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Q Anon: 04/29/20 Trust Trump's Plan ~ Vol.241, Q Day 915 ^ | 04/29/20 | FReepers and FReeQs, vanity

Posted on 04/29/2020 9:42:15 AM PDT by ransomnote

Q is the result of the sacrifices and commitment of countless patriots to win back our captured country from the Deep State and achieve the transformation President Trump promised in this campaign video. President Trump has said the awakening of the public is key to this transformation.

Q describes this awakening as follows: 

"The Great Awakening ('Freedom of Thought’), was designed and created not only as a backchannel to the public (away from the longstanding ‘mind’ control of the corrupt & heavily biased media) to endure future events through transparency and regeneration of individual thought (breaking the chains of ‘group-think’), but, more importantly, aid in the construction of a vehicle (a ‘ship’) that provides the scattered (‘free thinkers’) with a ‘starter’ new social-networking platform which allows for freedom of thought, expression, and patriotism or national pride (the feeling of love, devotion and sense of attachment to a homeland and alliance with other citizens who share the same sentiment).

When ‘non-dogmatic’ information becomes FREE & TRANSPARENT it becomes a threat to those who attempt to control the narrative and/or the stable. 

When you are awake, you stand on the outside of the stable (‘group-think’ collective), and have ‘free thought’. 

"Free thought" is a philosophical viewpoint which holds that positions regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma. 

When you are awake, you are able to clearly see. 

The choice is yours, and yours alone. 

Trust and put faith in yourself. 

You are not alone and you are not in the minority. 

Difficult truths will soon see the light of day. 

WWG1WGA!!!" ~ Q (#3038)

We discuss Q drop content on our threads to learn the truth about the capture of our country, after a lifetime of reading, watching and listening to lies and distortions used to control us and tame the American spirit. The truth shall set us free. 

For summaries of Q drops (i.e., posts) discussed on our threads, I invite you to read the latest editions of The Oracle, which include helpful links and quotes to explain Q drop content. 

Q drops can be found here in their original format. 

Links to our Q threads, and Q drops posted on our threads, are listed in this table

The video, Qanon is 100% coming from the Trump Administration, is just one of many excellent responses to the all-important question, "Whom does Q serve?" Another excellent source for identifying Q's involvement with President Trump is found at the website titled

Q Boot Camp is a quick, condensed way to learn the background and basics about the Q movement. 

Q has reminded us repeatedly that together, we are strong. As the false "narrative" is destroyed and the divisive machinery put in place by the Deep State fails, the fact that patriotism has no skin color or political party is exposed for all to see. 

In the battle between Good and Evil, we can't afford to let false divisions separate us any longer. The changes heading our way and the information revealed will, at times, be very difficult to face, but we will face it together. We, and our country, will be forever made stronger for having reclaimed the truth and freedom of thought.

Where We Go 1, We Go All

Note: Links in the post above are included in a resource table linked in Post #2 below, along with many additional excellent links to the best Q analysts and information sources we've identified.

TOPICS: Conspiracy; Miscellaneous; Weird Stuff
KEYWORDS: 1jfkjrisalive; anydaynow; bliktards; codeblinkers; itstwuitstwu; jfkjrlives; maga; marshallapplewhite; masksewingcircle; molechildren; noinsideinfo; q; qanon; qisaretweetoffender; qodemonkey; qult; trump; trustjimwatkins; wishfulthinking
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To: KMac1945

I wasn’t quite sure of the spacing, but I agree there are breaks in the line of dots.

1,441 posted on 05/01/2020 5:18:15 AM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: grey_whiskers
"Hey, Vlad, Hi, it's The Donald. Wanna nuke China off the face of the Earth with me?"

Hahaha. I can see it now.

Trump: "Hey, Vlad, Hi, it's The Donald. Wanna nuke China off the face of the Earth with me?"

Putin: "F'n finally!".

It coulda happened.

1,442 posted on 05/01/2020 5:19:52 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: grey_whiskers

All eyes should be on Barr and Durham today. It’s Law Day, why did Trump have to declare that? Every day should be Law Day. All the Q posts. He shouldn’t have to push the point. They have plenty of evidence. I Barr and Durham don’t act but stall they are black hats IMO.

1,443 posted on 05/01/2020 5:22:40 AM PDT by MomwithHope (Forever grateful to all our patriots, past, present and future.)
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To: TruthWillWin

Time stamp is MIDNIGHT.
Very notable.

1,444 posted on 05/01/2020 5:23:58 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Scatology is serendipitous)
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To: bagster

:: Oh, my. ::

You forgot the hat-tip to George Takei...with a BIG smile!

1,445 posted on 05/01/2020 5:25:51 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Scatology is serendipitous)
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To: Steven W.

29 POSTS by count today so far ...

ONE more would be 30

A virtual ‘storm’ of posts.

1,446 posted on 05/01/2020 5:28:20 AM PDT by pa_dweller (Stop looking for 'magic' numbers!)
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To: Cletus.D.Yokel
You forgot the hat-tip to George Takei...with a BIG smile!

It's against FR policy to mention Sulu and 'tip' in the same sentence.

Oh, my!

1,447 posted on 05/01/2020 5:28:53 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: Cletus.D.Yokel
Q4039 Time stamp is MIDNIGHT. Very notable.

Very, VERY notable.


1,448 posted on 05/01/2020 5:31:09 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: CJ Wolf; Steven W.

Flynn was brought to charges by the Mueller investigation.
OSC issued the recommendation flowing out of the “evidence” found in the investigation.

#1:1 relationship

1,449 posted on 05/01/2020 5:32:13 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Scatology is serendipitous)
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To: bagster
ROFLMAO at "F'n Finally!"

Well *done*, good sir.

1,450 posted on 05/01/2020 5:32:47 AM PDT by grey_whiskers (The opinions are solely those of the author and are subject to change with out notice.)
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To: bagster

If HRC is controlled, who? And are they safe from Arkanside?

1,451 posted on 05/01/2020 5:34:16 AM PDT by navymom1
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To: bitt
I spent a bit of time putting together one aim of this coordinated dump this morning. One particular item is that control of the media may soon be resolved by Government action to break up and provide new ownership. Showing the people... Obama's bragging rights about his ISIL (Obama was the only one who used ISIL or Levant ) One angle is that a group of people, with or with President Obama's involvement, corrupted by Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood tried to destroy the Trump Presidency. Any other angles only look worst for Obama. Obama put political appointees who were Muslim Brother rank and file members into supervisory positions in almost every branch of government. This gave the Muslim Brother REAL TIME INTELLIGENCE on every aspect of US Government financial planning and extended to military operations security resulting in the death of Seal Team 6. Q - major dump so it looks like the heat will be turned up on the Obama Admin CIA/State Department, DOJ/FBI and Obama's personal advisors.
1,452 posted on 05/01/2020 5:37:34 AM PDT by Jumper
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To: grey_whiskers
Thought you'd like that.

The Bagster show appeals to all audiences.

From family friendly, to uhh...Grey Whiskers.


1,453 posted on 05/01/2020 5:38:27 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: generally; TruthWillWin; Yulee; meyer; Steven W.; Wegelhof; bagster; CJ Wolf; pa_dweller; ...

Very similar s’s for ‘son’s service’ and ‘suppose’ vs. ‘admission’ and ‘prosecute’. Similar capital T’s. The y’s in ‘you’ and ‘your’ both exit toward the right as a variant to compare with all the ‘g’s below. In other words, the upper g in ‘grateful’ is the aberration, but the other y/g’s are very consistent.

1,454 posted on 05/01/2020 5:39:36 AM PDT by rx (Truth will out!)
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To: TheDog
May 1 is Law Day, but also a big satanic worship day (Beltane; Maypole dance) and commie day (int workers' day).

If something happened today it could be a big flip-off to the cabal. I see Coop's 'son' was born today --probably planned and of significance to the satanist.

"The Beltaine Festival, also called “Walpurgis Night“. This is the highest day on the Druidic Witch’s Calendar, while May 1 is the Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday. Human sacrifice is required, emotionally or physically. Since the celebration officially began the night before Beltaine, the tradition has developed among occultists to celebrate Beltaine as a 2-day ceremony.

...Great bonfires are lit on the Eve of Beltaine, April 30, in order to welcome the Earth Goddess. Participants hope to gain favor with this goddess so she will bless their families with procreative fertility. Interesting enough, the Royal House of Windsor lights a Beltaine “Balefire” every year.

The “Maypole” originated from the celebration of Beltaine. Since fertility is being asked of the Earth Goddess, the Maypole is the phallic pyramid shaped symbol and the circular dance around the pole forms the circle that is symbolic of the female sex organ. Four six-foot alternating red and white ribbons were connected to the pole; the men would dance counterclockwise, while the ladies danced clockwise. The union of the intertwining red and white ribbons symbolized the act of copulation — remembers this is a “fertility” celebration day! To comprehend occult Illuminati ties, many countries have always celebrated “May Day”. The Satanic Illuminati considers war to be a most propitious way to sacrifice, for it kills both children and adults."

1,455 posted on 05/01/2020 5:40:21 AM PDT by smileyface (I LOVE POTUS DONALD J. TRUMP!)
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To: bagster

:: I do expect something SIGNIFICENT. ::

Suicide weekend begins at 5pm EDT?

1,456 posted on 05/01/2020 5:42:54 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Scatology is serendipitous)
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To: bitt
...He used to be a lobbyist for Gilead (big Pharma). Just FYI there stocks is through the roof this week.....

If I owned some Gilead stocks I'd be taking my profit now and selling. Suspect bad news is coming for them.

1,457 posted on 05/01/2020 5:43:10 AM PDT by TruthWillWin
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To: navymom1
If HRC is controlled, who?

Cobra Command, KAOS, Spectre, The Cabal, call it what you will. She is a tool.

And are they safe from Arkanside?

The question should be, at this point. Is she safe from Rothschild/Soros-cide. I believe she has outlived her usefulness and has become a liability to them.

When BOOMAGE hits, she will have failed utterly. There may be a reckoning.



1,458 posted on 05/01/2020 5:45:14 AM PDT by bagster ("Even bad men love their mamas".)
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To: greeneyes

What countries will be our true allies? I wonder also about Russia. Will Putin be mad enough at China to side with us? Russia is not getting off scott free from this virus.
I think I’ve been told lies about Russia. My whole life.

1,459 posted on 05/01/2020 5:49:39 AM PDT by smileyface (I LOVE POTUS DONALD J. TRUMP!)
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To: KMac1945

ellipse, ellipse, ellipse period

wait for it
wait for it
wait for it

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3


1,460 posted on 05/01/2020 5:49:40 AM PDT by Cletus.D.Yokel (Scatology is serendipitous)
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