Lt Gov. of Texas for 2 years.
1st Lt. Governor ever elected in Texas
Texas Ag Commissioner (actually responsible in part for promoting the sale of Texas ag products outside the state.)
Texas House of Representatives, 1884
I know he was a Democrat once, so were alot of Texas politicians, especially from rural Texas. If Perry gets no credit for Texas, how logically can Palin get any for Alaska? I'm not even against Palin or Pawlenty, I will vote for them against Obama, but damn, to deny Perry his due is plain intellectually dishonest.
Normy, did you not see my previous post to you? I told you that I'm willing to give Perry his due, but that I'm simply not comfortable with him.
I'm not trying to dump on the man. The negatives I mentioned are historical fact - not hyperbole, and they do color my personal views of him. That is all.