Since Apr 28, 1999

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Been on FR since the 90s.

Hello keyboard warriors. Hate Russia? Sucking up to the Neocons and the corrupt Zelensky? Do what you like. However unlike you basement dwelling heroic patriots I have actually fought Russian backed communists. So DD214 or go suck it, @$$wipes.

Here's my street cred:

Danang 1969

Danang 1969

Danang 1969

The Real Navy USS Henry W Tucker DD875 Yokosuka 1970

Amusingly I find that the biggest loudmouth patriots and those who are so eager to nuke other countries never served themselves.

In any case. I'm the more libertarian type conservative.

I also ride one of these:

So long John McInsane...traitor.........


Oh yeah. And Neocon keyboard warriors, worthless REMFs all, can KMA. For the uninitiated a REMF is a loud mouthed pro war clown who himself never seems to make it to the front. It does not refer to support staff just doing their jobs. A REMF is someone who sits at headquarters miles away and orders the boats to close with enemy via the radio.