Posted on 01/11/2010 7:45:15 PM PST by Pantera
ESTABLISHMENT OF THE COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS By the authority vested in me as President by theConstitution and the laws of the United States of America,including section 1822 of the National Defense AuthorizationAct of 2008 (Public Law 110-181), and in order to strengthenfurther the partnership between the Federal Government and Stategovernments to protect our Nation and its people and property,it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Council of Governors.
(a) There is established a Council of Governors (Council).The Council shall consist of 10 State Governors appointed bythe President (Members), of whom no more than five shall be ofthe same political party. The term of service for each Member appointed to serve on the Council shall be 2 years, but a Membermay be reappointed for additional terms.
(b) The President shall designate two Members, whoshall not be members of the same political party, to serve asCo-Chairs of the Council.
Sec. 2. Functions. The Council shall meet at the call of the Secretary of Defense or the Co-Chairs of the Council toexchange views, information, or advice with the Secretary ofDefense; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Assistant tothe President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism; theAssistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs andPublic Engagement; the Assistant Secretary of Defense forHomeland Defense and Americas' Security Affairs; the Commander,United States Northern Command; the Chief, National GuardBureau; the Commandant of the Coast Guard; and other appropriateofficials of the Department of Homeland Security and theDepartment of Defense, and appropriate officials of otherexecutive departments or agencies as may be designated by theSecretary of Defense or the Secretary of Homeland Security.Such views, information, or advice shall concern:
(a) matters involving the National Guard of the variousStates;
(b) homeland defense;
(c) civil support;
(d) synchronization and integration of State and Federalmilitary activities in the United States; and
(e) other matters of mutual interest pertaining toNational Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.
Sec. 3. Administration.
(a) The Secretary of Defense shall designate an ExecutiveDirector to coordinate the work of the Council.
(b) Members shall serve without compensation for theirwork on the Council. However, Members shall be allowed travelexpenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, asauthorized by law.
(c) Upon the joint request of the Co-Chairs ofthe Council, the Secretary of Defense shall, to theextent permitted by law and subject to the availability ofappropriations, provide the Council with administrative support,assignment or detail of personnel, and information as may benecessary for the performance of the Council's functions.
(d) The Council may establish subcommittees of theCouncil. These subcommittees shall consist exclusively ofMembers of the Council and any designated employees of a Memberwith authority to act on the Member's behalf, as appropriate toaid the Council in carrying out its functions under this order.
(e) The Council may establish a charter that is consistentwith the terms of this order to refine further its purpose,scope, and objectives and to allocate duties, as appropriate,among members.
Sec. 4. Definitions. As used in this order:
(a) the term "State" has the meaning provided inparagraph (15) of section 2 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002(6 U.S.C. 101(15)); and
(b) the term "Governor" has the meaning provided inparagraph (5) of section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford DisasterRelief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122(5)).
Sec. 5. General Provisions.
(a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair orotherwise affect:
(1) the authority granted by law to adepartment, agency, or the head thereof; or
(2) functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary,administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistentwith applicable law and subject to the availability ofappropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, createany right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable atlaw or in equity by any party against the United States, itsdepartments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, oragents, or any other person.
THE WHITE HOUSE,January 11, 2010. #
Are the last line of defense against the DC Bolsheviks.
The GOP would be retarded to participate in this scam, good luck HUSSEIN in getting 5 GOP Govs to conspire against their constituency.
Answer: American History; swamp fox. Look it up. You might learn something.
Just so you know, arrogant posters like yourself are so yesterday.
Not applicable.
The socialists are pretty spread out geographically and are not particularly mobile and would be annihilated if they ventured out of their horrendous cities into the real USA.
There were those who said this was the path we were heading down with the Patriot act.
But they would not hesitate to destroy all those who oppose them. Remember that.
But all that it says in the law re this "Board of Governors" is:
The President shall establish a bipartisan Council of Governors to advise the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the White House Homeland Security Council on matters related to the National Guard and civil support missions.
Why BHO has decided to do this now when even GWB didn't, is anyone's guess.
I knew that info .. but I thought your comment said that the EO’s only last as long as the president is in office. If that’s not what you meant .. I’m sorry, but that’s the way I read it.
This video was taken during the last campaign .. so I don’t think any of those vets are from the Vietnam era.
My reference to The Bees Americanus was referring to the American Spirit as exemplified by the Swamp Fox. I am also posting this link for others to remember that the American Spirit is quite amazing.
You clearly have not much idea as to the capabilities of army Special Forces. Certainly they have a mission profile that involves "Direct Action." The fabled Studies and Observation Group (SOG) in the Vietnam conflict specialized in that kind of activity. Assassinations, kidnappings, extortion, sabotage, etc. But the reality is, that would be kind of like using a scalpel to mow the lawn. The true mission is raising indigenous armies, training & equipping them to overthrow a sitting government. Do you know that most SOF guys, the real operators, are sergeants?
The makeup of the average Special Forces "A-Team" is composed of ten sergeants usually in the rank of Staff Sergeant or higher. There are ten of these. A 1LT acts as the Executive Officer and a captain is the commander. In certain situations the XO can take command of half the unit and carry out specialized missions. All "A-Team" operators are cross trained in at least one other specialty so that anybody can readily replace a fallen operator in the middle of a mission.
Most have Bachelor level degrees and many have education going far beyond that. All are multilingual. These aren't your average "knuckle dragging" gorilla. They proudly refer to themselves as the quiet professionals simply because they don't spend any time preening and gathering accolades. It's just not in their nature.
The super secret army outfit called in some circles as the "CAG" for Combat Applications Group and in a more formalized title inside the army: Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta. AKA the Delta Force. I think Delta is the "new" SOG. They specialize in so called "Direct Action."
There are thousands of former Special Forces "operators" living quiet civilian lives. I know a few. Trust me, you wouldn't want to get them all riled up for any reason. Remember the mention of how Eric Rudolph managed to run the civilian police ragged trying to hunt him down? He was just a Joe Schmoe infantry private. No special skills and no real experience. How'd you like to have 800 or a thousand combat experienced former A-Team members running around in YOUR backyard looking to cause trouble? Now put all those guys next to the operators from other services like the Navy SEALs and the USMC Force Recon guys. That would be a nightmare for the purveyors of tyranny. IOW, don't be so quick to write these guys off. That's why books are written about their exploits and movies are made....
Check out their hats...they both look like they say “Vietnam Veteran” and they do kind of look like the right age, although with liberals, you can never tell if they actually were veterans or not.
If they are telling anyone what they are doing or not doing they ain’t......just my opinion.
Stay safe !
Well .. there is a very left-wing group of VV’s, and I suppose they were there on purpose and could be a part of this new “military” Obama is planning.
I guess I was so stunned by O’s statements, that I wasn’t concentrating on the audience.
You will never convince guys like pif. It’s not worth your time. Those who know, know. Those who don’t, won’t.
FIRST steps??
Well, maybe, but it’s coming, regardless of which step it is...
Well then ... since I could use the same handle as you, I can say we will have to simpily agree to disagree.
Agreed! :-)
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