Posted on 07/16/2019 8:10:29 AM PDT by SunkenCiv
A gap between linguistics and prehistoryThanks to the over 33,000 documents from Hattusha, the capital of the Hittite Kingdom, linguists have been able to gain a comprehensive insight into Luwian culture. Some fundamental publications include the book Arzawa, by Susanne Heinhold-Krahmer (1977); The Luwians, edited by H. Craig Melchert (2003); and Luwian Identities, edited by Alice Mouton and others (2013). Field-oriented excavating archaeologists, on the other hand, never mention Luwians in their explanatory models. The current knowledge regarding the Aegean Bronze Age has been summarized in a number of recently published voluminous works, without attention to any Luwian culture.
For a number of reasons discussed elsewhere, recognition of a Luwian civilization seems to have been delayed. The gap between linguistics and prehistory regarding the investigations of the Luwians has existed for almost a century, since Emil Forrer, the Hittitologist who first identified the Luwian language in the tablets from Hattusha, recognized the significance of the Luwians as early as 1920.
Today, the term "Luwian" is well-established to denote a language, a script and an ethno-linguistic group of people who commanded either one or both of them. Since most Luwian hieroglyphic documents have thus far been found in Early Iron Age Syria and Palestine, the term Luwian is often used to denote people at the eastern end of the Mediterranean during the 10th and 9th century BCE. However, Luwian hieroglyphic script occurs as early as 2000 BCE in western and southern Asia Minor as well. Therefore, the term Luwian is also applied to the indigenous people who lived in western and southern Anatolia -- in addition to the Hattians -- prior to the arrival of the Hittites and during the Hittite reign.
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Western Anatolia [Luwian Studies]
The gap between linguistics and prehistory regarding the investigations of the Luwians has existed for almost a century, since Emil Forrer, the Hittitologist who first identified the Luwian language in the tablets from Hattusha, recognized the significance of the Luwians as early as 1920.
Refers to the modern invention of an ancient "dark age", so, one of *those* topics.
They invented Luan Doors?..................
The "Historia destructionis Troiae" ("The Story of Troy's Demise") written by Guido de Columnis in 1287.
Presented by Dr. Eberhard Zangger, President of the Board of Luwian Studies.
Guido de Columnis - The Trojan War | Published on September 13, 2015
In this lecture video, geoarchaeologist Eberhard Zangger provides an overview of celestial concerns in the Hittite society as they have been recognized in recent years. He then proceeds to present an astronomic explanation for the Hittite rock sanctuary of Yazilikaya near the former capital Hattusa. As is shown, the 66 carved in stone reliefs of the sanctuary's Chamber A could be used to keep a lunisolar calendar -- one that would even still work today. -- The lecture was held on 14 March 2019 in Zurich in the framework of a regular meeting of the board of trustees of Luwian Studies.
The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars as seen by Hittites and Luwians | Published one Jun 24, 2019
At the initiative of Nobel laureate Prof. Manfred Eigen, for more than 50 years outstanding scientists from around the world get together to exchange ideas during a winter seminar in the Swiss mountain village of Klosters.
Over the years 46 Nobel laureates have lectured at the Winterseminar.
This video shows the keynote by the President of Luwian Studies, Dr. Eberhard Zangger, at the 50th Winterseminar on 18 January 2015.
It was the 8th time that Dr. Zangger was invited to lecture at the Winterseminar.
The Luwians: A Lost Civilization Comes Back to Life | Published on January 13, 2016
The Luwian keyword, chrono sort:
The Eberhard Zangger keyword, sorted chrono:
Of the three linked vids, so far I've only viewed the one linked in message six.
They beat The Kingsmen by about 3000 years.
And Stories...........
Oh Luwi, Luwi, Oh baby, we gotta go now...
Walma. The ancestral home of the Walmartians.
Walma. The ancestral home of the Walmartians.
Someday I hope to visit the ruins of Arkansawa, the ancient capital of Walma.
I thought she was married to Fred?
In search of the Trojan war - Empire of the Hittites (5/6)
In Search Of The Trojan War Extra: Michael Wood Interview (BBC)
Dion, he sang about the Luan Doors. Or maybe Tolkien wrote about Luandor in LOTR...
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