Posted on 07/12/2011 9:39:04 PM PDT by opentalk
High-level engineer demonstrates how Nordyke birth certificates used.
A prominent software engineer claims the Obama birth certificate released by the White House was forged by using as templates the birth certificates of twins born in Hawaii one day after the president.
The engineer, a high-level programmer for a state government, spoke on condition of anonymity...
.... He believes forgers used the registration numbers of the birth certificates belonging to Gretchen and Susan Nordyke, 10637 and 10638, to create the Obama birth certificate number, 10641.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
ummm - he does not have the full resources of anything - for the purpose of producing a forgery.
Think about it - What is he going to do, send out an RFP to find the most qualified forgers in the CIA?
Obama and friends/lawyers would have to stay within a very tight loop- if they were going to create a forgery.
What would a Corsi conspiracy be without the mysterious stranger lurking in the inky shadows.
Did he say it was forged? I missed it. He sure has been quiet about it, hasn't he! I guess he no longer has any way to get his message out. (There was a WND story that suggested that Trump thought BC II was a fake, but it was in the nature of a phone call Trump made to Corsi which seemed to me more of a effort to find out just how much Corsi really knew about the April 27 release.)
Look. I was taken in by his, "This country can be great again" rhetoric. But his silence in the face of this forgery is just too much given his sudden and intense focus on the issue just prior to April 27. Funny how all that rhetoric evaporated too.
Trump is the cur that didn't bark.
Executives at NBC parent recently raised $1.2 million for Obama.
Who knows? But, for you to be correct, Trump would have to know that obama had this POS BC ready to be released. Being the "team player" that he was. I mean... you wouldn't expect trump to ask for it if he didn't know obama already had it. Perhaps Trump didn't know how poorly crafted the BC really was. I suppose that is possible.
In any event Trump's work (knowingly or unknowingly) is done. Anybody that can fog a mirror can tell that the BC is a complete fabrication.
I'm sure it did, but only in this "expert's" imagination and creative use of MSPaint (what, did this expert not have Photoshop or even GIMP?)
the numbers 61 and 106 appear to match in size, positioning and spacing the numbers on the Nordyke twins' birth certificates.
Yeah, that tends to happen with rubber stamps.
And with numbers that don't need to be changed. What's the matter? Are the DU and HuffNPuff servers down?
The Answer is in the Fat Governor's Black Berry ....
“If it had no traction, it wouldnt be news and people wouldnt be talking about it.”
By that logic, the fact that people are still questioning the moon landing after 40 years means that there must really be traction to their arguments.
And anyone who thinks moon landing conspiracy theorists are stupid but that WND’s experts should be taken seriously ought to go look at some moon hoax websites. You’ll find lots of experts arguing that anomalies in the images prove that the pictures are faked, and that the government is covering up the fakery. Sound familiar?
faked .pdf = faked moon landing?
Put down the pipe. You've had enough.
I can't for the life of me explain how the check boxes could end up with identical pixel configuration. To me, it's impossible unless they were copied and pasted.
Can anyone explain this, how these check boxes could be identical? The odds of this happening naturally must be 1 in 50 trillion.
If you look at the Nordyke check boxes, the same boxes from the same positions differ between the two separate “Twin” documents. When Paper and ink from the 1961 era are mated, you may get variables that provide distinctive differences with every printed copy. It's not happening with all the check boxes in the Obama Document. This seems impossible to me.
If someone could tell me how this could happen naturally, please do so. I would love to hear it.
And with rubber stamps. Which they used.
Obama has had every opportunity to fully and completely clarify, in a clear and straight forward manner, the issue of his natural born citizenship, and his citizenship in general. A **real** natural born citizen of the United States of America would have absolutely no trouble doing that!
A **real** natural born citizen would be **HONORED** to promptly prove with the very best evidence that he was eligible to be president and the Commander in Chief who would send men and women to their deaths in battle.
Obama has consistently posted crap! There is no way to explain that away.
...but those documents werent available until this a few months ago. so a modern forger, would only have seen the 1936 DOB, and put his age at 25.
I hate to mention it, but I recall seeing both dates on his immigration file documents. Also, in one, he lists Barry as his child, in another he doesn't list any children. All I can conclude from his using both the 1936 and 1934 dates of birth is that Obama Sr. was a goofy flake.
Just to make sure, I went and checked. On page 7,14,25,27, 29,31 etc. Barack lists his date of birth as 1936. On page 1,3,9,19,32,34 etc. He lists it as 1934.
See for yourself.
Goofy Flake.
by your logic, there would actually BE people calling the moon landing fake, whereas there are MILLIONS of people and software experts calling the BC fake, NO one is calling the moon landing fake who has any credentials, so, debate much online? or is your mother away from the computer?
Maybe he didn’t know what year he was born, or maybe there is some other functional reason. Are there ways of categorizing the documents by date signed or what the document was for?
...but those documents werent available until this a few months ago. so a modern forger, would only have seen the 1936 DOB, and put his age at 25.
Okay, I re-read what you wrote. You may be right about every record prior to 1962 has the 1934 birth date on it, and every record AFTER 1962 has the 1936. Perhaps he was lying about his age because he thought immigration officials would be more sympathetic to a younger student? Hmmm...
Anyway, I took his 1936 date of birth on Barry's birth certificate as proof that Barack Sr. wasn't around when she was having the baby. I assumed Stanley Ann (or Grandma)put all the information on the birth certificate, and got the date of birth wrong, or perhaps he told her wrongly. The fact that there is no actual father's address listed is also a clue that Barack Sr. wasn't there.
Do you really think Barack Sr. cared about the birth of a kid (they were going to give away) enough to show up for it?
You will hear crickets.
There are two groups of people with whom I am especially upset: the conservative media and our highest military.
When did supporting, aiding, and ignoring fraud, forgery, possible usurpation of Commander in Chief, lying, and treachery become part of the military code of honor? Is this what they teach at West Point and the other military academies? Where is the evidence that our very highest military sought **peaceful** and legal certifiable clarification of Obama’s natural born citizenship from either congress or the courts? Honestly,...When our brave and honorable service men and women salute these highest ranking peacocks why aren't these admirals and generals struck with lightening?
The second group is the conservative media. I think it is unlikely that the whole bunch of them could conspire or be threatened into silence. Someone would be sure to break the wall of silence and reveal the conspiracy. Therefore...I conclude that the entire bunch of them are phony entertainers. Those who cry over the Constitution are actors crying crocodile tears. When true tyranny comes, they will sell their talents to the fascist oligarchy. They will spit shine the jack boots crushing our necks.
Our very highest military? The guys with the maximum amount of brass weighing them down? The yappers on talk radio and Fox? I trusted these guys! ( Silly me!)
I understand your points and your frustration, but this story is intriguing to many of us, and we would like to pull the actual truth out into the open at some point in the future. Were I to stumble across a piece of information that would help with the Debt/Deficit, or the Gunwalker fiasco, or any other Obama scandal, I would certainly do what I could to spread the word.
In the meantime, allow us to indulge our hobby. I enjoy imagining myself as being like Edgar Allen Poe solving the Murder of Mary Roget from across the Atlantic using nothing more than newspaper reports. If I hear a call for help (which I can render) on another issue, I will come a running. :)
And while that moment is red hot? We are counting pixels.
I am not counting pixels, I have long ago concluded that the document was created relatively recently. But other than complain to our reps, what would you have us do? I've already complained quite a lot. I no longer believe they have the best interests of our Country at heart, and I am referring to the Republican/Conservative Representatives and Senators.
Show me a better use of my time, and I may very well pursue it.
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