Graduate of Texas A&M (Not Ivy League), C-130 Pilot, born and raised in Texas and was LT. GOv under Bush. If Perry sounds like Bush it's because Bush emulated him not the other way around. Perry doesn't have the globalist Bush family, his parents were ranchers in West Texas. Perry isn't from Connecticut, he is from Texas. His dad wasn't CIA director, VP, President, he was a guy who raised cattle. Perry didn't run off to go to Yale and Harvard to fulfill a family prestige requirement, he went to A&M to probably learn the family business.
Perry was Texas state ariculture commissioner in 1995, when Bush was the long-shot "son of the defeated former President" who showed up out of nowhere with his Texas rangers success story, out-Texaned Ann Richards, and crushed the incumbent in an upset. Perry didn't get aboard until 1998, when the spot for Lt. Governor opened up, and he ran on Bush's coattails as part of "the team". Then with Bush moving up to President in 2000, Perry became Governor "by default", and ran for re-election heavily touting Bush's endorsement, photos of them standing by side-by-side, and a pledge to consider to move forward with George W. Bush's successes.
And all this time, Bush was emulating Perry? He based his entire image off the state ariculture commissioner and the guy with the "original" winning formula didn't decide to use it to get himself elected Governor until years later? Interesting. Makes little sense though.
And Perry is "different" from Bush because he grew up in Texas, flew planes, and went into the family buisness ? Odd, according to George W. Bush's bio, it says he grew up in Midland, TX and Houston, TX with his four siblings, flew Convair F-102s as an adult, and learned the family buisness to become a Texas oilman. Must have been emulating Rick Perry those early years.
Let’s point out that there are lots of us aggies that don’t like perry.
I haven’t lived In Texas since college, but I was very upset about the plans for the Texas trans cooridor. I would never vote for anyone who is for that.
I’m not the only Aggie that does not like him.
I was also upset about guardisil, and I was worried that Texas would lead the way for other states to pass similar legislation. I have 14 yr old daughters so I was very concerned about that issue.
Perry is so meddles in a&m politics.
I think even Romney would be better than perry. (right now I’m interested in Herman Cain.)