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Good. Ten to one he’s a raving lunatic lib. Ten to one he won’t be missed.
Yup, I’m beginning to appreciate that. I completely missed the sippy cup and fly. Thanks for pointing them out!
I LOL at the empty thought bubble.
- Cops charging it as harassment, harassment as a hate crime, and assault. - The sicko claiming the employee's actions caused him to develop PTSD, and no doubt subsequently filing a lawsuit because of it. - The employer coming down firmly on the side of the sicko and probably, ultimately, firing the employee. - Non-stop bad press until the employee dies.
- The sicko claiming the employee's actions caused him to develop PTSD, and no doubt subsequently filing a lawsuit because of it.
- The employer coming down firmly on the side of the sicko and probably, ultimately, firing the employee.
- Non-stop bad press until the employee dies.
Putin sending a warning?
Too bad we can’t build “ram” ships, ships purposely built to accelerate, ram and sink other ships whose crews are feeling uppity.
Why is it you can often just look at someone and tell he's a worthless POS?
Condolences to officer Maynard's poor family.
No, sir, not missing a thing. Getting caught is rather meaningless if there is no price attached!
He tried to amaze onlookers with how nimble and spry he was only to fall flat on his face. Then he pointed back at the stage and appeared to blame it.
Wile E. Coyote knows all about such contraptions.
Good news. I’m sure company founders are rolling over in their graves, and it’s very doubtful the companies themselves can ever recover until current management is flipping burgers somewhere.
Where the camera is... That’s where the riflemen should be. Bring back Old West justice!
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