Posted on 03/18/2008 4:59:05 AM PDT by Renfield
When an Institute for Defense Analysis study seemed to announce that there was no connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, the media was quick to parrot the line of Warren P. Strobel of McClatchy Newspapers. Relying on a leaked executive summary of the report, Strobel wrote that an exhaustive review of more than 600,000 Iraqi documents found no evidence linking Saddam Hussein with Al-Qaeda.
Led by the Weekly Standards Stephen Hayes, the right side of the blogosphere was quick to point out that the report did contain evidence of such connections, focusing mainly on Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which merged with Al-Qaeda in 1997, and the Army of Mohammed, a Kuwaiti affiliate of Al-Qaeda. The New York Suns Eli Lake and the Weekly Standards Thomas Joscelyn found in the report evidence that at least five Al-Qaeda affiliates were funded by Iraq.
Still, both the MSM and blogosphere have missed some key points:
The report utterly demolishes the myth that Saddam Hussein, a secular dictator, would never work with radical Islamists. The report contains a wealth of information demonstrating that Saddam Hussein was in touch with nearly every Islamist terrorist group in the Middle East and that his intelligence services had standing orders to monitor and reach out to any group of significance. That includes factions of Fatah, Hamas, the Army of Mohammed, and even Irans favorite terror group, Hezboallah. Of course, Hussein also worked with a number of Al-Qaeda proxies. Claudia Rossett has a good summary here. But the bigger point remains unnoticed: secular socialist Saddam did work with Islamist terrorists, despite their ideological differences.
The report was not exhaustive, as McClatchy Newspapers and others described it. Virtually every news story and blog post says that the researchers surveyed 600,000 captured documents in the Harmony database.
There are two problems with that claim. The Harmony database contains some two million documents. So the report examined less than a quarter of the captured Iraqi documents hardly exhaustive. In the fine print, the report concedes it was not able to access many documents because they were being actively used by other agencies meaning one or more of the nations 16 intelligence services, the State department, or other elements of the Defense department.
The second problem: The researchers didnt even examine all 600,000 documents available to them, the report concedes. Only 15% about 90,000 of those 600,000 documents have been translated into English. The remaining 510,000 documents were, in the language of the report, screened not read. Every Harmony document has a title, number, and several key words in English. Researchers simply sifted through the labels looking for bin Laden, Al-Qaeda and so on. That isnt very exhaustive; officials who have used the Harmony database say that the key words and titles were typed in by hourly contractors who often missed the significance of what they were inputting. Besides, they were rewarded for speed, not thoroughness. Worse still, Al-Qaeda did not refer to itself by its name until after 2001. Instead, it was known as the company, the organization, and so on, and bin Laden was simply referred to as the director. So it would be unusual for the phrase Al-Qaeda to show up in captured Iraqi documents. In short, the keyword search applied to 85% of the available documents is meaningless.
The report definitely missed documents that established the Iraq-Al-Qaeda connection. On Friday, I spoke with a former government official whose position required him to review captured Iraqi documents in the Harmony database. (He insisted on anonymity because his work was classified and he continues to consult on intelligence matters.) I have been in that database and I saw an instruction from the [Iraqi] foreign ministry to its embassy in Havana, instructing them to cooperate with members of Al-Qaeda. The document named specific individuals we know are connected to Al-Qaeda. Yet, that document does not appear in this report. Why? Most likely, my source says, because it is still being used by the State department or the CIA.
The report was never supposed to be the final word on the Iraq-Al-Qaeda connection. Instead, it was supposed to mine the Harmony database for information that could be useful to military commanders. On page vii, the report lays out its mission. Getting to the bottom of one of the most vexing issues of the Iraq war wasnt listed.
So how did the press get it wrong? One official familiar with the history of the report told me what he believed happened. Kevin M. Woods, the main author of the report, wrote a factual report whose conclusions clung narrowly to the available facts. Somewhere along the line, a politically motivated supervisor inserted a one-liner into the executive summary, and that person, or another, leaked it to Strobel, at McClatchy Newspapers. The rest of the MSM dutifully followed Strobels line. That made a mostly neutral report into a politically-charged weapon, much like the latest National Intelligence Estimate (NIE).
The report does not say that there is no connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, as many in the media have summarized it. It states that researchers looking in essentially 15% of one-quarter of the Harmony database found no evidence of an operational link. An operational link is one in which Iraqi officials order Al-Qaeda to carry out specific operations. There is a big difference between no link and no operational link. The phrase no operational link concedes that there are many other types of links, such as training, financial assistance, exchange of personnel and so on.
The report ignores open sources. If researchers really wanted to be exhaustive in their investigation, they would have looked at the numerous open source links between Iraq and Al-Qaeda.
Before exploring the myriad links between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, let us consider sources. To be persuasive, the best sources have to be authoritative and impartial and preferably independent of the White House. So the main sources for this article are the official reports of the 9-11 Commission, bipartisan reports of U.S. Congressional committees, and news stories written by staff members of overseas center-left dailies, mostly the Guardian and the (London) Observer as well as established center-left American publications, such as the New Yorker.
The main Administration source relied on here is Colin Powell, who was the most independent member of the Bush cabinet and certainly not a cheerleader for war in Iraq. (And I only relied on words that he did not later retract.) The other Administration source cited is CIA Director George Tenet, who was first appointed by President Clinton. I also relied on my own prior reporting in Egypt, Sudan and Iraq.
There are four kinds of undisputed connections between Iraq and Al-Qaeda found in open sources: meetings, personnel, money and training.
Photographs, taken by Malaysian intelligence in January of 2000, place Ahmed Hikmat Shakir, a suspected Iraqi intelligence operative, at key planning meetings with Al-Qaeda members for the bombing of the USS Cole and the September 11th attacks. In the spring of 1992, according to Iraqi Intelligence documents obtained after the war, Osama bin Laden met with Iraqi intelligence officials in Syria, Colin Powell told the United Nations. Why didnt researchers look for these documents in the Harmony database?
Sudanese intelligence officials told me that their agents had observed meetings between Iraqi intelligence agents and bin Laden starting in 1994, when bin Laden lived in Khartoum.
Former head of the bin Laden unit at the CIA and sharp critic of the Bush Administration, Michael Scheuer, writes in his 2002 book, Through Our Enemies Eyes, that Bin Laden made a connection with Iraqs intelligence service through its Khartoum station.
Bin Laden met at least eight times with officers of Iraqs Special Security Organization, a secret police agency run by Saddams son Qusay, according to intelligence made public by Secretary of State Colin Powell, speaking before the United Nations Security Council on February 6, 2003.
Bin Laden met the director of the Iraqi mukhabarat, Iraqs external intelligence service in 1996 in Khartoum, according to Powell.
An Al-Qaeda operative now held by the U.S. confessed that in the mid-1990s, bin Laden had forged an agreement with Saddams men to cease all terrorist activities against the Iraqi dictator, Powell said.
Saddams relationship to bin Laden was documented while the archterrorist was based in Sudan from 1991 to 1996. Patrick Fitzgerald, an U.S. attorney in the Clinton Justice Department, prepared an indictment of Osama bin Laden: Al-Qaeda reached an understanding with the government of Iraq that al Qaeda would not work against that government and that on particular projects, specifically including weapons development, Al-Qaeda would work cooperatively with the government of Iraq.
In 1999 the Guardian, a British newspaper, reported that Farouk Hijazi, a senior officer in Iraqs mukhabarat, had journeyed deep into the icy mountains near Kandahar, Afghanistan, in December 1998 to meet with Al-Qaeda officers. Mr. Hijazi is thought to have offered bin Laden asylum in Iraq, the Guardian reported.
In 2000, Saudi Arabia went on kingdom-wide alert after learning that Iraq had agreed to help Al-Qaeda attack U.S. and British interests on the peninsula, Powell said.
In October 2000, another Iraqi intelligence operative, Salah Suleiman, was arrested near the Afghan border by Pakistani authorities, according to Janes Foreign Report, a respected London-based defense newsletter. Janes reported that Suleiman was shuttling between Iraqi intelligence and Ayman al Zawahiri, Al-Qaedas second-in-command.
Why are all of those meetings significant? The London Observer reports that FBI investigators cite a captured Al-Qaeda field manual in Afghanistan, which emphasizes the value of conducting discussions about pending terrorist attacks face to face, rather than by electronic means.
As recently as 2001, Iraqs embassy in Pakistan was used as a liaison between the Iraqi dictator and Al-Qaeda, Mr. Powell told the United Nations.
Qassem Hussein Muhammed, a twenty-year veteran of Iraqi intelligence, was interviewed by New Yorker veteran reporter Jeffrey Goldberg in 2002 almost a year before the war. Muhammed said that he was one of the seventeen bodyguards assigned to protect Zawahiri on a 1992 trip to Iraq. Zawahiri, according to Qassem, stayed at the al Rashid Hotel in Baghdad. Qassem claimed that he was on the security detail that shuttled Zawahiri to one of Saddams opulent palaces for a meeting with Saddam.
Both ABC Newss Nightline and the PBS Wide Angle interviewed a twenty-year veteran of Iraqi intelligence who told the same story. He was not named by Wide Angle. Nightline identified him by his nom de guerre, Abu Aman Amaleeki. In 1992, elements of Al-Qaeda came to Baghdad and met with Saddam Hussein, Amaleeki said, And among them was Ayman al Zawahiri. Amaleeki added, I was present when Ayman al Zawahiri visited Baghdad.
Another visit by Zawahiri, in September 1999, was confirmed by former Iraqi premier Iyad Allawi in a wide-ranging interview with a reporter from the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat. Allawi said the Iraqi secret service in the new Iraqi intelligence service had found documents from the Saddam era that detailed the relationship between the Iraqi strongman and Al-Qaeda.
Allawi said that Al-Qaedas number two al Zawahiri was invited to attend the ninth Popular Islamic Conference by Izzat Ibrahim Al-Douri, Saddams second-in-command. The Iraq government has the invitation and other documents.
Yusuf Galan, also known as Luis Galan Gonzales, is a Spanish convert to Islam linked to Al-Qaeda by Spanish investigative judge Baltasar Garzon. Galan is charged by a Spanish court with being directly involved with the preparation and planning of the September 11 attacks. In the course of their investigation, Spanish police searched Galans home and found an array of documents related to al Qaeda and an invitation to a party at Iraqi embassy in Madrid. Galan worked for a former roommate of Mohammed Atta, who led the 9-11 attacks. The invitation used his Al-Qaeda nom de guerre, Londons Independent reports.
Documents found among the debris of the Iraqi Intelligence Center show that Baghdad funded the Allied Democratic Forces, a Ugandan terror group led by an Islamist cleric linked to bin Laden. According to Londons Daily Telegraph, the organization offered to recruit youth to train for the jihad at a headquarters for international holy warrior network to be established in Baghdad.
The Arabic-language daily al-Hayat reported on May 23, 2005: A detained al Qaeda member tells us that Saddam was more willing to assist Al-Qaeda after the 1998 bombings of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Saddam was also impressed by Al-Qaedas attacks on the USS Cole in Yemen in October 2000.
Mullah Melan Krekar ran a terror group (the Ansar al-Islam) linked to both bin Laden and Saddam Hussein. Krekar admitted to a Kurdish newspaper that he met bin Laden in Afghanistan and other senior Al-Qaeda officials. His acknowledged meetings with bin Laden go back to 1988. When he organized Ansar al Islam in 2001 to conduct suicide attacks on Americans, three bin Laden operatives showed up with a gift of $300,000 to undertake jihad, Newsday reported. Krekar is now in custody in the Netherlands. His group operated in a portion of northern Iraq loyal to Saddam Hussein and attacked independent Kurdish groups hostile to Saddam. A spokesman for the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan told a United Press International correspondent that Krekars group was funded by Saddam Husseins regime in Baghdad.
Le Monde, the Paris-based center-left daily, reported on July 9, 2005, that Ansar al Islam was founded in 2001 with the joint help of Saddam Hussein who intended to use it against moderate Kurds and Al-Qaeda, which hoped to find in Kurdistan a new location that would receive its members.
A captured Ansar al Islam terrorist, Rebwar Mohammed Abdul, revealed to the Los Angeles Times: I never talked to [Abu] Wael [an Iraqi intelligence officer] but I saw him three times in meetings with Mullah Krekar [the head of Ansar al-Islam]. The mullah told us that Wael was a friend of his for 23 years and that they had met in Baghdad while Wael was an intelligence officer.
The New Yorkers Jeffrey Goldberg interviewed several prisoners held by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of the Kurdish factions fighting Ansar al-Islam. The prisoners related an intricate web of coordination between an Al-Qaeda splinter group and Saddams intelligence service, the mukhabarat. Goldberg writes: The allegations include charges that Ansar al-Islam has received funds directly from Al-Qaeda; that the intelligence service of Saddam Hussein has joint control, with Al-Qaeda operatives, over Ansar al-Islam; that Saddam Hussein hosted a senior leader of Al-Qaeda in Baghdad in 1992 [Zawahiri]; that a number of Al-Qaeda members fleeing Afghanistan have been secretly brought into territory controlled by Ansar al-Islam; and that Iraqi intelligence agents smuggled conventional weapons, and possibly even chemical and biological weapons, into Afghanistan.
In Iraq in May 2007, I interviewed Adullah Rahman al-Shamary, a former assistant to Uday Hussein, Saddams son. Al-Shamary was a liason between Hussein and Abu Wael, who essentially commanded Ansar al Islam, Al Qaedas first Iraq affiliate.
An Iraqi defector to Turkey, known by his cover name as Abu Mohammed, told Gwynne Roberts of the Sunday Times of London that he saw bin Ladens fighters in camps in Iraq in 1997. At the time, Mohammed was a colonel in Saddams Fedayeen, a brutal strike force that reported directly to Saddam Hussein. Mohammed described an encounter at Salman Pak, a training facility southeast of Baghdad. At that vast compound run by Iraqi intelligence, Muslim militants trained to hijack planes with knives on a full-size Boeing 707. Col. Mohammed recalls his first visit to Salman Pak this way: We were met by Colonel Jamil Kamil, the camp manager, and Major Ali Hawas. I noticed that a lot of people were queuing for food. (The major) said to me: Youll have nothing to do with these people. They are Osama bin Ladens group and the PKK [a Muslim terror group known for atrocities in Turkey] and Mojahedin-e Khalq [a terror group active in Pakistan].
After the end of major combat operations in Iraq, an Associated Press reporter visited Salman Pak. Salman Pak, about 15 miles southeast Baghdad satellite photos show an urban assault training site, a three-car train for railway-attack instruction, and a commercial airliner sitting all by itself in the middle of the desert.
Ravi Nessam, the Associated Press reporter, continued: Speaking at an April 6, 2003 press conference, General [Vincent] Brooks said: The nature of the work being done by some of those people that we captured, their influences to the type of training that they received, all of these things give us the impression that there was terrorist training that was conducted at Salman Pak.
Nationally syndicated columnist Deroy Murdock sifted through the publicly available information about al Qaeda operatives training in Iraqs Salman Pak facility: Sabah Khodada, [is] a former Iraqi army captain who once worked at Salman Pak. On October 14, 2001, Khodada granted an interview to PBS television program Frontline stating, This camp is specialized in exporting terrorism to the whole world. He added: Training includes hijacking and kidnapping of airplanes, trains, public buses, and planting explosives in cities how to prepare for suicidal operations. He continued: We saw people getting trained to hijack airplanes They are even trained how to use utensils for food, like forks and knives provided in the plane.
The following year, according to 9-11 Commission Staff Statement 15, bin Laden took the Iraqis up on their pledge. [Iraqi intelligence officer Farouk] Hijazi told his interrogators in May 2003 that bin Laden had specifically requested [from Iraq] Chinese-manufactured anti-ship limet mines as well as training camps in Iraq.
Mohammad Atef, the head of Al-Qaedas military wing until the U.S. killed him in Afghanistan in November 2001, told a senior Al-Qaeda member now in U.S. custody that the terror network needed labs outside of Afghanistan to learn how to make chemical weapons, according to Secretary of State Colin Powell. Powell asked: Where did they go, where did they look? said the secretary. They went to Iraq.
The Iraqis, who had the Third Worlds largest poison-gas operations prior to the Gulf War I, have perfected the technique of making hydrogen-cyanide gas. (The Nazis used to call that gas Zyklon-B.) In the hands of Al-Qaeda, this would be a fearsome weapon in an enclosed space like a suburban mall or subway station.
CIA Director George Tenet told the Senate Intelligence Committee: Iraq has in the past provided training in document forgery and bomb making to Al-Qaeda. It also provided training in poisons and gasses to two Al-Qaeda associates; one of these [Al-Qaeda] associates characterized the relationship as successful. Mr. Chairman, this information is based on a solid foundation of intelligence. It comes to us from credible and reliable sources. Much of it is corroborated by multiple sources.
Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, entered the U.S. on a phony Iraqi passport.
Abdul Rahman Yasin was the only member of the Al-Qaeda cell that detonated the February 26, 1993 World Trade Center bomb to remain at large in the Clinton years. He fled to Iraq. U.S. forces recently discovered a cache of documents in Tikrit, Saddams hometown, that show that Iraq gave Yasin both a house and monthly salary. This confirmed ABC News reports from the Clinton era.
ABC News correspondent Sheila MacVicar reported on July 27, 1994: Last week, [television program] Day One confirmed [Yasin] is in Baghdad Just a few days ago, he was seen at [his fathers] house by ABC News. Neighbors told us Yasin comes and goes freely.
Six months before the 9-11 attacks, which were plotted in Germany, Germany federal police arrested two Iraqi men suspected of spying.
They are suspected of carrying out missions for an Iraqi intelligence service in a number of German towns since the beginning of 2001, said a spokeswoman for state prosecutors Kay Nehm in Karlsruhe.
On March 16, 2001, a Paris-based Arabic-language newspaper reported fresh details on the arrests. The Middle East Intelligence Bulletin translated the report from al-Watan al-Arabi:
Al-Watan al-Arabi (Paris) reports that two Iraqis were arrested in Germany, charged with spying for Baghdad. The arrests came in the wake of reports that Iraq was reorganizing the external branches of its intelligence service and that it had drawn up a plan to strike at US interests around the world through a network of alliances with extremist fundamentalist parties. The most serious report contained information that Iraq and Osama bin Laden were working together. German authorities, acting on CIA recommendations, had been focused on monitoring the activities of Islamic groups linked to bin Laden. They discovered the two Iraqi agents by chance and uncovered what they considered to be serious indications of cooperation between Iraq and bin Laden. The matter was considered so important that a special team of CIA and FBI agents was sent to Germany to interrogate the two Iraqi spies.
In 1998, Abbas al-Janabi, a longtime aide to Saddams son Uday, defected to the West. At the time, he repeatedly told reporters that there was a direct connection between Iraq and al Qaeda.
The Senate Intelligence Committee report says that [Abu] Zubaydah was the senior al Qaeda coordinator responsible for training and recruiting. Zubaydah, who is in U.S. custody, is often cited by skeptics of the Iraq-Al-Qaeda connection because he told interrogators that he thought it unlikely that bin Laden would establish a formal alliance with Iraq for fear of losing his independence. But the skeptics often ignore other aspects of Zubaydahs debriefing. Again, according to the Senate Intelligence Committee report, Zubaydah indicated that he had heard that an important al Qaeda associate, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, and others had good relationships with Iraqi intelligence.
In 2001, Saudi Arabian border guards arrested two Al-Qaeda members entering the oil-rich kingdom from Iraq. They were linked to associates of the Baghdad cell, and one of them received training in Afghanistan on how to use cyanide, Powell said.
Following the defeat of the Taliban, almost two dozen bin Laden associates converged on Baghdad and established a base of operations there, Powell told the United Nations in February 2003. From their Baghdad base, Powell said, they supervised the movement of men, materiel and money for Al-Qaedas global network.
Abu Musaab al-Zarqawi oversaw an Al-Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan, Powell told the United Nations. His specialty was poisons. Wounded in fighting with U.S. forces, he sought medical treatment in Baghdad in May 2002. Official records discovered in Baghdad revealed that Zarqawi received medical treatment at the Olympic hospital run by Uday Hussein, Saddams son.
When Zarqawi recovered, he restarted a training camp in northern Iraq. Almost a year before the Iraq war, Zarqawis Iraq cell was later tied to the October 2002 murder of Lawrence Foley, an official of the U.S. Agency for International Development, in Amman, Jordan. The captured assassin confessed that he received orders and funds from Zarqawis cell in Iraq, Powell said. His accomplice escaped to Iraq. After the attack, an associate of the assassin left Jordan to go to Iraq to obtain weapons and explosives for further operations.
Powell told United Nations: the Zarqawi network helped establish another poison and explosive training center camp, and this camp is located in Northeastern Iraq.
Powell added: Those helping to run this camp are Zarqawi lieutenants operating in northern Kurdish areas outside Saddam Husseins controlled Iraq, but Baghdad has an agent in the most senior levels of the radical organization Ansar al-Islam, that controls this corner of Iraq. In 2000, this agent offered Al-Qaeda safe haven in the region.
Iraq was clearly harboring Zarqawi before the Iraq war and refused twice to turn him over to U.S. Powell told the U.N.: We asked a friendly security service to approach Baghdad about extraditing Zarqawi and providing information about him and his close associates. This service contacted Iraqi officials twice, and we passed details that should have made it easy to find Zarqawi. The network remains in Baghdad; Zarqawi still remains at large to come and go.
Abu Abdullah al-Iraqi was sent to Iraq by bin Laden to purchase poison gases several times between 1997 and 2000. He called his relationship with Saddams regime successful, Powell told the United Nations.
Mohamed Mansour Shahab, a smuggler hired by Iraq to transport weapons to bin Laden in Afghanistan, was arrested by anti-Hussein Kurdish forces in May of 2000.
Hissam al Hussein, the former second secretary at Iraqs embassy in Manila. The Philippine government expelled him on February 13, 2003, just five weeks before the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Cell phone records indicate he had spoken with Abu Madja and Hamsiraji Sali, two leaders of Abu Sayyaf, al-Qaedas de facto franchise for the Philippines. The timing was particularly suspicious, as he had been in contact with the Abu Sayyaf terrorists just before and after they conducted an attack in Zamboanga City.
Abu Sayyafs nail-filled bomb exploded on October 2, 2002, injuring 23 individuals and killing two Filipinos and one American. That American was U.S. Special Forces Sergeant First Class Mark Wayne Jackson, age 40.
Vice President Dick Cheney sat down with Tim Russert, host of NBCs Meet the Press, in 2004. Here is how Cheney summarized the evidence:
RUSSERT: But is there a connection [between Iraq and al Qaeda]?
CHENEY: We dont know. You and I talked about this two years ago. I can remember you asking me this question just a few days after the original attack. At the time I said no, we didnt have any evidence of that. Subsequent to that, weve learned a couple of things. We learned more and more that there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda that stretched back through most of the decade of the 90s, that it involved training, for example on BW [biological weapons] and CW [chemical weapons], that al Qaeda sent personnel to Baghdad to get trained on the systems that are involved, the Iraqis providing bomb-making expertise and advice to the al Qaeda organization.
CIA Director George Tenet and Secretary of State Colin Powell have also testified that the trail of meetings between Iraq and Al-Qaeda stretch back to the early 1990s. Tenet wrote the Senate Intelligence Committee on October 7, 2002 that the CIA and other American intelligence services had amassed solid reporting of contacts between Iraq and al Qaeda going back a decade.
Powell said that the U.S. had documented decades-long experience with respect to ties between Iraq and al Qaeda, in his speech to the United Nations. Going back to the early and mid-1990s when bin Laden was based in Sudan, an al-Qaeda source tells us that Saddam and bin Laden reached an understanding that al Qaeda would no longer support activities against Baghdad. Early al Qaeda ties forged by secret high-level intelligence service contacts with al Qaeda. There is evidence of linkage between al Qaeda and Iraq, Powell told the panel at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on September 26, 2002. There is not linkage to 9-11 that we are aware of, but I cant dismiss that possibility.
No connection? Well, Al-Qaeda and the Iraqi state certainly had a lot of meetings, money changed hands, some terrorist training occurred in Iraq, and a lot of personnel including Abu Musab al Zarqawi moved freely through the Iraqi police state. In short, there are connections.
None of this means that Iraq ran Al-Qaeda or had foreknowledge of its most gruesome attacks. It certainly does not mean Iraq was behind the 9-11 attacks or even knew about them in advance.
Still, for there to be no connection between Iraq and Al-Qaeda, it would mean no meetings, no money, no training and no movement of personnel. On the strength of much weaker evidence, Saudi Arabia is connected to Al-Qaeda. Why is Iraq the one nation given the benefit of the doubt?
Islam connects them all...
In in 1998, an Arab intelligence officer, who knows Saddam personally, predicted in Newsweek: "Very soon you will be witnessing large-scale terrorist activity run by the Iraqis." The Arab official said these terror operations would be run under "false flags" --spook-speak for front groups--including bin Laden's organization.
Then there were the predictions by an Iraqi with ties to Iraqi intelligence, Naeem Abd Mulhalhal, in Qusay's own newspaper several weeks before the attacks that stated bin Laden would demolish the Pentagon after he destroys the White House and bin Laden would strike America on the arm that is already hurting. (referencing a second IRAQI sponsored attack on the World Trade Center). Another reference to New York was [bin Laden] will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra everytime he hears his songs. (e.g., New York, New York) which identified New York, New York as a target. Mulhalhal also stated, The wings of a dove and the bullet are all but one and the same in the heart of a believer." which references an airplane attack.
The Arabic language daily newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabic also cited the cooperation between Iraq, bin Laden and Al December 1998 editorial, which predicted that President Saddam Hussein, whose country was subjected to a four day air strike, will look for support in taking revenge on the United States and Britain by cooperating with Saudi oppositionist Osama Bin-Laden, whom the United States considers to be the most wanted person in the world. This info is in the link provided below. How could these people have had foreknowledge without Iraq being involved?
Warning...slow loading .pdf file. This was from a lawsuit filed against Iraq after 9/11...the court ruled against Iraq.
There was also another lawsuit filed by the family of John ONeill (a former FBI agent who captured Ramzi Yousef after the 1993 WTC bombings) after he died in the WTC on 9/11. His personal files from his years of traveling around the world investigating al-Qaeda are were used as evidence in the lawsuit. The evidence includes documents unearthed in the headquarters of the Mukhabarat (Iraq's intelligence service) and information gleaned from the interrogation of both al-Qaeda and Iraqi prisoners. (Link below). It also quotes Vincent Cannistraro, the former CIA counter-terrorism chief, who stated in October 2000 that Iraq had been wanting to carry out terrorist attacks, and that the Iraqi military had been in contact with Osama bin Laden.
We know from these IIS documents that beginning in 1992 the former Iraqi regime regarded bin Laden as an Iraqi Intelligence asset. We know from IIS documents that the former Iraqi regime provided safe haven and financial support to an Iraqi who has admitted to mixing the chemicals for the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center. We know from IIS documents that Saddam Hussein agreed to Osama bin Laden's request to broadcast anti-Saudi propaganda on Iraqi state-run television. We know from IIS documents that a "trusted confidante" of bin Laden stayed for more than two weeks at a posh Baghdad hotel as the guest of the Iraqi Intelligence Service.
Abu Nidal, September 11 and Saddam The terrorist network may be closer knit than we think.
Weekly Standard: The Mother of All Connections
List of newspaper article in the 90's which mention the world's concern regarding the growing relationship between OBL and Saddam:
Son of Saddam coordinates OBL activities:
The AQ connection (excellent):
Western Nightmare:
Saddam's link to OBL:
NYT: Iraq and AQ agree to cooperate:
Document linking them:
Iraq and terrorism - no doubt about it:
A federal judge rules there are links:
Wall Street Journal on Iraq and AQ:
Iraq and Iran contact OBL:
More evidence:
Saddam's AQ connection:
Further connections:
What a court of law said about the connections:
Some miscellaneous stuff on connections:
Saddam's Ambassador to Al Qaeda: (February 2004, Weekly Standard)
Yes - it's NewsMax but loaded with interesting bullet points.
Saddam's Fingerprints on NY Bombing (Wall Street Journal, June 1993)
Colin Powell: Iraq and AQ Partners for Years (CNN, February 2003)
The Iraq-Al Qaeda Connections (September 2003, Richard Miniter)
Oil for Food Scandal Ties Iraq and Al Qaeda (June 2003)
Saddam and OBL Make a Pact (The New Yorker, February 2003):
Al Qaeda's Poison Gas (Wall Street Journal, April 2004):
Wolfowitz Says Saddam behind 9/11 Attacks:
Saddam behind first WTC attack - PBS, Laurie Mylroie:
Growing Evidence of Saddam and Al Qaeda Link, The Weekly Standard, July 2003:
Qusay Hussein Coordinated Iraq special operations with Bin Laden Terrorist Activities, Yossef Bodansky, National Press Club
The Western Nightmare: Saddam and Bin Laden vs. the Rest of the World, The Guardian Unlimited:
Saddam Link to Bin Laden, Julian Borger, The Guardian, February 1999
The Al Qaeda Connection, The Weekly Standard, July 2003
Cheney lectures Russert on Iraq/911 Link, September 2003:
No Question About It, National Review, September 2003
Iraq: A Federal Judges Point of View
Mohammed's Account links Iraq to 9/11 and OKC:
Free Republic Thread that mentions some books Freepers might be interested in on this topic:
The Proof that Saddam Worked with AQ, The Telegraph, April 2003:
Saddam's AQ Connection, The Weekly Standard, September 2003
September 11 Victims Sue Iraq:
Osama's Best Friend: The Further Connections Between Al Qaeda and Saddam, The Weekly Standard, November 2003
Terrorist Behind 9/11 Attacks Trained by Saddam, The Telegraph, December 2003
James Woolsey Links Iraq and AQ, CNN Interview, March 2004, Also see Posts #34 and #35
A Geocities Interesting Web Site with maps and connections:
Bin Laden indicted in federal court, read down to find information that Bin Laden agreed to not attack Iraq and to work cooperatively with Iraq:
Case Closed, The Weekly Standard, November 03
CBS - Lawsuit: Iraq involved in 9/11:
Exploring Iraq's Involvement in pre-9/11 Acts, The Indianapolis Star:
The Iraq/AQ Connection: Richard Minister again
Militia Defector says Baghdad trained Al Qaeda fighters in chemical weapons, July 2002
The Clinton View of Iraq/AQ Ties, The Weekly Standard, December 2003
Saddam Controlled the Camps (Iraq/AQ Ties): The London Observer, November 01
Saddam's Terror Ties that Critics Ignore, National Review, October 2003:
Tape Shows General Wesley Clark linking Iraq and AQ:
The Missing Link (What the Senate Ingelligence Report Said about Iraq/AQ Connections)
Credit to Peach for the above info.
Credit to joesbucks for the following links:
Dozens of links here:
Just a few of those links include:
The Clinton Justice Department's indictment against OBL in federal court which mentions the terrorist's connections to Iraq. November 4, 1998. The federal indictment:
Iraq and AQ agree to cooperate. The federal indictment against OBL working in concert with Iraq and Iran is mentioned. November 1998. The New York Times
Saddam reaching out to OBL January 1, 1999. Newsweek
ABC news reports on the Osama/Saddam connections January 14, 1999. ABC News
Western Nightmare: Saddam and OBL versus the World. Iraq recruited OBL. February 6, 1999. The Guardian
Saddam's Link to OBL February 6, 1999. The Guardian
Saddam offered asylum to bin Laden February 13, 1999. AP
Video coverage from drzz:
Saddam- Al Qaeda VIDEOS library (MUST SEE)
And kabar submitted these two little gems showing Bin Laden supported Iraq and its struggle against the US and the West.
1996 Fatwa: "Declaration of War against the Americans Occupying the Land of the Two Holy Places."
From Race Bannon’s files:
The 90s:
Saddams Fingerprints on NY Bombing
June 28, 1993. The Wall Street Journal. Laurie Mylroie
The Clinton Justice Departments indictment against OBL in federal court which mentions the terrorists connections to Iraq.
November 4, 1998. The federal indictment
Iraq and AQ agree to cooperate. The federal indictment against OBL working in concert with Iraq and Iran is mentioned.
November 1998. The New York Times
Saddam reaching out to OBL
January 1, 1999. Newsweek
ABC news reports on the Osama/Saddam connections
January 14, 1999. ABC News
Osama and Saddam Work Together
January 27, 1999. Laurie Mylroie interview. She is a former Clinton terrorism czar.
Western Nightmare: Saddam and OBL versus the World. Iraq recruited OBL.
February 6, 1999. The Guardian,12469,798270,00.html
Saddams Link to OBL
February 6, 1999. The Guardian
Saddam offered asylum to bin Laden
February 13, 1999. AP
Son of Saddam coordinates with OBL.
Iraqi Special Ops coordinates with Bin Ladens terrorist activities.
August 6, 1999. Yossef Bodansky, National Press Club
The Iraqis, who for several years paid smaller groups to do their dirty work, were quick to discover the advantages of Al-Qaeda.
September 19, 2001. Janes.
Bin Laden met Iraqi Agent.
September 28, 2001. The Miami Herald.
German investigators link Iraq to anthrax attack.
October 26, 2001. Anova.
Saddam behind first WTC attack.
October 18, 2001. Laurie Mylroie, Clinton anti-terrorism czar. PBS.
Hijacker given anthrax by Iraq
October 27, 2001. The Times.
Salman Pak. Satellite discussion about the terror camps in Iraq.
January 7, 2002. Aviation Weekly.
Intercepted call links Saddam to AQ.
February 7, 2002. The Telegraph
Report linking anthrax and 9/11 hijackers is probed.
March 23, 2002. The New York Times.
Osama met with Saddam in Iraq.
March 23, 2002. The Times of India
Militia Defector says Baghdad trained Al Qaeda fighters in chemical weapons.
July 14, 2002. The Sunday Times.
September 11 Victims Sue Iraq.
September 4, 2002. BBC.
Families sue Iraq over 9/11. Thousands of 9/11 victims and family members sue Iraq based on evidence that Iraq knew the attacks were coming, approved the attacks, and supported Al Qaeda for a decade. The lawsuit also notes Iraqs involvement in the first WTC attack.
September 5, 2002. CBS.
Gephardt says lots of intelligence links OBL and Saddam.
October 6, 2002. Newsmax.
Colin Powell: Iraq and Al Qaeda were partners for years.
February 5, 2003. Colin Powell interview on CNN.
Freeper Republic Strategists list of links between AQ and Iraq.
February 7, 2003
Saddam and OBL Make a Pact.
February 10, 2003. The New Yorker.
Australia PM has lots of information regarding Iraq/AQ connections.
March 14, 2003
Spain links 9/11 suspect to Baghdad.
March 16, 2003. The Observer.,6903,915142,00.html
The AQ connection to Iraq
April 12, 2003. The Weekly Standard
Saddams regime linked to several religious extremist groups.
April 17, 2003. The Daily Telegraph.
More evidence. Newspaper finds documents in Baghdad which directly prove the links between OBL and Saddam. The paperwork details meetings and when and where they occurred. Also found documents that Russia passed on to Iraq detailing private conversations between Blair and Italys Berlusconi.
April 27, 2003. The Telegraph.
Wolfowitz Says Saddam behind 9/11 Attacks:
June 1, 2003. Newsweek.
Oil for Food Scandal Ties Iraq and Al Qaeda.
June 20, 2003. Forward Magazine.
A judge sees the documents linking OBL and Saddam.
June 25, 2003. The Tennessean.
The Al Qaeda Connection.
July 11, 2003. The Weekly Standard.
List of newspaper articles written in the 90s which mention the worlds concern regarding the growing relationship between OBL and Saddam.
July 14, 2003. FrontPage Magazine.
Growing Evidence of Saddam and Al Qaeda Link.
July 16, 2003. FrontPage Magazine.
What the administration said. And what they didnt use, but could have regarding the relationship between OBL and Saddam.
The Iraqi regime paid Zawahiri $300,000 in 98 when his Islamic jihad merged with Al Qaeda.
September 1, 2003. The Weekly Standard.
Free Republic Thread that mentions books on this topic. Former CIA Director James Woolsey and other notables recommend these books as well.
September 6, 2003.
Memo shows Iraq and Iraq contacted OBL.
September 12, 2003. The Washington Times.
Vice President Cheney lectures Russert on Iraq/911 Link
Al Qaeda sent personnel to Baghdad to get training for terrorist activities. He mentions Iraqs involvement in the first WTC bombing in 1993.
September 15, 2003. Interview.
Iraq and terrorism - no doubt about it. Specific names of Al Qaeda terrorists working in and with Iraq
September 19, 2003. National Review.
Iraq and AQ: A Federal Judges Point of View
September 20, 2003
Mohammeds Account links Iraq to 9/11 and first WTC attack:
September 22, 2003. Newsweek.
Richard Miniter details the names and specific connections including the Iraqi who was involved in the first WTC bombing and lived in Iraq.
September 25, 2003. Richard Minister
Saddams Terror Ties that Critics Ignore.
October 21, 2003. The National Review.
Osamas Best Friend: The Further Connections Between Al Qaeda and Saddam.
November 3, 2003. The Weekly Standard
Stephen Hayes book, The Intel Links OBL and Saddam.
November 15, 2003. The Weekly Standard.,2933,103176,00.html
The media certainly were pushing Iraq as being connected to AQ and possibly behind 9/11 shortly after September 11, 2001. A compilation of media comments and articles:
November 17, 2003
Case Closed.
November 24, 2003. The Weekly Standard
The Terrorist behind 9/11 was trained by Saddam
December 14, 2003. The Telegraph.
The Clinton View of Iraq/AQ Ties.
December 29, 2003. The Weekly Standard.
Saddam behind anthrax attacks?
January 1, 2004. Accuracy in Media.
Tape Shows General Wesley Clark linking Iraq and AQ
January 12, 2004. The New York Times.
Saddams Ambassador to Al Qaeda.
February 23, 2004, The Weekly Standard.
Article details the number of terrorists who have attacked America in the past and taken refuge in Iraq. Loaded with interesting bullet points.
March 14, 2004. Scripps Howard News Service via NewsMax.
James Woolsey, former CIA Director, links Iraq and AQ. See also Posts #34 and #35.
March 23, 2004. CNN Interview
Less than two months before 9/11/01, the state-controlled Iraqi newspaper Al-Nasiriya carried a column headlined, American, an Obsession called Osama Bin Ladin. (July 21, 2001)
In the piece, Baath Party writer Naeem Abd Muhalhal predicted that bin Laden would attack the US with the seriousness of the Bedouin of the desert about the way he will try to bomb the Pentagon after he destroys the White House.
The same state-approved column also insisted that bin Laden will strike America on the arm that is already hurting, and that the US will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra every time he hears his songs an apparent reference to the Sinatra classic, New York, New York.
March 28, 2004, NewsMax
Al Qaedas Poison Gas
April 29,2 004. The Wall Street Journal
Saddam Linked to 9/11.
May 11, 2004. FrontPage Magazine. Laurie Mylroie, Clintons anti-terrorism czar.
Bush says Zarqawi killed Berg. Cites Saddam ties.
May 15, 2004. Reuters.
The Connections. Detailed.
May 28, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Saddams role in 9/11.
May 29, 2004. A Freeper book.
Clinton mentioned how AQ was developing a relationship with Iraq. Also see Post #5.
June 1, 2004. The Miami Herald.
Read into the Congressional Record regarding the ties between OBL and Saddam. (Part 1)
June 1, 2004
More read into the Congressional Record (Part 2).
June 1, 2004
More read into the Congressional Record (Part 3).
June 1, 2004
More read into the Congressional Record (Part 4).
June 1, 2004
Exploring the links between 9/11 and Iraq.
June 2, 2004.
New Iraqi Chief Links 9/11 to Saddam.
June 2, 2004. NewsMax.
Pre-Bush Timeline of Saddam/OBL Ties
June 12, 2004. Freeper Blackrain4xmas research
Cheney claims Iraq/AQ connections
June 14, 2004. Associated Press
Britain insists that AQ was in Iraq pre war.
June 17, 2004. MiddleEast Online.
Cheney says definite ties between Iraq/AQ and outraged at NYT Misleading Headline.
June 17, 2004. CNBC Capitol Report via Drudge
How the Networks Pretend to Ignore their own Reporting from the 1990s.
June 17, 2004. Media Research Center
There was a link between OBL and Saddam.
June 20, 2004. The Sunday Telegraph.
9/11 Commission says prominent member of AQ served in Iraqs militia.
June 20, 2004. Reuters.
9/11 Commission reaffirms Bush administration view of Iraq/AQ ties.
June 21, 2004. RNC.
How Saddam collaborated with Osama bin Laden. Interview with Stephen Hayes with excellent information.
June 23, 2004. FrontPage Magazine.
The Clinton Administration first linked Saddam and OBL.
June 25, 2004. The Washington Times.
Documents Shows Iraq Intel Agents Met with OBL.
June 25, 2004. Associated Press.
More evidence of Iraq/AQ relationship.
June 25, 2004. New York Times.
Putin warned President Bush after 9/11 that Saddam Hussein planned to attack America.
June 28, 2004. Media Research Center.
Freeper blog (Windsofchange) and links to 9/11 Commission report with specific references to the ways in which Iraq/AQ were connected and worked together.
July 11, 2004.
Long List of Clinton Administration Officials who Believed There was an AQ/Iraq connection.
July 12, 2004. NewsMax.
Gore, Cohen, Clinton linked AQ and Saddam.
July 15, 2004. The Daily Texan.
Gore, Cohen, Clinton linked AQ and Saddam.
July 15, 2004. The Daily Texan.
What the Senate Intelligence Report REALLY said about the connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda.
July 22, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
The 9/11 Commission found specific connections between Iraq and AQ. Specific names and dates are given from the report.
July 22, 2004. The Daily Standard.
The 9/11 Commission and Iraq/AQ Connections.
July 26, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Clinton feared Iraq gave AQ chemical weapons in Sudan under a cooperative agreement they had.
July 2004. 9/11 Commission
Information about Shakir, the Iraqi who met with AQ at a pre-9/11 planning meeting. Also information about the Iraqi who mixed the chemicals for the bomb of the first WTC bombing.
August 2, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Specific quotes from 9/11 Commission Report regarding links between AQ and Iraq.
July 30, 2004.
Contact between OBL and Saddam are beyond dispute.
August 18, 2004. The Washington Times.
List of CIA and various Reports regarding Iraqs support for terrorists, terrorism and AQ.
September 16, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Kerry disputing 9/11 Commission and Senate Intelligence Reports. Actual page numbers and quotes within article of what the Reports DID say regarding the connections.
September 20, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Fox News reports that Saddam may have used Oil for Food money to fund Al Qaeda.
September 20, 2004. Fox News Channel.,2933,132682,00.html
Both the Senate Intelligence Committee Report and the 9/11 Commission documented the links and relationship between AQ and Iraq.
October 5, 2005. The Weekly Standard.
Osama bin Laden was considered an Iraqi Intelligence asset.
October 14, 2004. National Review.
Senate Intelligence Report says Zarqawi operated out of Saddam controlled territory - Baghdad.
October 20, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
It looks like the 9/11 Commission got an important detail wrong. Shakir probably DID work the Iraqi Fedayeen and he had documents on him when arrested that linked him to the 1993 WTC bombing. And he drove the 9/11 hijackers to a planning meeting.
October 23, 2004. The Hoover Institute.
Saddam was the ATM to Al Qaeda.
November 16, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
CIA Agent Scheuer USED to believe there was an Iraq/AQ link. Now he just wants face time on television and is pretending there was never a link.
November 23, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Oil for Food Scandal may have funded 9/11.
December 4, 2004. NewsMax quotes The Weekly Standard.
Iraqi Intelligence officers planted a sleeper cell (at least one) in the United States. The man is now under arrest and Iraqi agents are cooperating.
December 22, 2004. CBS.
(anthrax connections to Iraq and Freeper research)
9/11 Hijacker sought treatment for red hands (anthrax).
October 11, 2001. Palm Beach Post.
Tabloid Editor rented apartment to two 9/11 hijackers. The tabloid lost a worker to anthrax.
October 15, 2001. Miami Herald.
Hijackers linked to anthrax.
October 15, 2001. St. Petersburg Times.
9/11 Hijackers treated for anthrax.
March 23, 2002. The New York Times.
Remember Anthrax?
April 20, 2002. The Weekly Standard.
9/24/01. ABC.
Hijacker treated for anthrax.
May 9, 2002. The Wall Street Journal.
Atta tried to buy a cropduster.
June 6, 2002. ABC.
Analysis of anthrax letters.
June 19, 2002. Instapundit.
Freeper My Identity research on anthrax letters. Post #44.
The silica used in the anthrax attacks traced to Iraq.
October 28, 2002. The Washington Post.¬Found=true
Freeper Backhoes list of links.
February 2, 2003
Freeper Republican Strategist list of links.
February 24, 2003.
Freeper polemikos list of links to investigations regarding anthrax.
December 26, 2003.
Evidence Iraq behind anthrax attacks.
January 1, 2004. Accuracy in Media
Freeper Christies list of links. Great chart.
September 26, 2004.
9/11 Commission says prominent member of AQ served in Iraqs militia.
June 20, 2004. Reuters.
9/11 Commission reaffirms Bush administration view of Iraq/AQ ties.
June 21, 2004. RNC.
What the Senate Intelligence Report REALLY said about the connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda.
July 22, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
The 9/11 Commission found specific connections between Iraq and AQ. Specific names and dates are given from the report.
July 22, 2004. The Daily Standard.
The 9/11 Commission and Iraq/AQ Connections.
July 26, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Information about Shakir, the Iraqi who met with AQ at a pre-9/11 planning meeting. Also information about the Iraqi who mixed the chemicals for the bomb of the first WTC bombing.
August 2, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Specific quotes from 9/11 Commission Report regarding links between AQ and Iraq.
July 30, 2004.
Kerry disputing 9/11 Commission and Senate Intelligence Reports. Actual page numbers and quotes within article of what the Reports DID say regarding the connections.
September 20, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
Both the Senate Intelligence Committee Report and the 9/11 Commission documented the links and relationship between AQ and Iraq.
October 5, 2005. The Weekly Standard.
Osama bin Laden was considered an Iraqi Intelligence asset.
October 14, 2004. National Review.
Senate Intelligence Report says Zarqawi operated out of Saddam controlled territory - Baghdad.
October 20, 2004. The Weekly Standard.
It looks like the 9/11 Commission got an important detail wrong. Shakir probably DID work the Iraqi Fedayeen and he had documents on him when arrested that linked him to the 1993 WTC bombing. And he drove the 9/11 hijackers to a planning meeting.
October 23, 2004. The Hoover Institute.
Article with many links. How Saddam paid AQ to commit attacks against America.
November 17, 2003. FrontPage magazine.
Iraq was in contact with Al Qaeda in the days preceeding 9/11 and thought to have sponsored the 911 attacks.
September 21, 2001. The Washington Times. Bill Gertz
Saddam behind anthrax attacks and 9/11 attacks.
Independent website.
9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta stayed at the same motel as the Oklahoma City Bombers.
New list by Richard Minister of the Connections Between OBL and Saddam.
February 4, 2005.
Excellent resource. Pictures. Charts.
Bomber from 93 WTC bombing received salary from Iraq.
Salmon Pak - terrorists trained on how to use forks and knives to hijack a plane.
Iraq was Islamic terror central.
September 22, 2004. Deroy Murdock, Hoover Institute.
Symposium; great information.
February 11, 2005. FrontPage Magazine.
Its all about 9/11 (Iraq and OBL connections)
National Review. June 2005. Publishes Iraqi Intelligence Docs
CNSNews ^ | October 11, 2004 | David Thibault
GOP Lawmaker Says Saddam Linked to 9/11
CNN. June 2005
A Much Shunned Terrorist Takes Refuge In Iraq (Abu Nidal)
New York Times. January 1999.
The connection between Iraq and 9/11
Fox News. September 2003.,3566,97063,00.html
Saddam was Motel 6 to terrorist. Whole article and Post #6 complete with a picture.
NewsMax. June 2005
Iraq War Resolution Demanded and Written and Signed by Democrats. Mentions how AQ is ALREADY IN IRAQ (despite the left trying to say the war drew AQ to Iraq)
October 2002.
Thwarted Jordan WMD attack; jihadists got money and weapons from Iraq
The Weekly Standard. July 2005
A blog with great links regarding the relationship.
July 2005.
The Pope of Terrorist
July 2005. The Weekly Standard
The Pope of Terrorism, Part II
July 2005. The Weekly Standard
Saddam financially supported an AQ affiliate in Algeria
August 2005. The Weekly Standard
9/11 Commission did NOT include information they now admit they knew. In 2000, some of the 9/11 hijackers were on the radar, but Clinton did nothing.
August 2005. Philadelphia paper
Operation Able Danger. What the 9/11 Commission knew and didnt know. What Clinton did and didnt do.
August 2005.
More on Shakir.
The Wall Street Journal.
An excellent, long analysis regarding the relationship between OBL and Saddam/AQ and Iraq.
Some basic facts about the importance of whether or not Atta met with an Iraqi intel agent in Prague.
More on Atta in Prague, the Iraqi intel agent arrested in Germany who was linked to AQ and Ramzi Yousefs Iraq passport (Youseff bombed the WTC in 93)
More information on Attas false passports and meeting with Iraqi intel agent in Prague.
Was Atta responsible for the anthrax attacks?
August 14, 2005
Fritz Hollings mentioned on the floor of the Senate that Iraqs state run newspaper knew exactly what was coming to the United States in July 2001 they published an article about it.
This was mentioned in a NewsMax article which people tended to discount. And the MSM never reported on this matter at all.
Iraqi war resolution which mentions specifically that it is known that AQ is in Iraq.
The Clinton administrations public case against Saddam.
Excellent reference material on Clinton/Iraq/WMD:
Who is lying about Iraq.
November 2005. John Podhoritz
Before 9/11 (August 2001?), Saddam put his military on the highest state of readiness since the first Gulf War, goes into a bunker with his two wives (who hated each other and had never before been housed together) and does not emerge until well after 9/11.
From the book: Saddam - King of Terror
ABC interview links Osama and Saddam
Records found in Iraq dated ten months before 9/11 indicates that Saddam Husseins employees clandestinely met Taliban and al Qaeda agents regarding a decision to operate. That and more.
National Review. 12/21/05
Kuwait sentences Al Qaeda terrorists who have connections to Iraq.
Reuters. December 27, 2005.
The support of the Iraqi regime for Abdul Rahman Yasin, an Iraqi native who mixed the chemicals for the 1993 World Trade Center building. Coalition forces found a document in Tikrit several months ago that indicates the former Iraqi regime has provided Yasin housing and a monthly stipend for nearly a decade.
January 2004. FrontPage magazine.
Saddam trained over 8,000 jihadists before the war.
January 12, 2006. The Wall Street Journal.
New documents found in Iraq confirm that Saddam worked with Al Qaeda.
February 20, 2006. The American Thinker
Atta was in Prague after all. Credit Ravingnutter.
Wholl let the docs out?
The Weekly Standard. Stephen Hayes
March 10, 2006
The president orders Negroponte to get the Saddam tapes translated and released.
The Saddam tapes are released. Web sites with links to the papers are contained in this article.
Steven Hayes, The Weekly Standard, March 15, 2006.
Ramzi Yousef (1993 WTC) and Terry Nichols crossed paths (OKC) in the Phillipines. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (9/11) was Yousef's uncle. It is interesting to note that Yousef entered the United States on an Iraqi passport and had been known among the New York fundamentalists as "Rashid, the Iraqi". Another name that could be thrown into the mix is Abdul Rahman Yasin, a U.S. citizen who moved to Iraq in the 1960's and returned to the U.S. in 1992. After the 1993 WTC bombing, Yasin fled to Iraq and was given monthly salary and housing by Saddam Hussein's regime.
That is the key reason we went in.
Quite comprehensive ... thanks. Saving this link for later.
Thank you for posting.
Politics is tainting every part of this country today. It is being driven by a corrupt media who plays the whore for certain politicians. They are getting people killed and putting all our lives in danger. It has to stop before it destroys us.
Maybe some of you missed this huge resource thread...
Its difficult to imagine they are so blatantly antiAmerican!
See this :
Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam and the American Left
And a review:
By | Kat Bakhu (Albuquerque, NM United States) - See all my reviews![]() |
Thanks E. I bookmarked it the day it was originally posted.
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