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She is not a Libertarian, but a tool of Republican dirty trickster Roger Stone, a “friend” of hers.
There is an alternative to bailout banker and NRA D-minus Rick Lazio—Warren Redlich. See
In New York candidates can run and usually do on multiple party lines Gubernatorial Candidate Challenges New York Establishment
Which candidate for governor opposes eminent domain abuse? Gubernatorial Candidate Challenges New York Establishment
A Tea Partier is running for NY governor. Gubernatorial Candidate Challenges New York Establishment
Gubernatorial Candidate Challenges New York Establishment
There is an alternative to bailout bonus banker Lazio. Gubernatorial Candidate Challenges New York Establishment
Rick Lazio supported the assault weapons ban. Warren Redlich doesn’t and he is also a gunowner. For another view.
However, would I say the same thing if they killed a state railroad employee to gain access to a building or a train? I'm not so sure.
Does the end justify the means? If so, when? Who decides?
Kristol didn’t say it first, a blogger did.
which links to
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