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Keyword: altright

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  • The Truth About Hillary's 'Alt-Right' Speech (Paul Joseph Watson)(Just Released!)

    08/25/2016 9:17:20 PM PDT · by tcrlaf · 76 replies
    Youtube ^ | 8-25-2015 | Paul Joseph Watson
    Hillary Clinton interrupted her coughing fits, her seizures and her 3 day naps to slam the Alt-Right.
  • REVEALED: Ben Shapiro Contributed Over $100K to Migrant Trafficking Organization in 2022

    02/08/2024 6:01:09 PM PST · by Jonty30 · 38 replies ^ | Jan 26, 2024 | Shane Trejo
    IS BEN SHAPIRO FUNDING THE US BORDER INVASION? In HIAS's 2022 Annual report, a "Ben Shapiro" is listed as contributing between $100k-$500k for fiscal year 2022. @BenShapiro, of the Daily Wire, famously declared he didn't "give a good damn about the so-called 'browning of… — Sam Parker 🇺🇲 (@SamParkerSenate) January 25, 2024
  • The Mythological White Supremacist

    07/29/2021 4:39:17 AM PDT · by Kaslin · 5 replies ^ | July 29, 2021 | Emmett Tyrrell
    Washington -- We at The American Spectator call it "Kultursmog," and it is the only kind of smog of which our friends on the left approve. Actually, they not only approve of Kultursmog, but they contribute to it. Kultursmog is that aspect of American culture that is utterly politicized, and it is politicized by the politics of the left. Its leading centers of pollution are Hollywood, California; New York City; Washington, D.C., and, increasingly, Silicon Valley. I had hoped that Silicon Valley, with its brave claims to libertarianism, might have escaped the pollutants of Kultursmog, but I was wrong. The...
  • Bitcoin Payments Sent To Right-Wing Activists, Trump Supporters A Month Before Capitol Riots

    01/17/2021 1:44:51 PM PST · by blueplum · 33 replies
    IBT ^ | 17 Jan 2021 | Danielle Ong
    On Dec. 8, a French cryptocurrency account transferred 28.15 bitcoins, or more than $500,000, to 22 different virtual accounts belonging to prominent right-wing activists and Trump supporters, according to evidence found by researchers at the software company Chainalysis. Right-wing organizations and personalities, including VDARE, the Daily Stormer and Nick Fuentes, received significant donations that researchers believe were meant to bolster their far-right causes./// ...Dozens of people who participated in the insurrection last week were on a terrorist watch list.
  • U.S. Capitol siege emboldens motley crew of extremists

    01/08/2021 11:40:21 PM PST · by blueplum · 32 replies
    Reuters via MSN ^ | 08 Jan 2021 | Ted Hesson, Ned Parker, Kristina Cooke and Julia Harte
    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - As most Americans recoiled in horror at scenes of rioting and chaos in the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, some right-wing and anti-government extremists saw the violence as the fulfillment of a patriotic duty or opportunity to advance their agenda. Among the inspired was Mike Dunn, a 20-year-old follower of the "boogaloo" anti-government movement, whose adherents anticipate a revolution toppling the federal government or a second U.S. civil war. Dunn, who lives in Virginia, said three or four groups of loyalists under his command helped storm the Capitol this week amid a motley mix of rioters who supported...
  • The media doesn't want you to see this.

    09/01/2020 8:13:04 PM PDT · by conservative98 · 24 replies
    The media doesn't want you to see this. Must watch!!!— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) September 1, 2020
  • Is Zero Hedge a Russian Trojan Horse?

    03/10/2020 11:53:05 PM PDT · by nickcarraway · 33 replies
    The New Republic ^ | March 9, 2020 | SETH HETTENA
    The father of the founder of the conspiratorial site filed a criminal complaint against me in Bulgaria. Then things got weird.About a week before Christmas, I received a most unwelcome email. A criminal complaint had been filed against me in Bulgaria, a country I have never visited and with which I had no personal connection. I stood accused of defamation; attempted censorship; illegally spreading personal, family, and business information; and insulting the memory of someone’s parents and grandparents. MOST POPULAR The Democrats’ Cult of Pragmatism Joe Biden’s Sketchy Climate Record What Happened to Jordan Peterson? What If Biden Is Simply...
  • America's Delusional Elite is Done

    10/26/2019 10:42:14 AM PDT · by jocon307 · 35 replies
    The American Mind ^ | 10/22/19 | Bronze Age Pervert
    I want to thank Claremont for the opportunity to reply to Michael Anton’s review of my book Bronze Age Mindset. Since at least 2015—but in fact from before Trump ever came along—there has been a tremendous intellectual disturbance or ferment online...that has escaped the notice or surveillance of the mainstream media, the literary and pundit-political establishment, and all those who imagine themselves gatekeepers of public taste and opinion. Trump’s campaign beginning in 2015 brought this countercultural phenomenon to view of the authorities, who have been struggling to understand it and contain it ever since. What are the “crazy Pepe frog...
  • Attorney General says website used by accused Tree of Life shooter Bowers is teetering

    10/18/2019 2:50:40 PM PDT · by Tolerance Sucks Rocks · 18 replies
    The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette ^ | October 17, 2019 | Rich Lord
    The state's top prosecutor believes that the go-to social media site for accused Tree of Life shooter Robert Bowers is on its last legs financially, according to a statement issued early Thursday further explaining that office's decision to close a civil probe that followed the synagogue massacre. The statement from the office of Attorney General Josh Shapiro indicates that the decision to close the probe followed indications that Pennsylvania-based "had exhausted its already-raised money, and was no longer going to be serviced by the payment processors, cutting off all public funding to support the business." Spokeswoman Jacklin Rhoads went...
  • Are the Kids Al(t) Right?

    09/22/2019 6:03:34 PM PDT · by TexasKamaAina · 8 replies
    Claremont Review of Books ^ | 08/14/2019 | Michael Anton
    The reason this book is important is because it speaks directly to a youthful dissatisfaction (especially among white males) with equality as propagandized and imposed in our day: a hectoring, vindictive, resentful, levelling, hypocritical equality that punishes excellence and publicly denies all difference while at the same time elevating and enriching a decadent, incompetent, and corrupt elite...And I have more bad news for my fellow conservatives: the talented kids who’ve found this book aren’t listening to us. It doesn’t matter whether they aren’t listening because they found the book, or they found the book because they aren’t listening. The fact...
  • Thank You, Mr. Trump! Baltimore Residents Thank President After Conservatives Come into clean up

    08/05/2019 11:51:12 AM PDT · by mplc51 · 25 replies
    Baltimore residents thanked President Trump on Monday for today’s clean-up efforts “Thank you, Mr. Trump!”
  • Trump Invites Artist Who Drew 'Blatantly anti-Semitic' Cartoon to the White House [barf: Soros]

    07/09/2019 11:03:39 AM PDT · by Olog-hai · 23 replies
    Haaretz ^ | Jul 08, 2019 12:38 PM
    A cartoonist who depicted U.S. government figures as puppets of George Soros and the Rothschilds was invited to the White House by U.S. President Donald Trump. Ben Garrison posted his invitation from the president on his Twitter account on Saturday. Garrison, who draws right-wing, self-proclaimed “politically incorrect” comics under the title “GrrrGraphics” uploaded the illustration in question in 2017, as a potshot at then-National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster and former CIA director Gen. David Petraeus. It shows Jewish billionaire George Soros pulling their strings. Above Soros, a green hand labeled “Rotshchilds” (sic) manipulates him. The Anti-Defamation League blasted the “blatantly...
  • Suing White Supremacists: Elizabeth Sines '19 Takes on August 11-12 Organizers

    09/25/2018 1:51:00 PM PDT · by Jack Black · 21 replies
    VIRGINIA LAW WEEKLY ^ | August 31, 2018 | Ali Zablock
    Elizabeth Sines '19 counter-protested the white supremacist rallies of August 11 and 12, 2017. She is currently suing the organizers of the Unite the Right rally in what is reported to be “the most notable—and comprehensive—lawsuit filed against white supremacists in years.” Law Weekly Articles Editor Ali Zablocki '19 interviewed Sines about this groundbreaking lawsuit. AZ: Let's start with the basics. Who exactly are you suing? ES: I am one of several Charlottesville residents suing over two dozen white supremacists and affiliated groups. The most well-known defendants are probably Jason Kessler, Richard Spencer, and the KKK. AZ: Who are you...
  • Who are the white nationalists?(Charlottesville)

    08/11/2018 7:24:32 AM PDT · by rktman · 142 replies ^ | 8/10/2018 | Dinesh D'Souza
    So the white nationalists are coming back to Charlottesville, and once again we’re going to hear the standard media narrative that these bigots are “on the right.” Leave aside that Jason Kessler, the organizer of the original Charlottesville rally, was an Obama activist and an Occupy Wall Street guy. Never mind that Richard Spencer, the poster boy of white supremacy, reveals in a detailed interview in my new movie that he’s a progressive who supports nationalized health care and expanded centralized state, and whose favorite presidents are all Democrats. We need to probe deeper to understand who these white nationalists...
  • US rightwing groups bankroll campaign to free Tommy Robinson

    07/22/2018 1:11:10 PM PDT · by Eleutheria5 · 38 replies
    The Guardian ^ | 22/7/18 | Mattha Busby
    A rightwing American thinktank that spent a five-figure sum on Tommy Robinson’s legal defence has said it is aware of up to four other similar organisations bankrolling a high-profile campaign to release him. The Middle East Forum has also paid for foreign speakers to attend “Free Tommy” rallies in the UK in addition to funding the far-right activist’s court defence. Robinson, the founder of the English Defence League whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, has hired a prominent criminal barrister who has previously defended high-profile celebrities to appeal against a 13-month prison sentence for contempt of court. Outrage around the...
  • Embattled (alt-right) Crystal River teacher resigns amidst podcast investigation

    04/02/2018 3:40:53 PM PDT · by rarestia · 24 replies
    BayNews9 ^ | Monday, April 02, 2018, 5:58 PM EDT | Jason Lanning and Sarah Blazonis
    Dayanna Volitich, the Crystal River Middle School history teacher who is under investigation for allegedly expressing white nationalist and alt-right views on a podcast she hosted under a pseudonym, has resigned, according to Citrus County Schools. In March 2018, a report of Volitich hosting a podcast called "Unapologetic" under the name "Tiana Dalichov" surfaced on the Huffington Post website. At the time, Volitich was a Social Studies teacher at the school. In a clip from the podcast — Volitich allegedly talks about hiding her political beliefs from administrators and agreed with a guest she was interviewing that people who share...
  • Democrats hold double-digit lead for 2018 midterm elections

    03/18/2018 2:12:21 PM PDT · by Innovative · 171 replies
    NBC News ^ | March 18, 2018 | Mark Murray
    Democrats enjoy a 10-point advantage over Republicans in congressional preference for the 2018 midterm elections, even as President Donald Trump's job approval rating has ticked up, the latest national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds.
  • How video games are fuelling the rise of the far right

    03/12/2018 9:09:08 PM PDT · by fluorescence · 55 replies
    The Guardian ^ | 12 Mar 2018 | Alfie Bown
    Donald Trump’s claim, in the aftermath of the Florida school shooting, that these events are the result of violent video games, resurrects old arguments about whether young people emulate the games they play. The World Health Organisation’s (WHO) recent decision to consider video game addiction an official illness shows comparable concern. However, these responses demonstrate anxiety about the right things for the wrong reasons. Gaming cultures are connected to violence – but should be considered in terms of the rise of far right political discourse and the prominence of “alt-right” misogyny and racism. While Trump is firmly on the right...
  • Right-Wing Domestic Terrorism

    10/19/2015 1:35:41 PM PDT · by PoliticallyShort · 16 replies
    Western Free Press ^ | October 17, 2015 | Nicholas Short
    Delivering remarks on domestic terrorism at an event co-sponsored by the George Washington University’s program on extremism and the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin announced on Wednesday the creation of a new position within the Department of Justice (DOJ) aimed at investigating violent extremism. “We are here to talk about combating domestic terrorism, which the FBI has explained as ‘Americans attacking Americans based on U.S.-based extremist ideologies.’ The threat ranges from individuals motivated by anti-government animus, to eco-radicalism and racism,” stated Carlin. He continued, “Homegrown violent extremists can be motivated by any viewpoint on...

    01/24/2018 11:10:39 AM PST · by EdnaMode · 23 replies
    The Outline ^ | January 23, 2018 | Gaby Del Valle
    For the first time since 2010, an American man has made to the Australian Open quarterfinals. The aptly named Tennys Sandgren is the last American standing in the men’s singles division, an achievement that is ever-so-slightly tainted by the fact that he’s probably a huge Trump supporter — and not the craven “Trump is terrible but I voted for him anyway because I am a Republican” kind, but the out-and-proud MAGA hat-wearing, “Pizzagate is real” kind. At a post-match press conference on Monday, a reporter asked Sandgren about his Twitter account, where he’s retweeted and engaged in conversation with prominent...