(Hint…don’t get the COVID-19 vaccine)
I have lost my place. Can anyone remind me what Chapter of Revelation we are on?
As the world looks forward to a rebound in economic growth following the devastation wrought by the political overreaction to pandemic.
There, fixed it.
(Pro Tip) Get vaccinated, especially if overweight or over 50.
With all the insane lock downs governments will create a Super Duper Pandemic
Eat drink and be merry!!
Well, we know there is only what, 8-1/2 years of life anyway?
And here I wasted 40 years building a nest egg.
Yes! China needs all the help it can get to keep the pandemic going in Western countries by non-vaccinated independent minded people.
“...following the devastation wrought by the pandemic...”
Well, first of all, THAT is wrong. Devastation was ‘wrought’ by VAST Government overreach, not ‘the flu.’
Now, I will read the rest of the article... ;)
The collapse has nothing to do with economic expansion. Nothing. It is not a result of “hidden” forces or “inevitability”.
It is purposefully brought about by psychopaths for no other reason than that they want everyone dead. Don’t get hung up in intricacies. Soros, the IMF, Pelosi, Biden, Merkel, Gates, Fauci... all bad vicious actors.
And models never get it wring amiright.
Such was the fad in the early 70s, all manner of "science" being conducted that showed we'd have famines due to overpopulation and killer ice ages due to pollution and the end of civilization as we know it unless we kick Nixon out and elect a communist.
BS “study” back during the era when any and all were predicting collapse due to over-population, running out of this or that resource, and NONE of that alarmist BS came true ...
the real danger is the total dependency on an extremely fragile, centralized Internet infrastructure ... should the Internet suddenly collapse, civilization as we know it will suddenly collapse ...
and it’s not that difficult to kill the Internet: simply destroy the dozen or so centers that house the top level DNS servers, centers which are NOT hardened facilities, not even close ... they rely completely on security through obscurity ...
... not only could a determined enemy surreptitiously launch simultaneous ground penetrations with the aim of reducing these centers to rubble, but any country with accurate ICBMs could destroy those centers remotely, and it wouldn’t even take nuclear capability if the missiles were accurate enough ... no need to bomb anything else, just those centers ...
those centers need to be in deep underground bunkers and guarded with military troops 24x7x365 ...
Our society may indeed collapse, but not “due to overexploitation of planetary resources.” That’s just environmentalist nonsense. The best book to read on this subject is the late Julian Simon’s “The Ultimate Resource”. The ultimate resource is human ingenuity.
These "Studies" show what the people who put together the inputs want them to show.
Essentially, the paper says: Do what I say, or die!
We're doomed by our own success.
Predictions are always true, so yikes.
The return of the “Limits to Growth” BS. The author and his ideological allies were, even if not Communist sympathizers trying to destroy the West from within, at least technological illiterates. Technological R&D, combined with Capitalism, resolves ALL shortages, and usually quite quickly.
This “study” is abject nonsense, just as it was when written.
They also said we would be out of oil in 20 years.
As of 1972
“Soylent Green” was 1973 : The Coming Ice Age : AlGor’s Anthropogenic Global Warning/now Climate Change : Michael Mann’s Hockey Stick
Rene Richards to Jody Dallas to Rachel Levine
The Who to Fly, Robin, Fly to “Disco Demolition” to YMCA at Trump Rally’s
The world is an ever changing, bright and beautiful place.
Now, . . . Get Off My Lawn!