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Since I haven't contributed
| self
Posted on 09/11/2002 10:35:40 AM PDT by 2timothy3.16
Since I am approaching my one year anniversary of being a "freeper" and since I have never contributed a dime to FR, jim or the republican party, I am going to beat the powers to be at FR and voluntarily leave, rather than have them come up with one of the cock and bull stories to ban me.
Been fun,
TOPICS: Conspiracy
KEYWORDS: 0; 0shoes0shirt; 1; 1234567890; 1800wahwaah; 1chromosomeshort; 2stupid4goodopus; 72merinos; 7yearsofcollege; a; aaaaliquors; abusemeplease; addyouradhere; airheadedgoodbye; allmymoney4pot; alluropusbelongtous; allyourbase; alquaedakisser; annanicholsmith; annanicoleversary; areyouseries; armpits; artiestolemyjob; attentionstarved; b; babygotback; badcopnodonut; bansrus; barbieonthebarbie; barforama; barstoolrider; beanbrain; beanfranklin; beatme; beatmeraw; becauseicancancan; bendoverkissself; biblicallyignorant; biggvspenvs; binfordtools; blockhead; bombasticwombats; bookofbritney; brainlesstimmy; branedeth; brie; bringoutyourdead; britneyrules; browneyes; brownnose; bttt; buffon; buffoon; bullandcock; bumf; bunnies; bushbotsmademeleave; bushstoleelection; buttbrain; buyaclue; bwaaahaaaahaaaahaaaa; byteme; c; camembert; captainspalding; cartman; cheeseshopsketch; cheeseypoofs; cheezwiz; chevre; childbeater; chowderhead; clicktoaddkeyword; clintonlover; cockandbull; cockroach; comicopera; consentingmoose; contepartiro; contributekeywords; cowflop; crackedbuttock; crackhead; crackpot; crackwhore; crankyanker; crazyjihadis; crier; crumbbum; d; daddylook; deathtomyant; desiredfemale; dicklessgoodbye; disruptandrun; dolt; dowhathesay; droolbuckets; dunderhead; e; edam; edeldecleron; eleanorcliftcuteypie; ewerthe14me; extrachromasome; f; faggyposter; falseleg; fashionnazi; fermentedcurd; flywings; freeperlooser; friendofbill; fromage; g; gag; gaycomhereicum; gimmeadollar; gluesniffer; goodpuffer; goreinventedkeywords; gouda; greatmindexodus; gunnaendit; h; handcock; harelipp; heehaw; heelfly; helloimustbegoing; hellyawns4u; hepme; hewhosmeltitdealtit; hillaryshill; hittheroad; holdmuhbeer4opus; holdmuhbeerislame; homersimpson; howlinpms; howlinsocialism; hownottoopus; hunkoburninlove; hutchinsonforsenate; hypocrite; i; iamodoriferous; ieatqurans; iknowurbutwhatami; ilovemargaretcarlson; imabarnbaby; imalosernotalooser; imapickinimagrinnin; imatool; iminvisdible; immmmmelting; imseriesboutthis; imup2maccabbees; imweallymad; inmyears; insane; itsnotatumahhh; j; jack; jacksonpollock; jihadigoboom; justgoaway; k; kateobeirnesliplock; keepitpithy; keyword; keywordsbeback; keywordsrus; killjoys; kilroywashere; kisswilly; l; lacyunderwear; legknocks; lemonsorlemmings; liaralert; libertarianidiot; libertypest; lieslieslies; limburgeralert; lizardtails; lockbox; lookatme; loon; loser; lovepalo; m; martyrcomplex; masochist; megadeth; mentalpatient; moosebitsister; moron; moronalert; motleycruemetallica; movingtoporn; mozzarella; muslimmuncher; mustbepothead; mydoghatesmetoo; n; nastyjerk; naughtybits; needsalife; neverheardofya; noballs; noncontributor; noticeme; noticemenoticeme; noticemeplease; nutlesswonder; o; ojisana; oohitsinthehole; opuslist; osamaslover; osammayomamma; ossamabinrotting; outonbail; p; pencilneck; penisenvy; pennypincher; persistentfart; pest; pinktights; plasticpie; popeyesheroin; pothead; powerstobe; pusher; puticeonit; q; qualityflogging; r; ratst; ratsxxt; reeselicker; retarded; retch; roach; roadapple; robertfisk; roquefort; rufustfirefly; ruloggedin; runtoduandlie; s; saving4sexchange; sent2threadoblivion; seriesly; sharpobjects; shetoldmeshewas18; showeron; showtimmythepier; shrimponthebarbie; shrinkydink; sickandtired; skidmark; slapmeagain; some1setupustheopus; soreloserman; squirrel; stillonwelfare; stupid; stupidshouldhurt; suicidebycop; supergluedbuttocks; swiss; t; tasteslikechicken; thankstome; thightasfrogsass; thisisseries; timmmay; timmydontlikegirls; timmyisagelding; timmymetsally; timmystoilethour; timmywhiner; timtheenchanter; tommyhitler; toolusmaximus; trainwreck; u; uidiotsgetseries; ultimatespinach; unzipwjc; v; venezuelanbeaver; verbaldiarrhea; veyseriesissues; victoriassecret; w; wasted; wastedhumandna; wasteofair; wasteofspace; wasteoftime; wastoid; wealllivena; weenie; weirdo; whatamaroon; whatyousay; whineralert; whoisthisbum; whostolethekeywords; whoyoucallinayouyou; whyaduck; wipeme; witlesstimmy; woodeye; wretch; wussie; x; xanax; xxxgirlsxxx; xxxsexwhackerxxx; y; yallowsubmarine; yellersubmarine; yellowsubmarine; yellowunderwear; youbtooled2; youlern2spellad; youraddhere; youradnotaddhere; youwantfrieswiththat; z; zealotloser; zebrafetish; zucchinidevice; zymurgyzone; zzxjoanw; zzyzxroad
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This opus brought to you by Sammy Sweetleaf:
"Got some creeper, freeper?"
To: Hatteras
HELLOOOOOO! ANYONE THERE!?!You mean besides you number 187?
To: 2timothy3.16
I really don't think we should count your posts, since you've already left.
As of 207, you've posted 24 times to your own opus.
posted on
09/11/2002 11:47:20 AM PDT
To: Fred Mertz
"I heard she was doing tricks on the side, if you know what I mean.Of course, not that there's anything wrong with that...
To: I Am Not A Mod
like when Kirk told the computer that Spock is a vulcan and can never lie, and then Spock told the computer "I'm lying"? You mean one of those oxymoron things?
To: dighton
To: ChuckHam
Really. Door, meet ass.
To: bigcheese
You have now been banned.Nope still there
Have you got all the stuffing up one end?
To: rintense
What did I do?
To: AppyPappy
Well, he will be banned. He doesn't contribute.
To: AppyPappy
2timothy3.16 is not dead.
(He's just pining for the fjords.)
To: 2timothy3.16
To: AxelPaulsenJr
Matthew 22:21 Ezekial 25:17
To: 2timothy3.16
Ya know, our first timothy3.16 was a lot funnier.
To: RAT Patrol
You are mad that you might get banned at some point in the future because you do not donate money to FR? Other than the part about being mad, you have it.
Why wait to get banned when you can have some fun by just leaving and getting the last word in? Well not the last work in, that of course is reserved for the site owner, unless of course someone really knows how to hack a site.
To: ChuckHam
Sorry about that. I was replying to your reply.
To: ChuckHam
I don't know what you did other than get together with rintense to provide me with a great big tear creating laugh!
To: Howlin; All
As an aside, did anybody besides me see the town meeting on NBC with Tom Brokaw and the relatives of the suvirors of the WTC?I did. Brokaw needs to be put on the terror watch list along with Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Hillary Clinton, the entire Student Government at Berkely, the NEA, Ibbrahim Hooper, Jessseeee Jackson......feel free to add you favorite terror apologist...starting with the starter of this lame opus.....
To: ChuckHam
I missed the OWK opus. Was it a good one? I've noticed he's posting again. Isn't that against the opus rules?OWK posted the original opus, that's where we get the name from: "OWK's Opus", (I kept all three threads) beginning on 11/11/98, The threads have been pulled, but it starts out:
"It is with great sadness, that I have decided to take my leave of Free Republic. I realized that it makes things easier on you, Jim, and that's probably for the best.
I have sought only to make my feelings known with respect to the state of the republic, and to those things which might improve it, but those feelings are becoming less and less well received.
For my trouble, I have been personally attacked, maligned, and abused. I could stand in defense of myself, but when my wife and family become the the subject of the subject of that abuse, it becomes more than I am willing to sustain....."
It goes on and on, but the people he was complaining about were the then Freepers, Mojo, Navigator, DonMorgan, and others.
And OWK came back three days later.
posted on
09/11/2002 11:54:11 AM PDT
To: justshe; RAT Patrol; ClancyJ
Palo speaks of extraterrestrials (I'm not making this up; I couldn't if I tried):
47. To: Central Scrutiniser (#0)
hi cs
thank you for posting this article
I believe we've been to the Moon
I see the ''conspiracy'' the other way
I think our government knows we have been visited by ETs and doesn't want it to get out
I guess they think it will panic the population
Love, Palo
palo verde posted on 2002-09-10 22:10:44 Reply
49. To: Confederate Keyester (#43)
hi CK
I think our engineers are working with the ETs in an area like Area51 to back engineer ET ships
I saw an interview on cable with one of these engineers
also I saw interview with Colonel Phil Corso
who was at Rozwell when ET ship crash occurred
some years later at the Pentagon, the General handed Col Corso the objects retrieved at the crash
and told him to find out what they were
one was the ''thing'' (micro chip?) which makes computers possible
Love, Palo
palo verde posted on 2002-09-10 22:28:33
56. To: Confederate Keyester (#50)
hi ck
I heard the same thing
the reason this engineer on cable was able to talk freely bout his experience with ETs building ET craft
is because he had retired and was no longer bound by the security oaths etc
also Col Corso decided to speak out because he wanted his grandson to know the truth
Love, Palo
strangest thing I heard (but it was not from engineer or Col Corso) is the ET ships are run and fueled by mind, don't have engines
I know they are perfectly silent
palo verde
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