I agree.
FWIW, I'm starting to like the candidates to pick from. Pawlenty is solid. He has executive experience and has admitted he was on the wrong side of cap & trade. Cain has a great resume coming from the private sector, but looks weak on foreign policy. If Perry jumps in he has executive experience and comes from a huge state dealing with immigration. If Bauchman runs she has the accounting background and congressional experience. Santorum is very strong on social issues and if he can carry PA it's a huge plus.
IOW, out of this group we should find a good POTUS and maybe VP. I'm not a big Palin supporter because she resigned under pressure. Rommney, Huntsman and any other rino's will force me to vote 3rd party for the first time in my life. Gingrich is toast after throwing Ryan under the bus.
Gingrich and his attack on Ryan’s budget probably cost a lot in Jack Kemp’s NY congressional seat just won by the dems.
The real question for me is this: would I accept George W. Bush back in the presidency. My answer is yes. He drove me nuts with his unwillingness to defend himself, and he had to be beat with a buggy whip to get him right on amnesty, but this country was in better shape with GW.
I would vote again for GW Bush.
Therefore, I will vote for anyone similar to Bush in policies.
I will NOT vote for any anti-life, pro-choice candidate. That is my line in the sand. I have other things that are non-negotiable, but pro-life tells me about the candidate’s heart and character.