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  • Are witches real? Of course! Witch historian and modern practitioners share history, types.

    09/16/2024 4:28:28 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 36 replies
    Are witches real? Of course! Witch historian and modern practitioners share history, types.
  • This is my concern. (vanity)

    11/09/2020 5:48:54 PM PST · by Leaning Right · 75 replies
    Nixon ran against JFK back in 1960. And there was strong evidence of Democrat voter fraud, particularly in Illinois and West Virginia. Nixon’s advisers told him not to contest the election. They said it would tear the country apart. Nixon took that advice, and stood down. Will Trump stand down in 2020? No way! But the courts just might stand down, in a misguided decision to not “tear the country apart”. That is my concern.
  • Joe Biden: "It's time to heel." (We're all his dogs now.)

    11/09/2020 5:38:11 PM PST · by Jess Kitting · 31 replies
    vanity | Nov. 9, 2020 | Jess Kitting
    Joe Biden, in an effort to appease his opponents and "unify" the country under the virtuous banner of Leftism has begun to tone down his rhetoric. (How magnanimous of him.) To demonstrate his sincerity, Biden recently changed his mantra from "It's time to steal" to "It's time to heel." Using a dog whistle of sorts, Biden brilliantly telegraphed his message to Americans of all breeds: "I'm the master. You're the pooch--and you're screwed." "It's time to heel, Bitch. At my feet. On the left side. You dog-faced pony solider." Heeding his call, the mainstream media dutifully fell in line, barking...
  • News from the Front...

    04/02/2020 1:31:51 PM PDT · by PetroniusMaximus · 242 replies
    vanity | today | me
    Front line report from a friend. This person is a retired nurse that retired to a southern state. She was informed this Sat. that she was to report to her original state for nursing duties. If she failed to comply she would lose her retirement and be arrested. Since she reported for duty, she has been working 16hr shifts in full hazmat. She said that her hospital is full of dead bodies, that they are being stacked on pallets and loaded on to freezer trucks that are kept running. She is in a city that is getting overflow from NYC....
  • vanity Trump caves we have NO ONE now

    01/25/2019 11:33:40 AM PST · by Cubs Fan · 282 replies
    The democrats have a plan to dilute down conservative voters with floods of 3rd world immigrants and its working working. And now even Trump has stopped fighting it. Democrats getting their way on Immigration is the end of America. They will have full soviet union style monopoly on all government power in ten years or less.
  • An Open Letter to the Supreme Court of the United States of America

    12/04/2008 7:50:38 PM PST · by Lmo56 · 21 replies · 1,297+ views
    12/04/2008 | Lmo56
    To the Honorable Justices: There is an application (Donofrio v. Wells) that is scheduled for conference by the Court on 5 December 2008. Regardless of established Court standards of procedure, this application deserves to be heard by the Court en banc since it concerns the cornerstone of all U.S. Law – the United States Constitution. It questions the very foundation upon which our republic was built and it inquires as to the intentions of the Founding Fathers. In the year 2000, the Court ruled in Bush v. Gore that “the individual citizen has no federal constitutional right to vote for...