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Rick Perry is rethinking his pledge not to run for president
Yahoo News ^
| May 25, 2011
| Holly Bailey
Posted on 05/25/2011 9:20:37 PM PDT by UniqueViews
"In a press conference Tuesday, the Texas governor notably declined to "rule out" a White House bid, amid calls from Rush Limbaugh and others that he should enter the 2012 race."
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TOPICS: Extended News; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: Texas
KEYWORDS: 2012; 2012gopprimary; elections; elections2012; perry; perry2012; rickperry; rino
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To: jospehm20
Hes been Ok the last couple of years.
Well, sure, when it’s convenient for him. Have you read Waryone’s link?
posted on
05/26/2011 4:32:20 AM PDT
Bigg Red
(Palin in 2012)
To: BillyBoy
Perry isn't GWB2, Perry is what BUsh was trying to be.
Graduate of Texas A&M (Not Ivy League), C-130 Pilot, born and raised in Texas and was LT. GOv under Bush. If Perry sounds like Bush it's because Bush emulated him not the other way around. Perry doesn't have the globalist Bush family, his parents were ranchers in West Texas. Perry isn't from Connecticut, he is from Texas. His dad wasn't CIA director, VP, President, he was a guy who raised cattle. Perry didn't run off to go to Yale and Harvard to fulfill a family prestige requirement, he went to A&M to probably learn the family business.
posted on
05/26/2011 4:32:29 AM PDT
(Don't take it personally, just take it seriously.)
To: Windflier
Windflier, Perry has been Governor for 10 years. He was Lt. Governor before that. He is a major factor in building that “well oiled machine”.
posted on
05/26/2011 4:37:05 AM PDT
(Don't take it personally, just take it seriously.)
To: BuckeyeTexan
You're a smart man. Even when I'm against what Rush says, which is rare, he still is usually right if I check my emotional response at the door.
posted on
05/26/2011 4:39:28 AM PDT
(Don't take it personally, just take it seriously.)
You spelled your screen name incorrectly.
posted on
05/26/2011 4:43:37 AM PDT
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: EternalVigilance
So of the electable Rino’s running in our last Primary (McCain, Rudy, Mitt) which one would you have preferred he back?
posted on
05/26/2011 4:44:13 AM PDT
(Don't take it personally, just take it seriously.)
To: EternalVigilance
Rick Perry then...
...and now.
posted on
05/26/2011 4:45:56 AM PDT
(The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change without notice.)
To: UniqueViews
If Romney wins the nomination, that will split the GOP...permanently.
posted on
05/26/2011 4:50:54 AM PDT
(Palin/Bachmann 2012)
To: normy
If Perry sounds like Bush it's because Bush emulated him not the other way around. <<
Perry was Texas state ariculture commissioner in 1995, when Bush was the long-shot "son of the defeated former President" who showed up out of nowhere with his Texas rangers success story, out-Texaned Ann Richards, and crushed the incumbent in an upset. Perry didn't get aboard until 1998, when the spot for Lt. Governor opened up, and he ran on Bush's coattails as part of "the team". Then with Bush moving up to President in 2000, Perry became Governor "by default", and ran for re-election heavily touting Bush's endorsement, photos of them standing by side-by-side, and a pledge to consider to move forward with George W. Bush's successes.
And all this time, Bush was emulating Perry? He based his entire image off the state ariculture commissioner and the guy with the "original" winning formula didn't decide to use it to get himself elected Governor until years later? Interesting. Makes little sense though.
And Perry is "different" from Bush because he grew up in Texas, flew planes, and went into the family buisness ? Odd, according to George W. Bush's bio, it says he grew up in Midland, TX and Houston, TX with his four siblings, flew Convair F-102s as an adult, and learned the family buisness to become a Texas oilman. Must have been emulating Rick Perry those early years.
posted on
05/26/2011 4:53:58 AM PDT
(Impeach Obama? Yes We Can!)
To: napscoordinator
The “Tea Party” candidate in NY had run as a D-rat in the last 3 elections.
Beware of phony TP candidates!
posted on
05/26/2011 4:59:21 AM PDT
(Palin/West 2012 - Bolton: Secy of State)
To: BillyBoy; fieldmarshaldj; GOPsterinMA; Impy; Tolerance Sucks Rocks
I hope Perry doesn’t run. We don’t need to be giving George W. Bush a third term.
posted on
05/26/2011 4:59:28 AM PDT
(Muslims are a people of love, peace, and goodwill, and if you say that they aren't, they'll kill you)
To: BillyBoy
Hey, nice smart ass Illinois response but I live here. I loved Bush but his eastern elitist roots tripped him up in the end. Bush may not have personally emulated Perry himself but the mannerisms of Perry are genuine to the core of who he is as a Texan. Bush had to "out Texan" Ann Richards. Perry doesn't have to "out Texan" anyone because that is who he is.
By the way Billyboy, once again,I live here and voted for Bush twice and Perry every time he ran. You don't have to give me the breakdown, cause once again I live here and voted in all those elections you are informing me of.
posted on
05/26/2011 5:10:19 AM PDT
(Don't take it personally, just take it seriously.)
To: achilles2000
Beyond immigration; and certainly, beyond ‘political correctness’; think it critical that our next Prez ‘recognize’ the enemies within our borders and those ‘enemies’ who prop them up and enable them. And be willing and able to articulate that truth.
posted on
05/26/2011 5:14:01 AM PDT
(Osama - NOT made in the USA. . . .and Obama, not madhttp://atlasshrugs2000e in the USA either.. .)
To: jonrick46
Could you please inform us why Rick Perry is not reliable? It's a good thing to keep others informed with the facts as well as opinion. See 29.
posted on
05/26/2011 5:17:25 AM PDT
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: normy
He is a major factor in building that well oiled machine. Where's the evidence to support that statement?
posted on
05/26/2011 5:20:11 AM PDT
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
To: UniqueViews
I understand Texas just cowered to the Feds over TSA—no thanks. We got enough chickens in DC.
To: normy
Why would any conservative back any RINO?
posted on
05/26/2011 5:22:34 AM PDT
('We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you')
To: UniqueViews
Don’t kid yourself, Perry runs as a Conservative and governs as a RINO.
To: patriot08
I like what you said. I also prefer another cowboy (or cowgirl) in the White House rather than a four-year repeat of the girly guy we have now.
posted on
05/26/2011 5:33:08 AM PDT
varina davis
(Life is not a dress rehearsal)
To: txhurl
Many states have constitutions forbidding deficit spending. All that does is allow big spenders to look like relative fiscal conservatives while governor.
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