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L.A. Fires Show Limits of America’s Efforts to Cope With Climate Change
The New York Times ^
| Jan. 10, 2025Updated 3:44 p.m. ET
| Christopher Flavelle
Posted on 01/11/2025 10:12:15 AM PST by E. Pluribus Unum
California has focused on fortifying communities against wildfires. But with growing threats, that may not be enough.
This week’s fires around Los Angeles present a puzzle: Why is California, the state best equipped to deal with wildfires, seemingly unable to prevent blazes from consuming entire chunks of the country’s second-largest city?
California’s building code for wildfires is among the most protective in the nation. Its local fire departments are backed up by CalFire, the state fire agency, which has a
$4 billion budget and some of the best trained firefighters in the world. The state’s huge tax base generates effectively unlimited resources for wildfire protection. And California has mandatory statewide requirements that homeowners in risky areas create “defensible space” around their property — rules that other Western states would like to apply but can’t because it would anger conservative voters.
Yet the events of this week demonstrate the limits of those efforts, raising uncomfortable questions about whether any part of the United States — even the wealthiest, best prepared and most experienced — can truly adapt to wildfires made worse by a hotter climate.
“Climate change, and climate events, are causing us to butt up against that limit,” said Joshua Saks, the adaptation program director for Georgetown Climate Center at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington. “The risk will always grow, and at some point outpace what you’ve done.”
Part of the extensive damage from the fires in Los Angeles may reflect errors in planning or execution. Fire hydrants designed to fight house fires
ran dry, as water reserves faced greater demand than officials anticipated. It’s not clear that residents had sufficient warning or that evacuation routes were well planned. The second-guessing and questions about accountability
have already begun even as the fires...
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
KEYWORDS: algore; biden; bs; california; christopherflavelle; climatechangehoax; dodgingliability; enemieslist; enemyjournalists; fire; gaslighting; gorebullwarming; kamalaharris; manbearpig; nevergiveupthecon; newsom; newyorkslimes; nyslimes
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Never give up the con.
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Thought this was The BEE!
posted on
01/11/2025 10:13:28 AM PST
(November 5, 2024 - A New Day in America!)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
“Why is California, the state best equipped to deal with wildfires, seemingly unable to prevent blazes from consuming entire chunks of the country’s second-largest city?”
Because Leftism destroys everything it touches.
Next question!
posted on
01/11/2025 10:13:31 AM PST
(It is time to pull the Deep State out of the mass media--like ticks from a dog.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Q. Why is California seemingly unable to prevent blazes from consuming entire chunks of the country’s second-largest city?
posted on
01/11/2025 10:14:50 AM PST
(The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion, or satire, or both.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
OMG. What absolute BS. I read somewhere that the LAPD refused to press charges against a man caught red-handed starting a fire. Is this why? because they have been told that the fire was caused by “climate change”?
To: E. Pluribus Unum
"even the wealthiest, best prepared and most experienced"
Best prepared? Another flat-out lie.
To: E. Pluribus Unum
It’s called “global warming.”
Let’s take back the narrative we lost.
posted on
01/11/2025 10:16:37 AM PST
(Victory is not relative, it is absolute.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Look at it this way, by burning down the state to ashes is one way to clear the brush for a decade or two.
posted on
01/11/2025 10:18:47 AM PST
(Victory is not relative, it is absolute.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
“L.A. Fires Show Limits of America’s Efforts to Cope With Climate Change”
er should be
L.A. Fires Show Limits of Common Sense People’s Efforts to Cope With Insane Green Wokeism.
posted on
01/11/2025 10:19:30 AM PST
Rennes Templar
(Come back, President Trump.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
If these leftists really cared about the climate OK fine, let’s talk about it..why don’t they do anything to PREVENT the fires, like getting rid of brush, doing control burns, nah cant do that, the environmental freaks who put money in their pockets wont allow that..tell me, how much pollution was caused in the last few days due to this fire, TONS, but they dont care, they gotta continue the CON its all about making money for them
To: E. Pluribus Unum
. . . wildfires made worse by a hotter climate . . .
posted on
01/11/2025 10:20:06 AM PST
Fester Chugabrew
(You might be in the wrong place if you miss the sarcasm.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Christopher, you ignorant creep! NOTHING to do with CLIMATE CHANGE.
I will bet that it was ILLEGAL INVADERS!
posted on
01/11/2025 10:21:00 AM PST
Ann Archy
(Abortion....... The HUMAN Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
I wonder where the Slimes came up with this Slimester. Another envirowacko.
posted on
01/11/2025 10:21:01 AM PST
(Deport that piggie, Marchan!!! NOW!!! Send his butt back to Colombia! He's milked America enough.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
To stop global warming, we need to shut down the New York Times and Washington Post. Until that happens, we won’t make any significant progress.
To: cgbg
posted on
01/11/2025 10:21:51 AM PST
Ann Archy
(Abortion....... The HUMAN Sacrifice to the god of Convenience.)
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Coping with imaginary things can be quite difficult, it’s true.
posted on
01/11/2025 10:23:21 AM PST
(Is Trump a dictator or a puppet this week? )
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Why is California, the state best equipped to deal with wildfiresDude, follow the water.
It wasn't where it needed to be, when it was needed.
To: Sarah Barracuda
The feasibility of clearing entire forests of brush bears some scrutiny.
The advisability of not just allowing but purposely losing the most precious resource for farms and firefighting to save an animal species bears robust criminal prosecution for negligence.
posted on
01/11/2025 10:25:13 AM PST
Fester Chugabrew
(You might be in the wrong place if you miss the sarcasm.)
To: cgbg
“Why is California, the state best equipped to deal with wildfires...”
Citation needed? It doesn’t look that way.
posted on
01/11/2025 10:25:16 AM PST
(Is Trump a dictator or a puppet this week? )
To: E. Pluribus Unum
Make America Los Angeles, vote Democrat
posted on
01/11/2025 10:25:29 AM PST
(It's not racist to be racist against races the DNC hates.)
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