Posted on 02/01/2023 4:02:48 PM PST by conservatism_IS_compassion
Dr. Campbell takes 4000 IU daily, in conjunction with Vitamin K2 (which he says, elsewhere, makes that much Vitamin D safer and more effective).
How much K2?
4000 IU in summer for a person who is outdoors substantially, or maybe 4000 IU in winter while hibernating?
Latitude or sunny days per year?
yup. been doing D and K2 for more than a year.
Vitamin K helps to reduce excess vitamin d.
If you don’t have excess vitamin d, you don’t need to supplement vitamin k.
People who have no idea what dose of vitamin d is safe advise people to take vitamin k.
I hope so! I have covid and D. Is all I have to take for it
So sick! Can’t even get into a doctor in this POS town!
Unvaxed and Covid-free since 2020.
Interesting you mention being outdoor in the sun.
When researching autism I ran across vitamin D as playing a role in its prevention.
This was discovered when Somalis were relocated to Minnesota (won’t go into the wisdom or lack thereof of doing so).
All of a sudden they were having autistic kids. Researchers found the kids had abnormally low vitamin D levels.
Since winter is long and dark, and Somalis have very dark skin, researchers believe that they were not receiving sufficient sunlight.
The Somalis call it the “Minnesota disease”.
conservatism_IS_compassion wrote: “Dr. Campbell takes 4000 IU daily, in conjunction with Vitamin K2 (which he says, elsewhere, makes that much Vitamin D safer and more effective).”
Cambell may have a PhD but that does not make him a ‘Doctor’.
He received the Ph.D. for his work on developing methods of teaching via digital media such as online videos
Here are some facts about Nurse Cambell and his misrepresentation about ivermectin:
Dr Campbell is wonderful, and his channel is well worth a follow.
Can you do a televisit with a doctor?
I think the front e doctors do televisits, and they are conservative doctors.
Amazon brings them to my door
You sound really vaccinated.
Yup! D3/Zinc/C twice a day since it all began, on the advice of my primary care doctor. No vaxx, still haven’t caught it.
Excess retinol reduces vitamin d. People in Minnesota mix milk and retinol. Grocery stores sell that milk. Also, there are more kids with allergies among kids that consume more retinol.
Here’s the link to the Frontline doctor’s
I think I would consult with my MD on D levels, not a you-tuber
been taking oscillococcinum early onset of symptoms. Helps a great deal. Shortens duration.
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