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DISNEY/MIRAMAX CONTACT INFO! Financing Michael Moore's 2004 "Attack Film" on Bush is UNACCEPTABLE! ^
| 5/11/03
| Recovering_Democrat
Posted on 05/11/2003 5:39:29 PM PDT by Recovering_Democrat
Michael Moore is trying to tie Bush to bin Laden! His film is scheduled to be released in 2004, in the middle of the campaign! And Disney's Miramax is reportedly financing this hit piece!
Of course we must boycott Disney and Miramax. But letters (hard copy ones, ones they have to hold in their hands and look at) are another effective way of getting the message out that America doesn't want Michael Moore's Bush-bashing films in their marketplace!!
Here are some contact numbers and street addresses to mail your letters to.
Please remember: the person who answers the phone may have NO IDEA what you're talking about...they're mainly receptionists and communication specialists who're trained to forward messages and calls. Don't abuse them. And don't abuse the reader(s) of your letters! But be firm and matter of fact--you do not think this decision is wise.
If you're a stockholder, maybe you'll want to sell your stock. If you're a parent, maybe you won't rush out to buy "Treasure Island" for your kid. (Not that you would anyway! ha ha) If you're a grandparent, maybe you won't take the grandkids to DisneyWorld after all. Whatever. Disney's tentacles are so long and reach so far I cannot imagine anyone not having some connection to the company. Even ABC is owned by Disney.
Remember: Disney's subsidiary MIRAMAX is financing the movie, so you can contact BOTH companies. The head of Miramax is a guy named Harvey Weinstein.
Here are the addresses and numbers...and here's to a good FREEPing!
The Walt Disney Company
500 South Buena Vista Street
Burbank, CA 91521
Phone: (818 ) 560-1000
Fax: (818 ) 560-1930
Harvey and Bob Weinstein
c/o Miramax Films
375 Greenwich St.
New York, NY 10013
Harvey and Bob Weinstein
c/o Miramax Films
11 Beach St
NY, NY 10013
Alternative Miramax addresses:
Miramax Films
99 Hudson St
New York, NY 10013-2815
Miramax Films
1995 Broadway
New York, NY 10023-5882
Phone numbers for Miramax Films:
(212) 941-4002
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Announcements; Culture/Society; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; US: New York
KEYWORDS: 2004; 2004election; 2016election; 911; abc; abcdisney; abcnews; antiamerican; antibush; attackad; bigmedia; boycott; boycottdisney; boycotthollywood; bushbashing; campaignad; campaignlaws; disney; election2004; election2016; exploitation; fiction; greenparty; leftistmedia; liarliarpantsonfire; lumpyriefenstahl; mccarthywasright; mediabias; michaelmoore; michealmoore; mickeymouse; mikeymoron; miramax; mousesevilempire; newyork; propagandista; socialist; trump; unamerican; workoffiction; wtc
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To: Recovering_Democrat
BOYCOTT DISNEY: a vortex of seductive evil
posted on
05/11/2003 5:45:52 PM PDT
(I'm not always cranky.)
To: Petronski
Disney knows we hate 'em anyway. Nothing we conservatives say or do can have any effect on them. They're like the Terminator, "You can't reason with 'em, you can't bargain with 'em, and they won't stop, EVER...."
posted on
05/11/2003 5:48:41 PM PDT
To: Ciexyz
That's the spirit! <\sarcasm>
posted on
05/11/2003 5:49:22 PM PDT
(I'm SO glad to no longer be associated with the Party of Dependence on Government.)
To: Recovering_Democrat
Consider it done! Will get busy passing this info along.
posted on
05/11/2003 5:53:42 PM PDT
To: Recovering_Democrat
thank you
posted on
05/11/2003 5:57:35 PM PDT
The Wizard
(Saddamocrats are enemies of America, treasonous everytime they speak)
To: All
posted on
05/11/2003 6:02:21 PM PDT
The Wizard
(Saddamocrats are enemies of America, treasonous everytime they speak)
To: Recovering_Democrat
posted on
05/11/2003 6:07:17 PM PDT
To: Recovering_Democrat
I'd frankly like to see Disney sink money into a black pit like this movie, though admittedly I also liked the idea of Mel Gibson buying the rights and only releasing the movie on DVD with extra commentary [e.g. for BFC the extra commentary would call viewers' attention to the background behind Mr. Heston when he was speaking].
I'd live to see such a DVD released to expose Mr. Moore's techniques of prevarication.
posted on
05/11/2003 6:08:37 PM PDT
(TAG--you're it!)
To: Recovering_Democrat
More importantly I would urge anyone who works in the film editing industry to get a job with the production/post-production company working on this film, so you can expose the fraud, deceit and deceptive editing which made "Bowling for Columbine" an evil propaganda piece of which Joseph Goebbels which be very proud.
Release video, notes, stories of editing crimes...sabotage production at all levels. Do anything to stop or delay production of this film. This film must never reach theaters before the 2004 elections. The media-Socialist mafia must not be permitted to subvert democracy with Nazi propaganda tactics.
FReepers, I urge you to boycott editing facilities, protest, tie up traffic, commit acts of civil disobedience to disrupt, delay or stop this film's progress. This film will be the signle greatest act of evil ever purpetrated by Hollwood traitors.
Remember Florida 2000....we can make a difference! THIS FILM MUST BE STOPPED!!!
To: Ciexyz
Disney knows we hate 'em anyway. Nothing we conservatives say or do can have any effect on them. They're like the Terminator, "You can't reason with 'em, you can't bargain with 'em, and they won't stop, EVER...." If we all stop giving our money for their products .. they will get the message sooner or later
Just ask France ..
posted on
05/11/2003 6:16:12 PM PDT
(I'm a monthly Donor .. You can be one too!)
To: Recovering_Democrat
Details please.
To: Recovering_Democrat
Since I already boycott disney, how do I double boycott them?
posted on
05/11/2003 6:23:37 PM PDT
(When Senator Byrd landed on an aircraft carrier, the blacks were forced below shoveling coal...)
To: montag813
Oh please...
Rational thought (and subsequent disdain)handles the Michael Moore's of this world quite nicely thank you very much. Do you think anyone that's sentient is oblivious to Moore's politics? Frankly, your hysteria is more thought provoking than any of Moore's pap.
To: Recovering_Democrat
Selling Disney stock. Equating Disney with France.
posted on
05/11/2003 6:25:50 PM PDT
To: Recovering_Democrat
Relax . . . everything is under control.
The Bush adminstration has people in place to monitor this left wing wack job named Michael Moore and his Disney/ Miramax [DiM] finacial backers. I predict before the film is released Mr. Moore may face manys serious questions about his manufactured sources. DiM may face even more serious questions raised by stockholders and investors.
My prediction: DiM stock falls into the toilet of history. Moore faces possible court battles: And DiM swims like a large black log in the toilet only to be flushed just before the film emerges from Moore's over productive @nus.
Just my humble opinion folks . . . DU'ers and DiM's may flame at will.
posted on
05/11/2003 6:26:29 PM PDT
(primates capitulards toujours en quete de fromage!)
To: Recovering_Democrat
I am so f***ing mad. I went straight to the Disney website, but found no email contacts whatsoever.
To: Ciexyz
Disney knows we hate 'em anyway. Nothing we conservatives say or do can have any effect on them. Exactly right. I'm not so sure that our complaining wouldn't strengthen their resolve. On the bright side, how many people do you know who saw Moore's recent diatribe? I don't know a one.
To: Petronski
Boycott Disney? Where have you been for the last 15 years?
To: Recovering_Democrat
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