Posted on 05/25/2011 9:20:37 PM PDT by UniqueViews
"In a press conference Tuesday, the Texas governor notably declined to "rule out" a White House bid, amid calls from Rush Limbaugh and others that he should enter the 2012 race."
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Lt Gov. of Texas for 2 years.
1st Lt. Governor ever elected in Texas
Texas Ag Commissioner (actually responsible in part for promoting the sale of Texas ag products outside the state.)
Texas House of Representatives, 1884
I know he was a Democrat once, so were alot of Texas politicians, especially from rural Texas. If Perry gets no credit for Texas, how logically can Palin get any for Alaska? I'm not even against Palin or Pawlenty, I will vote for them against Obama, but damn, to deny Perry his due is plain intellectually dishonest.
We can agree to disagree on that point. If you are correct that people in the other 49 states see Perry as another "compassionate conservative," I would contend they have that opinion because they don't know enough about him. He's not a high-profile governor.
He has a charm factor that tends to sway non-Texans when they encounter him. He's very good at extolling his conservative virtues when he campaigns. He'd quickly win over non-Texans if he ran.
To me, Pawlenty is just boring. He couldn't match Perry's charm to win over the superficial voters who make elections a popularity contest. And, IMO, Romney has the healthcare albatross around his neck. I don't think he can overcome that no matter how he spins it.
If Perry has a significant negative to overcome in the other 49 (as opposed to his negatives with Texans,) it would probably be the "not another governor from Texas" syndrome.
If Perry's presidential timber, then so is Pawlenty. You don't need to “draft” Perry because you already have someone with the exact same credentials running: a successful multi-term Governor running for President with an acceptable conservative record who can point to “jobs creation” and “balenced budgets” during his tenure. Perry doesn't add anything to that except a Texas twang.
I find it incredible that the Governor of the most successful state in the Union and the one sitting governor who has actually fought Obama face to face on federal gov't overreach is actually considered un electable by some Republicans.
As far as people not liking Perry, the reason he wins is because no one else is better, but who wants the same Governor for 10 years? It's time for a change but we know better than to change just for the sake of changing.
If Perry runs, David Dewhurst will become Governor and will be a great hand off for Texas.
By the way, Perry loves America and will govern it with American interests in mind.
I love Christie but I believe he is a social moderate and he's been gov. only a couple years. I would take him in a heartbeat but he ain't running.
Normy, did you not see my previous post to you? I told you that I'm willing to give Perry his due, but that I'm simply not comfortable with him.
I'm not trying to dump on the man. The negatives I mentioned are historical fact - not hyperbole, and they do color my personal views of him. That is all.
Sarah Palin. Plain and simple.
Full disclosure: I've given Rick Perry my vote twice now, and was glad to do it, given the alternatives. However, he got my vote for the same reasons that McCain did. Not good - hence my statement that "we can do better."
I sincerely hope we do, but if he's in, and winds up being the last man standing, then he'll get my vote a third time.
Once he emerged as the nominee, however, they discovered Mike Dukasis' Lt. Governor didn't play well in the other 49 states. People outside of his homestate reacted with "Geesh, not ANOTHER Massachusetts liberal elitist for President?" There was no enthusiasm for Kerry, anyone who voted for him was voting "anti-Bush" more than anything else.
A different Massachuttes Democrat like Paul Tsongas might have broken out of that stereotype but Kerry was too much of a retread of past Democrats despite the fact he tried to make himself Kennedyesque instead of Dukasisesque (as Perry would no doubt try to run on Reagan's mantle instead of GWB's). Kerry running on "but I'm different -- I won THREE purple hearts!" didn't help.
I could see another Texan winning the White House in my lifetime, but Bush's right-hand guy Rick Perry won't be the one, IMO.
Perry’s strength is that he has dominated the scene for ten years and by that fact been able to use a comparatively week gubernatorial office to put himself on top of the heap. I don’t find him personally likeable, but he plays the game pretty well.
If it’s between Perry and Obama, of course Perry would be better. But we can do better than Perry. It’s in large part because of Bush that Obama got elected in the first place.
Don’t welcome any damn Yankee opinions on your apparent hero eh?
Well then poll your fellow Texas freepers. Tons of them have called him RINO or worse.
I agree.
FWIW, I'm starting to like the candidates to pick from. Pawlenty is solid. He has executive experience and has admitted he was on the wrong side of cap & trade. Cain has a great resume coming from the private sector, but looks weak on foreign policy. If Perry jumps in he has executive experience and comes from a huge state dealing with immigration. If Bauchman runs she has the accounting background and congressional experience. Santorum is very strong on social issues and if he can carry PA it's a huge plus.
IOW, out of this group we should find a good POTUS and maybe VP. I'm not a big Palin supporter because she resigned under pressure. Rommney, Huntsman and any other rino's will force me to vote 3rd party for the first time in my life. Gingrich is toast after throwing Ryan under the bus.
Gingrich and his attack on Ryan’s budget probably cost a lot in Jack Kemp’s NY congressional seat just won by the dems.
The real question for me is this: would I accept George W. Bush back in the presidency. My answer is yes. He drove me nuts with his unwillingness to defend himself, and he had to be beat with a buggy whip to get him right on amnesty, but this country was in better shape with GW.
I would vote again for GW Bush.
Therefore, I will vote for anyone similar to Bush in policies.
I will NOT vote for any anti-life, pro-choice candidate. That is my line in the sand. I have other things that are non-negotiable, but pro-life tells me about the candidate’s heart and character.
Good maybe the legislators will reconsider. Alex Jones is right. If you call the Feds bluff about stopping airline traffic they will never go through with it. Half the flights going to CA have to connect through Dallas. I have done it many times. It would cause total chaos. The airlines would freak out.
Yeah, it’s what he says now.... I noticed that McCain suddenly became pro-border security when it was convenient, as well. Sorry, your guy will never convince me.
The difference is Perry was already changing long before he decided to run. People change. I think using a 10 year old article to impugn people is bogus. I used to be a democrat 30 years ago, but Reagan helped me get better. There are other people I would vote for instead if they got in. Out of the people already declared, I would probably go with Perry if he gets in, which he still may not. I guess we will just have to wait and see who declares and how it plays out. I like him better than anybody who is in the race right now but that may change in the next few weeks.
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