Posted on 10/04/2005 3:49:42 PM PDT by Para-Ord.45
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By 1979, Harriet Miers, then in her mid-30s, had accomplished what some people take a lifetime to achieve. She was a partner at Locke Purnell Boren Laney & Neely, one of the most prestigious law firms in the South.
But she still felt something was missing in her life.
The NEW YORK TIMES is set to splash the "something" on Page Ones on Wednesday, newsroom sources tell the DRUDGE REPORT.
It was after a series of long discussions with Nathan Hecht, a junior colleague and sweetheart, that led her to a decision that many of the people around her say changed Miers life.
"She decided that she wanted faith to be a bigger part of her life," Hecht said. "One evening she called me to her office and said she was ready to make a commitment," to accept Jesus Christ as her savior and be born again, Hecht said. Miers became an evangelical Christian and began identifying more with the Republican Party than with the Democrats who had long held sway over Texas politics. Developing...
----------------------------------------------------------- Filed By Matt Drudge Reports are moved when circumstances warrant for updates
Maybe you have some other leverage.
Timothy was young.
I'm wasting my time talking to you. You're not a serious contender.
I would not argue that there are no younger people qualified for the office. I just don't see the sense in rejecting a nominee out of hand because they are older than some might hope out of a desire to use the court to advance an agenda.
OOOPS, I meant the ACLJ, NOT THE ACLUJ...UGHHHHHH, I'm slipping!!!
Promises.... Promises....
"uh, I have two senators on the judiciary committee. How many do you have?"
I'll bet you they vote for her.
"A lot of my fellow conservatives are concerned, but they don't know her as I do," said Hatch, a former chairman of the Judiciary Committee. "She's going to basically do what the president thinks she should and that is be a strict constructionist."
The term refers to justices who believe their role is to decide cases based on a close reading of the Constitution rather than ranging more widely in interpretation.;_ylt=AjvpI3CUZLtLvc5XUSioUCus0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ--
I'm very much in "wait and see" mode on Miers. I have my suspicions about her, but I'm waiting to see what else comes out.
(Coudln't get your picture, unless you wanted to post a red x in a square!:-))
I've been Over Whelmed and busy the last few days, I sneak in and check FR when no one is looking...
Sure is a wild ride with H. Miers. What do you think? You know about her, being from the same general area? Any secret knowledge the rest of us don't know?
Perhaps that's the intention. Get the true attitude of Democrats towards anyone with any real religious faith all out in the public. That's assuming she really is as strongly religious as some of the posts here claim.
Those who donate during the final push are the hardcore partisans. Miers contributed to the DNC five days before the 1988 Presidential election.
I guess some can ignore this problem because Dukakis lost. Had Dukakis won it I'm sure that this woman would have the same chance as becoming a Republican nominee for SCOTUS as a lawyer who contributed to the DNC five days before the 92 Presidential election.
See post #201.
Then write out 100 times "Al Gore was PRO-ABORTION and a LIBERAL Democrat when he was in the Senate" 100 times.
ACU rating 17,9,6,9. This ain't golf, those are bad scores.
She voted for Bush after she donated to Gore. By the way Gore was pro-life then.
How can a story be "leaked" to Drudge when it's been all over FreeRepublic and World Magazine's blog for more than 24 hours?
Almost none of those conservative Texas Democrats remain in the party. She was part of the party that exists no more. A Zell Miller Democrat, only Zell was unwilling to shed his party label.
A radical Democrat is a horrible mischaracterization.
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