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Joseph Smith: An Apostle of Jesus Christ ^ | Dennis B. Neuenschwander

Posted on 01/02/2011 5:46:30 PM PST by Paragon Defender

Joseph Smith: An Apostle of Jesus Christ

By Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander Of the Seventy




Dennis B. Neuenschwander, “Joseph Smith: An Apostle of Jesus Christ,” Ensign, Jan 2009, 16–22

Adapted from a presentation to the Seventy.




In the Doctrine and Covenants we read that Joseph Smith was “called of God, and ordained an apostle of Jesus Christ” (D&C 20:2). The call of an Apostle is first to witness or testify of Jesus Christ. Old Testament prophets testified of His coming. The New Testament Apostles bore personal witness of Christ’s being and of the absolute reality of His Resurrection. This apostolic witness was the basis of their teaching. “Ye shall be witnesses unto me” (Acts 1:8) was Jesus’s instruction to the original Twelve. Peter testified on the day of Pentecost to the Jews who had gathered “out of every nation” (Acts 2:5) that “this Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we all are witnesses” (Acts 2:32). Similarly, Paul wrote to the Corinthians that Jesus “was seen of me also” (1 Corinthians 15:8). The sure witness of Christ’s being and the reality of His Resurrection is the first pillar of apostolic testimony.

The second pillar is centered on the Savior’s redemptive and saving power. Peter teaches that to the Lord “give all the Prophets witness, that through his name whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins” (Acts 10:43).

Without these twin pillars of testimony concerning Christ, there could be no Apostle. Such testimonies are born of experience, divine command, and instruction. For example, Luke writes that Christ showed Himself to the Apostles “alive after his passion … being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3).

How does the Prophet Joseph Smith fit into these apostolic requirements? The answer is “Perfectly.”

The First Vision

Joseph Smith’s apostolic instruction began in 1820. Pondering the questions of religion, he soon found that there was no way to reason or argue one’s opinion to an authoritative conclusion concerning the correctness of the various churches or their doctrines. Short of a divine manifestation, young Joseph could add only one more opinion to the already existing “war of words and tumult of opinions” (Joseph Smith—History 1:10). But Joseph’s questions on religion were answered by the personal and physical manifestation of God the Father and His divine and living Son, Jesus Christ—an experience referred to as the First Vision.

Like that of the original Apostles, Joseph’s experience with Deity was direct and personal. There was no need for the opinion of others or the deliberations of a council to define what he saw or what it came to mean to him. Joseph’s vision was at first an intensely personal experience—an answer to a specific question. Over time, however, illuminated by additional experience and instruction, it became the founding revelation of the Restoration.

As apostolic as this manifestation of Christ’s being, existence, and Resurrection was to Joseph Smith, it was not the only thing Jesus wanted to teach him. The boy Joseph’s first lesson arose from the manifestation of Christ’s absolute, omnipotent, and divine power. Joseph learned firsthand at least one meaning of the redeeming and saving power of Christ when he prayed in the grove. As he began to pray, “Thick darkness gathered around me, and it seemed to me for a time as if I were doomed to sudden destruction” (Joseph Smith—History 1:15). With every bit of energy Joseph had, he began to call upon God to deliver him from the grasp of this enemy.

“At the very moment when I was ready to sink into despair and abandon myself to destruction … , I saw a pillar of light. …

“It no sooner appeared than I found myself delivered from the enemy which held me bound” (Joseph Smith—History 1:16–17).

Joseph Smith’s confrontation with the adversary is reminiscent of an experience Moses had, about which the Prophet would learn some few years later. Unlike the boy Joseph, however, Moses saw God’s greatness first and then was confronted with the power of the adversary before being delivered from his influence. (See Moses 1.)

The difference in the order of events is significant. Moses was already far into maturity and had much knowledge and influence prior to this event. By displaying His magnificent power to Moses before he faced the adversary, the Lord helped Moses put his life into perspective. After experiencing God’s glory, Moses said, “Now, for this cause I know that man is nothing, which thing I never had supposed” (Moses 1:10). This incident enabled Moses to withstand the temptations of the adversary that followed.

Joseph Smith, on the other hand, was an inexperienced young man, who in his lifetime would repeatedly face adversarial power and the overwhelming problems it brings. By facing the adversary first, then being saved from his assault by the appearance of the Father and the Son, Joseph learned this indelible lesson: as great as the power of evil might be, it must always withdraw with the appearance of righteousness.

This lesson was critical in Joseph’s apostolic education. He needed this knowledge not only because of the personal trials that lay ahead of him but also because of the overwhelming opposition he would face in founding and directing the Church.

The boy Joseph went into the grove seeking wisdom, and wisdom he received. His apostolic instruction had begun. Among the great apostolic lessons of this First Vision were both the physical nature of the Savior and Heavenly Father and the initial and fundamental lessons relating to Their power—each a pillar of apostolic testimony.

The Book of Mormon

Joseph Smith’s early apostolic instruction continued with his translation of the Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon gave Joseph access to “the fulness of the everlasting Gospel” (Joseph Smith—History 1:34), principles that were necessary to understand even prior to the organization of the Church. The Prophet was introduced to numerous “plain and most precious” (1 Nephi 13:26) prophetic and apostolic testimonies regarding the Savior, all of which served as models for him.

Indeed, the Book of Mormon prophets employ over 100 titles in their teachings of Christ, each of which helped Joseph understand the Savior’s divine role.1 By virtue of these teachings, Joseph Smith became intimately acquainted with ancient prophets, giving him insight into the divine purpose of his responsibilities.

The Book of Mormon illuminates the universality of Christ’s Atonement. The Savior’s holy sacrifice is not confined to the borders of the Holy Land of His day or even restricted to the apostolic world of the original Twelve. The Atonement encompasses all of God’s creations—past, present, and future. What an impression Jacob’s teaching of the “infinite atonement” (2 Nephi 9:7) must have made on the mind of young Joseph, especially in contrast to Christian teachings at the time.

The Book of Mormon also introduces the universality of the Resurrection and other doctrines relating to it. Discourses on this doctrine by Lehi, Jacob, King Benjamin, Abinadi, Alma, Amulek, Samuel the Lamanite, and Moroni are all rich sources of instruction.

During the translation of the Book of Mormon, the Prophet received additional valuable personal instruction concerning the redemptive and saving power of Christ. In 1828 Martin Harris persuaded Joseph to lend him the first 116 pages of the Book of Mormon manuscript. When Martin Harris lost those pages, the Prophet felt an enormous despair.2 His mother, Lucy Mack Smith, recorded that Joseph exclaimed: “Oh, my God! … All is lost! all is lost! What shall I do? I have sinned—it is I who tempted the wrath of God. … How shall I appear before the Lord? Of what rebuke am I not worthy from the angel of the Most High?”3

For well over a month the Lord left Joseph in this terrible condition of remorse.4 Then came relief and the apostolic lesson. The Lord told Joseph:

“The works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught. …

“For although a man may have many revelations, and have power to do many mighty works, yet if he boasts in his own strength, and sets at naught the counsels of God, and follows after the dictates of his own will and carnal desires, he must fall and incur the vengeance of a just God upon him” (D&C 3:1, 4).

These words carefully describe what Joseph Smith had been experiencing. He had learned the exacting nature of the apostolic call and to whom the Apostle, at all cost, owes his loyalty. “Although men set at naught the counsels of God, and despise his words,” Joseph was told, “yet you should have been faithful” (D&C 3:7–8). Joseph Smith had lost access to the plates for a season and had been taught an invaluable lesson. Subsequently, the plates were returned, and his position as translator restored.

How critical were the lessons provided by the translation of the Book of Mormon as Joseph Smith grew in his apostolic calling! The Book of Mormon is the “keystone of our religion”5 because it contains so many prophetic testimonies of Christ and stands as a tangible witness of the Restoration.

Continuing Revelation and Scripture

After finishing the translation of the Book of Mormon in 1829 and organizing the Church in 1830, Joseph Smith had the opportunity to receive continuing apostolic education through the process of translating other scripture. This included three years of translating the Bible and, beginning in 1835, translating the book of Abraham. Joseph Smith’s translation of the Bible expanded his understanding of the role of Old Testament prophets and New Testament Apostles. It also resulted in additional revelation, namely the book of Moses.

The book of Moses provided the Prophet with important knowledge about the Savior’s ministry, including His role in the Creation. “The Lord spake unto Moses, saying: … I am the Beginning and the End, the Almighty God; by mine Only Begotten I created these things” (Moses 2:1). Further, He said, “And worlds without number have I created; … and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten” (Moses 1:33).

The book of Moses clarified Christ’s relationship to the Father in the premortal existence and reinforced the Prophet’s understanding of the ascendant power of righteousness. One of the most beautiful of all the apostolic lessons that came to Joseph Smith in this revelation was the confirmation of God’s love. It was so different from the harsh, unforgiving, and judgmental personage so many believed God to be; the book of Moses reveals a God of infinite compassion. Enoch saw that the “God of heaven … wept” (Moses 7:28) over those who would not receive Him. Wishing to know how it was possible, Enoch was given an answer that has a familiar biblical feel to it: “I [have] given commandment, that they should love one another, and that they should choose me, their Father. … Wherefore should not the heavens weep, seeing these shall suffer?” (Moses 7:33, 37; see also Deuteronomy 6:5; Leviticus 19:18; Matthew 22:37–39).

Through the translation of the book of Moses, the Prophet also became more acquainted with the redeeming and saving power of the Savior. As the Lord said, this earth was created “by the word of my power” (Moses 1:32) for the purpose of bringing “to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” (Moses 1:39). Many long years before the Savior taught Thomas and the Twelve that “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6), He revealed to Moses that “this is the plan of salvation unto all men, through the blood of mine Only Begotten, who shall come in the meridian of time” (Moses 6:62).

The First Vision in the grove, the translation of the Book of Mormon, the revision of the Bible, the revelation of the book of Moses, and the translation of the book of Abraham laid the basic foundation of the Church, largely through the rapidly expanding knowledge and testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith relating to Jesus Christ.

Revelations given to him and compiled in the Doctrine and Covenants contain a wealth of knowledge concerning the Savior. One could research the numerous topics and cross-references of the Topical Guide and Guide to the Scriptures referring to Jesus Christ and still not understand the breadth of information on the Savior that the Prophet Joseph Smith brought to the world. I am grateful to know that Jesus was “in the beginning with the Father” (D&C 93:21). I am grateful to know that He “suffered these things for [me], that [I] might not suffer if [I] would repent” (D&C 19:16).

My Testimony of What the Prophet Revealed

I am grateful for yet one other thing about the Savior’s ministry that stirs my soul deeply. From studying the promises of Malachi, Moroni’s initial visit with Joseph, the Savior’s words to the Nephites, and the visit of Elijah in the Kirtland Temple, I learn that God loves His children and has provided a way for each to return to Him. I know of no doctrine more just, no teaching that gives more hope than that of redemption of the dead. I am so grateful for the revelations that teach me that the Savior’s Atonement reaches to those who have lived, loved, served, and hoped for a better day yet never heard of Jesus or had the opportunity to embrace His gospel. This knowledge alone would be sufficient to convert me to the gospel if I knew nothing else at all. Here, at least for me, is the ultimate testimony of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice.

What, then, can be said of the incomparable saving power of Christ? That which Joseph Smith learned in the Sacred Grove about the power of righteousness overcoming evil foreshadows the final scene. So reveals the Lord:

“I, having accomplished and finished the will of him whose I am, even the Father, concerning me—having done this that I might subdue all things unto myself—

“Retaining all power, even to the destroying of Satan and his works at the end of the world, and the last great day of judgment” (D&C 19:2–3).

Our own testimonies of the Savior are framed by the testimony and teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith. Is it any wonder then that the Prophet taught that “the fundamental principles of our religion are the testimony of the Apostles and Prophets, concerning Jesus Christ, that He died, was buried, and rose again the third day, and ascended into heaven; and all other things which pertain to our religion are only appendages to it.”6

Joseph Smith’s apostolic testimony of the divine reality and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as his knowledge of the redemptive and saving power of the Savior, can best be seen by the Prophet’s own beautiful, powerful, and succinct witness:

“And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

“For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—

“That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God” (D&C 76:22–24).

How grateful I am for the apostolic call of Joseph Smith.





1. See Book of Mormon Reference Companion, ed. Dennis L. Largey (2003), 457–58.

2. See Lucy Mack Smith, History of Joseph Smith, ed. Preston Nibley (1958), 128–29.

3. History of Joseph Smith, 128, 129.

4. The 116 pages were lost in June 1828. In July Joseph Smith received what is now section 3 of the Doctrine and Covenants. In September the plates were returned to the Prophet. See the historical introductions to D&C 3; 10.

5. History of the Church, 4:461.

6. History of the Church, 3:30.







TOPICS: Breaking News; Other Christian; Theology; Worship
KEYWORDS: braking; cult; heresy; inman; lds; lies; mormon; notbreakingnews; propaganda; religion
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To: restornu
You don’t know what you believe

That is an out right lie and mindreading and a personal attack.

I know what I believe and Who I believe in.

...just like the truths of the founding fathers of this great nation has been distorted

That's off topic, the constitution and other writings is/are quite clear.

so had the word of the Lord been distorted by your Tradition of men during the time of Constantine 325 AD

More personal attacks, it is not MY tradition of men. I don't follow Constantine or anything like that.

The Bible is complete and the inspired word of God.

If the English isn't clear to me, I look at the Hebrew and Greek.

Here is an example of the tradition of one man, Joseph Smith which I noticed you don't deny. Thank you for that.

Christians do not need the Mormon Heavenly Father or the Mormon Jesus Christ:

JESUS CHRIST: The spirit of Jesus Christ was the first spirit born to God the Father (YOUR "Heavenly Father") and his wife (Heavenly Mother). He progressed to become a God under the Father. (The Father is also the literal father of Jesus' body in the exact same way we were begotten by our earthly parents.)
That is the jesus of the LDS from their own writings.

We believe in the Biblical Jesus Christ.

there is more history on Constantine as most corrupt and murdering man yet you accept this Pagan version of the Nicene Creed!

Please find where I have said that, or retract the statement. Thanks.

2,181 posted on 01/06/2011 10:44:32 AM PST by Syncro
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Thank you, I had one heck of a wrestling match going on in my mind for about a year when that came about.It really was quite a turmoil, abandoning all my childhood beliefs and expressing them to family.Sorta like being told to believe in Santa Claus as a small child and then realizing as you get older that it was just a fairy tale used as a control measure by parents. I wonder how many parents realize the damage they do with those stories. The boogie man was another corelated many times along with the devil. I really am a mixed bag of beliefs really but not of the conventional sort.The heaven and hell bit just doesn’t resonate with me as depicted in the bible.Probably the biggest factor was being told I HAD to believe and act in a certain way to attain happiness or burn in eternal damnation.It all started Back in the early 60’s, in grade school during bible study I had asked a simple question about prehistoric fossiles and why there was no mention about it in the bible. I was told they never existed, that it was made up, junk science inspired by the devil to lure one away from the bibles true teachings. As I got older I felt that I was again being lied to, again as a matter of someone else having control. Funny, I feel the same way about our goverment.

2,182 posted on 01/06/2011 10:46:39 AM PST by eastforker (Visit me at
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To: restornu

This is a big nation the Lord did not make it just for one kind of individuals thinking!

Actually men did...James Madison’s thinking...

But whats the “nation” got to do with the nobility of the bereans...

See ???

There ya go again...

Bringing in a modern strawman...this time the US of 1776...

Lets go back again to the early years after 33...

Back when the only nation there was on this continent were the nations of the people who became known as “Indians” 500 years later...The people who had come over the land bridge from Asia...the only people living in North, South or Central America until the Vikings came here in 1,000 Eric the Red and Lief Ericsonn..and the white man came here in 1500 bringing with him the first tidings of great joy about Jesus and other people lived here...

Meanwhile back to the future to the areas where they spoke Greek...

Back to what is now the northern part of Greece...

To the ancient city of Berea where the inhabitants were known as “Bereans” that wasnt hard to figure out...

Luke tells us that Paul was impressed with the Bereans because they heard what he had to say and instead of just taking it at face value, or rejecting it out of hand, they searched the Jewish scriptures to see what the Old Testament prophets had to say about the know the real prophets...

because they were well veresed (Well aquainted with, they had read and re-read the same info that Paul was giving them)in the Jewish scriptures and they determined to check out what he was preaching...

So Paul said, “Hey these guys and girls or Berea are more noble than the Thessalonians”

Now if the people of the time period 1830-2011 were to also search the scriptures of the Old testament, plus now the available New when they came up against heresy like the book of mormon or the koran, and they wantyed to check, there would be few going after false pro[phets like Mohammmad and Joey Smith...

Of them Paul would say, “Besides the Bereans you too are noble”

and the checkers would just reject the blasphemmy of moprmonism...

why dont they ???

Well it seems Joey Smith and Briggie Young et all all the way down to Ask Tommy all know at least that ONE verse from the Bible and the implications for their fraud if anyone adheres to its instructions...

So the mormon members and those who are being set up to join are threatened with the label of “faithless” etc if they dare question any part of the fantasy that is mormonism...

Instead of being told to “search the scriptures” to see whether what Joey Smith had to say was right or WRONG, they are told to look for a physical and/or emotional indication that Joey Smith was right idgestion type feeling the mormons term a “burni9ng in the bosum”...a quick perursal of the scriptures would confirm that no such clarification is commanded by God...

Howeever the mormons demand it of the people they harass and attempt to force their false religion upon...

and what if the bad stomach bug feeling is not in evidence...the mormons have that covered...

its a lack of faith on the persons part and not any sign that the religion of mormonism that Joey Smith invented in opposition and to attack and replace Christianity just might possibly be FALSE...

While the Bereans were termed noble by God’s proven men, Paul and Luke, dont you think that God would expect us to take the wide open hint and check the scriptures for ourseves 2,000 years later if we have questions about what the blasphemer, unredeemed sinner and habitual criminal Joey Smith had to say ???

So today, Resty, why dontcha act noble ???

2,183 posted on 01/06/2011 10:52:38 AM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: restornu
Thank you I was coming from the point of view distortion in history so therefore the person is banking on truth when it was founded on a faulty foundation therefore making ones out come skewed.

That post was your words to the Religion Moderator after he admonished you about posting personal to a post of mine.Now you further postulate your personal opinion of what I believe, and it is false again.

You assumed things not in reality and continue to push the distortion.

I am banking on the truth of the Holy Scriptures (to you a faulty foundation apparantly) and you twist it to a having to do with murderers and pagans.

That's sick and unacceptable, stop defending your personal attacks.

2,184 posted on 01/06/2011 10:56:32 AM PST by Syncro
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To: restornu; Syncro

Thanks also to the internet there is more history on Joseph Smith as most corrupt and murdering man yet you accept this Pagan version of “christianity”

2,185 posted on 01/06/2011 10:59:54 AM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: restornu; Tennessee Nana
This still is an open forum and the words I post defend the Lord Jesus Christ.

Continuing to make it clear who the Lord Jesus Christ is to Mormons:

JESUS CHRIST: The spirit of Jesus Christ was the first spirit born to God the Father ("Heavenly Father") and his wife (Heavenly Mother). He progressed to become a God under the Father. (The Father is also the literal father of Jesus' body in the exact same way we were begotten by our earthly parents.)
The Jesus Christ of the Bible and mainstream Christianity is quite different.
2,186 posted on 01/06/2011 11:02:31 AM PST by Syncro
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To: Tennessee Nana
Thanks also to the internet there is more history on Joseph Smith as most corrupt and murdering man yet you accept this Pagan version of “christianity”
Thank you for that short and to the point refutation to restornu's attacks on Christianity and the Holy Bible..
2,187 posted on 01/06/2011 11:08:21 AM PST by Syncro
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To: restornu

This still is an open forum and the words I post defend the Lord Jesus Christ.

Resty if you knew the LORD Jesus Christ

(I notice you are still copying my words...

but as they say imitation is a form of flattery so thank you I guess...)

If you knew the LORD Jesus Christ

(When I was a child all the Bibles I read had His name printed this way...LORD God, LORD Jesus Christ etc)

If you knew the LORD Jesus Christ, you would know that

]. He is God

2. He is the God of War...(a soldier, a warrier is well armed)

3. He is not a defenseless man...

4. He is not a helpless wimp...

5 He does not need to be defended or protected...

6. It is you who needs Him to defend you...

2,188 posted on 01/06/2011 11:25:21 AM PST by Tennessee Nana
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To: Normandy
That’s just not true, and I feel it’s important to say so.

Yes, you've said it over and over and over again.

What you HAVEN'T done is explain away ALL of the writings and teachings of the MORMON religious Organization over the years that indicates the opposite.

2,189 posted on 01/06/2011 11:38:11 AM PST by Elsie
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To: T Minus Four

I ordered a bagel...

2,190 posted on 01/06/2011 11:43:01 AM PST by Elsie
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To: restornu
Reply was a I disagree not degradiing!

2,191 posted on 01/06/2011 11:45:01 AM PST by Elsie
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To: restornu

There you go again!

Using SCRIPTURE that has NOT passed by Joseph Smith.

The Spirit of Apostacy lurks at your door!

2,192 posted on 01/06/2011 11:46:32 AM PST by Elsie
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To: restornu
and hearkened no more to the words of this wicked man.

2,193 posted on 01/06/2011 11:48:04 AM PST by Elsie
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To: eastforker
So, thats my outlook about religion, ya’ll have a nice day and thanks for playing.

Yup; RELIGION will do that to ya.

Go find JESUS on your own.

2,194 posted on 01/06/2011 11:49:38 AM PST by Elsie
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To: restornu
read the whole scripture not just the verse.

Even by reading the ENTIRE pantheon of MORMONic 'scriptures', one canNOT find the answer which we all seek:

"What did Joseph Smith LEARN to be UNTRUE about PRESBYTERIANism of his day?"

2,195 posted on 01/06/2011 11:51:59 AM PST by Elsie
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To: Normandy
I know I would be less free if I left Mormonism — for I would be abandoning the truth: “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”


2,196 posted on 01/06/2011 11:54:40 AM PST by Elsie
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Comment #2,197 Removed by Moderator

To: Tennessee Nana

A letter from a mormon bishop informing the members that the “theme” for this year is “Making the Temple the Great Symbol of Our Faith.”

Yeah, yeah, yeah: but what about JANUARY??
I STILL haven't received the latest memo!
--MormonDude(Are ANTIs tampering with my mail?)



Office of First President & Living Prophet®:

December 15th, 2010

The word for January is -

We are having trouble coming up with a good one.
Our December word - BIGOTRY - is not getting any traction at all.
You Bishops, solicit input from your True Believers; perhaps the ones that hang out on FreeRepublic (spit) can give some useful tips.

2,198 posted on 01/06/2011 11:57:20 AM PST by Elsie
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To: Elsie

well, now we know why the rabbit quickly lost the pancake.

2,199 posted on 01/06/2011 11:58:07 AM PST by Godzilla (3-7-77)
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To: restornu
Search the scriptures is good advice which enables one to discern which is the Lord’s way and not get fleece.

Presbyterian elders await your advice...

2,200 posted on 01/06/2011 11:58:19 AM PST by Elsie
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