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Posts by BizBroker

Brevity: Headers | « Text »

    11/14/2020 11:42:01 AM PST · 23 of 29
    BizBroker to cherry

    I watched the election returns until the wee hours of the morning. I witnessed some of the cheating in the count myself. If this cheating is allowed to stand, I will be done voting or taking part in the political process. This is not a decision that I take lightly. I have been a witness to these type of election shenanigans for 30 years. This is our last chance to hold onto any election integrity at all. If it is allowed to stand then we have become a banana republic. Our votes do not and will not matter, as the elite and the media will just install whomever they like through the manufacture and counting of enough Dem votes to allow their candidate to win. All the while, the GOP will and has just stood by and allowed it to happen. DONE!

  • Alabama representative introduces bill forcing men over 50 to have vasectomies

    02/14/2020 1:08:48 PM PST · 78 of 78
    BizBroker to irishjuggler

    I agree with you about the intent of this Bill. In the end though, it will actually work against them.

    As a man, your reproductive freedom is already severely limited. I know this may anger women who do not want to acknowledge the truth, but here goes anyways.

    Men and women are not “equally responsible” for a preganancy. Other than the consent to actually have sex there is no equal responsiblilty.

    Women have what? 12 means of birth control (not counting surgery) to prevent pregnancies. Men have one, a condom, which is the least effective of all methods. Trying to say that the responsibility is equal, once sex has been had, is like saying that if a man and a woman are both driving a car, they are equally responsible for having an accident, even if the man has one method (the least effective method) to stop the car and the woman has 12 ways to stop it. Sorry, but not equal culpability.

    Also, No pregnancy goes to fruition, leading to a birth, without the consent of a woman. If I were to get a woman pregnant and she wanted to keep the child but I didn’t, she could FORCE me to be a parent and pay child support. Conversely, If I wanted to keep the child, but she didn’t, there is no way that I can FORCE her to carry the child to term and give birth. Yet somehow we are to believe that men have complete reproductive freedom and women don’t? Sorry, not buying it.

    And before anyone says, “well, the man can just walk away”, I will address that. Can he just walk away? The states are pretty adept at collecting child support and will garnish wages or jail a man who does not pay. This rarely happens to women, even in the unlikely event she is court ordered to pay support.

    This does not mention several other anti-male reproductive policies or laws. Such as, in many states if the wife becomes pregnant during marriage, the husband is presumed to be the father, even if a DNA test proves otherwise. This law exists in AZ, where I live. Many other states have this policy on the books as well.

    So, I do not buy into the conventional wisdom that women are victims and men have all of the advantages when the truth is exactly the opposite.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/22/2019 12:19:34 PM PDT · 133 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    SO, then welfare is not a problem then? I mean, they WANT more so we should just pay right? Dumbest thing I have heard all day?

    By the way, do those recipients better themselves? Um no.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/22/2019 12:18:13 PM PDT · 132 of 233
    BizBroker to central_va

    lol, Here is more info that gives exactly the opposite findings. If you need help understanding the data let me know and I will be glad to help you.

    So, sorry if I don’t buy what you are selling or believe your version of what the truth is. For every article you can find saying that raising the minimum wage does not cause unemployment, I can find another or maybe even two that say the opposite.

    You want to focus on Walmart and other mega companies, yet you conveniently forget...
    There are almost 21.5 million (90%) small businesses in the United States.
    Small businesses are responsible for 39 percent of GNP.
    Small businesses are responsible for 52 percent of the all U.S. sales and contribute about 21 percent of all manufactured U.S. exports.
    Small businesses contribute 44 percent of all sales in the country.
    Small businesses employ 54.4 million people, about 57.3 percent of the private workforce.

    Small business cannot continue to raise wages so you can feel good about yourself because you think that this makes things “fair”. Besides, I have yet to see one of you minimum wage advocates answer these questions:

    Who owns the job, the company or the worker?

    So, because I own a business, I can no longer negotiate what I am willing to pay someone to perform a job for me?

    Why do you and your ilk get to decide what a job is worth? The company owns the equipment and infrastructure present to make the job possible. They spend the money on it, maintain it, and assume all the risk, but according to you they should have no say in what they are willing to pay to do this work using THEIR infrastructure?

    At any given time, there are “X” number of jobs in the economy. Wages have been falling because we have been allowing a non-stop flow of unskilled labor to just walk across the border who will work for under the table cash. This means they will work for less money. This has had a downward push on wages. You know, supply and demand? I will explain it slower if you need help. So, your solution is to create some made up value for ALL labor, out of thin air based on what you think “need” is or should be? And you think this will solve the problem?

    I propose freedom for owners to negotiate and for workers to work for the wage they would like. Even if it is lower than some others. This is called FREEDOM. So before you accuse others of being socialist, you many want to examine your own tendencies when it comes to thinking you or others are entitled to someone else’s earnings.

    And , by the way, I was condescending and insulting with this post because that is how you posted to me and others previously.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/22/2019 11:54:46 AM PDT · 130 of 233
    BizBroker to central_va

    In your world, they don’t have to better themselves because their basic needs are provided for when they work ANY job. But yet you are saying that they will better themselves anyway? Sorry, not buying it.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/21/2019 4:17:28 PM PDT · 107 of 233
    BizBroker to central_va

    Yes, because we all know that no one just puts in the least amount of effort for the most gain, right? Talk about ridiculous.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/21/2019 4:16:37 PM PDT · 106 of 233
    BizBroker to central_va

    Yes, and your solution is to raise the cost of business instead of eliminating the illegals? Yeah, that’ll work out.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/21/2019 4:15:41 PM PDT · 105 of 233
    BizBroker to central_va

    Ah yes, just attacks, no facts. Used to seeing it from you though. Jealous much? Intimidated? I know, the fact that I employ people means nothing, YOU know all.

    Get a life.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 2:07:26 PM PDT · 70 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    The market flopped because the government interfered with it doing what idiots like you think it should, “making it fair”. You will never learn. There is no point in debating with you.

    When has the market actually had a chance to work? We do not have much of a free market. I am just trying to defend what’s left. You want to take us further down the rabbit hole that got us into trouble. I have a secredt for you...Government is not smarter than the market, and neither are lawyers.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 2:04:38 PM PDT · 68 of 233
    BizBroker to 2nd amendment mama

    I know, I did send you a private message. Sorry about that. I should have known that he was the Attorney. They need all of these laws to justify their necessary evil existence.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 2:03:29 PM PDT · 67 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    Then get rid of the safety net for working people. That should solve it.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 1:55:36 PM PDT · 64 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    The market is even more fair, will determine fair wages, level the paying field, and I don’t have to worry about being at the whims of SJW’s like you.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 1:36:57 PM PDT · 59 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    And if I don’t pay them enough then they can go work somewhere else and then I bear the costs of hiring and training new people and take the chance that the new person cannot do the job at all. In the end, if that happens too much I lose money. As an owner, I am incentivized to keep my employees because in the long run it is cheaper than churning and burning them.

    Do you have the slightest understanding about how business or the free market works? Competition? Any of it? It does not sound like it.

    And why WOULD I pay more than I have to? I guess if I believed that a business was there to provide jobs instead of make a profit I would do that. I bet you think that is why businesses exist, huh? To provide jobs, profits be damned. As the owner I take on a ton of liability and risk, but in your world I just oughta do that for free, right? I get to shoulder the losses myself but I am greedy and the reason that we need minimum wage laws if I don’t give away my profits to employees who are not as well trained or educated as I am, or who risk nothing right?

    You know nothing- minimum wage laws are a detriment. But there is no way you will ever understand because of your entitlement mentality.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 1:20:22 PM PDT · 57 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    I live in the real world, not one where because you need something you get it just for showing up 40 hours per week. I live in a world where you EARN what you make.

    Don’t like your wage, get another job. Don’t like your options, create more by bettering yourself. What you don’t get to do is determine what others have to pay out based on what YOU think they should be paying.

    If you think I live in Theory Land, where do you live? Free Lunch Land? Give Me Something For Nothing Land? Why do you and your ilk get to decide what others who own something HAVE to pay out to have work done. You accuse others of being Socialists, but it is you who seems to not believe in free markets or personal freedom. What are you even doing on this forum? Shouldn’t you be on DU or something?

    I am a business owner and have been self-employed for more than 20 years. I tell ya what, if workers want a bigger cut, great. Then they are also gonna pony up some cash when their shoddy work causes a business to lose money too, right? No, in your world it is a one way street. How much can I get for the least amount of effort. Sound about right?

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 1:02:59 PM PDT · 55 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    Any value assigned that is not due to productivity is arbitrary. Only a socialist thinks that one can JUST DECIDE, based on need, what the value of a job is. So yes, it IS arbitrary.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 1:00:59 PM PDT · 54 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    A job that requires no training and does not have much marketable value. That is the kind of job (Burger Flipper) that cannot, and should not, provide a living wage. This is why people better themselves, get an education and learn a trade. So they can obtain more marketable and valuable skills and earn more money. If all work provided everything that we need to live, then where would the incentive be to improve oneself?

    No one who works is a Peon. There is honor in a days work. But, some work is more valuable than other work. If ALL work provides a living wage, then eventually, due to inflation, very little will. These are the laws of economics, like it or not.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 12:50:18 PM PDT · 52 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    “Livable Point” for the worker? Who determines this? So, an arbitrary value is assigned to the job instead of the value it creates for the business? So flipping Burgers now must have a living wage? Even though this type of job was never intended to be used as a living wage kind of position? So, he actually cannot negotiate nor allow the position to assign value based on it’s productivity can he? Who, instead of the market, shall make these determinations? Democrat politicians?

    How about we make employers responsible by not allowing them to import low-skill workers into the economy, thereby depressing wages. Then they will have to pay what the market will bear, instead of having a job assigned a made up value by a Social Justice Warrior.

  • Correlation Between Unemployment and the Minimum Wage ( There is none)

    08/16/2019 11:42:14 AM PDT · 46 of 233
    BizBroker to Penelope Dreadful

    Who owns the jobs that are created by a business and its owner? Is it the worker or the business? If it is the business, then essentially you are saying that the owner of that business has NO RIGHT to negotiate what he is willing to pay to have a certain job performed.

    If you think the worker owns the job, you just may be a socialist/commie. They own their own labor, but not the capital spent or the infrastructure built to create the means for doing the job.

    We do agree on one thing, many of the same people who advocate the minimum wage are the same people who make it necessary by continuing to import low skilled or third world labor from other countries via legal and illegal immigration, thereby depressing the market for wages.

    I am a free-marketeer and business friendly. However, some businesses and their owners tick me off to no end. The other day, I saw an ad for a Sales Manager position posted. It REQUIRED a MBA. It’s pay? $15.74 an hour. The owner of that business will then whine about how they cannot find qualified workers and ask for more immigration to “fill the gap”.

  • How Much Blood Would Leftists Be Willing To Shed To Disarm Patriotic Americans?

    12/06/2018 7:38:59 PM PST · 107 of 136
    BizBroker to Dalberg-Acton

    “Don’t nuke me, Bro!”

    This site needs a LIKE button!

  • Marijuana legalization is a response to the failures of the war on drugs

    11/23/2018 5:44:46 PM PST · 117 of 163
    BizBroker to Red6

    Here is what I tell Millenials and anyone who says that it is my business what I put unto my body.

    “You are absolutely right. You should have the right to put whatever you like in your body. But with rights come responsibilities, if we legalize pot or any other drug, you no longer get free or subsized health care. With your rights come responsibilities, you cannot have it both ways.”

    Most of the time they look at me, eyes glazed over. I can’t tell if they are confused or smoked too much weed.