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Dr. Robert Malone: COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world
Life Site News ^ | Jul 31, 2023 | Frank Wright

Posted on 08/01/2023 2:15:46 PM PDT by george76

The mRNA pioneer's reluctant conclusion came during a speech at the recent 2023 White Coat Summit.

In a speech at the 2023 White Coat Summit, Dr. Robert Malone asked the crucial question about the so-called COVID vaccines:

“Why would a government wish to advance this technology?”

His reluctant conclusion is that the novel mRNA injections have been developed by the CIA to assist in a global depopulation program – which has existed in the United States since the 1970s.

Following the scientist ..

Dr. Malone was one of the pioneers of the technology which led to the development of the mRNA injections. His near-unique insight into their mechanism of action was derided as “misinformation” by the mainstream media, once he began to warn the world of the dangers of these novel interventions.

Given his background in developing what he refers to as “genetic vaccines,” Dr. Malone would appear to personify the very science we ought to be following. It is not his credentials nor his proven expertise which has led to the attacks on his reputation, however. It is the fact that the science he has followed has led him to a sinister global program of deliberate harm.

Who are the puppet masters? U.S. government, Nazi scientists .

Dr. Malone says:

When we ask who are the puppet masters behind all this, we have to look the brutal truth in the face. That behind a lot of this is the U.S. government … in funding, policy and actions.

He goes much further in explaining the history of biological warfare innovation in the modern world:


The entire backbone of modern biology as we know it – molecular biology, biochemistry, virology, microbiology – [has] been created in large part through massive U.S. government investment in biowarfare programs … which of course all derives from Operation Paperclip and the importation of both Nazi and Japanese biowarfare specialists.

Dr. Malone’s softly-spoken speech argues that the U.S. government is not merely the enemy of its own people – but almost all of them, everywhere. Almost, that is, except for a small elite.


if the claim of a global depopulation blueprint seems wild, consider the words of Dr. Robert Malone against the very evidence which compelled him to say them.

We absolutely have a depopulation agenda here in the United States and we have had such since the mid-70s.


The depopulation agenda is not limited in scope to the United States. It is intended to have a global impact.


The report expressly mentions the United Nations and “Specialized Agencies,” which we can take to be the World Economic Forum itself, along with the World Health Organization.

Malone himself cites the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as a prime example of the “Private Organizations” enthusiastically partnered with the depopulation agenda.


The final section of a plan almost four decades old refers to the development of novel “fertility control technology” and the use of the mass media to mold compliance in the global population. It would create what Dr. Malone termed “mass formation psychosis” to force compliance with this agenda.

Finally, the report prefigures the means of undermining the sovereignty of nations in coordinating “worldwide political commitment” to the depopulation agenda. This is a blueprint for a globalized cull of humanity, which Dr. Malone claims has been advanced by the work of the CIA.


DARPA ‘is the CIA’..

Dr. Malone questions why “genetic vaccines” were selected for the task of supposedly combating COVID-19. He points out that their advancement was pushed by DARPA – the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the U.S. government.

Dr. Malone claims there is no difference between this agency and the one tasked with subversion, propaganda and the changing of regimes – the CIA.

To be blunt – DARPA is CIA. DARPA is the operational arm of CIA for the development and deployment of technology.

The “technology” developed and deployed here is a “genetic vaccine” to advance a global depopulation agenda in line with an internationally coordinated population reduction program. Dr Malone has written about DARPA’s involvement in the development of these novel injections, and has claimed elsewhere that “vaccine” company Moderna is “a CIA front” – also created by DARPA.

Henry Kissinger, mentor to Klaus Schwab.

As I wrote for LifeSiteNews in January, Henry Kissinger was not only the mentor of Klaus Schwab – but also the man behind the creation of the World Economic Forum.


Malone notes this, and the fact that Kissinger continues to collaborate with the WEF. He goes further, claiming the WEF was created by the CIA for the purposes of advancing its global agenda.

This globalist network tirelessly promotes agendas such as antinatalist policies, ESG, and Net Zero, whose aggressive implementation will likely collapse industrial society.

Hormone-disrupting contraception, the murder of the unborn, and the promotion of childless sexual lifestyles are all beneficial to an agenda of depopulation.


The provision of “puberty blockers” to children who through social contagion believe themselves “trans” will leave them permanently sterilized.

These factors amount to a remarkable alignment with an overall agenda to reduce the number of humans. It is an agenda with a proven blueprint – itself followed by the creation of the very agencies it suggested as necessary for the execution of the plan.

How telling that four years after Kissinger moved to create the WEF, a report is commissioned by him on the means to achieve a reduction in global population.

The motive and the means Global measures to reduce population were motivated by power, not by any concern for the environment. The rising populations of developing countries would lead, in the eyes of the report, to increased political pressure on the U.S. to provide development to nations against the economic and strategic interests of the U.S.

These nations are more readily exploited when they remain underdeveloped. Further, a younger population is more likely to agitate for the kind of change which would wrest these nations from the globalized control championed by the report.

This strategy, with its clear-eyed and utterly inhumane view of human affairs, appears at second reading to dovetail with the phase of near borderless mass migration we now witness. Seen in this light, the transfer of youthful populations from developing countries eases political unrest. As these novel populations arrive, their Western host nations experience a series of domestic tensions which themselves serve to distract and divide populations, easing the implementation of a global agenda.


Countdown to depopulation Dr. Malone points out in his video address that “many of the things that were deployed” were “consistent with the public policy of the United States as it relates to population control.”

The recommendations of The Kissinger Report became public policy under President Gerald Ford, who in 1975 advanced National Security Decision 314,


This is a coincidence which seems ever more remarkable when Dr. Malone also recalls that many leading billionaires have repeatedly met to discuss the limiting of the human population.


Malone’s calmly reasoned address points to long-standing coordinated actions consistent with the aims of the 1974 Kissinger Report. He reveals, without hyperbole, an orchestrated campaign to depopulate the earth, which has seen the media, the U.S. government, and the CIA collude with billionaires and the global, non-government organizations created to serve this agenda.

Dr. Malone has produced a well-researched and compelling case which he is advancing in the public interest. His is the kind of scientific method we should do well to follow – one indifferent to persecution in defense of the evidence. The case has been made. It is no coincidence that the conference at which Dr. Malone spoke was subtitled The Reckoning.

KEYWORDS: 2030; agenda21; antivaxxcult; biologicalwarfare; bioweapon; cardiacarrhythmias; cia; clickbaitadspam; clots; clotshot; covid; covidvaccine; covidvaccines; crazypeopleonfr; deathshot; deathshots; deepstate; doj; drmalone; drrobertmalone; dumbingdownfr; fbi; fibrousclots; genemodification; genocide; gethelp; greatreset; heartattacks; hemmaroyds; henrykissinger; ifitsontheinternet; insanenonsense; itmustbetrue; kissinger; klausschwab; malone; mandate; mandates; microclots; moremalonenonsense; mrna; mrnashots; murder; myocarditis; newsforumabuse; notanewsarticle; notanewssite; notnews; nutcase; offthedeepend; patients; poison; premeditatedmurder; qtardgarbage; quack; retarded; robertmalone; sads; schwab; seekhelpnow; shots; spikeprotein; straightjacket; strokes; transplant; unagenda21; vaccine; vaccines; vaers; vax; vaxx; vaxxed; vaxxes; warcrimes
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1 posted on 08/01/2023 2:15:46 PM PDT by george76
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To: TEXOKIE; Whenifhow; Mr. Silverback; Alamo-Girl; abigailsmybaby; AbolishCSEU; ...

UN Agenda 21 , 2030 , Great Reset . ( Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the list.)

2 posted on 08/01/2023 2:16:38 PM PDT by george76 (Ward Churchill : Fake Indian, Fake Scholarship, and Fake Art)
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To: george76

...and send the 3rd world here of course.

3 posted on 08/01/2023 2:16:56 PM PDT by toddausauras (Trump Lake 2024....Go down swinging!)
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To: george76
"COVID jabs were a CIA operation to depopulate the world"

I feel like that gopher at the end of Caddyshack:

"I'm all right...."

4 posted on 08/01/2023 2:22:18 PM PDT by Psalm 73 ("You'll never hear surf music again" - J. Hendrix)
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To: Qiviut


5 posted on 08/01/2023 2:23:08 PM PDT by Qiviut (I'm not out of control, I'm just not in their control. $hot $hills: Sod Off)
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To: george76

Why would they select out the sheep and followers?

6 posted on 08/01/2023 2:25:42 PM PDT by ifinnegan (Democrats kill babies and harvest their organs to sell)
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To: george76

Normally this kind of thing is tin-foil hat stuff to me, but with what we’ve seen the last few years, I’m starting to believe it.

7 posted on 08/01/2023 2:26:31 PM PDT by EvilCapitalist (81 million votes my ass.)
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To: ifinnegan

FWIW, I think that it was less intentional and more like they just didn’t give a damn.

8 posted on 08/01/2023 2:29:57 PM PDT by mewzilla (We will never restore the republic if we don't first secure the ballot box.)
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To: mewzilla

And/or that was practice...

9 posted on 08/01/2023 2:30:53 PM PDT by mewzilla (We will never restore the republic if we don't first secure the ballot box.)
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To: george76

Hopefully those that saw it for what it was said no way.

If the majority of people taking the genetic injections were robotic left side Bell Curve progs, well, we will see what comes to them as they are only 2 years into this.

They are very “vocal” and we should have no problems seeing what is happening to them.


10 posted on 08/01/2023 2:33:12 PM PDT by TLI (ITINERIS IMPENDEO VALHALLA)
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To: george76

He is spot on.

Population Control and Official USG Policy (Jul 25, 2023)


FR Comments:

11 posted on 08/01/2023 2:38:15 PM PDT by Texas Fossil (Texas is not about where you were born, but a Free State of Heart, Mind and Attitude.)
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To: george76

He sounds like a crackpot to me - if they wanted to depopulate the earth, then they failed miserably didn’t they?

There are lots more more deadly and more transmissible things to spread than Covid.

12 posted on 08/01/2023 2:46:17 PM PDT by qwerty1234
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To: george76

That’s funny. When I worked in the Bob Malone lab at the beginning of graduate school, he did not seem at all kooky. It looks like he has completely gone off the deep end now.

Oh, and he is not an “mRNA pioneer.” At the time I worked with him, he was trying various areas of research: AIDS, cystic fibrosis treatment, and delivery of RNA and DNA into cells for research.

I have suspected for some time that the professional antivaxxers used the Covid pandemic to specifically target conservatives for misinformation. Misinformation kills. People who remain unvaccinated or who take completely inappropriate drugs to treat Covid are at a far higher risk of dying when they catch Covid. Thus, in an effort to kill off conservatives (thus helping the socialist takeover of our country), they tailored medical misinformation to appeal to conservatives.

Based on my previous interactions with Bob in the 1990s (and once in the 2000s), he is a fairly liberal guy. His wife is even more liberal. She got her PhD in “Public Policy, with a Specialization in Biotechnology.” I recall that she did not shave her armpits.

Why would liberals such as Bob Malone and RFK Jr. make an effort to convince conservatives that vaccines are bad? Maybe because they want us to die?

13 posted on 08/01/2023 2:47:34 PM PDT by exDemMom (Current visual of the hole the US continues to dig itself into:
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Seven Dead Doctors in 14 days.. SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome). 14 dead doctors in nine months.. And these dead doctors were mostly YOUNG.

And then there’s the dramatic explosion of cancer. Rare cancers. Fast-growing cancers. Stage 4 cancers.

14 posted on 08/01/2023 2:50:25 PM PDT by george76 (Ward Churchill : Fake Indian, Fake Scholarship, and Fake Art)
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To: george76

I call it Murder.If this is true there should be an investigation by the world court and some people should be breaking rocks for the remainder of their miserable lives.

15 posted on 08/01/2023 3:06:38 PM PDT by puppypusher (The world is going to the dogs.)
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To: qwerty1234

And he himself got the vaccine - both doses.

16 posted on 08/01/2023 3:09:56 PM PDT by Republican Wildcat
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To: exDemMom

Could be that - but could just be the fact there is a lot of money to be made from it.

17 posted on 08/01/2023 3:12:36 PM PDT by Republican Wildcat
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To: george76

Total horsehockey!

18 posted on 08/01/2023 3:14:00 PM PDT by DugwayDuke (Most pick the expert who says the things they agree with.)
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To: DugwayDuke

Yeah, Malone supposedly knew all of this but he himself got both doses of the vaccine. (he later used this as a testimony to how he was “vaccine injured” - but if he “knew” it was so dangerous, why would he have gotten it to begin with?).

Then there is this gem by another one of these doctors (McCullough):

This is in regard to the Sinovac vaccine - which uses neither mRNA technology nor DNA technology of the other vaccines. This article blew their narrative and their conspiracy completely out of the water, and they didn’t even get it. Boy did they get angry when I had the nerve to point this out - even got a badge of honor nasty keyword added in that thread.

19 posted on 08/01/2023 3:18:58 PM PDT by Republican Wildcat
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To: EvilCapitalist

Think about this, “suggests” that annual deaths will pass annual births in approx 2090. If that inflection point can be shifted left say 50 years and assume a somewhat consistent downward trajectory of population, by 2100 world population could be down to 4-5 BILLION from current 7+ Billion. COVID bio-weapon is a slow intentional depopulation effort. Conspiracy Theory? Maybe......

How far to the left of 2090 that inflection point occurs will suggest just how intense the depopulation effort is.

20 posted on 08/01/2023 3:22:59 PM PDT by OHPatriot (Si vis pacem, para bellum)
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