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A Few of FR's Finest....Every Day....10-15-02
Posted on 10/15/2002 5:36:25 AM PDT by Billie
A Few of FR's Finest..... ......Every Day
FR is a Treasure Trove of talented, compassionate, patriotic, wonderful people who gather every day to discuss the latest news and issues; salute and support our military and our leaders; tell a few jokes; learn a new word; write poetry; pray for those in need; and congratulate those who are deserving. Thank you, Jim Robinson, for giving us the vehicle in which we can express ourselves.
Free Republic made its debut in September, 1996, and the forum was added in early 1997. I can remember lurking when there were only a few regulars who posted, and now there are over 60,000 who have registered for posting privileges. The forum is read daily by tens of thousands of concerned citizens and patriots from all around the country and the world.
A Few of FR's Finest November 11, 2001
So many people have written me since my original Veteran's Day Tribute, asking how they, or a loved one, could be included in that tribute. Since I can no longer add the photos to the body of the thread, I've been including them in additional posts as I received enough to make another collage.
Still that doesn't seem to be enough. I think there's never been a better nor more appropriate time to keep the faces of our own Veterans and Active Military in front of FReepers--every day! That's why I wanted to do yet another Daily Thread .....ABOUT FReepers .....and FOR FReepers. But not only about our Military FReepers; for all FReepers! Wouldn't it be nice to get to know a few of the other FReepers as well? That's why, in addition to seeing FR's Finest Military Personnel every day, I thought it might be fun to feature a different FReeper (or FReepers) each day. If you would like to be pictured, or know someone who would, please FReepmail me and we'll turn the spotlight - on YOU - for the day!
And do let me know if you'd like your picture added to the groups of Veterans/Active Military below. I will keep this page updated, and continue to add them to the comment section of the original Veteran's Day thread as well.
TOP: g'nad, AgThorn's son Justin, SLB, AgThorn's son Brett
MIDDLE: fish70, razorback-bert, CheneyChick,Leroy S Mort, Mark17
BOTTOM: Terry's Take, Taxman, DinkyDau
TOP: ValerieUSA's son Grant, SK1Thurman, kd5cts, RangerVetNam,
dansangel and .45man's son-in-law Tony
BOTTOM: rangerX, Old China Hand, Trish, Howlin's dad, Mustang
TOP: ohioWfan's son, MamaBear's father-in-law, MamaBear's dad, ladtx
MIDDLE: The Mayor's niece, M.Kehoe, Beach_Babe's son-in-law
BOTTOM: deadhead's dad, HiJinx, Severa's hubby, viligantcitizen's granddad.
TOP: Q6-God, Scan59, Mama Bear and JKPhoto's son, ofMagog
MIDDLE: Big'ol_freeper, JustAmy's great uncle, Prodigal Son
BOTTOM: JustAmy's husband, JustAmy's brother-in-law, JustAmy's brother.
TOP: dakine's wife, MeeknMing's dad, Auntbee's nephew, MilitiaMan7, AlasBabylon. BOTTOM: Joe Brower, Temple Owl, Temple Owl's wife, dutchess' dad, Aomagrat
In Our Spotlight Today...
Dutchess, my namesake....she was a U of Michigan student who was on her way to the gas chamber when we found her...she was the best....I was new to the internet when I had to get a screen name to post on FR....I automatically typed in Dutchess...our "first baby". She was smart, gentle, loyal...everything I want to be......~ Dutchess
I thought the way she chose her screen name was most interesting and wanted to mention it here. Dutchess the Dog is long gone now, but still lives on in both their hearts. Dutchess and Mr. D have been married for 27 years and, "while we don't have children, we have learned the blessing of animals." Below are two of their three "children", Gizmo (in Dutchess' lap) and Codee. Not pictured is their cat, Fred.
Freeper since 03-23-98
It's always nice to get to know our Finest FReepers in their own words, so with that in mind, here are some of Dutchess' she came to FR, when she came to FR, why she came to FR, and why she stays at FR. :)
I would share that I am a carbon copy of most of the FReepers who discovered FR in 1998. It was through a Drudge link... it was the Whitewater secretary happened to be off that day (and yes I have the same one and "damn" she STILL controls me!) and I "FELT LIKE I CAME HOME". Mr. D had tried to get me excited about the internet (poor guy...little did he realize). I was so excited when I came home telling him about this site....7 months later he took me to the March for Justice for our Anniversary....and probably rues the day that he turned me onto the internet.
I am involved in local politics (Mr. D is an elected prosecutor). We both hate local "local politics" but do what we have to do and have met many wonderful people along the way. I've learned that not all political people are "political" and do really care. On a larger level we are usually behind the scenes.
My real job is the director of a notforprofit organization that promotes selfsufficiency. My background was social work and about 5 years in government employment made me realize that the only way to help people was through the private sector. That's been my day job for 15 years.
My biggest volunteer effort has been with our Humane Society. I was the treasurer for about 10 years and during that time we went from a 3 kennel shack to a 30 kennel/run AWESOME shelter that has a great spay/neuter program and, while we euthanize, we make every attempt to adopt out adoptable pets. I'm not an animal rights nut (had a great steak tonight) but...I draw the line with abusing animals, not spay/neutoring unless there is a reason, etc.
Bring A Stray...
..Into Your Heart & Home!
Most of my "amusing" stories center around issues with my Democratic parents who have come to accept me as a FReeper.
The first was our sojourn to the March for Justice. They thought we were radical and nuts. They also feared for our safety thinking of the Vietnam protests. I urged them to watch it on CSPAN, and not only did they watch it but had all their "bluehair" Florida friends watch with them. Dad was especially impressed with Jesse L. Peterson, Alan Keys and ReJoyce. Their endearment towards conservatism lasted about 3 days.
The next was when we celebrated our family Christmas at our house the day of the impeachment hearings. 20 conservatives ranging in ages 5 - 50 and Mom and Dad. All five tv's were going and people were hanging out in various rooms. We already had sung a few DFU songs around the piano (Doug's "BJ's in the Night" did it for Dad who WAS SEETHING) When Livingston out of the blue resigned his seat, Dad jumped up gleefully (amazing for a 75 year old who had 10 hip replacements), ran around the house and said "See, Republicans cheat on their wives, too". It was a Kodak moment. We all were saddened but heck, it made Dad's day.
Another was Clinton/Dole election night. Mother called up, obviously irritated, and said in a most angry tone, "I just want you to know...I voted for Dole...I hope you're happy" CLICK...
Being the only daughter I have almost daily contact with my parents (whom I love to death BUT...) I think I now understand why I am so drawn to FR where I immediately found comfort and solace during the impeachment fiasco, the election debacle and all those times in between.
10-12-02 It hit home tonight as we went out to dinner with my folks and their friends (also 80). It was cute that Mom commented about me being a "FReeper" everyone should know what that is! I had to explain and went on "briefly" about my ideology...turned out they were one of the folks that watched the March for Justice...actually had a cocktail party during the last hour! Think about that for a minute...Happy Hour in Florida to watch the "FReepers!" (and they were all dem Clinton lovers!) I thought that was pretty funny.
Anyway, tonight, they paused for a moment and said I sounded just like their 45 year old son who keeps telling them that "the times have changed"..."the democrats of their time are not the democrats we have now"..."unions SERVED a purpose at one time...but look today" They all kind of looked at each other and decided maybe we have a point...but aren't necessarily comfortable with change. It was kind of sad in a way as I watched them struggling to give up strong-held beliefs, even though they deepdown know it is the right thing to do. The good news is that they are all solidly behind GW (even my dad), seeing him as an honest person who has our country's best interest at heart.
My only other inspiration is my Polish background. All four grandparents immigrated here in their teens (in fear of WWI), meeting here and marrying. None spoke English most of their (AND MY) life and were so proud when they became citizens. I was raised hearing the horror stories of communism, how government confiscated the land once the owner died so it couldn't be passed on to the family.
I had the great fortune of visiting Poland 8 years ago when they were still dealing with the early downfall of communism. It was something they fought for years...but all of a sudden they lost many univeral perks such as health care, rent, utilities...weddings (yes believe it or not...if you had a non religious wedding the government paid for it all...(reception too) My relatives were cool, they had a Polish Catholic wedding and reception plus the state one a week later) Two wedding parties, albums and lots of fun!)
Upon returning home it FINALLY hit me that that the BIG BAD COMMUNISTS didnt take land by gun but by taxation...just like what is happening here. My mom and aunt didn't want to hear that then and to this day do not see the correlation as don't most democrat immigrants. That was and is the most stark realization of why we need to fight and fight hard to end class warfare...encourage free enterprise, end social engineering and especially keep insisting on personal responsibility. ~ Dutchess
Dutchess is both a big cheerleader and financial supporter of FR (she says that Badjoe knows more about her credit card than her husband does!), and also is proud to say she was one of Doug from Upland's first 'groupies', playing the piano and singing along to many of his songs! She found FR's Finest soon after we debuted our first thread; she was at home that day, suffering from a bad case of getting a bit too close to poison oak, and she has been one of our staunchest supporters and biggest cheerleaders since that first visit, seldom missing a day to comment, even on family getaways (where she will scope out the nearest public library for an internet connection if she has to)!
With Jim Robinson at the March for Justice, 10-30-98
We're so glad you found us... And we found you, Dutchess!
You're Definitely One of FR's Finest!
10-14-02 Molly Pitcher
Opinions by our own 'King of Ping'
The guy's good, folks!
Thanks, Mixer!
1) Click on the graphic to open the Calendar. 2) Once there you can click on any month and even click to the right to go into next year. Once you are in the month that you joined FR you will need to click on the number in the calendar and then an add item screen will come up. 3) In the next box enter your name in the "Calendar Text" field and then click on submit. 4) If any of the screens fail to load simply click on refresh in your browser and that will usually fix it. 5) If all else fails or simply if you want me to do this for you send me an FReepmail and I will gladly do it for you. ~Mixer |
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Political Humor/Cartoons
KEYWORDS: freepers; fun; military; ohio; patriotic; pets; surprises; veterans
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To: ladtx
Great News there my FRiend.
Salute to all who made it back this day.
BTW, "The Moving Wall" will be in Modesto, CA over the Veteran's Day Weekend. Y'all Come!
To: Dubya; Billie; COB1
"A Veteran Died Today" That was beautiful. My dad was a WWII marine and was seriously injured in Saipan. Most of his unit were killed (he was part of the red wave) and he rarely talked about it or participated in veteran activities as I was growing up. I think the memories were always so painful for him.
This past Memorial Day some of his vet. friends convinced him to participate in a tribute to veterans ceremony at the homeowners association they belong to. The tribute was awesome, many WWII vets wore their uniforms...and there were military personnel of all ages including some who were currently on leave. I'm so glad I was able to be there and watch dad and all the other military personnel with tears and pride.
Since that time Billie has added him to the wall...and Billie...I showed it to him again this weekend...he was very proud.
posted on
10/15/2002 8:44:03 AM PDT
To: Aquamarine
Those are beauties! I do, too, Aqua, but I really don't enjoy planting them. Not so bad where there is plenty of nice rich dirt to dig in, but our beds are all thick with ground cover, and it's murder trying to find a place to punch those holes for the bulbs. When the bulbs I planted several years ago quit coming up, the ground cover had gotten so thick I knew I wasn't going to try and plant anything again. Same with the mums. In the fall, the front of our house used to be just filled with color - eventually the mum plants were spent and didn't come back. Now we just have green stuff, and the color is only what I can get in a few big clay pots near the porch. :)
posted on
10/15/2002 8:44:34 AM PDT
To: Diver Dave
Haven't had a chance to see the Wall in D.C. but did see the "Moving Wall" in Longview, Texas. I had a list of names to look up but only got thru about half of them when I had to leave, it was just too hard to look at.
posted on
10/15/2002 8:46:41 AM PDT
To: ladyinred
Good morning, ladyred. I just love your little furry person and think it's so cute when you and chads post pictures of the cutie!
How are you doing on the project you're working on for us? :)
posted on
10/15/2002 8:48:40 AM PDT
To: COB1
There's our cowboy! Good morning, Coby!
posted on
10/15/2002 8:49:20 AM PDT
To: dutchess
Congratulations, Ms.Dutchess!
And you 'are' a *star*. : )
To: dutchess
Congratulations, Dutchess on being Today's Finest! I really enjoyed reading the stories about your parents, LOL.
To: Billie
Good morning, BillieBluezy! : )
Fantastic choice!
Fantastic presentation!
To: jwfiv
Morning to you, jw. The news of another shooting in VA is chilling. I pray they catch that murderer soon - to think that one isn't even safe walking across the grocery store parking lot, or filling his gas tank or the school yard, even being afraid to go out in your own front yard. It's realizing how far away he can be and still zero in on his victim without ever being seen that is so terribly frightening.
posted on
10/15/2002 8:56:15 AM PDT
To: Dubya
Now I can't see my monitor.
Thank you so very much.
That goes in a Word file of it's own.
posted on
10/15/2002 8:56:55 AM PDT
To: Dubya
Thanks for the "A VETERAN DIED TODAY" message.
It seems those announcements are only found on the obits pages.
As a matter of fact, yesterday's paper listed Johnnie Bonavia, 86, of Sonora, CA. The headline read, J. Bonavia, won Medal of Honor in WWII
Salute to Johnnie.
To: Pippin
Morning, Pip!
Glad you're feeling groovy. : )
To: Billie
Hi, lovely lady!
I see you picked another winner today!
Beautiful job, as usual.
posted on
10/15/2002 9:00:53 AM PDT
To: Dubya; Dave Dilegge
Thank you, Dubya. I remember another that is along these same lines..... Dave Dilegge posted it on another thread last December.
By Patricia Salwei
I approached the entrance to Ft. Belvoir's medical facility last year as an old veteran puttered towards me. Easily over 80 year old, stooped and slow, I barely gave him a second glance because right behind him, on his heels, was a full bird colonel. As they approached, I rendered a sharp salute and barked, "Good morning, Sir!" Because they were heal to toe, I began my salute as the old veteran was about two paces from me. He immediately came to life! Transformed by my greeting, he rose to his full height, returned my salute with pride, and exclaimed, "Good morning Captain!" I was startled, but the full bird behind him was flabbergasted. The colonel stopped mid-salute, smiled at me and quietly moved on. As I entered the clinic, the utter beauty of the encounter preoccupied me. What prompted the old man to assume that I was saluting him? Perhaps he just thought, "It's about time!" After all, doesn't a WWII vet outrank us all?
I turned my attention to the waiting room taking a moment to survey the veterans there. Service people rushed around, loudspeakers blared, the bell for the prescription window kept ringing. It was a whir of activity and the older veterans sat quietly on the outside seemingly out of step, patiently waiting to be seen. Nobody was seeing.
My old friend stayed on my mind. I began to pay attention to the military's attitude towards its veterans. Predominately, I witnessed indifference: Impatient soldiers and airmen plowing over little old ladies at the commissary; I noticed my own agitation as an older couple cornered me at the Officer's Club and began reminiscing about their tour in Germany. To our disgrace, I have also witnessed disdain: At Ramstein AB terminal, an airman was condescending and borderline cruel with a deaf veteran flying Space A; An ancient woman wearing a WACS button was shoved aside by a cadet at the Women's Memorial dedication in DC; A member of the Color Guard turned away in disgust from a drunk Vietnam vet trying to talk to him before the Veterans Day Ceremony at the Vietnam Wall.
Have you been to a ceremony at the Wall lately? How about a Veteran's Day Parade in a small town? The crowds are growing faint. Why do we expect the general public to care if we don't? We are getting comfortable again. Not many of us around have been forced to consider making the ultimate sacrifice. Roughly 60% of today's active duty Air Force did not even participate in Desert Storm. I always lament about the public's disregard for the military. I do not count all the days I stayed in bed instead of going to a ceremony or parade. It was my day to be honored and I deserved to sleep in.
It's just like a 28-year-old, whose weapon was "Microsoft PowerPoint Slide Presentation" during the last conflict, to complain about recognition. Sometimes I wonder who is going to come to our parades in 20 years; will anybody look me up in the Women's Memorial Registry?
The answer lies in the present. We will be honored as we honor those who have gone before us. The next generation is watching. It is not my intention to minimize the selfless service of our modern military; my comrades are the greatest people I know (and frankly should be treated better). But, lately I'm wondering if the public's attitude towards the military isn't just a reflection of the active duty military's attitude towards its own veterans. It's time to ask - do we regard them, do we consider them at all? How does our attitude change when the hero is no longer wearing a uniform?
I was proud to wear my uniform. Can I admit that I thought I was cool? There is no denying that there is something about our profession, combined with youth, that feeds the ego a little. We have all seen a young pilot strut into the Officer's Club with his flight suit on. He matters; he takes on the room; he knows he can take on the world. But, one day he will leave his jet for a desk, and eventually he will have to hang up that flight suit. A super hero hanging up his cape. How will we measure his value then? He will no longer look like a pilot, an officer, a colonel. He'll just look like an old man coming out of the clinic with his prescription. But, is he less of a hero? Will anybody remember or care about all the months he spent away from his newborn daughter while making peace a possibility in the Balkans? Probably not.
Our society has a short memory. Maybe it is not for the protected to understand. Rather, it is my hope that when a young lieutenant walks by him they will each see themselves reflected in the other - one's future, the other's past. In that moment, perhaps, the lieutenant will also see the hero, now disguised as an old man, and thank him. The truth is there are heroes in disguise everywhere. I used to wonder why people would want to chat with me when I was in uniform - telling me about their four years as a radio operator in Korea. So what? I wasn't impressed relative to my own experiences. Now I understand that they were telling me because nobody else cared. Proud of their service, no matter how limited, and still in love with our country, they were trying to stay connected. Their stories were code for: "I understand and appreciate you, can you appreciate me?" The answer is, yes.
I separated from the Air Force in February. I'm out of the club. Still, I want you to know that I'll attend the parades, visit the memorials, and honor you. All this while my kids and your kids are watching. Then, maybe, someday when I'm an old woman riding the metro, a young airman will take a moment of her time to listen to one of my war stories. I, in turn, will soak in her beauty and strength, and remember.
Today as I reflect on my adventures in the Air Force, I'm thinking of that ancient warrior I collided with at Ft. Belvoir. I'm wondering where he is, if he's still alive, if it's too late to thank him.
I want to start a campaign in his honor - Salute A Veteran. What a great world this would be if all our elderly veterans wore recognition pins, and we would salute them even if we were out of uniform and saw them coming out of a Seven Eleven.
Yes, this started out as a misunderstanding on my part. But, now I get it. That day was the first time in my life that I really understood what it meant to salute someone.
Dear Veteran, I recognize and hail you! I do understand what I have and what you have given to make it possible. So I'm wondering if we meet on the street again may I salute you?
posted on
10/15/2002 9:01:40 AM PDT
To: Billie
Your pets are invited to come with you.I tried to bring Asta, but he wouldn't come. He thinks your mean. Asta has always been a good judge of character. :-)
To: Mixer
Morning, Mix!
Gonna share the chocolate? : )
To: mhking
Good morning, mh! Thank you for making this one of your visits as often as you can! Love seeing the previous Finest FReepers continue to return.
posted on
10/15/2002 9:03:40 AM PDT
To: COB1
Howdy, Coby!
Thanks, (((Louie)))))
posted on
10/15/2002 9:05:24 AM PDT
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