Posted on 12/04/2023 2:19:02 PM PST by Retain Mike
Obama’s defense department announcement on December 3 of 2015 allowing women in combat followed repeal of DADT. Defense secretary Ash Carter contended the decision followed a long period of study and vigorous debate. However, he managed through premeditated ignorance to find only those mutually supportive creatures that serve social agendas bringing future needless devastation to those who serve. The narrative results from the links which I hope are comprehensive, well chosen, and more important than the narrative.
Most of the points highlighted about women in combat arose first when the decision was made to do away with DADT. Subsequently, the LGBTQ, and whatever communities, were invited into the mainstream of military operations. In the case of DADT, the fervor driving a delusional Congress and Administration found comfort in a fallacious conclusion of a study which showed supposed support for their decision. However, the study used populations of mostly garrison and base housing personnel. The trigger pullers at the core of military operations rejected the idea.
For me, the foundational comfort for this approach harks back to decisions of dubious scientific credibility. In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM). Removal followed a two-year campaign Newsweek described as ongoing disruptive, chaotic attacks on psychiatrists and physiologists. Yet throughout these attacks, no academic papers appeared at conferences refuting any research previously done. Eventually onslaughts forced sufficient abstentions, under-votes, and apprehensive responses for a third of APA’s 17,000 plus membership to approve removal.
After this decision, activists targeted leading individual researchers such as Dr. David Reuben, and Masters and Johnson to ensure perpetual sanctity for the APA action. No research papers again arose to confirm initial therapy success rates of 30% to 60 %, substantiating that 7 of 10 homosexuals could eventually transform from the lifestyle. Even more found peace in abstinence.
Persistent activism over decades enabled ubiquitous infiltration of academia thereby ensuring pre-ordained theses, approved flexibility in research designs, suitable human data points, and enchanting statistical enhancements. Psychology and Psychiatry chose to relinquish a tenuous hold on scientific rigor for popular societal and political acclaim.
Neither decision was compatible with combat operations that too often demand unpredictable and unimaginable endurance, and brutality to achieve victory. Only the highest physical abilities and most severe restrictions on human behaviors and interactions can foster the traditionally defined high morale, good order and discipline, and unit cohesion required. Resorting to war for national defense entails the ultimate Olympics of conflict occurring at the bleeding edge of existence where the unbelievable must become possible.
Human sexuality, and therefore LGBTQ behaviors and women, simply cannot intrude into this sub-culture where only those displaying the greatest savagely can hope to win. Particularly regarding women, national defense can compel the highest physical achievements where no excuse exists for merging men and women into war environments; environments more severe than any found in the segregated Olympic competitions every four years. Certainly, that point becomes obvious with the controversy over transgender females competing in women’s sports.
Combat forms personnel into rigid, task-oriented units. They then descend into a squalid cacophony of shrieking, cursing, sobbing, crashing dissonance to orchestrate the killing of other humans under a discipline which should not allow for neither hate nor joy. These people continuously face extraordinary mental and physical stress and survive by acquiring the wisdom of wild animals that live in the moment without conveniences for eating, sleeping, or resting. At the point of collision, they undertake operations requiring sacrificial, primitive, and intimate actions. They must display a noble fidelity to each other despite environments that are inherently chaotic, barbaric, and brittle. Overcoming within this alternate reality requires trained killers subject to totalitarian leadership and narrow focus. Such a view is unimaginable to those who see opportunities for the social alchemy popular in civilian life.
The regimental combat teams for infantry, mechanized, and armored units, and special forces are now the playthings of bureaucrats committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. They are dismissive of warriors enduring the carnage imperative for triumph. Institutional memories no longer exist for fighting ferocious, shrewd enemies such as the Germans, Japanese, Chinese, and North Vietnamese, who utilized a full array of modern weapons. If one notes the ribbons on any senior officer’s uniform, they show combat against Arabs that Israel beat three times at 20 to 1 odds.
Such people now question the necessity for standards which do not dismiss inferior female physical performance, or the psychological degradation of units forced to incorporate LGBTQ and feminist agendas. Social engineering that amalgamates these agendas has become the overarching imperative to which all operational capabilities must submit. Women can serve in many rolls, but do not belong at the pointy end of the spear and should not be holding the spear to the extent they intrude into the fellowship of combat arms, which depend upon savagery and physical strength for victory. LGBTQ behaviors simply have no place in our military where sexual extravagance breaks down unit cohesion. Now the Department of Defense also adds the Cultural Marxism of White Privilege and Critical Race Theory to the social imperatives crippling our ability to fight.
As this tragedy unfolds, I remember the quote that, “Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf”. A lot of good men are going to have to die in years to come to cover up the abandonment of the military as the ultimate meritocracy. The uniforms have become costumes and the few true Americans who are deluded into enlisting will be cannon fodder for maintaining the DOD social agendas. In my wife’s and my families eight men volunteered and served over three generations, but never again.
Jordan Peterson: It’s ideology vs. science in psychology’s war on boys and men
The coup of the American Psychological Association undertaken by the ideologues is now complete.
How LGBTQ+ Activists Got “Homosexuality” out of the DSM
Homosexuality and Sexual Orientation Disturbance: Proposed Change in DSM-II, 6th Printing, page 44
The APA Decision
Exposed: The Myth That Psychiatry Has Proven That Homosexual Behavior Is Normal
Will Hamas place benches to help female IDF soldiers?
'Integrating women into combat is a colossal failure'
A retired Marine 3-star general explains 'critical military theory'
Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder'
Jordon Peterson Video: The Monster Behind Gender Theory, and the Atrocious Lie He Based It On
narrative about women in combat
The Rise of Wokeness in the Military
Woke military: Lt. Col. calls cops on mom concerned about LGBTQ indoctrination
Class of ’20 Inaugural Diversity & Inclusion Studies Minors
Pentagon manual details rules for transgender military personnel
Exclusive: Army Training Says Soldiers Must Shower with Transgender Persons of Opposite Sex
Lieutenant David Nartker must be Court-Martialed
Everything wrong with the Biden military in one paragraph
Military Service by Transgender Persons and Persons with Gender Dysphoria: An Implementation Handbook"Military%20Service%20by,policy%20for%20those%20Service%20members%20who%20entered%20the
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Inside the Transgender Empire
The Rapidly Expanding Transgender Cult Is the Product Of Cultural Marxism
People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds
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Air Force Academy Touts New Program To Combat Politicization In The Military
“As this tragedy unfolds, I remember the quote that, “Men sleep peacefully in their beds at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf”.
The problem is that the Regime has no interest in allowing people to sleep peacefully.
There is much more power in having a frightened population afraid to go to sleep every night.
The Regime is more interested in military loyalty than military competence. Imposing this absurd crap is a loyalty test. Only Regime loyalists will go along with it. All the normal people will leave the military.
It could be worse.
We could be Northern and Western Europe with decimated military spending in favor of social spending. Thanks to NATO, they’re indefensible without us.
We could be Russia, with an economy the size of 1 1/2 Texas and 145 million people.
We could be China where creativity and imagination and the subsequent intelligence don’t exist thanks to totalitarian communism.
It could be worse being just abt every other nation on earth.
Yes, as we have seen with the upper ranks in the military where loyalty to the liberal ideology is more important than competence and patriotism.
We need a fighting SECDEF and enough members of Congress to restore our armed forces as soon as possible.
Here in Redmond Oregon, we have a JROTC unit in the high school. We have junior Marines who help us put out flags and provide the honor guard for the Veteran’s Day parade. These people must believe they can make a difference. They will be crushed or transformed.
This insanity has to stop - or we will lose any future wars.
Well that, plus the class war.
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