Is Obama running for elective office again??
I would get upset, but until Americans decide to stand up to this kind of abuse, not much use.
I read some account somewhere that SJP’s NYC apartment was filthy to the point of the equivalent of the neglected CA Playboy mansion.
While I laugh in the face of the Obamabots getting their cars towed for Dear Leader, if the cops ever towed MY legally parked car for the benefit of Obama and his subliterate lemmings I would demand that the police department deliver my car to my house free of charge. No delivery-— lawsuit.
Why does OTrauma need a fundraiser???!?
The treatment they deserve.
Let me guess. In the interest of security, no notice was given or warning signs posted ahead of time.
$40,000 per plate? To watch Baraq read for a teleprompter?
No wonder these creeps think taxes should raised.
They have money spouting out of their blow holes — and no sense on how to spend it.
He thinks he is the king or something
It’s New York........ who gives a damn about New Yorkers
Harvey Weinstein...arrested for molesting model in ny a few weeks ago, on tape he didn’t deny it. Says he is going to make movie that will ruin the NRA.
Sara Jessica...she who wouldn’t pay for her grandmother’s prescription Gwyneth the “conscious uncoupler” conga be there.
not a proper public function to tow cars away for a private political fundraising event
not a proper police function either
there’s something very crooked going on in NYC
Yet another stark difference between the cesspool that is NYC and Texas.
Could you imagine if Garland was in New York and not Texas? It would be easy to imagine a few dozen dead civilians instead of two dead muzzie rat bastards.
But then again - I can’t imagine anywhere in New York where a Mo Hammed drawing contest would occur.
Nor can I imagine police in Texas towing hundreds of cars for that rat bastard Obama.
God Bless Texas.
whoever hauls these cars away should be prosecuted for Grand Theft Auto
and put in prison
I had my car towed a couple of times many years ago, when I was working in the village. Lots of luck getting it back. You have to pay an enormous fine. But first, you have to find the damned thing. The guys working there didn’t have the faintest idea where the cars had been parked. So you had to go through hundreds and hundreds of cars before you even found it. I think one time I had to take a train home, and have my wife meet me at the station, and it was several days before I got it back.
Your link does not work.
Can you fix it so we can get more info on this instead of a few lines?
Are the media there? Will they interview people who have been displaced and inconvenienced by Hussein?
For that area.. That IS Transformation! Clear streets!!
A Kodak moment indeed.
Obammy will sell a photo to you for 50K.
Yur car was in my way so I had it towed.
Hugs Obammy