’t spent his life lying to constituents for power. He hasn’t longed to control us. I would hire him as a “contract politician”. I don’t care what he really believes, if he will follow our direction and push our points today.

  • Obama’s Trump Card The damage the Donald can do

    04/26/2011 10:37:03 AM PDT · 55 of 174
    realetybytes to tsowellfan

    “Pelosi took it upon herself to sign two documents to confirming him as eligibility without even verifying it.”

    Actually, FWIU, she and Reid signed two DIFFERENT documents for McCain and obama. The one for McCain said he was found constitutionally elibible, obama’s did not have that wording.

  • Obama’s Trump Card The damage the Donald can do

    04/26/2011 10:30:45 AM PDT · 52 of 174
    realetybytes to jmaroneps37

    Having anyone look at a professional entrepreneurs background looking for political stability is farcical at best.

    Of course “the Donald” has said and done contradictory things! His business persona and fiduciary responsibility made him go with whatever he needed at the time to get the job done, or exhibit the image he needed, when necessary.

    That said and done, he has done quite well for himself inside the Capitalist system. He has created many jobs, and his enterprises have generated untold millions in tax revenue, as opposed to just about any of the politicians attacking him from Washington, or highly intelligent writers comparing his past business actions and survival tactics with future political decisions.

    Can “The Donald” make decisions...I’d say yes.

    Does “The Donald” respect America...I’d say yes.

    Has “The Donald” repeatedly, or ever, complained about the constraints of the Constitution, and the shortcomings of our forefathers, not so much.

    Has “The Donald” gone out of his way to praise a Communist country with slave labor, implying America should be more like, never.

    Has “The Donald” ever bemoaned the fact he wasn’t president of that same Communist country, because it would be easier to get things done, (without free citizens), never.

    I posit we have never seen a political Donald Trump. We cannot use his past decisions in the private sector to judge him, except to determine whether he has the ability to collect, sort and absorb facts, and, along with his advisers, reach decisive, logical decisions.

    From his past successes, I’d say yes.

    Does his vast world-wide experience give him a sufficient worldview to run the worlds largest Capitalist system?

    I’d say YES!

    Putting Trump and obama side by side, is there any position, issue, or level of experience that obama has that comes near Trump’s?

    I’d say, (EMPHATICALLY), NO!

    We tried an inexperienced, American-values hating failure, This time, lets go with an experienced, American-values promoting success.

  • Petraeus condemns Quran burning as protests rage on

    04/25/2011 3:15:42 PM PDT · 481 of 488
    realetybytes to ohioWfan

    “btw, in no way did Petraeus “deride the Constitution” direct statement, nor by inference.”
    While I agree with your, “different place, different time” attitude, and appreciate it after my posting screw-up, (are the lessons still available?:-)), I think a military General singling out any American citizens actions, especially legal actions, before the world, and acting like he has any right to tell him what to do, and how he should conduct his political protest, does not reflect our Constitutional freedoms at best, at a time when they need to be seen and understood clearly, worldwide.
    There is a choice to be made, and, as Michigan shows, it is coming faster and faster. The challenges to our sovereignty and freedoms has never been more deep, nor as damnably obvious.
    PR should come fron the State Dept., not a field General, standing up for our country’s ideals and freedoms strengths before the world.
    I wish and hope you and yours happiness, and above all, safety on their way home.
    Be well, and stay on my back, I appreciate it.

  • Petraeus condemns Quran burning as protests rage on

    04/25/2011 2:31:52 PM PDT · 478 of 488
    realetybytes to ohioWfan

    Just trying to get a baseline, it’s hard to keep up when you change the rules as you see fit. That’s why they wrote the rules down, so they would know what freedoms we held dear, and wanted them to protect, in our name.
    I’m glad you agree he had the right to burn that koran. We all know that was just that days reason for the cultists to attack Americans.
    Petraus made a political statement. In it, he derided the document he has sworn to defend.
    Instead of saying that Americans of all stripes learn to live peacefully amongst flag-burners, KKK lovers, Christian bashers and numerous other amazingly insulting things we all most certainly do not agree with. That with the freedom of America, you do not have to conform to others religious views. The government has no say in religious matters, except to ensure, through men like himself, that no one infringes on their right to avail themselves of that freedom.
    In that way, everyone is able to practice their beliefs in peace and safety.
    Instead of taking the opportunity to point out all that freedom means, and what America truly stands for, the general chose to talk down to a sovereign citizen pointing out the freedoms in America as opposed to the shackles of a violent, bully cult.
    If it comes to standing with someone who wants to exercise his right to speak, no matter how ugly that speech, or someone that wants the right, under any circumstance, to decide to kill me if I happen to say or do anything they don’t like, well, I don’t have a problem making that decision.
    Col. West protected his men. General Petraeus’s words did his men no favor.
    Osama Bin Laden referred to us as a paper tiger as we bend to their complaints. I wonder why they think that...?

  • Petraeus condemns Quran burning as protests rage on

    04/25/2011 11:41:24 AM PDT · 474 of 488
    realetybytes to ohioWfan

    I stand by the fact that the general, for who I previously had great respect, is in no position to lecture Americans to ignore the Constitution.
    If you think that threats of violence from someone override the Constitution, skin in the game or not, you should rethink your position. You are not the only one with relatives in the military. I just hope they respect the document they are fighting to protect more than you.
    I guess your happy now that an American citizen has lost his right to peaceably assemble and free speech in Michigan, because the savages might riot.
    Here is where we disagree...he should be allowed to obey the law and protest, like they could protest at a church if they were actually part of America, and took our rights seriously. They, on the other hand, have a right to counter protest, which I will protect any way I can.
    They do not have the right to threaten violence, or react violently, and if they do, kill them as quickly as possible, until all that are left are those that understand that others have freedoms, also.
    I don’t know what side you put yourself on, but if you or anyone else are for silencing the constitution, I believe that says it all.
    How far gone are you think I deserve to be violently quieted, or threatened with beheading if I don’t agree with you? Where do you draw the islamo-fascist line for yourself?

  • Petraeus condemns Quran burning as protests rage on

    04/25/2011 8:41:02 AM PDT · 472 of 488
    realetybytes to ohioWfan

    Someone posted the article I was posting about as a reply to my post. It caused me some confusion as to who was replying to me, or to that post. I originally, (hang on, it gets more confusing), thought you had posted to my article, (which it now seems you did), but then it looked like you posted to...well, I could go on about how much I screwed up, but if you were posting to my response, I retract my mistaken retraction.
    I stand by whatever you think I said, if indeed I answered your post on my post.
    There, doesn’t that make it all much clearer?

  • Petraeus condemns Quran burning as protests rage on

    04/24/2011 11:31:43 PM PDT · 470 of 488
    realetybytes to ohioWfan

    I’m sorry, I just posted a response to you that was innacurate, I did not author the post you were replying to, but another that that article was posted under. Please pardon my mistake, and except my apology.