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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Makes Time Magazine Cover April 1st 2019 (No Fooling)
NY (Com)Post ^
| March 21, 2019
| Ben Feuerherd
Posted on 03/21/2019 1:36:22 AM PDT by CaliforniaCraftBeer
Freshman [Representative] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will grace the front page of the April 1 [2019] edition of Time Magazine...The Bronx-native, who shook the Democratic establishment by defeating longtime congressman Joe Crowly in 2018, appears in a headshot taken by photographer Collier Schorr next to the headline: The Phenom. The story accompanying the front page, written by Charolette Alter, describes Ocasio-Cortez as the second-most talked about politician in America...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
She’ll also be the cover of Playboy’s pictorial “Socialist Chicks on Capitol Hill”
posted on
03/21/2019 1:39:21 AM PDT
(Trump is Making the Media Grate Again)
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
Does Time still produce a print edition?
To: OrangeHoof
On Playboy’s cover? Maybe, but I’m not sure if the 42 subscribers left to Playboy would really care.
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
Good. the more people hear the better.
posted on
03/21/2019 1:43:10 AM PDT
Steve Van Doorn
(*in my best Eric Cartman voice* 'I love you, guys')
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
I havent looked at Time magazine since the 60s, so I dont know a whole lot about it. 😁
posted on
03/21/2019 1:43:34 AM PDT
(Genesis chapter 1 verse 1. In the beginning GOD.... And the rest, as they say, is HIS-story)
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
To have her appear on that magazine cover on April 1st is perfection itself. AOC has an appointment with her use-by date that approaches rapidly.
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
Oh good. New range target!
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
Changing the climate fight? Embrace the warming?
posted on
03/21/2019 1:57:57 AM PDT
(Global warming is AWESOME!)
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
To: Long Jon No Silver
the resemblance is uncanny
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
It's like The Candidate meets Clueless.
posted on
03/21/2019 2:16:46 AM PDT
Ciaphas Cain
("Socialism is a war crime against one's own people." -- tinyowl on 03/11/2019)
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
The eyes. Dark ball bearings. Glistening with a certain malevolence
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
What an excellent April Fool’s Joke.
To: tired&retired; All

One says we put a flag on Mars .... and the other one is from Mars.
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
Fantastic. AOC is the best gift the GOP ever had.
posted on
03/21/2019 3:08:59 AM PDT
((Obama Fascism)
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
Oh yes, this person whose unfavourability rating in New York is now higher than Donald Trump’s, IIRC.
posted on
03/21/2019 3:16:37 AM PDT
("The Gardens was founded by men-sportsmen-who fought for their country" Conn Smythe, 1966)
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
AOC gets on an airplane and sits down in the first class section of the plane. The stewardess rushes over to her and tells her she must move to coach because she doesn't have a first class ticket. AOC replies, "I'm a congresswoman, I'm very smart, and I'm staying in first class until we reach Washington."
The disgusted stewardess gets the head stewardess who asks AOC to leave. AOC yet again repeats, "I'm a congresswoman, I'm very smart, and I'm staying in first class until we reach Washington."
The head stewardess doesn't know what to do at this point because the rest of the passengers still need to be seated to take off; AOC is causing a problem with boarding now, so the stewardess gets the copilot.
The copilot goes up to AOC and whispers in her ear. She immediately gets up and goes to her seat in the coach section.
The head stewardess asks the copilot in amazement what he said to get her to move to her correct seat. The copilot replies, "I told her first class wasn't going to Washington."
To: CaliforniaCraftBeer
When does her head just explode from over stimulation? She must be completely drunk with her own perceived power at this stage.
posted on
03/21/2019 3:28:20 AM PDT
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